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Everything posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. Unranked and hotjoin are your best options to practice. Hotjoin lets you learn the basic mechanics and toy around with them in a non-results-driven way. Unranked adds the results drive without rank consequences. Or you could just played ranked and let the dice fall as they may. The system should place you in a tier that you belong at for your skill level.
  2. Ah yes, xysayzyash.1023. His name will go down in infamy.
  3. I'd rather have pulsing slow IMO, like Muddy Terrain.
  4. While it's a bug that's supposedly been fixed, jumping while placing healing turret used to cancel the overcharge. Try to avoid jumping while you're casting it.
  5. Easy. One specs for burning, one specs for power damage and CC, one specs support. Throw in a fourth for extra giggles. It becomes a cluster fuck of animations and CC, nearly impossible to do anything against.
  6. Generally agree with the opinions presented here. I don't feel Weaver is OP personally, but I usually play prot holo in PvP, so maybe they're not well-suited to fight me.Scrapper, chrono, dragonhunter, reaper, druid, and renegade need buffs. Berserker needs to be modified.I really want to see 2v2 and other alternative game modes included. Conquest is stale af. Faster game modes would also be great, dedicating 15 minutes to one match can be pretty tedious. And some people may want longer game modes.The duo queue shenanigans render the leaderboards basically meaningless. It should be all or none IMO -- 5 mans or solo queue.The problem with core engineer is that it's just super janky to use. The core spec needs a major rework to fix that, numbers adjustments won't be enough IMO. For example, grenade kit was a mainstay of meta engineer builds during vanilla. It's stupidly annoying to use and its value is questionable even in the best of circumstances. A lot of the kits need improvements, because they still play like vanilla GW2 balance.
  7. What does your ping hover around? And are you doing anything vaguely acrobatic when you're placing healing turret?
  8. ANet doesn't publish stats like this. Best we can do is stuff on gw2efficiency, and even then it's still a lot of guesswork. https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.pvpRank - Could be used as an approximation if cross-referenced with people's playtime per charhttps://gw2efficiency.com/account/characters
  9. It's on the trash side that it's broken. Man I can definitely play scrapper without having to use this skill, ever, but even when I use it for a laugh and with very low expectations it manages to underperform. It's even bad in PvE situations when you're playing as a healer. I sometimes run a healer in fractals, and it's just terrible. I have to be very cautious not to use it near CC, not too much damage, and definitely not on an ele or thief who is going to teleport/mist form, causing the gyro to break. It's amazing how the class mechanic is worse than just plain ol' "Search and Rescue!"
  10. Yeah, it doesn't have the same oomph with the reduced size of the graphics.
  11. What did I just read? I can't tell if this is troll post. On the off chance this is serious, I have a few suggestions.Dev time is valuable. It is very costly to develop new skills that require animations, art, balancing, etc. Unless there is a very good reason to do it, they are unlikely to spend that effort making um .. "kamikaze roller bettles called blasphemy".Pick a theme. Do you want robots, cyborgs, fairies, fiends, or what? Also, what is even going on with the names? Blasphemy? Arrogance? Malice?No one likes AI minions. Scrapper proved that much and after much complaining for many years, it was finally removed. More AI would not go over well. Why is it that everytime someone posts an idea, there's always some white knight that rolls up in here, being all mighty and righteous; contradicting the op, with obvious statements as if we're stupid or ignorant!?Chill out dude.This is just a videogame, and we're just here for the entertainment value.Don't get so worked up over benign virtual stuff.We're not asking you to give up your life.Jeez holy mary... I say...Have to handle you with kids gloves or something. I'm just going to say it: No more AI. Please.
  12. Kinetic Battery still gives 5s of super speed and quickness every time it procs with no ICD. With boon duration, Holos can get permanent quickness with this trait and 5/7 uptime on super speed. If removing the Engage/Leave Photon Forge functionality helps solve this issue, that's fine by me.Why does the range on Holo leap get shorter and shorter every single time someone defends it. The tooltip on the skill says the range is 600. Someone else told me that the attack itself is 600 range but the leap portion only moves them 450 range. Now you're telling me the attack is 450 range but the movement is 300?? LOLYes and the meta Tools Holo build has 57% base crit chance which gets bumped up to 77% crit chance with fury. Apparently all of the tooltips on engineer are wrong! Anet should fix them.A 1s immobilize is more than enough time to set up other combos. A 2 second base duration, 22% uptime on immobilize with no cast time is too strong. The immobilize on Muddy Terrain for rangers got nerfed to 1s and it had a 20s cooldown. In comparison, Net Shot is objectively stronger and more frequent.Blunderbuss needs an animation. 5-6k on a skill with an almost nonexistent tell is OP.Overcharged Shot is impossible to react to in melee range. It doesn't have a cast time and you won't have enough time to see and react to the projectile. Elixir U can also be used right after using R4 to stunbreak the knockback. In team fights, Corona Burst gives a massive amount of stability so Overcharged Shot won't self-CC anyways.I want better animations and cast times on rifle. Adding short cast time increases and clearer tells will not kill the weapon. Again, this is another case of someone being overly dramatic about these changes. The base damage and survivability of Holos will remain almost entirely the same. I'm mainly proposing slight increases to cast times/animations and decreases in boon uptimes. Traits like Heat Therapy and Lock On are deserving heavier nerfs though. The ICD is the toolbelt skills themselves. Seriously, read the text for the trait. There are two "fast" cooldown toolbelt skills measuring at 8s. They are Surprise Shot and Particle Accelerator. You can also hit every skill on your toolbelt to activate it quickly, but then you have to wait for each to cool down, and you burned defensive skills for offense. The problem is that photon forge counts as a toolbelt skill for kinetic battery. It shouldn't. If you want to nerf kinetic battery, nerf that interaction.Oh, nevermind. You were right on the original statement. My bad.So you're complaining about chip damage getting crits... so it's stronger chip damage? I'm still confused on this one.Consider the ramifications of what you're saying. One sec immob is a decent setup time for holo, but not core engineer. Rifle is a core engi weapon, and nerfing immob shot would hurt core way harder.It does have an animation. Also, Blunderbuss only does that that kind of damage point blank on a crit. You can pretend it doesn't have a drawback all you like, but it does. If you want to throw on an additional animation for no reason, now you're just being biased.Uhhhhh you act like rifle's the problem with holo. It's not. Again -- core engineer has only 3 weapons. Pistol is outright trash, shield is niche (for prot holo mainly), and rifle is the most viable weapon. Nerfing healing turret AND heat therapy together would be more than enough to send holo to the B or C tier. Not that I agree with your idea for healing turret, but all you have to do is ding the sustain to keep the spec unique without rendering it useless (and core with it).Mechanized Deployment reduces the cycle time on Kinetic Battery to 7 second on meta Tools Holo. If you don't want to increase the maximum stacks required to 10, placing an ICD of 20 seconds on the trait would suffice.Np.Even if the base cast time on Hip Shot is .84s instead of .75s, quickness reduces that to .63s. In other words, the Holo can laser you for up to 2k damage just over every half a second.Muddy Terrain's immobilize from Soften the Fall got reduced to 1s and it has a 20s cooldown. One second is more than enough time for core engi to setup a followup skill.It's a very minor animation even without quickness. Quickness makes the .5s base cast time into .375 which is just over the average human's reaction time to visual stimuli.You can pretend like it's not easy to cover the drawback all you like, but it is. You think I'm biased for wanting a clear animation on a short cooldown, long duration CC skill? LOLUhhhhh you act like I only suggested changes to rifle. There are a multitude of overtuned things that make Holo OP.An increase of a quarter of a second to the cast time on Healing Turret is a very, very minor change.Yes, but you know how I mentioned surprise shot and particle accelerator having the lowest cooldowns? You still need to hit 5 of those to activate kinetic battery. Since most players won't carry rifle turret into PvP, that's still a lot of other cooldown timers you have to contend with. I'll say it again: Kinetic battery is not a strong GM trait in non-holo builds. The problem is its interaction with holo -- specifically photon forge on the F5.You can make a pretty similar statement about most of the other weapon autoattacks when they crit. I'm still failing to see your point here.Muddy terrain also has lots of other useful things that go with it. Cripple and slow are not insubstantial. It also has a pulsing field. I don't think there's much comparison here -- muddy terrain is way more powerful than net shot, thus deserves a longer cooldown.The average human reaction time to a stimulus is 1/4 of a second, not 3/8 of a second. And again, in order to do the damage you're talking about with blunderbuss, you need to crit from point-blank range. If you can't see that... I don't know what to tell you.Point Blank Shot and Overcharged shot are roughly equivalent, but with a different set of drawbacks. If you want to add more drawbacks to overcharged shot, you'd have to justify how it's particularly different from point blank shot. The CC is large, yes, but so is PBS.Again, rifle is a part of core engineer. What part of that don't you understand?In order to get the full heal from heal turret, the turret needs to overcharge. This places the timing at around 1.5 seconds, not 3/4 of a second. You would adjust it to 1.75 seconds in order to hurt holo. As I said in my above post, removing or rendering heat therapy much weaker should be enough to ding the sustain without hurting the core class.
  13. Kinetic Battery still gives 5s of super speed and quickness every time it procs with no ICD. With boon duration, Holos can get permanent quickness with this trait and 5/7 uptime on super speed. If removing the Engage/Leave Photon Forge functionality helps solve this issue, that's fine by me.Why does the range on Holo leap get shorter and shorter every single time someone defends it. The tooltip on the skill says the range is 600. Someone else told me that the attack itself is 600 range but the leap portion only moves them 450 range. Now you're telling me the attack is 450 range but the movement is 300?? LOLYes and the meta Tools Holo build has 57% base crit chance which gets bumped up to 77% crit chance with fury. Apparently all of the tooltips on engineer are wrong! Anet should fix them.A 1s immobilize is more than enough time to set up other combos. A 2 second base duration, 22% uptime on immobilize with no cast time is too strong. The immobilize on Muddy Terrain for rangers got nerfed to 1s and it had a 20s cooldown. In comparison, Net Shot is objectively stronger and more frequent.Blunderbuss needs an animation. 5-6k on a skill with an almost nonexistent tell is OP.Overcharged Shot is impossible to react to in melee range. It doesn't have a cast time and you won't have enough time to see and react to the projectile. Elixir U can also be used right after using R4 to stunbreak the knockback. In team fights, Corona Burst gives a massive amount of stability so Overcharged Shot won't self-CC anyways.I want better animations and cast times on rifle. Adding short cast time increases and clearer tells will not kill the weapon. Again, this is another case of someone being overly dramatic about these changes. The base damage and survivability of Holos will remain almost entirely the same. I'm mainly proposing slight increases to cast times/animations and decreases in boon uptimes. Traits like Heat Therapy and Lock On are deserving heavier nerfs though. The ICD is the toolbelt skills themselves. Seriously, read the text for the trait. There are two "fast" cooldown toolbelt skills measuring at 8s. They are Surprise Shot and Particle Accelerator. You can also hit every skill on your toolbelt to activate it quickly, but then you have to wait for each to cool down, and you burned defensive skills for offense. The problem is that photon forge counts as a toolbelt skill for kinetic battery. It shouldn't. If you want to nerf kinetic battery, nerf that interaction.Oh, nevermind. You were right on the original statement. My bad.So you're complaining about chip damage getting crits... so it's stronger chip damage? I'm still confused on this one.Consider the ramifications of what you're saying. One sec immob is a decent setup time for holo, but not core engineer. Rifle is a core engi weapon, and nerfing immob shot would hurt core way harder.It does have an animation. Also, Blunderbuss only does that that kind of damage point blank on a crit. You can pretend it doesn't have a drawback all you like, but it does. If you want to throw on an additional animation for no reason, now you're just being biased.Uhhhhh you act like rifle's the problem with holo. It's not. Again -- core engineer has only 3 weapons. Pistol is outright trash, shield is niche (for prot holo mainly), and rifle is the most viable weapon.Nerfing healing turret AND heat therapy together would be more than enough to send holo to the B or C tier. Not that I agree with your idea for healing turret, but all you have to do is ding the sustain to keep the spec unique without rendering it useless (and core with it).
  14. Ding ding ding. I'm going to highlight the actually reasonable nerfs: The rest of the nerfs are either based on a misunderstanding of the spec, or the core class. For example: Kinetic Battery is actually not that strong on the core class. It's strong only in conjunction with holo because activating and exiting photon forge adds a stack. Remove that functionality, and kinetic battery is back to a relatively normal state.THIS WAS WRONG, DISREGARDHip shot is chip damage. Why you think it's a laser gun is beyond me. Unless you get a crit on it, its damage is usually in the 800-1000 range for a marauder ammy. Also, please note that the actual cast time is 0.84 seconds, not the tooltip time of 3/4s.Net shot reduced to 1 second... this is a joke, right? The skill is verging on bad as it is for core engineer.Blunderbuss is fine as is.Overcharged shot currently knocks engineer back or eats a stack of stability as a drawback. Additionally, the projectile is actually pretty slow and easy to dodge if you're over 600 range away. If you want a windup, then don't let it knock us back/eat stability.As far as weapons go, engineer only has 3 core weapons. One is completely in the gutter, one is niche, and you want to nerf the most viable option. But that stealth is also the only stealth that core engi has access to on-demand. If your problem is holo you'll need to consider that nerfing it impacts core engi pretty hard.
  15. Not particularly. I don't see any in matches, and I don't run builds that can put serious pressure on them. I do see them in the FFA arena, and they're fucking obnoxious in there because of the permastealth BS.
  16. Scrapper's been a shit show since it was first announced. There have been a few metas where it was good, but honestly it's just a sad excuse for an elite spec.
  17. What kind of PvE stuff? Open world, fractals, raids? Also, it looks very similar to the snowcrows condi holo build -- https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/engineer/holosmith/condition/
  18. They always do explode in-game. I wasn't talking about throwing 3 fist-sized stones at someone...Though, the dealt damage feels comparable. ;) Oh, by the way:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Throw_Rock_(stolen_skill)"throw rock" deals 279+105% * attack damage.That's triple the damage of a grenade explosion. Bringing rocks to a gun fight = valid in GW2 logic
  19. I'm going to tell you not to be naive. Because when they decide to nerf holo hard, they're going to make the core class worse. They genuinely don't seem to have a clue on how to balance engineer. Take scrapper for instance. It's been through 3+ reworks and its still only "viable," and pretty close to trash tier. Core engi has languished for a really long time. Holo has been the bandaid for the profession, and when they rip it off, it's going to sting. The sad thing is that it wouldn't be all that difficult to bring holo into line with other e-specs in conquest: Nerf heat therapy. This is a massive source of sustain. The impact in PvE would be negligible.Increase cooldowns by a second or two on forge 2, 3, 4, and 5. (PVP ONLY)Increase cooldowns on select Exceed skills by a few seconds (the ones that get overused -- spectrum shield, HLA, and photon wall). Again, PvE impact is negligible.Make Prime Light Beam reveal on activation. PvE impact = negligible.That's about it. All of these are slight numbers changes (plus the reveal). They wouldn't break the spec, just bring it into line. The spec has other unaddressed issues which I suspect won't get fixed for at minimum 3 years: While it was designed as a hybrid in mind, holo simply doesn't perform well as a condi applicator.People will always choose CC: Eclipse over the other two options because they're garbage by comparison. CC: Storm needs to do something condi-related. CC: Zephyr should offer group buffing capabilities beyond superspeed (which is iffy at best in PvE).PBM is just bad right now. It should ignore the overheat toolbelt lockout.Light Density Amplifier just pales in comparison to the other two options.Heat does not apply to any of the other weapons besides sword. This is just downright depressing because core engi only has 3 different weapons.There are no 100%+ heat benefits to exceeds.All of engineer's e-specs look hastily thought out and implemented, because of oddities like these. Even core engineer feels slapdash because of how janky some of the skills are.
  20. FFA arena is not particularly useful as a metric. FIghts in that arena are often cheesed to hell. Take for example, the meme arc divider build.
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