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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. To clarify (since there have been a variety of sub-threads within this main thread): Crafting a single astral unlocks the ability to purchase all the recipes for stellar.Crafting all of either set costs 8k kralk-ore (plus recipe costs); crafting both costs 16k. These costs are the same since LS4.1 launched.What changed is how many chests can be farmed via the metas on the map. This affects nothing for those who did the meta 1x/day or less (most people); it obviously was meant to affect those who farmed multiple times.The OP asks if anyone is bothered by this change, if anyone agrees that this means that collecting a full set of either (or both) skins is now too onerous. Most people seem to say: no, not really. Neither set is part of a collection, neither set was easily obtained before, & only one of the supply chains for the mats were affected.
  2. My position as the OP was that 16,000 krakaltite ore is a daunting undertaking and with supply caches nerfed I was wondering if anyone else thought the price needed adjusting.No wonder since (a) it's 8000 kralk ore and (b) you have ignored all other sources.There's no question it's a big undertaking. However, as I said above I can't agree that there's a new issue, because I've never farmed Istan. The most I've managed to do it was once in a day, four times in the same week. For me, the change to the Istan meta is a buff (assuming the kralk drop rate remains the same; I haven't seen any comparison data suggesting its changed).
  3. It's only 500; there's no upgrading. Only one astral is required to unlock the vendor to purchase recipes for all the stellar weapons. In fact, it costs 48 gold worth of materials for a stellar weapon plus the irradiated vision crystal, which requires: 48 gold of standard matsvision crystal (standard for ascended gear)500 kralkatite Ore, must be farmed500 powdered quartz = at most 4.5 gold on the TP1 rose quartz = at most 7 silver60 ecto = ~20 goldtl;dr The rose quartz (powdered or otherwise) is a nominal expense in a long term undertaking, no significant grind is required (for the quartz; the full collection, of course, is a slog in some form).
  4. All it means is that we can track the QA's team progress as to whether it's unresolved, close to being resolved, or was already fixed. It's significant information, but not necessarily indicative of priorities or progress details.
  5. ANet rarely comments on suggestions. When they do and say "no," it's because they've already spent time considering the idea and determined the actual implementation to be more complex than it appears from the outside. One can choose not to trust ANet's evaluation, but to be consistent, that would also mean not trusting them to get it right anyhow.
  6. I don't see that as a problem. Completing the Stellar set is a long term goal for me; it will finish when it finishes, so I'm in no rush.And my time horizon is much longer than 105 days, as I never could stand to do the Istan meta more than a few times a week. Most of my kralk is from map completion & reward tracks, so it trickles in slowly.
  7. Large guilds have been successful in forcing new maps, with "only" a full squad of players, usually because the instance already has a lot of folks, so adding 50 is enough.
  8. You can already do this yourself. Create additional chat tabs, with different bits of chat enabled/disabled.Swap to them as appropriate to your taste. (There's even a keyboard shortcut, although I find it simpler to click.)For example, I have the following: Base: Most things enabled, except for NPC/item, /emote, combat info.Rosebud: to avoid spoilers for new story patches, disables all player chat, except party & whisper.OJ: for concentrated focus in instant instanced parts of the game. It disables the chattiest of the guilds to which I belong.Combat: combat info onlySystem: game messages plus NPCs
  9. One of the devs posted the following on Reddit today: FYI you can do this in-game using the /bug tool, via a customer support ticket, posting here, or replying to that reddit post. I encourage use of the /bug tool: it's probably least effort for you and if you use it in Kourna on the character that is stalled, they'll gain additional diagnostic details that could help.
  10. Retail Values: 1950 gems plus choice of Onyx & Gold BL Weapon skins Shrine Guardian Outfit 700 gemsMini Shrine Guardian 400 gemsOnyx & Gold Black Lion Weapon Choice (not available directly; you choose a weapon type & unlock the gold & onyx lion version of it)5x Crimson Lion Dye Kits 500 gems (none of the exclusive colors are currently valued above 10g, and those aren't guaranteed drops).Total Makeover Kit 350 gemsGiven that the exclusive dye colors are cheap on the TP now, I don't recommend this for anyone unless they want that choice of Onyx & Gold skins, in which case this is an acceptable deal. If you don't really care about that, just buy the items you want directly.
  11. What I was trying to clarify is that others weren't concerned with the price or whether the company selling you the card is a legitimate business. They were saying it's not clear that it's an official retailer. And if it's not, then there's a serious risk of one's money going to waste.
  12. What people are trying to tell you is that they can't find the company you mentioned on the official list of retailers. And some are finding it suspicious that a company is making a profit selling those gems at that level of discount. (And as noted, the OP was asking about how to fix a problem with the in-game tool for purchasing gems, so it's not necessarily useful to them to be shown a Dutch website.) The official NE sites I found are: Bart SmitBOL.comGamemaniaMediaMarkt
  13. I finished Minstrel 1 a some months back and didn't have any trouble. Just needed to be on an organized map.Technically, it's possible without being on an organized map, but in practice, at least a few people need to be familiar with the fight to be ready to CC quickly and dish out enough damage. That is more likely to happen on an organized map. I believe there's still at least one guild each on NA & EU that run Dry Top regularly. In NA, it's [sAND]: In your shoes (with more than a few attempts), I'd whisper the commander a request to make sure it gets done.
  14. I remember having trouble finding them, too. The loyalists seem to spawn some distance away from where I'd expect them.
  15. Further, the only way that ANet knows which locations are bugged is if someone tells them. "Someone" doesn't have to be you, of course. But if everyone waits for someone else, then I'm not sure how we can reasonably expect things to get fixed. I do report a lot of the issues I've seen, but you'll note I'm not experiencing some of the issues you've claimed. I can't report those.
  16. I've been doing this non-stop and the only missing one is the sauna room, and it's just one location. In cases where I thought it had zero loot, I realized later that I forgot that I had pressed [f] earlier to get the loop. I've not found any of the chests inside a wall. They have been on the other side of a wall, on top of something, and so on. They aren't just in corners or edges. They can be on top of stuff or in the middle of some rubble. Or on ramps. If you are finding bugs, you have three options: Use the /bug reporting feature. This automatically records your location, so if you stand right on top of the chest you think is a problem (or next to the wall you believe is in the way), ANet will be able to backtrack and reproduce the issue. If you don't do that, there's close to zero chance they can fix it.Swap maps. Use LFG to join a meta group or someone porting to green or whatever they have going on. The hidden is unlikely to be in the same location, but will still be in the same general area, so you can get it.Both. Report. And then swap maps.I recommend that you do your original 3 rooms plus green room first, to make sure that you gain the max loot before running out of time (although I would hope that most people can finish with 5, 10, or even 15 minutes remaining on their LoD skills).
  17. There are alternatives to Launchbuddy that never made use of the unsecure -password option in the first place; those are mostly unaffected by the recent change. So ANet hasn't "removed our options;" they have merely reduced them.
  18. There are two defend events. They look the same, but one of them spawns the wizard, while other doesn't. If i remember right they happen in sequence (so if an event didn't have the wizard, the next one will).Yes; according to the wiki, there remain two versions of the event. Notice, that the high wizard can spawn away from the waypoint (and even from the event area) and if there are any players present, may die before he even gets there, so you have to pay attention to him (because completing the event does nothing if you didn't manage to tag him during it).This is also a problem for people: the Wizard that spawns during Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah can die quickly. I remember waypointing the moment the event was up and while my character was still spawning, watching the Wizard melt, while I was too far to get kill credit. (The one that spawns during the assault fortunately lasts a bit longer.)
  19. Of course, for exact statistics, this is absolutely required. But I am too lazy to do that, so everyone decide for themselves whether they want to try this or not. I, for once, will continue salvaging with the Copper-Fed instead of the Runecrafter's, because it's cheaper and I am extremely satisfied with the results. You even get the occasional Mote out of it (very rarely, though), and since I don't have need of Motes ATM, this method seems perfect for me. That's your choice and I really don't mean to suggest that you do otherwise. I do mean that it's not a fair to make claims about the efficiency without doing the research (whether directly from your own salvages or indirectly via other people's data). A more reasonable statement for you to have made would have been We all play the game for fun and feeling good about our choices is more important for most of us compared to extracting every last bit of efficiency. There's nothing wrong with deciding to ignore the Runecrafter's... just as long as one does't make claims about its efficacy that are unsupported by the data.
  20. For the very reasons that everyone is asking it to be brought back. Every security decision includes trading off more convenience for more risk. In the past, ANet was content to allow the convenience and let us decide on the risk. Recently, there have been more than a few publicly discussed cases of people whose accounts were put into dispute because they (seemed to have) made such a trade off without properly assessing the risk. I would hope that they didn't change policies based on "a few cases," but I imagine if we've seen a few, then ANet has seen many. Without their data, it's impossible to know if there's been an increase in problems or if it just turned out that ANet was willing to let us choose in the past, and now it thinks that's a bad idea. tl;dr it's possible the risk changed; it's also possible that ANet is willing to accept less risk So yeah, it would have been nicer for us if ANet had coded Plan B first. I imagine that they were content to let 3rd party devs figure out something.
  21. While I appreciate your numbers, I would love to know why I received a good dozen Charms and Symbols throughout the past four days using the Copper-Fed on Greens, which is about the same number that I used to receive using the Runecrafter's? Coincidence? I would be happy to offer an explanation, just as soon as you provide the exact numbers and sources of your greens. "About the same number" doesn't inspire confidence that you were keeping careful track. I don't mean to suggest for a second that you personally need to always be paying attention, as a player trying to enjoy the game as best you can. I do mean that one needs to do things like that if one wants to make statistical claims or PSAs or FYIs about which kits are better or worse or not worth it. RNG cannot guarantee that RC will always be 5x better than Copper-Fed; you are going to have good streaks and bad streaks. It wouldn't be "coincidence" exactly, even if the numbers are exactly the same (and again, without knowing how many we are discussing, it's hard to say). If you got "a dozen charms & symbols" from greens, I would expect that you salvaged 600-1000 greens, with each kit.I spend a lot of time keeping track of data for myself (because I happen to like that sort of thing) and I find it tricky to carefully separate out loot at that scale as carefully as required. I've thrown out data because it didn't pass my sanity checks (i.e. I hadn't been careful enough). @Silveress.5197 has some nifty tools to help, allow folks who don't like managing data to get it done.
  22. I suspect ANet believes that there have been too many cases of "friends" or relatives gaining access to the account. Also, using -password means the password is available to various windows processes and put the account at risk in other ways. There's no question that it makes things a lot more inconvenient for the technically savvy, but the technically savvy don't typically need additional protections. Changes like this are for the bigger group that doesn't necessarily realize what risk|reward scenario they have chosen. I'm not in favor of the change, but then I'm not the part of the community that ANet needs to worry about regarding account security. Maybe they know something that we don't. (I would prefer that they have found a way to enable storing of account details, rather than just one, but disabling is obviously less effort than inventing a new feature.)
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