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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. Symbolic burst builds are fun. I certainly go all in for damage though, using Virt/Radi/Zeal with Zerk/Marauder amulet + Soldier runes utilizing "Advance!". You'll do LOTS of damage whether you take Scepter or not but currently Greatsword's 7k+ Leap of Faith is simply way too good to pass up on. I feel Val or Honor over Virtues is a waste. Free retal, free AoE cleanses, + a free Stunbreak is just toooo good to pass up on but, imo. Regardless, core guard burst DPS is solid and it's a build that can hit Plat. I go full damage Willbender, same treelines but with Zerk amulet. The biggest advantage on WB is its mobility and burst AoE potential over Core guard.
  2. Mhm... and i'm over here grinding soloQ as a WB losing 4 out of 10 "placements", only to be placed in G2 every single time. But I manage to grind to upper G3/Plat1 at the end of every season. Meanwhile, duoQ players are somehow getting a higher winrate percentage vs emo-solitary-soloQ players like myself ;_; Anet: "Oh you're Plat? Here, carry this Gold 2 Berserker War and G2 Mechanists... but there is a Plat3 duo on the other team that we need you to go up against. Don't worry, we gave them all Gold1 players so their average team rating is technically less than yours even IF they all happen to be meta classes like Cata and Spellbreaker. You'll get -21 points for L and +7 for W because you have the better odds!. Oh look the game was close so the system must be pretty good! Perfectly fine if you go up against them 3 more times in a row until you're back in low Gold3!!
  3. As a consistent G3/Plat1 player, not a SINGLE guard will use any of those skills at this level of play.... and for good reason. I have personally used Flash Combo because it's honestly a fun utility skill but sacrificing a stunbreak, or even a potential block/cleanse from "Advance!", simply isn't worth it. The most dissapointing out of all is Heaven's Palm.... It's sooooo embarrassingly BAD lol.
  4. I see the listed "bug" on the wiki. Previous patch also says: (PvE only) Recharge reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds, and damage multiplier increased from 1.25 to 2. Healing per foe hit increased from 235 to 1,053 in PvE, matching PvP and WvW So does this mean it's supposed to be 1.25 damage coeficient in PvP instead of 2? Oddly enough I haven't noticed a damage change. Currently the damage estimates puts LoF at 5k with Marauder amulet and 7k on Zerks (without damage modifiers). Leap of Faith currently feels fine to me. It's not even OP because we're having to run Berserker amulet to even get high damage off of GS but we're incredibly glassy as the tradeoff....I would be extremely disappointed if they lower the damage of GS
  5. EVERY single change on Firebrand in sPvP has been due to it overperforming in WvW... i honestly can't think of a single sPvP specific buff that wasn't done because of WvW... Sorry but you're better off with Core supp or WB dps.
  6. THIS 100% How in the world do i chase something with superspeed that throws 2k damage grenades behind them while i.... as a willbender with specific ports... can't land anything when they do this? Let me throw symbols behind me and CC people if they're allowed to kite lmao...
  7. Now that Ele no longer 1shots glass specs, build like Scrapper can flourish :3 It's the untelegraphed stealth bomb that players find toxic.... I could have sworn you could spot the Gyro hovering while the Scrapper was in stealth but maybe that's just my memory playing tricks on me.
  8. Something that can give a lot of damage but can't really take a lot of damage. Scrapper and zerk wb can be considered a glass bruiser while spellbreaker/hammer cata are bruisers.... This is just 1 out of 300 random terms i made up in my head. Hey you asked.
  9. What's comical about this thread js mesmers are not really meta, and they're not even an issue really... they are just reeeaallly annoying lol.
  10. The mistake was removing the channeling time on FB Mantras to begin with. Now everyone is complaining about missing their QoL when mantras were meant to be charged utilities. If mantras channeling time wasn't removed we honestly could have had an effect during the channel instead, similiar to how Mesmer's mantras work. If devs are worried about power creep, remove the 3rd powerful mantra and incorporate it into its mantra channeling time. I think the biggest issue amongst players is feeling like a sitting duck when trying to charge their mantras, that was the whole conversation about FB Mantras to begin with.
  11. I still feel Banish needs to have the port instead of just Mighty Blow... One of the issues I'm seeing is you can Banish some one but have to wait until Mighty Blow is off cd. Half the time I use Mighty Blow just to get in range for Banish lol.
  12. On that note, if they are Offline they shouldn't be allowed to message ANYBODY. Period. I honestly can't believe Anet still allows it.
  13. There's an unkillable Cata build that can literally 1v2 - 1v3. I've been playing around in WvW the last couple of days and saw that no one could take down this Ele.
  14. Issue: F1 burn application is not working at all / Virtues are not overlapping. I was able to replicate the glitch easier by weapon swapping during the cast of Virtues but there's definitely a glitch going on with F1 not overlapping other virtues. This has been mentioned on Reddit as well as the Guardian forums.
  15. I was able to replicate the glitch easier by weapon swapping after allowing your virtues from fully channeling all the way through.... Sometimes Permeating Wrath is working, other times it clearly doesn't. There's definitely a class breaking glitch going on here.... I hope it gets fixed quickly. EDIT: I submitted the feedback to the Bugs section, along with a video clip of F1 clearly not working during F2 activation.
  16. ....if you've played this game for so long then why do you sound like a silver player? Your complaints has been 100% about Scrapper. Scrapper is currently a Yolo build bro. Go BRRR hard or go home. Don't like the spec? Try Holo. Holo is arguably more OP than Scrapper in ranked Conquest and it's also a higher skill ceiling spec compared to Scrapper. Scrapper will burst like a Berserker War except it's slightly more mobile. Both of which are glassy specs. Same for Willbender. Same for Weaver. Honestly this thread should be moved to the Engi forums lol.
  17. As a trash WB I've been farming Tempest Ele.. but hammer cata goes brrr, so does war. There's room for a +1 support now such as core bunker Guard alongside supp Ele. Two supports means you can run 3 glass bruisers if you wanted to.
  18. Overwatch and LoL have some of the best reporting features I've seen in a game. People have literally gotten banned within an hour or two worth of heavy toxicity banter. GW2..? You can be toxic for 2 years and not get banned lol. The automated report feature is either non existent or is way too lenient. Saying "kys" should be instantly flagged for shadowbanning..
  19. Queue times would be quicker for 2v2 & 3v3 gamemodes because matchmaking pulls less players. Match quality would improve drastically IF this was soloQ only... this would be true for Conquest as well. The problem this game continues to have is premades; people are dodging premades, leading to solo/duo to go up against top25, resulting in more blowout games. Generally the Leaderboards top 3 or top 5 players don't really have much for competition. Incorporating AT fixed the 5's premade toxicity issue but there's still the issue with premade dodges & player rotation boosting in ranked duoQ conquest and the miniseason..... so why not just have 2v2/3v3 AT's for the miniseason, while also making 5v5 Ranked soloQ only? 5's AT every 2hrs 2's/3's AT every 30minutes during the mini-season. 5v5 Ranked SoloQ only | Miniseason gamemodes Ranked soloQ | Unranked 5's remains the same. Edit: There will still be rating/match manipulation but top players attempting to queue sync, with multiple accounts, would be more difficult if ALL Ranked enabled gamemodes were soloQ.
  20. Yeah i agree Hammer still sucks.
  21. Oh you actually want more soloQ gamemodes? Don't you know that's not part of Anet's road map... even if more modes is what 99.9% of the PvP Playerbase wants?
  22. Don't you know that class prowess is based off of how many Bronze players you can 1vX?
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