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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. That's fair. I haven't played D&D for so long. Also, oh man I feel old. 50 years old. *swings cane and demands that the oxen get off mah lawn*
  2. I'm not sure what warranted such an irrelevant reply, but here. Why not just look at a picture? There's no real reason to be so snarky about it. So sorry that I saw something that amused me. As an aside, Worms was a really fun game. Thanks for reminding me about it. Might buy it for my husband, he liked it, too.
  3. So, in act one you come across an undead guy named Withers. And he looks almost exactly like our esteemed Beloved King of All, Palawa Joko! But Withers kink shames you, Joko would never do that! Withers even brings back people from the dead. (I hear rumors you can romance him. Larian. Larian, I love you but dang.) I know this is out of left field, but the more I see him I'm like" "Hey Jo- I mean, Withers...Um, so, what weird thing do you have to say to me now?" Sorry for the randomness, it just really cracked me up for some reason.
  4. It was okay. To me, it was just kind of there. The story was just there: it wasn't bad, good, or even mediocre; it existed to carry the game mechanics and progression forward. There were some instances of feature bloat that kind of left a bad taste in my mouth, but I didn't feel an insane amount of hatred. I couldn't do any better, so I have no room to criticize. I had no issues with the themes or anything like that. I felt emotions, so there's that.
  5. I thought it was fine and gave me a good chuckle. I was just relieved it didn't go in the Doki Doki Literature Club direction
  6. I slowly open the tent flap...Larant- *creepy music* Wtf are you doing wearing spider web lingerie...? Do you want to know more? *somewhere out there, angry people are angry because of stupid references and stupid sexy Laranthir.* New meds, who dis?
  7. Waiting~ Watching the clock~ It's swimsuit o'clock and we won't stop.~ Can't find a swimsuit. - Can't find a swimsuit. *sad noises*...*honk*...*hiccup*
  8. Friendship options for NPCS. Create weapons, food, and jewelry they would like. (May even get to spend some alone time if you get what I'm saying.😏) I know that would never happen, but I can dream, right. Also, a sheep as a battle pet.
  9. Clicky! Look, I'm lazy and my brain is working at like 5%. :( Some say it's low, others say it's normal and it kind of confuses me. I guess it has to do with my build. There's still a whole lot of stuff I still need to learn. Yay for Aegis!
  10. Yeah, I'm running into the same problem. I had five or six consecutive disconnections and repaired the client; that worked for a bit and then we were back to the D/C's. I wonder what's causing it?
  11. Nah, I've got a lot to keep me busy at the moment. The way I see it, there may be a reason that it's delayed. Maybe they have some breaking news that they just got and are trying to compile it into something cohesive. Maybe there are some things that are still in limbo and they're tentative about releasing anything that could change later.
  12. Ah, our monthly (or is it weekly?) doom and gloom, "Oh woe is I!" thread. I am by no means rich, but I find the means to play a game I like. If there is a need, there is a means in which to get it. Extra work, crafts, Only Fans, kitten, I don't know; pretty much anything can be used to turn some kind of profit. I believe your post is disingenuous and is sort of insulting: it's like, you're taking agency from yourself and other "poor" people and spin it into some kind of threat or as though it's some mind-shattering omen. (It's not.) I used to run Guild Wars 2 on a 6 year old computer with the bare minimum requirements to run it.
  13. Happy Holidays to everyone! I wish you all a blessed one! (Treat yourselves to something awesome.)
  14. I love that idea! It not only lets people know they can turn to you if need be; they can also make a new friend, too! It would also allow everyone to get to know each other a bit better. As long as it's completely optional, it sounds like a good idea.
  15. While I feel as though the topic's title was a bit on the bombastic side, I do agree with the OP. Ever since those kitten Research Notes came out, things have just been...weird. Like, you know that you're not going to get it, but the nostalgia kicks you in the face with stilettos and you kind of find yourself wondering about how things would've been if the Research Notes were never even a thing. I feel very strongly that this a bad direction. Speaking for myself only, I find it to be a bit convoluted; excess items for an extraneous function. Just me, though.
  16. This made me smile really big, thank you! And I completely agree with sticking together.
  17. Thank you very much, I appreciate it. I'm fortunate to have a good husband and family.
  18. As of late, things have been rough: the passing of my grandma, aunt, and cousin. As well as having to put my pupper of 14 years to sleep because he was suffering, but had a good life. Add to that the state of where I live has gone to absolute kitten and you have a Tsakhi wanting to get away from it all, if only for a bit. So I hop on Guild Wars 2 and just hang around major hubs, help random people, and send treats to the new folks I see. That feeling of togetherness, of helping other people and hopefully making their day, makes life a little sweeter, a little better. And when I get overwhelmed with all the emotions and sometimes straight up ugliness of some people, I retreat back to my life, in all of its discordant glory. XD Truth be told, when I'm not in Tyria, I have my nose in a book or pouring over strategy in Tactics Ogre: Reborn. All that being said, does anyone else feel the need to escape from their surrounds, life, and just overall troubles and worries? I know this may be dumb, but I'm really curious. If you do, is there more I can do to help others while I'm in Tyria? Thank you for your time and patience with my jibber-jabber.
  19. My user name's origin is kind of boring: It's my real name in Armenian; it means Heather of the fields. XD
  20. I think you're adorable, you're the bestest of doggos! On topic: I cringe by pointing and then crying uncontrollably. XD
  21. True, true! I didn't even think about that, to be honest. Then again, I have a crappy memory, too. XD
  22. I might get "confused" to death, but I sincerely believe that Unidentified gear is unnecessary; it's just one more step that doesn't need to be there. It's not game breaking, per se, but it is most certainly inconvenient.
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