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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. There's a few DH players who never used trapper runes because they just prefer running a different build and that's fine. Glad your build wasnt effected. For everyone else, we lost an entire build and that is not cool.
  2. They probably put it on the backlog, meaning they'll get to it in 6 to 9 months :)!
  3. My build got buffed lol... Relic of the Defender will give you 1k health every 5 seconds, reducing down to 1% if you block an attack if it's within that 5s cd. The heal is noticeable when using F3. EDIT: Actually Antitoxin works with Signet of Resolve.... rofl 2 condi cleansed every 5 seconds is strong af. This may be best in slot.
  4. bro u resurrected a1 year old post... just to say that you're leaving? Here. Let me show you the door... -> [ .]
  5. Here's how my build plays. Won an AT vs a pretty decent team. Willbender isn't the best class but it isn't the worse... you can make it "work" and hit Plat. I'm currently sitting above 1500 rating.
  6. I'm a SoloQ G3/Plat1 exclusively Willbender player. You'll be sitting quite comfortably in G3 if you play the class really well.... but That Said... if you're good on any class you'll be sitting in G3 comfortably (and honestly with less effort). WB lacks more in AT compared to soloQ/duoQ and I've already shared my frustrations on that aspect. WB is not unbearably bad. You just need a few thousand hours on the class to carry your team and farm other WB's lol. Or farm tempests, thieves, chrono, non-toughness necros... there will be at least 1 class in every other soloQ game you can farm. This is basically the Zerker power burst WB build on Metabattle. This is the build that I use (almost the same amount of burst damage but at 20k health) The build that I use is very different than what's on Metabattle and I have been using it a couple seasons before Signet heals was buffed. The biggest difference between the two builds: Pros: There's a noticeable difference on survivability when using Valks. The chances of getting 1-shot memed by a stealthed Scrapper or Soulbeast is lower but never 0. An Extra 7k or 9k health is a big overhead. Cleanses are better thanks to Signet of Mercy (1 condi every 5 seconds, 2 on activation). The elite "Feel My Wrath" can be used four times for every single usage of Renewed Focus. You will almost never be without an elite when you engage some one. Rotations around the map will feel better with FMW. Cons: Does not burst as consistently as Zerks & you don't have that fail-safe Renewed Focus button (which can honestly win 1v1's better than FMW sometimes). Not everyone will like losing their RF, nor will everyone be able to quickly chain F3/Sword#5, F1 etc. when quickness is activated. I'm in the process of making a video for how Valks FMW plays but i'll try to post something this weekend if I get the free time. If anyone have questions on the build or weapon-set choices let me know :)!
  7. Also F1 doesnt track when some one stealths during your F1 activation, when every other WB skill does.
  8. Fact of the matter is no one uses that in G2+ and definitely not in high Plat or AT's.... It doesn't do anything for WB in sPvP (or wvw idk) because you're going to survive 9 times out of 10 during the WHOLE duration of F3 anyways... so there's no point in the trait. Especially since it is in direct competition of Tyrant's Momentum. Aint no way Willbenders are passing up a 25% damage modifier. (this is coming from a player who's G3/Plat1 in NA/EU) I had to reply because I don't want any Guard players thinking this is a good trait to use unless they're memeing in WvW blobs or something.
  9. This has existed since launch. You get knocked back/Pulled/Launched etc and you SOME HOW end up in the map/staircase/box/pixel. I just lost a match where we literally lost by SIX POINTS all because one of out teamates at the last minute (where the person could have contested point) got stuck at a stairs and it snowballed us.... the game was rightfully hours.
  10. So wb f3 can be active on say, Core Guard, using Whirling Wrath in a mob? Noice... niche but noice.
  11. What issue is it? Did the icd get removed or something?
  12. This kind of brings up a memory. Remember the time Anet did a straw poll whether or not class swapping pre-match should be allowed or not? 58% was in favor of class swapping prior to game start... Now after the fact... I wonder how many top players simply made/used alt accounts to vote on the forums in favor of class swapping. I guarantee you the majority of players between Bronze and Gold2 don't multiclass. Anyways. I'm surprised Anet doesn't feel embarrassed for having their Chicken tenders in the hands of these top pvp players for literally years lol. They might as well release a statement that says, "yeah we don't know how to handle the situation uh... stop paying them for titles I guess idk."
  13. I'm thinking it will have somewhere around 600 range, but not further than 900. It's most likely a condi version of Scepter with more attacks to proc virtues, and minor shadowstep or blind utilities. Honestly I am very curious how Anet meshes Pistol for Guard. I'm thinking if Engineer's pp & Thief's pp had a baby, that would be Guard's pp.
  14. 10% would increase a single burn tick an additional 40 to 50 damage per f1 burn proc. That's only marginal until you stack 10+ burns for an additional 400 - 500 damage/sec. I wouldn't mind more condi modifiers for guard but that could get OP pretty quickly. If Anet wanted guard to have unique modifiers or any at all for that matter, they wouldn't have nerfed Amplified Wrath's burn damage.
  15. I never said it can't win 1v1's, it is just not the best 1v1 spec and it never should be (as much as I want wb to be).
  16. We have been asking for a soloQ ranked league for a very long time and the excuse is always, "iT wIlL sEpErAtE tHe pOpUlAtIoN"..... then they release Stronghold immediately afterwards lol. There's no reason to not have a SoloQ lonewolf leaderboards with their own solo rewards/titles.
  17. Should they? I think a lot of players would disagree with that statement. Especially after experiencing the Cata meta for like, 4 seasons in a row... if what you said was true then this game's rock-paper-scissors balance would be offset. A WB that does insane AoE shouldn't win every 1v1 engagement and that's half the reason why (for a brief time) it was OP. Same applies to your Druid, same applies to Cata. If you want buffs in a specific area for a spec like condi ranger, asking for nerfs towards a class you lost to isn't the way to go about it. Condi ranger is a trash spec in PvP the further up you climb the ratings. I agree with you to an extent that SOME condi specs needs to get buffed *cough guard cough*.... but condi shouldn't be anything more than a side-node duelist. Condi meta has always been ill-received in PvP.
  18. So you basically want your Condi SB (doesn't carry as well as power sb and can get hard countered at times) and Power Druid (doesn't carry as well as power sb and can get hard countered at times) to be buffed so it can 1v1 a War? Why didn't you lead with that from the get-go? Do you know how many classes in sPvP that's capable of winning 1v1's consistently on more than one spec in G3/Plat1+?? I can think of MAYBE 2 classes in the game and one of them is War.
  19. Jot down their aka. Log into your alt and make two atrociously demeaning paragraphs in notepad, the latter being worse off than the formal. Whisper him the first paragraph then copy/pasta the second into his mail. Then immediately block him. This is peak GW2 PvP retaliation.
  20. There's something about the way you described Focus#4 that triggers be and I can't quite explain why.
  21. Well... to be fair there are far worse threads than this one. Some one QQ'd about DH's 1s stealth, all because "I can't select him when he reappears this is bs". There are so many individuals who are mechanically challenged in this game... it's kind of surreal.
  22. One of them got killed by an NPC in HotM... i don't think that's a good idea lol.
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