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Nath Forge Tempete.1645

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Everything posted by Nath Forge Tempete.1645

  1. This would be a bit too much for a single trait, IMO.And considering the latest post from Irenio talking about how booms will be handled in the future, I think it would go a bit against their view. The different traitlines giving specific and thematic aura buffs allows the elementalist to choose what buffs to give (self or others with share) based on the specs he chooses.This lets eles choose what boons to give based on their elemental traitlines without leting them give all the boons (as stated by Irenio to be not the way they are going forward) Then you would have issues cause you need the whole traitline for the specific buff and the rest of the traits might not be very usefull in your playstyle. Better make 3 traits in the same tier then and you have to choose one of the three.Am I making it clear? I feel i got pretty confused there haha Let's say the 3 adept or master traits in the tempest trait line are like these: Auras give fury and swiftnessAuras give regen and vigorAuras gives might and protectionAnd now you have to pick one of these one at a time. Woaw ... i mean it might be a really good idea to improve ele gameplay i think ... or maybe make it too powerfull? with some strange combination. But really good honestly
  2. PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced? I do not care at all about PVE, but I sympathize with my fellow mesmers there. Soulboon isn't a mesmer build so I dunno why you bring that up in this context? And yeah, Power mesmer is in full on RIP mode. You don't solve the problem that is condi mirages condi application and burst by removing a charge of jaunt and nerfing power block for Power Mes/Mirage. The change to portal is kitten. If you wanna reduce its duration to 30 seconds, then you should also recude its cooldown. And WHY did this change have to affect WvW? Was portal a problem in WvW? Did you guys suffer because of portal usage in WvW? Revert jaunt, portal and power block changes in WvW NOW. Why bringing soulboon in that context ? Well maybe because soulboon (ranger build) is the best build out there in the spvp meta right now and that mirage is second = translation : still strong. I still got OS from a mirage ... Saying it's RIP is overreacting . Simple as that. It will be RIP the day it's less effective than a weaver (the actual "no use" class in spvp) Yea... so you talk about CONDI mirage. I think we wont see nearly as many, if any, mirages in PVP comps. People brought mirages because of portalplays and now that's nerfed into the ground, why not bring something better like Soulnoobs right? So you got 1 shot by a mirage you say? Was he power or condi? How many power mirages climb the ladder these days? How many power mirages are an actual issue in WvW? Hell I got 1 shot by bound daredevils the other day, also a d/d core thief. Are d/d core thieves viable in PVP because of "1 shot" potential? They hit Power Mirages hard for no good reason at all. But whatever enjoy Soulboon bro. Well it depends on the ability of players to play mirage or soulbeast better... if they play mirage better than soulbeast ... there's no point going soulbeast. And portal is still usable even nerfed... it will be more competitive with others utilities (which is a good change imo) PLUS : there's still one strong build for the mesmer class in sPvP you said it yourself ... not being the one you want doesn't mean the whole SPEC is RIP. That's why I said you were overreacting and that your affirmation isn't correct. Maybe, in time we'll see. But there was absolutley no reason to punish power mes/chrono/mirage in any game mode. Totally uncalled for. If they wanted to tone down condi mirages who have been the top dogs for along time, they should have just looked into cutting down condi damage/application. You don't go about fixing an overpowered build by nerfing an underwhelming one. For example they could have just removed the confusion on Jaunt, or maybe reduce a stack or 2 of confusion on axe 3 or shed a stack of torment on axe ambush ... something along those lines, now I know Axe got "hit" with some increased cooldowns and - power damage on #3 but that's kinda minor. They really should revert the changes made to Jaunt, Power block and Portal in WvW.It always been like this ... it's not easy (almost impossible) to fix a specific build without impacting the others ones that are less popular and / or effective. you can't let the crazy build rampaging just cause there is few other build that are less strong.Especially when the main issues are core mechanics of the class.
  3. PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced? I do not care at all about PVE, but I sympathize with my fellow mesmers there. Soulboon isn't a mesmer build so I dunno why you bring that up in this context? And yeah, Power mesmer is in full on RIP mode. You don't solve the problem that is condi mirages condi application and burst by removing a charge of jaunt and nerfing power block for Power Mes/Mirage. The change to portal is kitten. If you wanna reduce its duration to 30 seconds, then you should also recude its cooldown. And WHY did this change have to affect WvW? Was portal a problem in WvW? Did you guys suffer because of portal usage in WvW? Revert jaunt, portal and power block changes in WvW NOW. Why bringing soulboon in that context ? Well maybe because soulboon (ranger build) is the best build out there in the spvp meta right now and that mirage is second = translation : still strong. I still got OS from a mirage ... Saying it's RIP is overreacting . Simple as that. It will be RIP the day it's less effective than a weaver (the actual "no use" class in spvp) Yea... so you talk about CONDI mirage. I think we wont see nearly as many, if any, mirages in PVP comps. People brought mirages because of portalplays and now that's nerfed into the ground, why not bring something better like Soulnoobs right? So you got 1 shot by a mirage you say? Was he power or condi? How many power mirages climb the ladder these days? How many power mirages are an actual issue in WvW? Hell I got 1 shot by bound daredevils the other day, also a d/d core thief. Are d/d core thieves viable in PVP because of "1 shot" potential? They hit Power Mirages hard for no good reason at all. But whatever enjoy Soulboon bro.Well it depends on the ability of players to play mirage or soulbeast better... if they play mirage better than soulbeast ... there's no point going soulbeast. And portal is still usable even nerfed... it will be more competitive with others utilities (which is a good change imo) PLUS : there's still one strong build for the mesmer class in sPvP you said it yourself ... not being the one you want doesn't mean the whole SPEC is RIP. That's why I said you were overreacting and that your affirmation isn't correct.
  4. PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced? I do not care at all about PVE, but I sympathize with my fellow mesmers there. Soulboon isn't a mesmer build so I dunno why you bring that up in this context? And yeah, Power mesmer is in full on RIP mode. You don't solve the problem that is condi mirages condi application and burst by removing a charge of jaunt and nerfing power block for Power Mes/Mirage. The change to portal is kitten. If you wanna reduce its duration to 30 seconds, then you should also recude its cooldown. And WHY did this change have to affect WvW? Was portal a problem in WvW? Did you guys suffer because of portal usage in WvW? Revert jaunt, portal and power block changes in WvW NOW.Why bringing soulboon in that context ? Well maybe because soulboon (ranger build) is the best build out there in the spvp meta right now and that mirage is second = translation : still strong. I still got OS from a mirage ... Saying it's RIP is overreacting . Simple as that. It will be RIP the day it's less effective than a weaver (the actual "no use" class in spvp)
  5. PLZ ! Mirage is so far away from being RIP in this gamemode XD soooooooooooo far away. Best build right behind soulboon still =p Even the changes on chrono support was needed ... you had no alternative from chronos in PvE end game since it got released ... How was that even balanced?
  6. I like the idea of swapping aurashare into tempest ! For the rest of the traits... why not making one only specific trait that grants boon depending on the aura you apply . And this boon would be more or less strong depending on how often that aura can be applied : Shocking aura (rare) : grants alactrity And/or furyMagnetic aura (decently rare) : protection and/or resistanceFrost Aura (pretty common) : regen and/or vigorFire Aura (common) : might and/or celerityThat Way you have only 1 GM trait ... or master trait and you have free slots for trait that could improve core ele in each trait line .
  7. I used to like playing Elementalist in both PvE and PvP... but since now it's really meh ... it became the least favorite class since i'm struggleling doing anything with it while I can just faceroll with any other class. Hopefully the recent beetle races made my ele come out of the box. I play more my revenant now in sPvp since it's more effective with less condies in the meta. I might say it's my favorite now. (I hate mesmer and more specifically what anet made it ....so there's no point mentionning it .)
  8. got storm (fractals) once after 4 years and got spark in jahai like 2 months ago . (Been playing since launch)
  9. Actually I would highly appreciate they change their standard for all tier - gender armors ! cause it feels pretty redundant .
  10. Activaly 3 ... the rest is filler even tho i have all 9 classes
  11. Bugged severals times for me too (like 12 deaths) then magically worked as intended ! Something must have triggered it like the dialogue or else.
  12. I would just like an improve of some existing weapons instead of just bringing another one . More doesn't mean better. Dagger mainhand need some love
  13. I would totally pay a fair price for a Valkyria outfit plus a Gladius sword + tiny shield combo More nordic style skins
  14. Celestial always been strong on elementalist. ELe got nerfed dozens of times cause of celestial. Then they removed Celestial from the game (in spvp) and added it again with lower stats. SO basically : it's super good in pvp perspective like WVW (less but fine in spvp) and great for openworld. Not good for game mode such as raids and fractals.
  15. I can understand ppl are complaining cause they can't compete with weaver or ele in general in term of dps for years ... But rotation wise , those classes are miles away from ele's difficulty ... So nerfing the ele dps to normal classe dps feels pretty unfair Especially when classes have more survivability (with their full dps spec i mean) and more utility than just dps. It feels sad to me tho. I kinda quit raids long ago ... but this changes won't make me come back to it. (still miss 2 armors pieces)
  16. LAva font has no difference on little or huge hitbox ... it tikes one time per second no matter the target size ... so i don't get why they had to reduce that ... they just picked the skills that deals the most dmg on dps meter and nerfed it .In the order: Meteor ShowerLava fontGlyph of storm (air)Lightning hammer skill 4Icebow skill 4Easy to understand the nerf mechanics here ! Instead of putting effort into revamping old and cheesy mechanics (such as MS and conjures) they just toned down numbers. Easier and takes less effort and time. Maybe they are low on budget.
  17. If you have ascendent on revenant in term of pressure you just need to bait the glint's heal and all the sustain of revenant is gone... (unless you let him auto attack you with shiro heal while doing nothing) So 1v1 wise - thieves and mesmers shouldn't loose any 1 v1 . warriors can easily lock on a revenant once he just swapped to glint - making impossible for the revenant to use his heal. Cause yeah .... glint's heal has a cast time. Then The warrior can just hold pressure till he swap to shiro legend . pretty damn easy if you know warrior combo. Revenant excells at killing bunkers such as firebrand and weaver . For a personnal thought i have issues with holosmith cause they can spam so many CC and deals so much dmg in short amount of time. As a revenant, I don't relate on the fact being strong vs warrior or engineer right now.
  18. Sh*t up and take my money (already) Can't wait to see that live.
  19. A Quick note : try to avoid confusions about bunker and support . a Support isn't necessarily a bunker. And most bunkers (now) are not support at all. for example Weaver is considered as a bunker but has almost no support ability. So saying as a bunker you need to keep on eye on your teammates and be in Team fight. It was the truth in HOT meta but not anymore since all ppl deals tons of dmg. Bunker are needed on a more duellist aspect (chrono - weaver - maybe warrior before it got nerfed) The only "bunker" - support is firebrand and only cause of boon spam . And it 's own survavibility got nerfed a bit.
  20. I also think as part of a redemption arc, Braham should also die. Make us love and trust him again, then, Ka-Braham, dragon tail-whip into the unending ocean. the Ka-braham was majestic ! it made me laugh for a second
  21. Was tempted to say elementalist since it's my main till Launch days but I got bored of the "bunking " meta in spvp that has been there too many times. The recent Meteor shower killed my love for it since it's not even top in its main gamemode so it's a dead class to me. So I would' say: +Revenant : unless it has a very hard time learning it and being used to energy managemement. It feels really rewarding when you manage to make plays with it. I like the fact that it can be decently mobile and high risk high reward. I t 's challenging -Hard to say ... maybe mesmer but i don't like them only when facing them and the fact that they have been OP for too many seasons in spvp (even if they almost got erradicated froms spvp once or twice) but being "a must have" in raids triggers me too ... no alternativeGameplay wise I would say necromancer , feels clunky and not dynamic at all. Slow, weird , too dark , gameplay boring.
  22. Greatsword with a new dervish lore ! spinning GS all over the place huhuhu ... or just some random sh*t . I don't bother anymore
  23. Did you say revenant or dervish? i don't remember ! Hmm okay it's the standard colors/outfit ... but boys (and gurls) it looks so good ! so much nostalgia for the Guild wars 1 anniversary... PS: I still can't figure how ppl hosting images in this clunky forum tho
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