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Everything posted by Majosea.2487

  1. Recently asked, "Why do you keep running up and jumping around on that tower over and over, it looks pointless and boring?" I just looked at her as I thought about the other 5 pieces of the armor collection gathering dust in my bank.
  2. Nope, don't need them. If you want flying mounts, there is already a game out there with them that everyone uses to fly over content , that makes most of the maps irrelevant. I don't want this game to ever be like that.
  3. Not being able to climb that god-forsaken tower for the billionth time :) to get the last piece to the armor set.
  4. I personally loved Cantha, it was by far my favorite area, especially the Jade Sea
  5. Actually if you play the escort tanks story-line in Orr you see your sister again. Deborah s the one that takes the dog and body of the guy back to Kryta.
  6. How do some people use the words "most players...most people..." Am I missing some kind of database that they have on all of the players, that they can speak so authoritatively about what most people that play will pay for or what they want. I am fairly certain, but this by no means true, that there are just as many players that would not want to pay for more things and are happy with the status quo. This is not directed at any individuals, so don't go there. I am just making an observation that there is no way that someone can know without any doubt what most people want, need or are willing to do.
  7. I am extraordinarily introverted in groups of people, be it in real life or in groups online. Participating in group activities is very hard for me, but I try. I still can't bring myself to use a Voice app, so I just type away. If I am required to use a voice app, I politely excuse myself from the activity. I know it is mostly in my head, but it is just the way I'm wired. If people think I am rude for not talking or chatting, that is their problem , not mine. I play the game to please me.
  8. Personally I prefer the Living Stories. I would not mind LS only going forward as long as it affords the same opportunities that an expansion does in the long run. I have noticed that when you get an expansion, that there is a core group of players that will blaze though the expansion in 2 or 3 days; go on the forums or social media and talk smack about it, give away spoilers, etc,. before the casual players have even had a chance to get really started. (happened with HoT and to more of a degree with PoF). Then they spend the next few years griping about the expansion and how the game needs another expansion because, in my opinion, they need some new material to gripe about because their main cause is petering out.As long as ANET (looking at GW2 developers) is consistent at releasing new LS stories, the "we need an expansion" people should be happy, unless you are in that special niche that needs to burn through content to ruin it for everyone else.
  9. OK, thanks. Good to know. Perhaps something in the acquisition would indeed spoil something about the story or map, so I get it. Not to mention,if they did say how, a bunch of boneheads would start buying up any common items and jacking the prices up.
  10. aion is much older, perfect world is older than GW1.both have a better CCS, both do better in that department. Yeah, but do you know how annoying it was to look around and see Bobblehead, anime-eyed characters with tiny bodies carrying huge weapons in Aion
  11. When you are escorting the Charr cubs through the ruins... Livor Crushspirit: Hey! You got your moa jerky in my yak butter!Vloyat Crushmaw: You got your yak butter on my moa jerky!Riba Crushheart: Hmmmm.
  12. I am one of those fun people that has crappy reaction times for various reasons, so my jumping skill is not up to snuff. for this and other JP's. I would be fine with a really awesome reward for people that can do the clock tower. For the sake of us people that do not have the reaction times necessary to make this crazy climb but really want to complete the armor collection, put the armor on a different event please.
  13. Did events all over the place and Researcher Emm hasn't budged.
  14. Been awaiting the event to start for 4 hours...nothing
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