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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. This is incorrect; @Etria.3642's explanation is on the mark. While they said they fixed it so that magic find isn't applied twice, they're wrong. I've seen dozens, maybe even hundreds of blue unids turn into green gear (and even a yellow or two).As stated, that's an inaccurate description of the mechanic. Like any container, unID gear has drop tables. Those tables include various subtables with different levels of rarity, much like BL chests do (only with far more variety). For example, blue|common unID looks something like: Likely: fine quality gear, with skins from core Tyria. Within this table, there's a tiny chance of trinkets; otherwise, it's primarily weapons and some armor pieces.Unlikely: masterwork gear, ditto.Very unlikely: rare gear; ditto, plus reclaimed weapons, elonian weapons.Extremely unlikely: exotics, ditto, plus awakened.In the old regime, your chance of getting "likely" drops could be reduced to 0% by applying sufficient magic find. Under the existing mechanics, MF does not apply. On any given stack, you still might get more than one exotic, more than a few rares. On average, though, you'll get mostly blues, some greens, and a couple rares. What remains true is that MF affects whether you get blue, green, or yellow unID containers, after killing a foe.
  2. Yes: never salvage directly. There's almost no scenario when that will be the most profit for your effort. If time is precious, then sell the non-rare unID containers on the TP. That's far better than salvaging directly; it's marginally worse for fine|blue & somewhat worse for masterwork|green. For rares, if you have time to sort out the high-value rares from the standard ones, then you'll earn more by opening and salvaging with silver-fed|master's (and especially mystic). If you lack the time, then TP is fine. The exact difference between the three options varies depending on the market, so the simple rule of thumb is:Always TP, unless you have time to process all unID gear. If you have some time, start with micromanaging the rares; that's the biggest bonus for the time spent.
  3. @"Daddicus.6128"To be clear, all of your choices are "good" uses of shared inventory. I remain convinced that you'll have more fun playing by making some alterations: you'll reduce effort on management, for costs measured in silver (or copper), leaving you more time to play. You'll also free up some shared slots for other uses, such as unID gear (which absolutely drops for everyone now). For those willing to spend for more convenience still: Unbreakable gathering tools: double click before a gathering run; reverse after. Means you no longer have to stock up characters with spares, freeing up regular inventory. Permanent bank contract: turns a single shared slot into dozens of shared slots. If you keep your bank tidy, you can dump champ bags, special items, spare tools, and all sorts of frequent-use items that you don't need at your immediate beck & call. For me (and many others, this is a game-changing tool for inventory management -- it's worth every gold coin).
  4. The OP is just unlucky. Try the following Change to a different character. For bandits, try Lake DoricFor inquest, try Rata Arcanum in Draconis MonsI'm 99% certain that none of this matters in the least. It's entirely for the placebo effect that comes with changing how you go about "farming" things that have RNG, when you're the outlier that isn't getting the drops quickly. It's like moving to a "hot table" in a casino: you won't earn more (or less); it's just more fun.
  5. I'd strongly encourage you to reconsider counting pennies and instead look at counting your time as valuable, too.(I went through it myself back before I could afford more bag space; it wasn't easy throwing away steel or darksteel tools I got for free from loot.) Silky sand... unless you do Silverwastes & Dry Top every day on multiple toons, these don't need to be in shared inventory either. However, it's probably easier on you in the long run to use the mistlock sanctuary instead.
  6. I've similarly wanted ANet to turn exclusive dyes into exotics, in part to prevent accidental salvaging. (And also so it's easier to find them on the TP.) Despite the number of items having grown since launch, inventory management is much simpler today than it was in 2012. It's not perfect; it's just good enough that one can avoid or mitigate nearly all the biggest (and many of the smaller) issues with even low-effort strategies. However, like gardening, one shouldn't expect it to be a "one & done" affair; there are always more weeds to compost.
  7. The Holo Kitten is missing (still? or again?) from the API. And thanks for the continued updates. It's good to be able to see that the API is getting frequent (and useful) attention.
  8. I don't remember if you regularly play multiple toons, i.e more than 5. If not, invisible bags work just as well. For example, I invested in the Permanent Bank Access contract. At today's prices, that's about 3500 gold, enough to buy 12000 gems (aka the cost of 25 shared inventory slots). Because, in effect, it turns a single shared slot into however many bank slots you have: 30, 60, 420, etcSo things that I use constantly get a shared slot, while things that only get occasional use do not. It's amazingly useful. There are cheaper ways to conserve shared inventory, depending on what you're currently using them for.
  9. While ANet considers the idea, I agree with the above proposals: Best (for those with multiple toons): shared inventory slots. This way, every character contributes and you need only reserve 3 slots total.Also good (for those with fewer gems or toons): invisible bags.What you do when you get a full stack depends on how much you value your time: Not much time? Sell the stacks. Do not open and salvage.Lots of time (and/or good inventory management techniques)? I don't have to explain; you already have it covered.The reason why people short on time should sell: the gain from opening/salvaging is modest enough that it's not worth your limited gaming hours to bother with. Yes, you'll get less coin, in exchange you'll spend more time doing what you like.
  10. That's when they hired more people. Once they did so, it took them several months to whittle the backlog and for most of this year, the wait times were back to normal: even some non-urgent tickets were turned around in 24 hours or less.
  11. There is a corresponding autoloot option in the WvW masteries, Provisions Master tier 4 (20 points required) Regardless, OP was asking about "popup modals [for] award[s}" meaning dialogue boxes. As @Taelac.7036 noted, autoloot isn't designed to work on those.
  12. Here's what @"Stephen ClarkeWillson.1802" wrote on Reddit: And also: And further: And lastly Editing note: I've replaced "Guild Wars" with "GW1" to clarify the context: some of his remarks are specific to the older game.
  13. Perhaps I was unable to express myself properly in English. By "unfinished" I meant that I have an achievement open that I have not completed yet.The "uncompleted" aspect will be resolved, whenever ANet fixes the underlying issue... or decides it's not worth it and removes/hides the achievement altogether.And it won't happen any sooner because people keep mentioning it on the forums every few days.
  14. Until then, people who play outside NA/EU would be confined to their own region. That means Australians wouldn't be able to play PvE with NA or EU, only with other people in an Australian or SEA or Pacific region. (And FYI: Malaysia or Singapore is a more likely site than Sydney, in terms of potential customers for ANet.) And that's unlikely because the number of customers isn't likely to be enough to populate nine WvW worlds, which is about the minimum needed for that mode to be interesting. (It would also siphon off folks from NA and/or EU pvp, which wouldn't be good either.)
  15. Eh, I'm sure that's true for some (perhaps even most). It's also true that the rules for the events aren't well understood without going to external sources. So it also feels longer if you don't know how long the wait time is... or if you do know without realizing that a defense event just ended, or if you do know without realizing that the camps have to be at a specific level. As implied above, I don't think any of it is enough to convince ANet to change the requirements. I just don't think it's just one thing causing people's frustration.
  16. Position information is available through the mumble API. The chat options for combat include incoming|outgoing buff damage, healing, damage, interrupts, and mitigated damage. That can be translated (based on skill names) to failed mechanics and "a lot more."
  17. I parked a toon at each bridge. Cycled through them whenever I had 5 minutes. It took 2 days after that to finish the last 15 I needed. Here's the thing tho: now that I have those 25, I can't think of any reason I'd go back specifically to do them. Any change that ANet makes has to take into account the fact that only people newer to the map will still be working on that. The rush is already less severe than the week after the map launched; in two weeks it will be less fraught. So I doubt they'll make any big changes to it.
  18. I don't like if I install arcdps, and after some time will get perm ban acc for unknown reasons.No; that's never happened.We have the example of a competing DPS meter, which went astray as its developer kept adding features that ANet said weren't okay. None of its users suffered for this; only the app's programmer was banned From all history messaging we still not have something like "you can use it, if something will be not good we inform your" .. ?And we never will. ANet can't be responsible for vetting someone else's software. They can't put out a blanket statement say "exactly this is ok; exactly that is not," because people will use such statements to find loopholes.
  19. Except different hats, shoulders, boots, and gloves can go together well despite requirements; there's no real question there honestly. In those specific situations, the designers produced three versions of the same skin. As others have said: no player is against more options in the wardrobe. Even ANet is in favor of that. The issue has always been the cost, not the concept.
  20. ArcDPS is not in a strange state: it's exactly in the state that all 3rd party apps will ever be in. All such programs are "use at your own risk."You have to follow the rules of the game, regardless of whether you do or don't use such tools.As noted above, ANet has specifically said that measuring DPS (and a host of other combat data) is fine. The front page for JaxnX says I am always skeptical of coders that make claims on behalf of some other person or entity. Final note: the last "commit" to the project was over three years ago (a few months after HoT launched). That certainly matters less for an app that reads the combat log. It's hard to imagine that it doesn't matter at all. (PS the evaluation by Wooden Potatoes was also over three years ago, a few months after the app's last release.) There are no Google results for any mention of this app in the last year.
  21. It depends entirely on the original design whether any piece can be hidden, because Outfits are designed as "onesies." They aren't meant to mix & match. So sometimes, what looks like "headgear" to us integrates into the design in such a way that hiding it would mean creating two outfits, one with "headgear" and one without. Often, though, it's easy enough to hide. Similarly, gloves can be hidden if they are separate in the original design. In contrast, shoulders are almost always integrated into the torso elements, making them mandatory. I'd be in favor of ANet adding outfits that have less ornate designs for the shoulders, with or without the ability to hide it.I don't see it as remotely likely that they could go back to existing outfits to hide shoulders, except maybe a tiny subset. The OP might have some luck picking 1-2 outfits and asking for them to have toggle-able shoulder designs.
  22. Try using skills or movement keys whenever you have cutscenes (whether they are long-lasting or not). This has helped some people avoid one type of issue, which presents itself with a couple of different symptoms.
  23. Rats. Not an easy solution then.Take the usual screenshots and contact Support. It looks like the devs are going to have to address this some other way. Hopefully not too many are affected by this.
  24. Check the achievement again. If you unlocked the correct item outside of the achievements, you might have to visit one of the NPCs to purchase something. (That was true for several of these.) It might also be the case that you have to unlock all three weights.
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