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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. Fought a Vindi, War, Supp Chrono, DE, Necro, comp... couldn't damage any of them. I took off my cloths and wore speedos, same issue. I can't climb out of Bronze. I change religions twice. I don't know what to do anymore Anet. I'm at my wit's end! Please buff Willybenders!
  2. Low population is an issue, certainly, but the biggest issue is player quality. If there were solid pvp players then the mentioned issues above wouldn't be all that bad. That's probably the #1 reason why the devs are adding that "training pvp map" (paraphrasing) come the expansion.
  3. It's why I'm starting to use cover boons such as sigil of Might but... if the person I'm fighting is plat, even that doesn't make a difference lol. I'll likely die 1v1 if the class is actually plat running a broken wvw roamer build more toxic than wb. An example is Cata. A good Cata running a 1v1 roamer spec are Godly in wvw.
  4. So many asssumptions here. Can somebody post a dang video!? If you come across this War with his consistent 8k Dagger crits over and over, I imagine it could be easy to get a clip.....
  5. I can't help but wonder if these unranked pro gamers ran into me and think WB is OP lol.
  6. Exactly the queue times would be astronomical. This isn't an argument, it's just a fact because Anet has attempted to do exactly what OP is wanting but it failed. If you don't know your history, then you risk repeating it.
  7. Max games played has always been on the lower end, mostly because Anet wants the casual, full time worker + family person, to be able to have a chance at completing the season. Three'ish games per day isn't a difficult feat. I don't know what determines a season's max # of games but if a Dev thinks it would change anything about mmr, players in top 100, etc... well, it clearly wouldn't change anything for obvious reasons.
  8. I remember finishing a season at a previous placement was a thing that an Anet dev stated, but it doesn't feel like it works that way anymore. I always finish the season in plat, but it's a 50/50 as to whether or not I end up in Gold2 or upper Gold 3 after my placements. Albeit, I lose 2 or 3 placement matches but it's always a grind going back up to Plat1. Sometimes I do excellent in my placements by winning 9 out of 10 games and I end up in upper plat.... but it's completely inconsistent. Last season I ended up in Gold1 and it was a wild climb back up to plat. Like... what?
  9. It has generally always been that way tbh. Ele, especially Cata, needed a hard nerf for sure but a nerf to Cata also nerf's other Ele specs along with it... noticeably Weaver. I always thought Weaver was fine but perhaps that's only because they couldn't insta burst me down compared to say, a thief or mesmer. Cata isn't exactly meta currently but that's only because Vindi/War/Untame are over performing. If they get nerfed, more players would go back to Cata for sidenoding.
  10. Welcome brother The water feels quite nice down here.
  11. What he stated is literally how it works. I was around when the devs first started to incorporate the PiP, division, and algorithm system we currently have. They nearly made instant queue pops, that didn't work for obvious reasons. Then they made the queue be 7minutes or longer and the devs themselves said that it did not change match quality much, at all. If you are asking golds to play with only golds, silver with silvers and plats with plats then you're going to have some astronomical queue times. I'm talking about 10m or even 15m queues at the Bronze to Plat bell curve. Not only will you have these extremes, but matchmaking quality is not going to change as much as you hope it would.
  12. I've thought about putting together a "community" rank bot system in Discord, where you can !register >name<, then anyone at anytime can !queue for games. The bot will place a player on a team amongst others who queue in this way. Just an interesting take for some 5v5 in-house games, especially for off season, but I no longer have the time to set something like that up... it's just been a project I've had in my head for a while.
  13. Only issues I've experienced this season has been ping related. Specifically in AT's. Everyone on my screen would freeze on occasion, then I start getting the "unable to connect to game server" popup error. I manage to open up my ping menu and it will say 300ping average when it happens.
  14. How old is this game? 12 years? If Conquest was going to "die" it would have back in 2012. The players who keep the game mode alive have been the average casual gamers and the casual veteran gamers who come and go. The biggest issue with Conquest has always been the skill dispersity-- newbies immediately getting steamrolled by casual veterans within the first few games. You say Conquest isn't complicated, but then list off what all the new players would call complicated. Targeting enemies through particle effects, understanding what passives a class has after a single engagement or handling "teleports" efficiently throughout a Conquest match is what Plat players do on the daily. The whole purpose of the new game mode is to reduce the gap between players who finds your list to be an issue, and the players who don't.
  15. "Necro's now has to say a phrase before they cast Chill to the Bone, within 1.25 seconds. "I am about to cast Chill to the Bone so you better get ready!" Even though it is said really fast within that 1.25 seconds, we feel this gives necessary counterplay to a powerful elite." -Anet
  16. I normally just run the opposite direction.
  17. Popular does not mean more efficient. The vast majority wants a soloQ, Lone-wolf style pvp, with its own leaderboards preferably... but we'll never get that.
  18. The only way anyone gets banned is if there's physical evidence (or other) that shows match manipulation. Whether they're literally running around the map, just pressing 1 button, have 0 armor, etc. What sucks is the responsibility falls on the players. We're the ones who has to report the player in-game, take a screen shot, then head over to the GW2 website's Report a Player section to fill out paperwork. There's quite a few plat players who are savvy on catching these match manip players when they see it happen in-game. That's how these certain accounts are getting banned. No one gets banned for simply class sync duo queueing even if you see 4 Guardians on the same team. Some one class sync queued then swapped to Guard before entering the match and that's apparently allowed according to Anet.
  19. This is the algorithm according to the wiki. Basically it tries to reduce the number of classes on a given team. So if you go, for example, duo thief, you're going to have a very big chance of getting a thief on the opposite team. Not just that, the chances of your Main spec being on your own team is much higher for obvious reasons. If you main Necro and want a necro on your team, duoQ with a partner and run double engi. You'll get a necro on your team and no Engi's ever unless they swap to Engi right when their queue pops (so it looks like they entered the match as that spec). That's just one part of matchmaking abuse. The second is GuildTeam. If you set a GuildTeam (one of the tabs in your guild), there's a 50% chance that you'll go against a guild team. Sync queue with 4 people and you're guaranteed to have 3 of them in the same game, mix and matched amongst the two teams. Queue after hours and matchmaking will basically make this a guarantee. This pvp algorithm is at the heart of mmr abuse. Make a number of accounts, sync queue to boost an account, rinse and repeat. This has been said before but for one reason or another people don't seem to care about what's in this Glicko algorithm. The community wants to remove duoQ but the community don't talk about the pvp algorithm and how players are abusing the matchmaking system by simply using what Anet put in place. This is the top 25 and top 100 of NA and EU mini game And yes, not every single PvP player that queues, are part of this minigame system that the top 25 are playing.
  20. I have another account, matchmaking doesn't change. Point volatility at the start of the season will differ a little but match quality has been pretty much the exact same. There is such a thing as elo hell, though. I've done so terrible in my initial Placements that I end up in Gold1 and have to make the long grind to Gold 3 (NA). Sometimes you'll be the MvP going 20kills 2 deaths, farming everyone... but still manage to lose because your teammates got farmed harder. That's what elo hell is. Grinding out of Gold1 can be such a hassle but not impossible.
  21. I've always thought this game had a class design issue. The ceiling between WB and Cata is so astronomically large that you have two different extremes going on. WB is easy to use and even easier to master, so you have more of them farming newish players. On the other hand Cata (before it was gutted) could fill every single role on the map but very few people played like a God, so it remained unchecked for multiple seasons in a row. Even during the core cele days back in 2014, players ran at minimum 2 ele's on a team but it wasn't nearly as big of an issue in regular rank pvp... people in 2014 were still complaining about core burst guard doing too much damage 😐
  22. Is that not what's currently happening? 🤔 This has been said a plethora of times already but the devs gave us the vote option to either allow class swapping, or disallow it. I wanted it to be static 100% of the time because I wanted an individual class leaderboard system similiar to what Dark and Darker has. Aside from that... there's other matchmaking issues that needs fixing instead of us talking about whether or not duoQ should be removed.
  23. PvP resources has always been allocated from their "advertisement funds" according to one of the devs, years ago. That statement was made around the time they denounced the international pvp tournaments overseas. We're honestly fortunate to get pvp updates at all. Some titles may be gatekept but AT's isn't... at least not in the same way as Seasons are. There just isn't any real competition. Just a couple teams on NA & EU. GW2 PvP isn't this Doom and Gloom that players are making it out to be...not every single game you are in is a match manip. Sometimes (most of the time) you just have really bad, newish players, on the team that seem like they're throwing but they're just bad lol.
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