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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. seems most ppl are buying legendaries off black market(as some say) using mystic coins itself... not crafting them.... maybe thats the current situation? idk... so they spend more mc to buy weapons / buy more mc from tp 250 mc required for crafting a legy weapon... but while buying from black market, they spend more 250+ mystic coins(whose prices are controlled by a group of certain individuals) maybe that inturn maintains the demand in place.. i could be wrong... pure speculation 🤷‍♀️
  2. I was planning to unlock those resource nodes in each and every lw maps during these spotlight weeks... Those greedy vendors 10k ub magic and not to mention 50g... I'm in serious need of those ub and vol magic. This return to lws is a nice opportunity to fill up the home instance with nodes
  3. Will enemy monsters aggro on such players? Will they get stuck in combat? Or they teleport even if they are involved in combat? What is the actual purpose of being under the terrain? If they go under won't they lose the resource node hitbox? If a 3rd party bot program is involved, won't anet already be aware of such malpractice? Idk .. they might be one among the list of accounts anet might include in next banwave.... Or not.
  4. When anet announced legendary armory, the thing that caught my attention is legendary armors... Crafted 2 complete sets of legy armors... ZERO mystic coin involved... Also noticed increased population in raiding... So I believe ppl are more inclined to use all t6 mats and blood venom bones for their armors... And also every leyline anomaly event being overwhelmingly crowded... Felt a Lot of new players doing fractal cms(eventhough the mc drops are a chance and not guaranteed) ... What I'm trying to say at this point is, the mystic coin sources are being tapped to it's maximum And after certain someone caught the media's attention and a possible action taken by anet, I noticed the mc prices dropped to 1.8 gold in the buying orders Even after the drop, it went back to its original state pretty soon... Is this how demand works? If the demand is in a state that it can rise up quickly after a steep fall, it shd've already been hiking the price of the item more than it did at that time before that incidence... Instead, all it did was maintain at that particular spot... Will increasing the MC price to 3gold or 4 gold hurt a certain group ? Or is their max capacity is to hold the price at that specific value and not any higher? Is there some kind of trade queue that ppl maintain in black market eg: 500 mc per twilight. So they will run into losses if the mc price dropped so they ask all their rich guildies to maintain the mc price in that spot? Just a curious post nothing else "don't need to get your staff all bent over" like canach says 😆
  5. I did it 4 times but never got the achievement.. then on the fifth attempt, I tagged the final jade bow and jade armor just a bit and then went straight to the unbound guardian spot even before the jade constructs died.. then took almost all the green aoe to boost dps and then finished the event, and I got the achievement.. could be because of the dps or... could be because of some kind of limit bug where only n number of ppl who tagged the boss within x secs of its arrival would get the achievement.. idk
  6. yeah its one of the tough boss in that map.. needs some ppl to kill it.. if everyone who rush teh achi on first day got the achi, they wont try the event the next time and simply would abandon map... then ppl doing the event after 3 days wont have enough ppl to even complete it X).. so... i guess.. its been designed to give achi progress only for first 10 ppl? X) and ppl keep trying the event as much as possible to get it finished.. and this event will drag on atleast until the week ends towards next spotlight week X) the thing about it being designed that way is a lie I fabricated.. but thats anotehr perspective for similar abandoned maps 🤣😂
  7. Can you post what guildhall u guys have? And will you stay with same guild hall or will you change in future? Coz I joined a guild for a specific guild hall but after a couple of months, they changed their guild hall and since they are nice ppl a friendly bunch it feels bad to leave the guild hope I don't run into the same situation again
  8. u get a free respawn point / waypoint 🤣😂 as compensation...
  9. do ppl use this often? just asking https://downdetector.com/status/guild-wars-2/
  10. another thread of same type in technical issues section
  11. could be... is there any way gw2 be neutral to these kinda stuff? so no attacks be made against it? just kidding 🤣😂
  12. Will position rewinder skill be available if we fall in water? I tried using thief shadow portal as safety procedure in the above said jp, but when I fell on water, I couldn't use the shadow portal skill it went on cooldown directly as its unusable in water. I could check it out myself once I login but just asking so anyone reading forums and not tried it yet would get the idea
  13. Support in gw2 is a nice role ... Sometimes it feels like you act behind the scenes to keep the party alive... Example: 1) When boss gets a breakbar and is about to unleash a powerful attack and all your party members are focussed on dpsing the boss and provide less to no breakbar DMG, u use most of your cc skills to keep party alive 2) When boss swings for a major attack, u see the animation but dps ppl won't move and they're focussed on executing their rotations rather than respecting mechanics, u keep them safe either by pumping aegis at the right time or reflects if needed 3) if u notice most of party members in low health and getting constant DMG, pull out that tome 2 and throw healing water on their face 🤣 4) most mechanics in fractals are assigned to support roles and dps ppl won't move and are glued and stacked in a single spot. Will a dwarf road save them from knockbacks and improve dps time and when will the boss unleash knockdown attacks. 5) sometimes it depends on reading the situation and type of encounter... Are allies getting bombarded with too many conditions? Are they having mobility issues? Will a condi cleansing field help them? Will superspeed cheese the situation? I can recommend playing dps classes firsthand and then finding the difficulties and then you'll have a better idea of when to do what
  14. got it.. thx for the response... I was under the assumption that the % condi dmg will be included as part of equipment tab stats numbers similar t o how the % condi duration gets added to the equipment tab once we add a sigil with % condi duration o ra rune with % condi duration... my mistake.. the condi damage is not added to the equipment tab and it is only calculated apart from teh stats in equipment tab and during combat refelects in the weapon skills dmg.. tq
  15. Ok.. now I notice one thing thats odd... even if teh condi damage stat in equipment panel is higher for elementalist rune variation, the bursting sigil calculates the % condi dmg during combat and not before... and that 5% of condi dmg enhances the weapon skills condi dmg... or does it enhance the overall condi dmg stat by 5% idk... now I'm confused here... sry for dragging this further... is the following statements true? 1) condi duration and condi damage stat in equipment panel shows the maximum condi damage that can be inflicted by the build for the maximum condi duration supported by the build stats (not taking into account the bursting sigil) 2) if a weapon skill inflicts a condition only for (total condi duration - y) secs then that condi damage will be al ways less than the maximum condi damage that can be inflicted by the build but it can be improved by percentage increase of condi damage provided by sigil of bursting 3) so, build1 equipment panel condi dmg :10, condi duration:1 sec (with bursting sigil) => 50 dps build2 equipment panel condi dmg:10, condi duration:1sec (without bursting sigil) => 10 dps are all the 3 statements true? hope the answer to this comment clarify me thx in advance
  16. pls compare the condi damage stat in equipment tab in gw2skills.net link that are included in OP.. or... is the % condi dmg stat wont reflect on the equipment tab and only calculated during combat? i could be wrong there
  17. So.. this is where I might've gone wrong.... so... even if all the stats are equal, a sigil of bursting would do more dmg on weapon skills even though the condi damage and condi duration is equal for both builds? like example: build1: overall condi dmg:10 duration:10 (weapon with sigil of bursting sigil) => (x+y) dps build2: overall condi dmg:10 duration:10 (weapon with sigil of malice sigil) => x dps is that the reality? I thought the weapon skills are showing wrong numbers due to some bug in gw2skills.net webapp can u confirm this is the truth? ie the sigil is more effective even if the total stats in equipment window is the same?
  18. oh pls.. elementalist rune gives 10% and malice sigil gives 10% and condi duration is compensated.. and elementalist rune gives more power and extra condi damage apart from that... did u verify the build links that I included in OP?
  19. U mean even if the stats in equipment panel is higher for elementalist than nightmare, the dps is high for nightmare rune? is that what ure trying to say? like is that a bug with nightmare rune? did u check the two links in the OP? is that a known bug then?
  20. For Mirage and Revenant, the websites like SC,LN,MB all suggest nightmare runes for the 10% condi duration... where the condi duration can be attributed by malice sigil and the elementalist rune gives extra power and extra condi damage .. I checked this with the builds... refer SC nightmare rune build for mirage and refer Custom Elemetalist rune Build for Mirage Whenever I ask this in guilds and other lobbies ppl always say they prefer to use nightmare runes over elementalist rune coz they trust the build SC,MB,LN suggest rather than what they see or hear from others... I admit I'm not an expert.. but the builds that i linked above clearly shows difference in terms of condi dmg and power and same condi duration... and elementalist rune clearly wins over the nightmare rune by numbers... (Edit: for some reason, the gw2skills.net webapp didn't save the activated boons in the generated link... so u might see condi duration less than 95% coz the trait chaotic persistence is not procced.. u can manually trigger the trait in the webapp by clicking on the boon icons for both the build links at the top while comparing the builds) Am I missing something? for condi renegade, I havent completely figured out the replacement build with same condi duration... but we can take different choice of food to get extra 30 expertise and i hope the extra power and extra condi dmg stats elementalist rune provides can be favourable for renegade but i'm not 100% certain ffor renegade.. but for mirage I'm certain the choice of runes and sigils can improve mirage dps (the following line is not the topic of discussion.. the following line might confuse the topic of discussion.. u can drop a note at the end of your comment regarding stat in armor piece rather than food choices) and I also noticed they sometimes adjust armor pieces for different stats rather than adjusting the food.. that gives the same stats numbers... is there something else that comes into play?
  21. Every 3rd sun dash breaks the shield for me as well... Sometimes first dash
  22. I think there's a kind of meteor that falls on a crater that you can exploit... Even after the rock disappears, if you spam the extraction beam, it will give you rose quartz and stuff.. u can spam on that spot for 10 mins until the next meteor... Form a squad.. if possible one guy on a different map instance and collect meteors from both instance with less than 10 mins interval... That's how I did it when I was farming it for the astral weapons... Any event, when you get a group of ppl doing it, you won't feel bored or monotonous
  23. I'm curious... How long does it take on an average to complete a reward track in wvw without boosters? And then again, you get only 2 clovers per track... I get 2 clovers from the fractal golem everyday... If it's possible to get more than 2 clovers in wvw with freshly started reward tracks, then it'd be juicy i guess
  24. If u get offended by someone cheating in a video game are you sure about playing mmo games in the first place? If u ask me to lose a part of myself and become something else, I'd suggest u do the same... If he doesn't care about the face in-game, why does he even wear the title? Why does he try to brag when he defeated his opponents? Why does he even play PvP? I'm sure if he just want rewards, he can do legitimate pve or even other illegitimate item duping hacks and other stuff to accrue wealth as you mentioned "gained a lot from victories" And yes he ruined a lot of games for others he even used inappropriate language in the end of the fight he ruined the experience of other players... I don't support him at all... I didn't defend him in any way... I was merely pointing out inappropriate language is not healthy and I don't wish to face it anywhere in gw2 and your opinion on the subject was leading to an unhealthy environment that the future might bring us within gw2. A little offtopic: Is it a fashion thing to use bad words now and then to get acknowledgement among others and to get self satisfaction? Maybe some people do love being called out with bad words after all? Idk And your forum name "trollingdemigod" what prompted to create such a name? Note: this already seems like derailing the original topic... I don't wish to continue this side topic any further... This topic should not compare another violation term with the one discussed in topic a violation is a violation This topic/thread should focus only on the subject : "hacking and cheating should be punished by anet" sorry if I diverted the focus of this thread
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