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Everything posted by phokus.8934

  1. Yep, this is what Chaos is.
  2. Because you seem new here but for those of us who have been around since day one and posted great feedback in class forums only for them to ignore it gives us the right to vent how we want. The idea that constantly having a positive attitude in every forum is going to bring about the necessary changes is extremely narrow minded.
  3. They need to bring back the thumbs down reaction.
  4. Even Ray Charles can find the real Mesmer.
  5. Aion uses CryEngine. I don't know any of those games, though. A quick Google search on Blade and Soul leads to bad performance. But this could just be confirmation bias on my end. As I said earlier, UE is a great engine but it's not the end all be all for any type of game. For MMOs in particular, there are better options, usually home grown because they are vastly more complex and you need full code autonomy.
  6. It's behind any form of netcode in any engine. UE just isn't designed for MMOs.
  7. I'm not sure what demo you're referring to. However, UE by design does quite a bit of good RPCs out of the box from server to client. This is very important for persistent worlds and gameplay continuity with thousands of players. ANet readily solved this issue with how it does its own sharing within GW2 and their own engine. The scaling issues really come to light when you have several hundred clients all making the same updates and calls to the server. Again, not a show stopper but trying to debug and performance monitor which RPCs are causing the problem and how to solve them gets exponentially harder with an MMO layer. But UE has those tools built into it. FPS games don't necessarily have to worry about this as their servers are capped (say 100 players). UE is a nice engine but it's not really geared towards MMOs. It's all about using the right tools for the job. Sure it can be done but there are much better alternatives. I believe one of the Fortnite developers did a blog on some of the extensive work they had to do server side to get 50-100 players in an area. So just using that as an example and my professional experience.
  8. Seeing as how terrible UE5 scales without significant changes, GW3 MMO is extremely unlikely.
  9. It's said if you run on a potato you don't get the standard abilities. The extra bounce was too much for his computer to handle.
  10. Chrono without Distortion will always be dog.
  11. I'll never turn on buffs for pve but where are the wvw/pvp changes? These changes also feel half done.
  12. We need JaySavage back to save us.
  13. Since when is stability with a block full invulnerability? No doubt shield 5 is hot garbage, though.
  14. Stick to woodworking, Mark because you're out of your element here. You're a walking contradiction.
  15. Hold down left mouse and then about face. Holding down left+right mouse will make your camera move.
  16. You don't even PvP, Mark. You literally know nothing about this mode.
  17. The biggest QoL that they can do to make shatters feel less janky is to make them instant cast but maintain the travel time.
  18. If shield 5 pulsed 1s stability every 1s then I'd be fine with it being a rooted ability.
  19. I'd wager that it's less about which resources are available through competitive modes but rather they enjoy flashy kitten. Kind of on par with everything else in this game that's overly done.
  20. Sword 1 third chain does feel like it has a relative long after-cast. It just doesn't feel fluid like Rev sword chain. With them looking at core weapons, I have a slight hope that they'll revisit this but I'm not holding my breath.
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