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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. If more thieves actually did this (their job as a thief) then everyone would be happy. It's boring but you literally give your team value by doing what you're doing. There are so many bad thieves in this game who stay in mid fights as if they're a bunker. There has never been a population issue with pvp. It is a player quality issue. I've been around for every expansion this game has had and pvp queued among the surge of players during prime time. The quality of matches hasn't improved because a lot of casual players don't want to improve. When you're near plat2 during prime time, sometimes you'll get better quality matches but you can't just spam games. The only time I've EVER de-ranked is when I queue spam too much... getting random quality players between gold and plat that Anet expects you to carry. Anet's excuse is, - "Sorry couldn't find a full team of Plats, but the game is filled with Gold2 players. You're the highest rated in the game so we gave you the lowest out of these Gold players. Both team's rating averages are even! Good luck trying to carry that core engi and staff daredevil thief!" edit: @Amarils.8916 why did you necro this thread heathen?
  2. I use Scepter + OH Sword and Sword + Focus, sorry for the confusion. A WvW build is going to differ compared to this spvp build. I've thought about making vids but wasn't sure if that was in demand. I'm not a content creator but... 🤔
  3. I play Willbender. When ever I roam to basically die at every node I come across, I pat myself on the back and say, "Don't worry. You did great. Better luck next time king".
  4. Relic of Speed is so dogwater garbage that I'm getting second hand embarrassment that you mentioned it at all. No WB in Plat1 or Plat2 uses Speed Relics lmao.
  5. [PvP] (Pistol Power vs Pistol Condi) If mainhand Pistol has a shadowstep then it will either replace mainhand sword, or complement it as an excellent utility weaponset that's better than Scepter/X. Perhaps not better than Scepter#2 power damage and definitely not better than GS damage. The most likely scenario though is Pistol/Pistol being a ranged condi version of Sword/Sword with a Power coefficient being 3/4 that of Sword/Sword, with condi making up a 1/4 of damage. Maybe a high condi coefficient (hopefully for them condi guards taking side-nodes). [in Rank queue] I'm not 100% convinced that Condi Guard will be a thing compared to power Pistol/Pistol but fingers crossed that we'll get a new side-node condi/power variant that can actually 1v1 things. Similar to side-node condi P/P Thief except not as efficient because DH no longer has stealth/superspeed lol.... There's so many reason why Condi Guard Pistol/Pistol can be Dead on Arrival in PvP.
  6. I don't want downstate to ever be removed, unless it is for a 4vs4 Team Deathmatch mini season which would be nice to have. Even then, removing downstate just removes another strategic element from the game. We are in desperate need of a new gamemode. I don't know why the old TDM was removed it was honestly fun when in a competitive group. 2v2's mini season should be replaced anyways. 2s is far too imbalanced.
  7. If this is true and I highly doubt that it is... it wont be OP. Quite simply, no one is using Litany of Wrath in PvP currently and for good reason. Either you deal a massive burst and gain all your health back in that 6s window or you do marginal damage with very little health gains. So a couple of 2s worth of Lesser Litany on your bar would certainly help but it wouldn't be game breaking. All that said the spec that would benefit the most from this buff would be Core and DH. Just my 2copper.
  8. I don't like the idea of condi on WB or condi coverages, that includes Furious Focus. Secondly the way this builds plays, you won't reap the benefits of that extra vulnerability. By the time you go through your entire rotations in 3seconds thanks to FMW, you have maybe applied 3 vulnerable stacks from the trait. I rather gain 120power to increase my initial burst output. That thought process is also the reason why I picked Fiery Wrath instead of another trait that may yield more damage over time. This is a burst build through and through.
  9. The last time I posted a build update felt like 3 months ago, but it wasn't even a full month. Sheesh time really flies! This is my new build.--- Zeal/Radiance [My Background] I've been playing this game pretty much since launch on JUST Guardian and JUST PvP.... imagine 12 years worth (off and on) of just playing a single class in PvP... i've attempted to multiclass but I just get bored and hop back on Guardian lol... some people call it a curse XD. This season, I'm currently top 25 on this main account. I have stayed between plat1 and plat2 on my second account with well over 155 games played using a mixture of different WB builds. I can honestly say I can make any account or play any account, between start of season to mid of season and climb to plat1+ on just Willbender alone. I've even made it to Plat during the OP signet cata era and Ranger meta. It goes to show that if you play Ranked long enough, smart grind hard enough and you know your class well enough, you'll be able to overcome what ever flavor-of-the-month meta this game throws at you. Even IF you're labeled as "worse class" in the game. [How Wb Feels in Ranked] To be honest, WB feels fine in random Ranked Queue and I know a lot of people wants to throw stones at me for saying that. I know because 99% of players just laugh at Willbender when they see one on their team. They facepalm when they take a glance at my build because it's so very different compared to "the meta" WB Zerk Virtues build that everyone and their mothers like to run. Yet i've been climbing in Ranked pretty well for the last few Conquest pvp seasons, even before Signet of Resolve was buffed. This season being literally the best season I ever had. If I don't get top25 title, then it just isn't going to happen ever. Either ways, the season has been good enough for me to warrant a standalone thread to showcase the build and my overall thoughts on Willbender. I will say there is an outstanding help-cry of people asking for Guardian buffs and I'm one of those people. We really need buffs in PvP and that's not even a sarcastic joke. I am very curious how Anet is going to handle the next balance patch. [How I'm Anywhere Near Plat2 Let Alone Plat1] I farm low ranked Engi/Chrono/Necro/Thief/Ranger/Ele. As awkward as it sounds, that's the only reason WB can hit Plat1 or higher. I even win against some Warriors 1v1 even though I'm not even the best side-noder 1v1 build in the game. In fact WB is probably one of the worse 1v1 classes in the game if we're talking about skill vs skill. It literally shouldn't win a single 1v1 on sidenoder even vs a thief. This is one of the main reasons why we could use some buffs, because we are not the best roamers and we are certainly not the best side-node class. To put it extremely simple, there's a lot of players in Ranked PvP that don't play this game to its 100% efficiency, mechanically wise. If this game had 1000 pro PvP players daily who are Plat1 minimum, i would be rank #700 out of those #1000 players (#1 being the best) and that's giving me a lot of credit even though I have played this game for a long while. I'm just a try-hard casual that drinks beer and plays Ranked pvp, but is efficient enough to pick that 1 class out of 5 for me to farm. I probably have an average K/D ratio of 15kills, 3 deaths per game... if that's even a relatable marker. Anything that is 5deaths or higher in ranked means you're having a very bad game. [About The Build] I love Feel My Wrath as an elite instead of RF, and Zeal instead of Virtues, and Focus and off-hand Sword instead of GS. People cringe when they see my build but it honestly farms when it farms and every aspect of the build has a purpose, all the way down to Cleanse + Purge sigils on Sword/Focus. Focus#4 -- everytime it deals a single hit to a person it restarts my Fireworks relic. This gives a higher uptime of Fireworks compared to Brawler relics.... that and F3 for some unknown reason also procs Fireworks Hotfixed. Overall though, the build is dependent 100% on [Fury] + [Resolution] for damage. It takes a very high degree of boon awareness and/or utility awareness to do any damage to any person. Off-hand Sword is a necessity even if you want to swap it out. Same goes for Save Yourselves and/or FMW for max fury/reso uptime. There are other trait changes and utility changes to make GS and Renewed Focus work on this Valks build but i'm not gonna talk about those build variances All that said, the build has the same weaknesses as every other WB build. Cata/War/Virtuoso/Specter/(Vindi sometimes) can farm us. We are only effective if we are able to land hits. If we unload on some one who is invulnerable, we basically lose before the fight has even started. We lose because there is very little utilities to peel away (we don't have superspeed nor stealth) and very little sustainable items outside of F3 for us to comeback with another clutch burst BUT thanks to FMW's low cooldown compared to Renewed Focus, we MIGHT be able to land another clutch play. Renewed Focus elite is awesome in that you get another F3 but you could just end up hitting another brick wall of dealing 0 damage where a much needed quicker burst with your team could have helped. That and the incredibly long CD on RF is just crippling when quickly rotating around the map. In my opinion FMW just feels better. Both Willbender builds takes a high degree of mechanical ingenuity to make work past Plat1 leagues so there's no reason to argue if whether one meta build is better than the other.
  10. Had an AT match a couple days ago where me and another friend got dropped 4 times in a game.... was stupid annoying. We both had to log on vpn's which I'm not even sure helped because the damage was already done.
  11. Having to go against a full Plat team made up of alts while you're stuck with a mixture of Gold1's and Gold3s, all because matchmaking had an aneurysm. That is a bigger issue than anything else. Yall call it wintrading I call it bad mmr algorithms. It just shouldn't happen especially mid season. Yeah DuoQ can be a big issue especially when you can guarantee a solid side noder and/or pog dps roamer but the majority of pvp players in this game are casuals who just want to play with their friends and will most likely never experience wintrade issues if they haven't hit Gold3.
  12. Anything that does damage while also invulnerable/perma evade/etc. Fighting a virtuoso or hammer cata is very unfun. Shoot, stealth, shoot, stealth... DE needs to be reworked heavily. They're not even meta but everyone still wants them deleted from pvp. Like inflamed herpes. It's under control right now but I still feel miserable.
  13. It's good but not great. If Guard has 20k health with Valks, first block yields 1000 health which isn't bad but it can't help if you're already at full health. You can still get bursted down pretty quickly vs a power shatter mesmer or power ranger. Virtuoso is already annoying to deal with in 1v1, the Relic may make them even mote annoying but I wouldn't call the Relic OP necessarily.
  14. Agreed. DH replaced Core dps a long time ago (prior to the trapper runes nerf) and honestly, I don't miss core dps guard at all... but then again, I never played core guard meta builds in that era. The last core guard build that I liked was back when Writ of Persistence had better symbol healing along with a wider radius. Before that, I just liked burn guard more than core power bursts. Ironically, WB power bursts is the most fun I've had on any Guardian spec. I feel I should have just been an Engi main lol.
  15. They tried several times and failed. That is the point I am making. They can't keep throwing money away and pray that a product will just work... especially when they don't even know how Conquest has even lasted as long as it has. If they did, Stronghold wouldn't have failed so hard. You say that if they kept banging their heads against a brick wall that the wall will just go away but that is not reality. They use 99% of their resources for PvE and 1% for PvP. Most of that is in balances and honestly, we're lucky to have it. The devs said that the money spent in the Leagues were literally advertisement money. It just got to the point where it was no longer sustainable which sounds like standard business practices to me. If you don't put money into it then you can't possibly lose money. But you're talking like a professional developer here, please tell us how GW2 should proceed with PvP with a spreadsheet of how much it will cost for the company and a median profit margin long term.
  16. Except PvP is not a requirement for games to be successful. Actually it has never been a requirement. Just look at one of the newer games, Armored Core 6. Its PvP is incredibly basic with only 2 modes. No leaderboards and no progression system. Just a queue button. People rage over it but they still bought the game. The exceptions are PvP exclusive games like COD, LoL, etc. It's not a "mentality thing" it's just a fact and it's not like Anet never tried to invest in PvP. They allocated their advertisement funds into over-seas Tournaments until they lost the budget. They then allocated funds to make Stronghold...which was a larger failure than the Tournaments because it didn't increase the playerbase at all (the gamemode sucked) it was a 100% waste of funds. That was the final nail in the coffin. It is a miracle we even get balance patches at all.
  17. I agree with everything you said. Especially weapon tracking. Guardian's weapon tracking is hands down the absolute worse in the game. The only way to guarantee that Sword#3 hits, is by wasting a utility like Judges Intervention along side it so that you're literally cheek-to-cheek with the target. If they strafe once, you lose 90% of your damage lol... The only reason Sword is even relevant is because #2 is a port. This alone makes me feel like mainhand Pistol will replace Sword immediately on launch. Especially if mainhand Pistol has 2 ports or if Pistol's pew-pew burst lands more consistently compared to Sword#3. (I assume it will have some form of flashy-burst on the weapon alongside some kind of port). There's two sides for Willbender in PvP. The Willbenders that are able to 1-shot everyone up until they plateau in G3/Plat1, and the Competitive AT side where literally any-other class is a better 5th pick over Willbender. Teams may choose a WB because there doesn't seem to be a better player to fill that specific slot but the meta is very unforgiving if you're trying to be competitive. I've been around long enough to know where my place is, even if my head is the size of Mt. Fuji after a few beers worth of gaming lol.
  18. You're a walking contradiction... sometimes I'm certain you don't even know what you want for the very class you main.
  19. Ah ok Thanks!! I think I had double cleanse sigils on and I trolled myself lol. Removing things instead of fixing them, is very bad practice. A Relic that gives players more options to cleanse can definitely be an alternative over a 10% damage one, or some other utility Relic.
  20. I did a few tests (before the nerf) that showed that it self-cleansed me with zero CD meaning i could spam any cleanses and i'd get an extra +1 cleanse. After patch I did another test that showed it was the same situation but ngl... it was a quick test and it just felt the same. Just wasn't sure if this was 100% confirmed or not....
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