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Everything posted by Felipe.1807

  1. And Gerent and the event ended being hard nerfed in the end... Havent reached the last map yet, but if it is anywhere as close as Tangled Depths pre-nerf levels of dificulty I aint even gonna bother with it...its laughable that some people think that forcing people to get Raid level of organization in a open world map is even resonable, as usual gamers and their egos lol
  2. I got the message to change maps once...and sended me to another empity map lol Like I said, tried to do Leviathan yesterday, went to LFG and there was a single lfg there, a SINGLE one! New map, map cap lower, this, that, etc dosent explain this, PoF allways had lots of groups on LFG...unless I am really unlucky and everyone is sleeping when I start to play lol Seeing maps dead like this on release...it sucks man, and sends a bad message about the state of the game.
  3. Something is off for sure, HoT and PoF were literal hell at lauch, constant lag and fps issues cause all the players around, but on EoD is a desert, played yesterday to make map comp and today finished the story part of the first map, and there was basically nobody in there, saw a single LFG for Leaviathan, a Single one! Second map is even worse, hated Kaineng, its like Tangled Depths but so much worse...same thing as the first map, events failing left and right unless I try to do them, if I saw 4 people thats a lot... I feel I can go to any location of Tyria, and I will actually find more people there then in EoD maps, no matter how secret or obscure it is...I really liked the expansion so far, but say that his aint bothering me and will probably kill my enjoyment would be a lie.
  4. What exactly they say there? I am super early till now, but allready notice some stuff, like the Purist Shenanigans achievement flavour text and
  5. Havent notice that to be honest, I am playing some non optimal power Willbender build, but stuff still melts kind of fast, but I cant say for sure, its been almost 2 years since I last played the game...what kind of build you playing?
  6. Is day one lol nobody can actually give a honest answear to those questions
  7. I myself aint a big fan of it, the first thing that came to my mind was Anet trying to pull a cyberpunk on Tyria, I dont know, I was watching the trailer and the "They are the most powerful nation on Tyria" was like, okay, but how? Jade Tech? What is this non sense and why it would superior then Magi Tech from the Asura( which is, or was atleast, supposed to be the big brain race)? They are isolated from the rest of the world, no cultural exchange as far as I know (know little of the lore) how on earth would they be more advanced then the other races we have now, even more post Pact were everyone is friends with everyone lol
  8. No related to the topic, but Unreal Tournament was such a great game, just hearing the intro song bring some good memories.
  9. Majority of people on this game play Solo, thats a fact, forcing them on a team queue is a horrible idea...it was disabled for a reason, no point in bringing up again, but if anything, just keep a ranked SoloQ and another TeamQ and call it a day...if the population is as low as people are saying here, this would just kill the game mode for good.
  10. Titles and all this nonsense aint worth anything at this point, so I see no reason why not too, great sugestion.
  11. What this person spended is nothing if compared to true whales, if we going for BDO for example, is not hard to find people that spended more then 100K, way more...or even LoL people pay for boosts and what not...some people just have that much money and are adicted to the game, its like drug really, someone who abuse weak willed people with this kind of behavior should be considered borderline criminals.
  12. Just saw this on reddit, the whole deal with the bans cause wintrading and what not...I used to play this game religiously, PvP player only, loved the combat and everything(despite thinking that elite classes and 3 trait line system ruined the game mode), but sPvP died not cause of Anet for me, but the community, this whole wintrading and seeing this supposed "good" players that had to go above and beyond to do some insanely ridiculous stuff to keep thenselfs on higher rankings just killed the game mode to me, was pointless to play, even if that affected a very few players, for those who were tryharding it, was just awful see this players bragging as the best of the best while shamelessly doing this stuff while actually being Anet partners...then we had the whole deal with the first AT, so ridiculous, nothing was actually done, a slap on the wrist, and here we are again...not gonna bother to get to deep on it, but I bet is the same people again, they did before, they do it now and will do it again in the future, Anet wont do anything, just ban their alt accounts while they just run away freely...everyone know who they are, but nothing is done, its pathetic for Anet, they must be friends with someone of the company, its not possible...imagine Tyler1 be well know wintrader and sharing accounts with other players and Riot not doing anything...exception T1 actually get big views on Twitch, not a nobody like these people.
  13. I think its better to keep this kind of stuff to single player games, to much effort to get it done right
  14. I know a lot of sPvP player who would rather go back to pre-HoT era...cele meta could be bad, but was way better then what we have now...the 3 full trait lines system kind of killed balance and overpowered elite specs didnt helped either.
  15. Charrbrood Saga, thats all...I really wanted to get in this season LW, saga or whatever you wanna call it, but this is just extremelly bad to the point it hurts...its less about Jormag and the prophecy(its funny they keep contradicting their own lore over and over again) and more really about Bangar, Ryland and his parents and the Charr Imperators...the spirits of the wild just got reduced to a bunch of stupid mini games without any actual purpose...since I started playing this game years ago I was really excited to get the fight to Jormag and see how Anet would explore the Norn lore, the prophecy and the Spirits of the Wild...but now I just want it to end it to be honest.The moment I read that book, The Burden I just lost all interest in the story.
  16. I'd like to believe that Jormag isn't the villain this time, and they really do want to help us. It would be a cool twist, but they've tricked before. Surely they will trick again. As someone who plays mainly Norns, this would be the stupid twist that I ever seen...and I wouldnt even be surprised if Anet pulled this one...like they did with Koda, were countless of Kodan tells you about how Dragons are agents of corruption and destruction, and is their duty to fight them to keep the balance in the world...and years later is revealed that Dragons actually keep the balance in the world, AKA, Kodan and the teachings of Koda are full of shit lol
  17. He looks pretty cool, but not sure if 2K gems kind of "cool" lol usually the expensive mounts skins have complete diferent models then the original ones and cool effects, like the shrine guardian or the Lion griffon...this one, while well done, have neither of them.
  18. not my thing, think is kind of weird having a pair of wings on not being able to fly lol not only that, but it clips a lot with weapons...its like the Black/White Wings but 10 times more obnoxious since they are all shiny and stuff.
  19. How is precursors Pay to Win? This game might have many things that are worth complaining and bringing attention to it, but this aint one of them...whats the diference between gambling with BLC and the Mystic Forge? What the diference in buying gems for keys and buying gems to gold and getting on the TP? Nobody in their right mind will open boxes for the precursors...and even if you got one, you still have to actually craft the Legendary weapon(which might be the one you dont even want it), mine Saven the Queen still rotting on my bank been years.
  20. This would never happen, but also believe it wouldnt work the way you are thinking...so basically 3 factions on the map? One PvE players, other pk players and the last one NPCs? PvE players would never run alone, would just be farming simulator for them on steroids thanks to 3 times better loot, one zerg just steam rolling everything on its way, be mobs or pk players...also what would be the ratio of players allowed on the map? 1:1? More "PvE" players then pk ones? Terrible idea that would just lead to a farming zone.
  21. Think this way, how many people would had died if my Norn Commander decided to instead of go out and become a adventurer just stayed his whole day driking on Hoelbrak? He would never become the Slayer of Issomir and never meet Eir, would not become a menber of one of the Orders, would never meet Trahearne, the Pact would not exist, Zhaitan would never be stopped, etc...so no, the Commander is not a mindless murderer killing everything on sigh, people can twist as much as they want, but in the end the PC is one of the "good guys".
  22. How is the PC a anti-hero in No Quarter? Which warcrime that we commited? The "grenade" that they throw down in a science lab and kill a bunch of civilians (not soldiers) was a fragment of a Searing Crystal, which was what the Flame Legion used to destroy Ascalon and is considered the equivalent to a WMD in Tyria.What? There were no civilians on No Quarter, were did you got that?? Everyone that you killed were Charrs that defected to the Dominion forces...
  23. How is the PC a anti-hero in No Quarter? Which warcrime that we commited?
  24. GW2 is a MMO, if you want that kind of thing, play a single player game...dont expect the kind of freedom of choice you have in games like Witcher, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls, etc in game like this...even then, most of those games you will not play as a villain...the closer to a villain protagonist with actual good story would be Legacy of Kain series, but those games are old as hell.
  25. Oh I heard about that, was it bugged or just incredebly easy? Anyway, was not, I did mine after the Steel Warband Strike got added, needed some motivation to do the old strikes that I never bothered with and the new armor set did it lol
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