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Everything posted by Balsa.3951

  1. also a split between pvp and pve ui thx for the vote J
  2. ppl white knight hard for a simple request on ui improvments whatever i guess anet will do it anyway. especially with all the emotes and special tools we got now and in the future
  3. ui addons in WOW where great. dam i wish i still had screenshots from my ui it was a mystical construct rotation of lights when active my burst. with macros and everything. to the topic gw2 ui looks ok always open for improvments of course.
  4. complication comes from how expensive they are. it feels like it should give a 1 hour bonus for rift but its a one time use
  5. SOTO feels a little different from other xpacs mainly bcs the lost of Elites. Or any other major additions. So the best way to play Soto is doing the archivments wich also provide extra dialogue and story pieces. its a smart way from anet to extend the size of the game and without those I m already finish the xpac after a week. I do still hope anet goes back to new classes or major game extensions. Ignoring PVP and WVW is a major mistake since those modes give endless content without much investments. One more pvp map and a new WvW Map would had done so much for many players. Also Legendary armor is the major drive for many but its nothing legendary owners will bother. some will but majority prop not. about rifts many is said and predictions seems to came true they are repedetive non challanging. to.finish I advise ppl do archivments to get the full fun out of SOTO. disclaimer this is just my opinion not a fact.
  6. yes all over acted here Commander was not chill enough but OP don't.need to post and act victim when the situation is initiated by joining as dps when qdps was asked. also u have no knowledge how lows ops dps was. for all we now is he could run vita stats . only facts we know and can judge on is Op joins with dps when support was asked for
  7. they will change it later it's just so ppl who have a lot chrystals not insta buy everything.
  8. i agree that strikes are easy and i personal don't care dps meters but u come along very entitled. first u just join when a specific role is asked. small issue bcs 1/10 but it seems u didn't mention u dps after join so commander thought u are qdps, what will mess up his planing. second u do low dps again i personal don't care dps but when u be noticed about u just say u do good. u life in a bubble where u may overestimate urself. i side with the commander here even tho if i where the commander of the squad i would not had cared since 1 or 4 ppl can be carried.
  9. u see supporting traitlines as a buff when in reality its a nerf for not taking a specific trait. so be careful what u wish for
  10. they removed my trapper rune so less fun. the dmg stuff can go its boring but removing game style i don't like also give me my legendary rune all my alts are in a bad state now but the potential of relics is higher
  11. plot twist non of our chars has a gender we are all not equipped down there if u know whay i mean wink wink anyhow anet should close this threat its getting ridiculous ppl fighting for the gender of their pixels
  12. as Revenant u are up to 4 individuals in one. it could not get better for u 😉
  13. lol who cares they is perfect if everyone like u start asking their proper pronounce we.end.up with 100 also side note for lols Ranger with pet, engi with mech and necro with minon are perfect for be called they 😀 pps many languages don't even use he she as gender differention.
  14. last comment from me In a Digital world where the Devs control the demand (via recipes or other stuff) and supply RNG or the lack off. There is no true player control about the prices. Lets say MC cost 1 G now u ask 1 G u are in control ppl buy---- but now anet increases the supply and lowers demand ur mystic coin jumps to 1 copper. U can see now that u are not in control here? and yes Im also not in control about my char its property of Anet read the Toss
  15. buddy ur self u can write 100g for a lemon u still not in control of the price on the Ah but keep be delusional
  16. nah Ranger downstate needs a nerf classes are not balanced with downstate in mind but what ever anet doesn't care i drum for downstate balance since 2013
  17. a lot downvotes noone able to show an argument how player can control prices. minimal adjust by demand thats all. believe is stronger than facts i guess
  18. i retract ny Dh its a one trick pony now and zero fun without stealth i feel no good build in pvp now for Guardian
  19. Fb with axe sword and longbow. celestial condi direction relic is the eye with that huge aoe i want get as much aoe as possible with quickness max the loot but can also take down a champ solo my jade bot is medic 3 and mount boost 3 open world i mostly care loot tagging and self substain. if cc is needed the bane signet or hammer of wisdom i don't advise go melee only or a full glass build to stressfull besides that u can go what ever u feel cool
  20. only if my char is the main character and they can guess my head canon right.
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