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Hot Boy.7138

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Everything posted by Hot Boy.7138

  1. I'm okay with all the mesmer nerfs, however the change to mirage cloak is gonna take all the fun out of the class for me. I don't enjoy base mes or chronomancer anymore. Cloak was really cool and so much fun. Too strong I guess. But I wish they thought of another solution to keep it interesting and just as fun/cool.
  2. I actually really like how Gw2 does stealth. The problem is that too many classes have stealth. Stealth should only be for thieves, but mesmers, engineers, rangers, trap builds, etc all have access to it. What I like about is that there is a lot of in-combat stealth and not as much out of combat stealth. Whereas other games have a lot of out of combat stealth and not much incombat. I like the ninja aspect of having a lot of incombat stealth for theives. What I would change is I would remove stealth for all classes that aren't thief currently, unless they are blasting a smoke field or leaping thru one. And I would actually give stealth to necros via a new elite spec, where they melt into the shadows, cause necros need some escapes. But mesmers, rangers, engineers, etc don't need stealth.
  3. i have an off meta playstyle. I haven't seen anyone else play like me. But often times my build receives collateral damage during balance patches. so i'm a bit worried. but whatever anet does, i will find a way to make my playstyle work.
  4. I want a haunted mansion map. That floating castle in the sky. Inside of the castle should be a full multilevel map with lots of hidden treasures and secret passage ways. It could be like Twisted Castle and Tangled Depths to the 10th power. I'd love that. Only the dedicated will really know their way around.
  5. Fashion Wars is one of the biggest aspects of this game. A big part of end game is skins. No one is leveling pass level 80...
  6. I don't really agree because I'm winning Fashion Wars right now on most of my characters and they're wearing mostly vanilla skins. I don't mind anet putting skins in the gemstore, but i wish they would go back to releasing whole armor skin sets, instead of pieces. I was one of the one that advocated for no more armor skin sets in the gemstore back in 2012, but i regret that so much. I don't think any of us realized we'd just get way less new armor set releases. If anet goes back to releasing FULL armor sets, i'll buy.
  7. I just checked them out. I don't think they are even close to legendary weapons. But they're definitely better than the weapons we can get from most weapon collections in game. But they're on par with gem store weapons. Compare the mythic axe to somethign like astralaria, astralaria blows mythic out of the water.
  8. I would agree if stealing boons mattered, whats the point of stealing anything from anyone if every meta build has 100% uptime at every build in the game.if i go to trouble of stealing prot retal and vigor and oponent just gets it back then whats the kitten point other then glorified RNG boon generation that gets dodged or just bugs out. The only thing its really good at is punishing weaver/other mirage/burnguard/corenecro when they go too trigger happy with condis and get hit with NO YOU button. Stealing stability always matters. true, but then again. the only mesmer that runs it ( cmirage ) has kitten CC. It never leaves my bar as a power mirage. I just use it as a cleanse. since the transferred conditions/boons uses my own stats. this is why its better for condi, its condi cleanse that deals good damage since you throw junk back at people, its the only way to actually beat fire weaver as cmirage, they have to get overeager and eat the fire.for pmirage I would take mantra over it since its more reliable, its more of a quickness vs reliability of use.i've been advocating for condi and boon transfers to use the intial caster's stats so that skills like this could benefit more builds than just condi builds. It does benefit me, but it's such a small benefit compared to condition builds.
  9. I would agree if stealing boons mattered, whats the point of stealing anything from anyone if every meta build has 100% uptime at every build in the game.if i go to trouble of stealing prot retal and vigor and oponent just gets it back then whats the kitten point other then glorified RNG boon generation that gets dodged or just bugs out. The only thing its really good at is punishing weaver/other mirage/burnguard/corenecro when they go too trigger happy with condis and get hit with NO YOU button. Stealing stability always matters. true, but then again. the only mesmer that runs it ( cmirage ) has kitten CC.It never leaves my bar as a power mirage. I just use it as a cleanse. since the transferred conditions/boons uses my own stats.
  10. Or the option to turn of default character models in Holiday event maps.
  11. I was happy when they changed the traitlines to what we have now because they drastically improved the traits. But you're right, it was improved. each trait was made more impactful and more powerful. And that was the beginning of power creep. I wouldn't want to see a return to the old traits. I like that stats are not built into the traits, but it's not a good idea to have so many damage multipliers accessible in a single build with the current set up. It works well for pve, but not so much for pvp. I have no ideas on what good balance would be. Aahh, but here's the thing: stats built into traits are tradeoffs. Any game benefits when there tradeoffs, they keep that same powercreep in check as well as encourage players to adapt. Of course, I don't think people noticed this back then as the game was new and they took the system for granted. Now? Heh...! Also, people need to understand: You can either have power or balance, you can't have both!I wouldn't mind if traits were changed to offer a lot more utility have the power only come from stats. Power is cool when you like to see big numbers, utility is more fun for gameplay.
  12. I was happy when they changed the traitlines to what we have now because they drastically improved the traits. But you're right, it was improved. each trait was made more impactful and more powerful. And that was the beginning of power creep. I wouldn't want to see a return to the old traits. I like that stats are not built into the traits, but it's not a good idea to have so many damage multipliers accessible in a single build with the current set up. It works well for pve, but not so much for pvp. I have no ideas on what good balance would be.
  13. I don't want to see traits removed, but I also don't like that Dueling for mesmers is a must traitline for every single build pve, wvw, or pvp.
  14. For a long time, the damage per second gap of power builds vs condi builds has shrunk. Condition damage builds often eclipse power builds when it comes to damage. The scale shifts slightly one way or the other depends on who is playing and their specific build, but one thing for sure is that condition builds can burst pretty kitten hard. It's time that protection also affection conditions. The initial reasoning to make protection only apply to direct damage isn't valid, and hasn't been in a while, with the current state of the game.
  15. well that's the point. To return the punishment someone tried to inflict on you.
  16. Still relevant. Condition transfers and boon transfers, all of which originate from the target, should use the target's stats.
  17. lmao yes, it's annoying as hell getting one shotted by rifle warrior that i'm not paying attention to. Happens to me every now and then. But i don't think rifle warrrior is a problem. I like that warriors still have the option of playing a ranged build like that. but yeah, it's def both a frustrating and funny experience.
  18. The range with bow is definitely broken because of the arch. Depending on their position to you the range can stretch beyond 1500 to 2000 or maybe greater. After 1500 range their bows should just disappear or say miss. Exploiting position to extend what should be a strict range value is smart on behalf of the ranger, but poor balancing on the part of the developers.
  19. I rarely ever seen anyone insult the other team. 99% of harsh words are said in team chat. I like that their is a zone chat to talk to the other team. The community is so small, everyone recognizes everyone anyway.
  20. I'd quit if they decided no more expansions. I think a lot of players would, so I think they are working on a new expansion. They know we are expecting one.
  21. "If your toilet is backed up, just go back to living in a stone age. Weren't your ancestors doing just fine without plumbing"
  22. i would use the Razer Naga epic if they still made them. The flat buttons keypad is the best. I hate this new style of arched buttons so much. i'm actually a worst player because of it.
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