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Everything posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. ... I don't even know what to say to this
  2. Which is sad, because I'm pretty sure the 1 barrier bug for scrappers is still around.
  3. That's not what the majority of the complaints are about. They're generally about the cost of build templates.
  4. We have a pretty good guess, considering how much bag slots cost. Please give me your crystal ball.One of a kind, not for sale.
  5. We have a pretty good guess, considering how much bag slots cost.
  6. Then don't purchase them carry on using Arc templates Deltaconnected (maker of arcdps) said he's going to deprecate the feature once this goes live.
  7. Technically not true. Build templates in GW1 didn't come until after Nightfall released in 2006.
  8. To add onto this: Several DPS meters offer plugins for build and gear templates (completely free, btw). ArcDPS notably has had the feature for years now. These templates supported theoretically infinite numbers of build and gear templates. My questions are thus: Why are you downgrading players on a feature that we have been promised for years? And charging for the privilege too? I thought Nintendo Switch Online was a bad joke, but jeez. ArcDPS agreed to discontinue their build template tool if ANet ever made their own. Not only that, but the dev announced back when the work on Build Templates was made known that he was discontinuing development on the Arc templates. Once this goes live and the Arc Dev no longer maintains his, then it will be a bannable offense to use the template tool.Which is pretty sad, because as others have pointed out in this thread, you could just save the traits chat code in a text file, thereby circumventing their monetization. The only thing you couldn't save independently would be the equipment setup.
  9. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/learn-all-about-build-and-equipment-templates/ I think I have around 8-10 builds saved on arcDPS currently, dependent on game mode and situation. I worry that they will charge way too much for these things, as they are wont to do ($20 for mount skins, much?).
  10. To add onto this: Several DPS meters offer plugins for build and gear templates (completely free, btw). ArcDPS notably has had the feature for years now. These templates supported theoretically infinite numbers of build and gear templates. My questions are thus: Why are you downgrading players on a feature that we have been promised for years? And charging for the privilege too? I thought Nintendo Switch Online was a bad joke, but jeez.
  11. I shall refer you to my post from back in March: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72346/a-discussion-about-condition-damage-and-cleansing-why-is-it-always-broken/p1
  12. I shall refer you to my older post from March: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72346/a-discussion-about-condition-damage-and-cleansing-why-is-it-always-broken/p1
  13. You do know that the same trait that gives corona burst stability also gives it barrier, right? That barrier is little which can be burned away easily while the amount of time the barrier lasts is shortbut if the warrior times it right he could insta destroy the holo yesExactly. You might burn the barrier on the first corona burst hit, but you can time the second one.
  14. You do know that the same trait that gives corona burst stability also gives it barrier, right?
  15. Hai. I don't like to participate in exaggeration threads, but I just wanted to say I appreciate the mention. Don't forget to use the @ next time!
  16. Technically the way @Robert Gee.9246 worded his response makes this seem as though it's intended behavior. So expect a fix by 2025.
  17. The problem isn't necessarily the 5 seconds of quickness. It's how frequently it can be procced by low cooldown toolbelt skills. Some toolbelts can activate kinetic battery way too quickly, and photon forge is one of those things.
  18. I haven't observed 18k health function gyros in Fractals. I've seen my function gyros die nearly instantly from when they were spawned near random AoE. Are you sure that health number isn't getting divided by 5 (the maximum number of f-gyros)?
  19. I've observed Function gyro die almost instantly in Fractals from AoE damage. Sure didn't seem like it had that much health. Is that 18k getting divided by 5 or something?
  20. Ranger in general is going to have an easier time because its pets are going to hold aggro, freeing up the ranger. But if you have to pick an engineer spec, scrapper will be more forgiving on tougher fights. The barrier generation in PvE is pretty good, and the hammer gives you a lot of defensive options.
  21. Except that Tactics is more than healing, it's also party DPS support, and some minor self DPS. Leg specialist is now 7%, warriors cunning is 50% versus any person with barrier, and martial cadence is extra weapon skill CD reduction, which is higher DPS. Scourges and scrappers are free kills now if you run tactics. Use warhorn 5 prior to burst and you are going to see very high numbers if they have barrier up. Agreed, also I think because they add another source of barrier which is warrior warhorn 5, they gotta balance it with there is a class who can counter barrier.That being said people immidiately scared because of the 50% vs barrier, but remember warrior max only hitting 5, necro gives barrier for 10 people with F3, plus 5 of them get barrier if necro pop heal skill. If there is no barrier interfering I think Necro's dps with boonstrip and Herald could get better number, so this tactic is like indeed what you said DPS support. So in WvW Warrior destroy the barrier so Necro and Herald's damage is not eaten by barrier.Plus I think after this changes it's not like warrior will replace fully as DPS, I think Necro and Herald still favorable, I'd say... 6-7 warrior for full 50 man squad maybe mix on spellbreaker and berserker, but let's see how it is when it comes to live. Sorry if I say only from the WvW standpoint because I don't play PvP and I am pretty sure PvE don't have much barrier encounter, unless they wanna make 1 in future. My point is though that there's never a point where Scrapper isn't generating barrier. So this trait is basically a 50% damage boost against all scrappers, which is massive considering it wasn't a favorable matchup before. There is point actually, I am not sure about PvP, but again on WvW scrapper will mostly spent time on med kit and elixir gun to cleanse, it's not like they will actively attack with hammer, occasionally they will throw Thunderclap to help CC but that's it on the full combat they will never be on hammer, another barrier source is bulwark gyro but that is quite long CD.But even if they hit someone with a pistol, mortar, or e-gun, they will generate barrier, and the 50% damage buff becomes active.
  22. Except that Tactics is more than healing, it's also party DPS support, and some minor self DPS. Leg specialist is now 7%, warriors cunning is 50% versus any person with barrier, and martial cadence is extra weapon skill CD reduction, which is higher DPS. Scourges and scrappers are free kills now if you run tactics. Use warhorn 5 prior to burst and you are going to see very high numbers if they have barrier up. Agreed, also I think because they add another source of barrier which is warrior warhorn 5, they gotta balance it with there is a class who can counter barrier.That being said people immidiately scared because of the 50% vs barrier, but remember warrior max only hitting 5, necro gives barrier for 10 people with F3, plus 5 of them get barrier if necro pop heal skill. If there is no barrier interfering I think Necro's dps with boonstrip and Herald could get better number, so this tactic is like indeed what you said DPS support. So in WvW Warrior destroy the barrier so Necro and Herald's damage is not eaten by barrier.Plus I think after this changes it's not like warrior will replace fully as DPS, I think Necro and Herald still favorable, I'd say... 6-7 warrior for full 50 man squad maybe mix on spellbreaker and berserker, but let's see how it is when it comes to live. Sorry if I say only from the WvW standpoint because I don't play PvP and I am pretty sure PvE don't have much barrier encounter, unless they wanna make 1 in future.My point is though that there's never a point where Scrapper isn't generating barrier. So this trait is basically a 50% damage boost against all scrappers, which is massive considering it wasn't a favorable matchup before.
  23. It's really not the core focus. Warrior and Scourge were.
  24. Scourge can avoid using skills that generate barrier. Scrapper cannot, because any attack scrapper makes will generate barrier.
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