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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. To check if you've reached the cap, open up your achievement panel and mouseover the ANet symbol/orb in the upper left corner. Add up "daily" and "monthly" points. The maximum is 15k. Unfortunately, there's nothing in the game that explains this. I'd like to see a minor achievement (for maybe a consolation 10 AP) when you reach the cap, one that triggers an email that explains the cap. At the very least, I'd like to see a way to track it in the UI. "Mouseover" is good for extra info; it's a shame to hide something that every veteran will eventually encounter.
  2. I don't look at the total costs per slot. I look at, "how many new slots do you get by building bigger bags?" If you already own 20-slot bags, then making a 32 slot bag means you're adding only 12 slots for 150g. Paying retail for a new bag slot is 400 gems, which is currently 120g (in the last 3 months, it's been as low as 105g). 20-slot bags cost 10-15g, depending on the source (sometimes less). edited: updated the numbers to consistently use 10g for 20-slot bags & 120g for 400 gems So to me, the alternatives for existing characters are: <130g: Increase by 20 slots (one new 20-slot bag, one new bag slot)300g: Increase by 24 slots (replacing two existing 20-slots with two 32-slot bags)270g: Increase by 20 slots (using five 24-slot bag replacements and one new bag slot)195g: Increase by 24 slots (with three 28-slot bag replacements)For a new character starting from scratch, I compare the following: ~40g: 80 slots (using standard four 20-slot bags)32- vs 20-Slot comparison 600g: 128 slots (four 32-slot bags)~300g: 120 slots (six 20-slot bags and two extra bag slots)28- vs 20-Slot comparison 260g: 112 slots (four 28-slot bags)~300g: 120 slots (six 20-slot bags and two extra bag slots)24- vs 20-Slot comparison 150g: 96 slots (four 24-slot bags)170g: 100 slots (five 20-slot bags and one extra bag slot)
  3. There are no "cheap" ways. Just outrageously expensive and incredibly outrageously expansive.The 24-slot Gossamer bag is probably the least costly. Requires a 1g recipe to unlock & about 28 gold worth of mats. The 28-slot version requires about 63g worth of mats.
  4. Fun? Bliss and [GOAT] are all that. And more.Nice? Don't let their opponents hear tell of that. They have a reputation to uphold.
  5. Whenever there's a random drop for a collection, some people get it right away, most get it quickly, and a small fraction of us struggle. It's not a bug, just a limitation of keeping things interesting with RNG instead of just grind. For me, it's been things like Tiger Claws (which was especially annoying since, at the time, there were no concentrations of tigers near each other).
  6. @ozzeh.7398 (and others who are wondering) this edit you made is an incredible start for a page, thank you! It's absolutely what we're looking for =) . I'd agree: that's a really good start. :+1: A rule of thumb I use: if I wasn't around to answer my friend's question, would this help them figure out what they wanted to know? I think your "stub" does that and more. In other words: well done, ozzeh. Looking forward to seeing more :)
  7. There are a couple of strategies. One is that you can start in your user space: create the page there until you think it's ready for prime time. Then open the new article, and copy your edits there. Another possibility is to put enough info that someone else can add to it, including a {{stub}} or {{section-stub}} mark on the page, so folks know it's incomplete. (Ideally, use {{stub|reason}}, so that people know when it's okay to remove that 'tag'.) Another thing you can do is to create the discussion page first and include the info you have so far. The worst thing that happens is that someone takes a look and realizes that there's some wiki convention that didn't get proper attention, e.g. using an "item info box" instead of an "armor info box" or no info box at all. 99% of the time, a wiki veteran can edit that easily. (And hopefully with a brief note explaining why they changed it, so you can do the same next time.)
  8. There are total of 15 skins (3 per mount). Total cost: 6000 gems (bought randomly, one at a time)5400 gems (bought randomly, 5 at a time), a 10% discount.Or if you want to choose your own: 3600 gems gets you three mounts of your choice.6000 gems gets you five of your choice (same cost as buying all 15 at retail)
  9. We contribute solely for altruistic reasons. We also have a strong desire to thank others for taking their time to help others. So, keep doing that then, lol...The wiki community always needs fresh blood. People burn out or move on to other things. On Wiki of Gold is an advertising tool to let players know that it can be "that easy" to contribute, with the hope that a fraction of those who come for the gold will keep editing for the fun and altruism. Working on the wiki is a hobby, like any other: it appeals a lot to some and not at all to others. If it's not for you, no problem; you're not the intended audience for the campaign.
  10. This requires (a) creating an entirely new system and (b) retrofitting every other existing similar item in the game, regardless of whether those items have usable dye channels after. It's not "extra" work, it's changing the design philosophy for how weapons are built, from the ground up. Incidentally, nothing has changed since the last time the OP asked about dyeing backs, in January of this year.
  11. And it's unnecessary. Core Tyria heart vendors aren't locked after heart completion; you only have to complete the heart once. And what value is it to the game or the community to require multiple completions of the heart just to access the vendor? As an extreme example of the current system: One hour before reset, I complete a heart.After 55 minutes, I realize I forgot to purchase the collection item I was there to get.I warp to the nearest WP and get slowed by mobs on the way to the heart.Arriving 1 minute after reset, the heart is at 0% completion and I cannot purchase the item that was available to me 60 minutes earlier.At that point, what difference does it make how long it takes to re-complete the heart?
  12. That's unintentionally hilarious.Reminds me of getting directions in a small town: "turn left at where the gas station was before it burned down, then right where Marcello used to play music."
  13. Indeed. I've seen claims that people have done a cycle in the Desert Highlands (there's an area where I think 3-4 spawn) and completed the achievement "quickly."
  14. It's a bit more complicated. Unlike other games, there's no universal rule-of-thumb for aggro in GW2, especially not in open world. Some bosses are designed to focus on high-toughness targets, specifically to enable the party to control where the foe goes. However, other bosses latch use a different set of priorities: farthest away, lowest health, nearest, first to have hit them, most recent damage, not to mention a combination of two or more. One easy place to see the AI at work is in the Tomb of Primeval Kings, where opening the chests randomly spawns a ghostly defender. The foe will latch on to the target nearest in their line of sight and sometimes, while running towards that player, notice a character who is closer and change direction. If the two players want to, they can tie the defender up in knots by approaching and then backpedaling in sequence. So while it's true that there are plenty of mobs who will focus on the "toughest" player, there are plenty that don't. As others have said, "toughness" offers diminishing amounts of protection as it gets higher, so more isn't always better. And every point you put into toughness is a point less that you can devote to aggressive stats: more damage means shorter fights, which means you don't need to mitigate as much incoming damage.
  15. FYI if you bought at full price in February using gold:gems, a new slot would have cost about 210g. Today, with the spike in conversion rates, the discount price means you'd pay around 190g. In fact, it's only more expensive to buy today if you bought your gems at less than 95g per 400 gems, which hasn't happened much in the last year or so (and never for very long). tl;dr today's still a great time to buy toon slots, even if you have to convert gold to gems at the higher rate
  16. I think the bloodstone one can stat Change? Whats the other one? Mist trinkets: RingAmuletAccessoryReset DeviceThese can be purchased with WvW, PvP, or Fractal currencies.
  17. They are sort of a hybrid: Like rings, they can be infused.Like armor, they can break.Like trinkets, they cannot be transformed into another item with different stats. (Although there are two exceptions.)Like trinkets, they are incredibly easy to acquire, especially from LS3 maps.
  18. Right, because the other 9 mastery points they added to Central Tyria are sooo hard to access.Um, no, they aren't and I didn't imply that they are.I don't see any reason why there can't be a few more extra Mastery Points. SuperSecret can continue to be tricky and worth a Mastery Point. And ANet could also offer a Mastery Point for completing all the original JPs. It's in a ridiculous spot on the most poorly implemented jumping puzzle in the entire game. Sometimes I think the devs who tested it out only tested it in a game environment that had all the physical platforms visible, and not the graphics that we see.I can't agree. It's designed to be a tricky location, which is part of the challenge. In the original implementation, it was a lot easier: the spinning sprockets worked more predictably. Despite issues with the camera, it wasn't hard to see your way around. There were lots of people around, so the area was relatively free of foes and plenty of easy rezzes for those who missed, not to mention lots of Mesmer portals. I was a lot worse at JPs when NSS came out and I could do it (with some trouble, to be sure). So I'm doubling down on my original statement: I think it's a difficult enough dive (and hard enough to reach) that it deserves its own achievement and its own mastery point.Finishing all the other dives is consistent with some other MPs, so I'd leave that Mastery Point in place, too, i.e. why not both?
  19. Theoretically, since completing them all is an achievement and a Mastery Point, it's not unreasonable for there to be some challenge in completing it, besides being willing to trek to each location. On the other hand, if it were up to me, I would have separated out NSS's goggles as its own achievement (and made both worth a Mastery Point).
  20. I'd love this (although I'd much prefer being able to add another guild or 5 to the list). I suspect, though, that there's some icky code that would need to be torn apart and redone to make it happen. Any time we (as users) see a list that obviously should be sortable/re-orderable and isn't... it's almost always because the UI was done in a relative hurry. Sometimes that's because there's a release deadline; a lot of times it's because someone decided it would be better to release more features (even if some of them were quirky) in contrast to fewer features that were more polished. When a new game is launched, we're usually happy with the "more features" decision. And years later, we expect the studio to take the time to polish them, because we've been patient with those quirks for long enough. Unfortunately, it takes more work to fix them years later (usually because people forgot the specific shortcuts that were taken)... and we still want more features.
  21. From the wiki article Account BumpAccount Jump StartBank Job PackageBlack Lion Introductory PackageBlack Lion Key SetBlack Lion Keys and Scrap PackageChest of Black Lion GoodsElonian Introductory PackageIronclad Appearance PackPath of Fire Preparation PackWhite Mantle Appearance Pack Achievement Chest (Heavy, Large, Massive)Mini Jackal Pup Reward ChestMini Raptor Hatchling Reward ChestOtherChance from the reward for map completion, except for city maps and Southsun Cove (since December 1, 2015)Extremely rare drop from foesChance from PvP Reward Track chestsReward in some PvP Rank tracks and PvP Mist Champion tracks Editor's note: to make it easier to answer the OP's question, I separated "other" into "Gem Shop" and "Non Gem Shop". The wiki article doesn't do that (although perhaps it should).
  22. @"Greener.6204" Thanks for the posting the relevant details to put together a wiki search that "finds me this type of thing, that drops from that type of container." I can see that being very useful for many. The semi-tl;dr is: It's probably always possible to create a relevant search to find all articles on any particular type of item.It could require multiple searches (for a variety of tech and not-quite-tech reasons)This forum folder (Players Helping Players) is as good a place as any to ask for help creating the relevant query.
  23. I apologize: this is slightly off-topic for the OP's immediate request. It relates to helping answer the question though. @"Greener.6204" I notice that the search only returns armors with "choosy" stats. There doesn't seem to be a way to search for containers that allow one to choose WupWup or Celestial exotic armors. For example, the Defender's Chest of Helms allows one to select headgear with one of six stats. Each of those are manually listed. The names of each individual piece (light, medium, heavy) are also manually edited. Clearly, none of that can be picked up from the semantic query. In contrast, Triumphant Breastplate does show up in the search, because it's identified as a choosy armor and includes "celestial" as an option. I know we'd still need two different searches, since one is about armors and the other is about containers, but there doesn't seem to be a "container" property that allows us to do that second search yet. Am I correct that to get the armor chests to show up in a search, they'd have to be retrofitted to use appropriate templates to generate those lists of potential contents?
  24. Thanks to @"Greener.6204" for posting directions on running a query. I've never managed to create my own until tonight. To make things easier for the OP, I narrowed the search to just coats (figuring if you can find a coat, you can find the rest, too) and just medium armor (since easy enough to change that to heavy or light). Here's the link to do that. Here's the same link in a copy/paste form. If you want heavy or light armor, you can change the word "medium" in the leftside box to one of those.Good luck @Smurfiness.3714
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