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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Ending Soon (newly counting down) Under 7 days: Bloodstone Glider, Celestial Rooster Glider, Soul River GliderEnding Soon (continuing countdowns) Team Effort Edition #2Contributions from @Raknar.4735 | @Donari.5237 | @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop!
  2. Ending Soon Under 24 hours: Marjory's Axe & Dagger skins, Peacock Scepter SkinUnder 48 hours: Amethyst Aegis, Kasmeer's Staff, Menzies Agony, Zafirah's RifleUnder 72 hours: Dragon Kama, Elegant Fan Focus, Storm Bow, BL Keys & Scrap Package, Elite Reinforcements, Raven's Helm, Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering tools, Crystal Nomad Outfit, Mini Shrine Guardian, Noble Count Outfit, Shadow Assassin Oufit, Under 4 days: Arcane Outfit, Fancy Winter Outfit, Primeval Dervish OutfitUnder 6 days: Wings of Love Backpack Glider ComboUnder 7 days: Sheet Music Glider, Bat Wings Glider ComboTeam Effort Edition #1Contributions from @Raknar.4735 & @Donari.5237@everyone please PM me corrections/updates and I'll add them to the list (to keep things tidy; thanks) @Astral Projections.7320 speedy recovery to your laptop!
  3. I use one key for mounts, with modifiers for each. Default is Griffon, with alt, ctrl, and shift giving me bunny, raptor, and jackal. The other mounts are covered by ctrl+shift and alt+shift. There's room for alt+ctrl. I'm not against a contextual default mount, but it wouldn't improve the situation for me.
  4. They designed the current system assuming that wouldn't ever be desirable (bad assumption, as it turned out, but their original goal was a game that would make that option seem superfluous). However, it's been some time since people have provided ANet with good reasons for swapping instances, so I hope they've put some time in figuring out some alternatives. Queues are the obvious choice, but as @"Danikat.8537" points out, often worse than the status quo. Another possibility would be to auto-populate LFG when there are multiple instances (making it similar to the "choose a district" option in GW1). The game could also change the conditions under which a new map spawns (e.g. soft-capping with fewer people, so that more instances spawn, reducing the need for map swapping), timing out instances more readily (to mitigate the impact of stalled event chains), and providing more transparency in LFG ("this squad is in IP 231, which is nearly full" etc).
  5. (I'm not saying I'm a fan of all of the dialogue; I just don't think that anyone can claim a neutral evaluation.)
  6. Black Lion Instant Level 80 Ticket 2000 gemsCentral Tyria Waypoint Unlock Cache 2000 gemsCharacter Slot Expansion 800 gems(2) Bag Slot Expansion 800 gems (400 eaches)Bank Tab Expansion 600 gems This is a great deal if you want everything on the list. The Insta-80 and all-core-WP items alone retail for 4k total. I'd say an ideal customer for the package is someone with a friend who is a GW2 vet and wants to "catch up" (or a vet wanting to play one of their alt accounts without going through the usual steps).
  7. That was my assumption, too.I meant, they have made actual statements that suggest that they don't consider the mid-sizes to be a goal; they are described as intermediate steps along the way. In addition, I presume that they might think people are more likely to train crafting disciplines on all characters so that each can upgrade their soulbound bags if needed - which I think is something people are not likely to do.This seems incredibly implausible to me, especially if you grant that ANet doesn't seem to think the intermediate sizes are important. I can't see any reason why they'd expect anyone to worry about crafting disciplines: after encountering the binding issue once, why would anyone choose to start the process on someone who couldn't finish it? You'd either go to 32-slot immediately or wait until you could for the 24- and 28- bags.
  8. Again, that's not answerable in the context you have put it. Objectively, it has plenty of the features that set legendaries apart. But plenty of people think some gemshop weapons are "more legendary" than legendary weapons, and plenty do not. It's still not an "objective" question, because reasonable people are going to disagree. My impression at this point is that the OP is looking for validation of their opinion. The thing is, all that is needed for that is to make a cogent statement about what they think is underwhelming. If one is really interested in an objective view, then the thread would start off by trying to establish a consensus for the criteria we'd use to determine how legendary a weapon is (or isn't). Then that criteria would be applied to all the legendaries (not just the ones the OP finds lacking), as well as all the gem shop skins, plus a few candidates from other sources that people seem to consider to have "legendary-like qualities." And, of course, that still wouldn't be 100% objective, any more than any artistic rating schema is, but it would at least be an objective approach to comparing features.
  9. Yes, using an API key. Two user-friendly sites that help with this are: GW2 EfficiencyGW2 TimerThey'll walk you through what you need to do.
  10. Take the Oscar choice for best film. Academy members don't separate their emotional feelings from watching the film from whether it's well crafted. That's why some years, we see the "feel good" movie winning, other years, the envelope tells us it's one that put everything together in the best possible way. You have expectations for what "legendary" means that don't match other people's preconceptions. And that's fine. You might even find that the vast majority of players agree and the minority that doesn't might not object much. But that's different from trying to establish some sort of objective criteria and deciding by committee whether any particular weapon meets those standards. Regarding the specific weapons: I'm afraid I do think that Flames of War is as good as it can be for that design choice, but I happen to hate that design choice. There's absolutely no tweak that could be made at this point that would make me want to wield that. Sharur... if I used hammer, I'd choose that one over Juggernaut, but it would be close: I like both and I have no concerns about the amount of flash in each.
  11. I think the "best" pair is probably Bolt + Shining Blade. One has literal flash; the other has stated elegance. Most people seem to like one and dislike the other (often passionately). In the end, it's a matter of taste... and there's no accounting for it.
  12. ANet seems to think that people are more likely to upgrade if the penultimate sizes are bound. Personally, I think ANet needs to choose: do they want the number of bag slots to be bound? (as it has been since launch) or the bags themselves to be bound (as only 24- and 28-slot bags are). The current situation is unnecessarily confusing, frustrating, and has so little economic benefit that it's not worth sticking to whatever principle ANet thinks is at stake.
  13. I don't agree with the OP. The human female voice acting isn't "bad" in my opinion; it just isn't better than okay. What I find interesting is that no matter which voice actor someone picks, there are players that love love love it, and others that hate it to the point that they'll refuse to play that race/gender combination. Me? I won't play female norn; if I never hear "new land; new land" again, it would still be too soon. (I don't like the VA's live action work either.) But Claudia Christian has intense fans (to be fair, mostly men of the certain age that would have had them watching Babylon 5 in their formative years). And I love both the asura voices, which some can't stand. In the end, it's just a matter of personal taste.
  14. Season 1 Memory Box: Flame & Festivals: 200 gems (10 for 1500)Season 1 Memory Box: Scarlet vs LA: 200 gems (10 for 1500) The market value of these is tricky to estimate, because the values of the drops are going to drop this month (due to renewed availability of the contents), the drops rates of the high value items are low, and, well, the community is fickle about how important any of this is. Instead, here's my generic advice for RNG loot boxes: Do not buy to get a bargain on specific items or a huge windfall in selling your drops. You are better waiting a few days and buying things on the TP.Do buy only if you like the thrill of anticipation just before opening, when anything can happen (but usually, you'll just get the el cheapo drops).Sprocket Highlights Flame & Festivals Memory Box Drop Highlights Scarlet vs LA Memory Box Drop Highlights Data from a Mere 30 Boxes
  15. Wedding Preparation: 1560 GemsRetail Value: 2150 gems Wedding Outfit: 1000 750 gemsName Change Contract: 800 gemsTotal Makeover Kit: 350 GemsBouquet of Roses: 250 gemsTeleport to Friend x5 (not sold separately)This is one of the best package deals the gem shop offers (as always, assuming you want everything). It's almost a good deal if you want just the outfit and the name change contract, since those alone sell separately for 1800 1550 gems. Caveat: it's theoretically possible to spend less, if you can get to the outfit via vouchers (when on sale last, they cost 630 gems or less) and the name change contract has been sold for 600 gems within the last year. Even then, 1560 gems is a good price if you also wanted the makeover kit & the bouquet. And, of course, this is theoretical: there's no guarantee if or when those discount prices will become available in the future.
  16. Instead of necroing a 6 month old thread, you could just speak to Drooburt in Divinity's Reach; his ghost is accepting as much luck as you are willing to give him
  17. This turns out to be directly connected to how they were able to manage mounts and sitting in chairs in the first place. Basically, they either hold the size of the mount fixed and adjust the size of the character to fit or maintain the size of the character and grow|shrink the mount to fit. (I believe they actually took a compromise route.) The first ends up looking better more often in more situations; the latter ends up terrible with the tallest possible Norn & Charr., and tiny asura looking, well, as you say. To compare, imagine taking one of the screenshots of the raptor from the wiki, add 50% to its height (to match the tallest norn relative to shortest human) and then placing it into your game. It would dominate the screen. In other words, like any compromise, it's not perfect.
  18. Natural Disaster Tools (1000 gems each)Earthshaker Mining comes with Tailor's Glyph.Firestorm Logging comes with Industry GlyphThunderstrike Harvesting comes with Leatherworker's Glyph. Maths:Glyph of Industry runs from 300-400 gold on the trading post, which would convert to 900-1200 gems. (If you already have 1000 gems, you'd get around 225-230 gold, not enough to buy the glyph.)Leatherworker Glyph runs at ~180 gold, roughly 550 gems after converting, so not a bargain unless you specifically want both.Tailor glyph is valued around 95 gold, around 270 gems.RecommendationsFirestorm Logging is a great choice if you want the glyph, because you get the tool for at or below the cost as buying the upgrade alone on the TP.Thunderstrike Harvesting is not a bargain, unless you already want both.The Earthshaker Mining doesn't have any special financial valuation, besides looking good while breaking up rocks.(I rewrote the post entirely due to mismatch of glyphs; confirmed all the data via wiki, main GW2 page, and Dulfy.) (Do let me know via personal message if it needs another edit.)(Also thanks to @WyvrnRipsnarl.5918, whose timely correction I saw only after I finished publishing my corrections.)
  19. It's moot today, since all the maps are fresh as of the last hour or so. Now would be a good time to try. If it bugs out again, then yes, players have successfully organized to create a new instance of a map. Ideally, you want a large guild that can arrange for 50+ people. Set up a couple of commanders in the map, and then advertise in LFG (for Kourna) plus the major cities plus during the end of any concurrent meta. Say that you are working on creating a new map to help people progress "Guns Germs & Steal." Ask them to taxi to the commander. As soon as someone ends up in a different map, they drop squad and start an LFG to taxi anyone who needs a fresh map. It's not difficult; it just takes coordinating a lot of people. Well, okay, it's no more difficult than herding a bunch of hungry cats.
  20. There are already more options for earning points in Central Tyria relative to the total needed compared to HoT or PoF.49 required for Core; 82 available. 112 in HoT; 138 available. LS3 adds 24 so 136 with 186 available. (Not counting raids.)52 for basic mounts in PoF; 86 available. Griffon 12 for 64 from 86. Including LS4 means 90 required from 120 available.Well that comparison misses some important dimensions.1) The percentage comparison is not a good comparison. Surplus is a better one in my view. So core has a surplus amount of 33. HoT has a surplus of 50 and PoF a surplus of 30.Why isn't percentage useful? There's a huge surplus in Core by comparison and importantly, if you don't fractal or build legendary weapons, there's no use for those mastery lines. 2) Then look at the ease and speed of acquiring them. And this is the biggest issue. Core points are generally a lot more work and challenging to get.Ease & speed are important, but it's not true that core points are "generally a lot more work." There are many that are easy, including a number of fractal achievements. The barrier there is that some people are intimidated by that dungeon. However, there are lots of players who would be happy to help folks get the mastery unlocks. 3) Lastly, HoT and PoF mastery points are open world and story related. However, the points from fractals are not separate from open world content and not everybody does fractals so how does it look when you subtract the points from fractals?Why would you want to ignore some of the easier points to obtain? And even if you did, you're left with 65 available for 38 to max; still a generous amount of wiggle room. You see that's my main issue because it does affect my xp bar because I don't do fractals and it's a lot trickier to get core tyria points.There are all sorts of sources for spirit shards; XP is only one of them. All in all my conclusion is that it's a lot easier to get PoF and HoT mastery points maxed than core points and personally I feel that 3-5 points in open world wouldn't be a bad thing, Insights or otherwise.I'm not at all against more mastery points. I just don't see that it's accurate to portray the current situation as a major obstacle.
  21. There are already more options for earning points in Central Tyria relative to the total needed compared to HoT or PoF. 49 required for Core; 82 available. 112 in HoT; 138 available. LS3 adds 24 so 136 with 186 available. (Not counting raids.)52 for basic mounts in PoF; 86 available. Griffon 12 for 64 from 86. Including LS4 means 90 required from 120 available.
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