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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. I assigned hotkeys e, r, f, c, x for the skill slots character skills get executed perfectly if i use those hotkeys but when driving skiffs, i can only use keys e and x when driving the tank in forging steel strike mission.. only the key e works otehr keys doesnt trigger the skills.. am I the only one experiencing this? if so.. any extra settings that i need to adjust in options? or is this a common bug?
  2. Please include a Hotkey binding option for siege turtle in controller options tab(9 mounts but only 8 have keybindings)[can temporarily use the active mount key for turtle but if we want other mount as active mount key, turtle becomes inaccessible] Siege turtle drivers should have the option to park the turtle in a spot and switch between driver mode and gunner mode if no active gunner's available. and once they exhausted the ammunition, they have to switch back to driver mode to accrue ammunitions... something like that.. Please make jade bot service chips and sensory array chips be switchable/changeable during out of combat[and if possible include a nice little jade bot panel on teh right bottom above minimap so jade bot's activity can be tracked visually.. example: animated emotes - jade bot scanning the current area for treasures and when it found teh treasure, it has a happy animated emote on the panel]jadebot is a cool idea.. if u polish it well and make it attractive and visually impress players, it would be a great selling point for the game Extend jadebot functionality to hold one chip of each type example: salvager chips are of 6 different types... separate it from sensory array and allot its own slot pls. salvager one slot, recycler one slot, mount enhancements one slot(no need to set extra slot for siege turtle.. its either turtle or mount energy/endurance).... so we shd be able to switch between various scavenger chips during out of combat.. A jadeite home instance node pliz Any way to consolidate all the lounge passes and portal tomes and portal scrolls into one item?
  3. [Unsalvageable] Act1 EOD mastery reward => https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Storyteller's_Lute [Salvageable] Act2 EOD mastery reward => https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Traveling_Tankard [Unsalvageable] Act3 EOD mastery reward => https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kurzick_Brooch [Salvageable] Act4 EOD mastery reward => https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Luxon_Brooch [Salvageable] Act5 EOD mastery reward => https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ring_of_Rebirth why are the act1 and act3 mastery rewards unsalvageable? do they have any kind of special interactions with npcs when we actively equip them? will anet make these items special tradeable items and include a vendor npc in-exchange for some legy crafting mats / research note ? the weirdness is between the luxon brooch and the kurzick brooch.. luxon one is salvageable but the kurzick one isnt... or maybe the devs havent decided between themselves whether to configure them to be salvageable or unsalvageable...hope this is the case.. coz after legy armory, these kinda unsalvageable items became a burden to deal with.. deciding whetehr to throw it away or keep them suspecting that they might be involved in some kind of special interaction/hidden achievements..
  4. Trait related bugs on skills: 1) The Unleashed Ambush damage numbers get reduced when u choose "Two-handed training " in Beastmastery line. (isnt it sposed to increase dmg by 10% ? when we select some other trait except two handed training trait, we get more damage numbers in tooltip for unleashed ambush greatsword weirdd) 2) beast skills for new pets Untamed Collection "Crushing weight": 1) Elite spec collection item "Untamed Stamp" in "Crushing weight" collection doesn't get progress nor gives an item upon successful Echovalds meta event completion update: completing the echovalds meta didnt show the progress in teh collection achievement but.... its been tracked internally i guess .. since when i completed the last collection item sting ray fish, the "crushing weight achievement progressed to 100% weird" Pet's state while riding skiff: 1) the pet just runs on water following our skiff even if we are soulbeast merged graphical effects bug on UI: the untamed green border overlay around the health pool circle moves a bit upward and doesnt align properly sometimes(could be because of 4k res settings? idk)
  5. good to know... I havent tried that parameter but wish to know if it works in 2022
  6. corrupted cdn ip: seems corrupted files are after 80% [fresh client download full game download] client update download ie.. EOD expansion / patch files
  7. with reference to this post Thought that if we had a way to tell anet to fix the cdn servers' corrupted files, it'd help ppl. corrupted files might cause lot of issues and most can be avoided if cdn servers serve healthy files this post could be temporary until anet fixes all those cdn people who find that the game client is indefinitely downloading and the file remaining counter doesnt change and download speed is very less and game is not downloaded to 100% may do this: open command prompt and type teh command "nslookup assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com" u might notice the cdn ip address in terminal post it here in this thread so the devs can pinpoint those specific nearest servers and load an healthy copy or something
  8. Can confirm... This suggestion works at-first i tried updating client normally before applying this solution and the download got stuck at 61k files remaining past the "playable" point tried downloading the entire game as fresh install... the same happened stuck at 61k files remaining past "playable"... then modified the windows hosts file pointed the asset cdn to gw2's origin cdn ip as mentioned by healix... restarted pc... now atleast the files getting downloaded consistently even though they are a bit slow at 4Mb - 8Mb/secs but its downloading without it getting served the corrupted files... Hope anet fixes the corrupted server files soon... the problem is with the new expansion files it seems Edit:[might not work] also refer this post suggestion and try the target url parameter "assetsrv " instead of changing windows hosts file modify the gw2 game shortcut's target to include the option -assetsrv eg: "H:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -assetsrv should be repalced with the IP of origin assets cdn server that u noticed in console/terminal/command prompt when using nslookup command
  9. Spearmen/ lancer / dragoon ... Looks cool in some mmo like ff14... Implementing a spear weapon in gw2 might not be as bad as it may sound coz... The skins are already there... They just have to give spear to 4 classes(ranger, warrior, rev and thief if it suits thief theme of specialization) so 4 set of skill icons and their effects and character animations... But one can only hope.. spear would be an excellent midrange weapon ... Cleaves and conditions and some stylish gap closers or power combo attack like the lancer noble phantasm from fate stay night unlimited blade works
  10. can u find the odd thing in this image? https://i.imgur.com/8bvJuI9.jpg X) also.. did anet remove the image embed feature in forums?
  11. I believe, we can't see other skiffs and players in it once we enter our skiff.... So it hides players standing in the shore, all other skiff in the lake... Kinda like a dynamic instanced content but without the instance boundaries... When we exit the skiffs, we would notice the Swarm of ppl buzzing in a one inch lake X)
  12. did they kick because u dps raced and didnt alac properly and healers had hard time in that encounter? did ppl go downstate most of the time? just asking 🤭... but even then, they shdve kicked u after the encounter.. thats so mean of them.. hope i dont encounter such ppl... and btw... death to the charr... reclaim ascalon back for humans!😂🤣
  13. I wish I was there when they introduced cutthroat politics.. I miss the buttons/badges
  14. 🤣😂I didnt choose to ignore the fact that ure doing raids for teh armor set...🤭 Think i'm confusing you with my incoherent sentences or ure confusing urself... idk 🤭 I was merely pointing out to @yann.1946that the game mode shd need an attractive factor for new players to try it and then decide whetehr they love repeating the content or not the attractive factors could be one or all of these: awesome cool skin QoL profitable rewards and rarely, the fact that ppl hate other modes more(wvw and pvp) when compared to this one(this might not be attracting factor but bearable , tolerable) without the abovementioned 4 factors why would u or anyone would try this(raid) gamemode? what he ( @yann.1946 ) was suggesting is... a guild based partying system as an attracting factor for new players... so I used ppl like u for example that guild system will not attract new players towards gamemodes but the other factors I mentioned above those are the ones that attract them but for ppl like u, neither of the factors would entice to play the gamemode more after u got what u want... also a curious question: after you got a lot of kp in those gamemodes, and getting 100% success rates in encounters and possible future 100% success rates, with friendly guild and nice situations.... would you consider repeating the game mode after getting all 3 raid armor set? if your answer to the above question is no, what is your experience on doing repeated world boss encounters? world boss encounters always have high success rate and otehr pleasant situations nice friends to hang out only difference between the two above questions is the gamemode apart from that friends, success rate is all the same... 10mins for each boss encounters and 15 mins max to get the squad organized and then u need not spend that 15 mins again to wait since squad is filled already and all players are your friends.. u can take breaks between those 10 mins encounters
  15. u fall under the option 1 and 4.... Im just paranoid.. when we crafted the restored boreal weapons... most ppl salvaged it... but the next set of collection illuminated boreal weapons required the restored versions as crafting items... maybe u dont worry about what happens after... u will never get the nagging feeling whatsoever... I created this poll to convince myself to take action on a few conflicting decisions ..... hope this poll can convince me or not.. idk
  16. this is strange.. why would you use an ascended accessory after u unlocked 2 legendary accessory? i did mention it in the first line that it becomes worthless and what would u do with it after? since legendary armory is a thing..
  17. to be more precise, after u got your legendary backpack, accessory, rings and armors... full legendary or partial legendary that makes the following items worthless, what would you do to items like (non salvageable) Energy Regulator Cog Pact Vigilance Signet Fractal Troubleshooter's Star and few salvageable items like Ancient Norn Pin Wylenn's Manual of Style Few other items: Shadowstone I'm not talking about items like Forgotten Seal which u an get it again by repeating stories some ascended items are made available for purchase from vendors once we unlock some achievements... but some items in game are non acquirable after we complete the achievements. there's this nagging sensation that we're losing something permanently... hope they create a wiki page to list all the items that are available only once ever... and destroying them makes it permanently unavailable for the account
  18. u're attracted to social aspect of the game... u'd do anything taht gives u happiness in terms of social pleasure and mingling with ppl... ure not tied to any specific game modes or anything for those specifc game mode content or specific game mode rewards or profit.... my dilemma is... how would anet sustain a gamemode or attract playerbase to a game mode? will guilds attract a playerbase to a gamemode? if u are aware of few ppl's post in the forums.. like @Dante.1763and astral poring and @Vayne.8563, you'd know that those guys would never touch the raid game mode even if 9 other players in that instanced content are their friends and they are on discord and they have good rainy breezy drizzly weather and 10 bowls of iceccreams and fries and chips and snacks with them while doing that game mode... guilds would never convince them to do those gamemodes in the least few ppl begrudgingly do the content either for the awesome skin, the QoL the legy armor provides or they hate other ways of aquiring the armors more than this specific gamemode
  19. taking myself as an example, I joined crossroads discord , rti discord, and pug trainings to get raids exposure.... joining guilds attract me in few ways... "tenebrous crystal" and "shimmering crystal" and scribe 500 leveling... and weekly guild missions.... other than that, idk why i shd join a guild idk... the motivation stems from the content and rewards... social aspects of the game an be experienced in lobbies and guilds but the gamemodes doesnt attract ppl for their social aspect atleast i didnt feel any social aspecct in raids except teamwork.. but once ppl know what theyre supposed to do, social aspect gets diminished there as well... best social aspect in gw2 can be experienced in divinity reach dwayna's plaza near the banks ministry way point i think.... other than that, idk... i mean guilds can enable a new player to get exposure and give confidence to get into raids , pvp, wvw.. but ppl might not see guilds as end goal ... its a tool not an attractive aspect I do spend some time in guild chat to clarify doubts regarding builds, traits, skills and idle chatter but i couldnt relate gamemodes and guilds and social aspect altogether
  20. reality: ppl talk and interact only in low kp groups and training groups... high kp groups are either dead silent in chat or few ppl find ways to spread some toxic nonsense in squad chat to boost their ego further guild runs could be fun if we did it on discord... else only few ppl interact... fun exciting runs and experience are hard to come by these days idk.. ppl got transformed in some way.. like they experienced a lot of bad toxic ppl and they dont want to get involved in anything... imo, the only important aspect in raid mode is the attractive armor skin that gets new players to try the mode... I'd also expect few more cutscenes in raids extra cutscenes for cm modes in raids... few wings have some interesting movie like cutscenes... i love them.. but the other wings dont have any.... w1, w2, w3 dont have any cutscenes w5 cutscene is not much of a cutscene also i wish there are some unique minigames in w3 stronghold of the faithful explorable area (the one with docks and lake after we defeat the keep contruct) like the minigame with livia... the bloodstone sigil minigame... and we can complete those minigames weekly to get some rewards ...
  21. I never said I won't... I just want the raid mode to stay alive... at present, raid mode has only one aspect that differentiate itself from others thats the skin... taking that aspect away might hurt the mode severely
  22. I wish anet gives an option to craft a legendary armor a generic one but not tied to any open world PvE achievements or events or npcs or wvw or pvp or raids.. provided there shd be no unique skin or collection involved and no lore involved (like the weapons we craft in mystic forge with mystic coins eg: courage) with just material sink.. so ppl who hate raids and would like to enjoy the QOL of legendary gear would get it... in the meanwhile if ppl who are willing to put that extra effort in raids to get the cool looking skin legy armor can do raids... and also ppl who already got raid armors might not feel like its a redundant waste of mat sink and bothersome legy journey to pursue just for a skin and lore reasons.(might feel incomplete if we own a legy armor already and we followed a ccollection or lore and stop it just before crafting a legy so no lore shd be involved no collection shd be involved for this generic legy armor).. its a win win for everyone... items to forge a legy armor piece: mystic tribute gift of maguuma mastery or desert mastery gift of living world currencies(eg: 250 of each lws currency) Ascended armor piece Note: anet can make adjustments based on how much mats shd be involved in each items ... like gift of maguma mastery could be an overkill or less.. they can adjust so dont get your feathers ruffled that i mentioned that item 2 in the list for an armor piece
  23. I want a hostile pocket raptor novelty... It should have a longer cool down... And it should grow in size everytime it downs a player... The raptor should have 1hp
  24. This might sound kinda offtopic.... But, Will the names used for beta characters locked and can't be used if we forget to delete the characters ourselves before beta expires? Or will the characters be deleted from the systems and names of those characters released from being locked automatically when beta event expires?
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