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Everything posted by phokus.8934

  1. If shield 5 pulsed 1s stability every 1s then I'd be fine with it being a rooted ability.
  2. I'd wager that it's less about which resources are available through competitive modes but rather they enjoy flashy kitten. Kind of on par with everything else in this game that's overly done.
  3. Sword 1 third chain does feel like it has a relative long after-cast. It just doesn't feel fluid like Rev sword chain. With them looking at core weapons, I have a slight hope that they'll revisit this but I'm not holding my breath.
  4. At this point, I'd be all for giving Continuum Split a base 3 seconds and then for every clone it extends it by 1 second for a max of 6 seconds. OP in a way? Probably. But Chrono in competitive and wvw is terrible (although wvw is a different beast).
  5. I see @Josh Davis.7865is having a hard time keeping to a simple schedule. And they expect us to keep to their word? What a disaster this studio is.
  6. He's not really making any sense. How Mirage Cloak functions makes it the best dodge in the game without a doubt. However, as you pointed out, Vigor application has been nerfed when Mirage had two dodges in pvp/wvw. When they changed it to one dodge, Vigor uptime was not reverted and remained the same. The whole context of this topic is based around giving Mirage back its two dodges so any mention of Jaunt with 3 charges doesn't make sense. Jaunt was originally 400 when it had 3 charges and that was still bad. There needs to be a serious undo to the Mirage nerfs that it suffered over the years.
  7. You seem a bit unhinged. I just corrected you in such a benign way but the fact that you think I'm out to get you... Get a grip, bud.
  8. Speed or teleport hacks will always be an issue in this game and most MMOs by design. Movement is calculated client side and then synched to the server so modifying memory in this regard will always be prevalent. Your claim that abilities are being used 3-4 times within 15 seconds doesn't hold water. Abilities are all calculated server side so there's no way that any program can bypass that from the client. Unless you have video proof then as others have stated, you got outplayed.
  9. ANet screwed up by messing with core gameplay functionality. At this point I sincerely doubt they will revert the change in pvp/wvw even though it needs to be.
  10. You can't go by what he says. He stays in pve starting zones all day not experiencing or understanding the game.
  11. CoR just needs to be reevaluated again and either reverted or changed to be terrain agnostic. But if it were to change, I've always liked the idea of making it a shockwave where it cones out the farther it goes, dealing more damage the closer you are to an enemy. Otherwise, hammer is not that bad.
  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this. I usually found it to happen when going in and out of Renegade build swaps but I haven't had skills realigning in recent memory.
  13. The tooltip was just reworded to indicate an additional 20% increase to critical chance when under Fury. So you're still gaining an increase of 100% (20 to 40), it's just worded better now.
  14. It's a persistent 12 hour buff that's pretty miniscule. Any complaining about it is not justified and just white noise.
  15. Going to throw this as a bug but Static Field will cancel dodge.
  16. The toxic behavior that was stirred up by one of your employees. Tighten it up, you know and can do better.
  17. The sad part is that they're equating play time to being best rated. The shear incompetence with this new flock of employees is really shining a light on things.
  18. Not to come off as sensational but this is probably one of the worst patch notes I've read for GW2. I'm trying to figure out what their goal is with these changes. Quite frankly, Chrono on paper looks like hot garbage in all game modes and no functional changes to Virt that's hindering it.
  19. Virtuoso did not lose their condi build.
  20. I feel like a kid on Christmas who asked his parents "... are there more gifts?" because this is just flat out sad.
  21. They're really going hard in the paint with boons. So much for boon removal...
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