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Everything posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. The radius decrease on PF5 is pretty substantial. Remember basic algebra -- A = pi x r^2. In this case r^2 will go from 360,000 in square area to only 90,000 in square area. And because the radius is also vertical, that means a reduction there too. I'm sure somebody less lazy than me can look up the volume calculation. Oh, Google, you fantastic.I'm fine cutting heat therapy. It's pretty OP, because it's a free heal on top of the normal heal.Uhh... cutting combo finishers? That hurts everyone, not just engineers. Combos are not the biggest problem.Kinetic battery might need some adjustment. Cool with thatStatic discharge is pretty weak right now.
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/d6bt8b/proposed_changes/
  3. Mounting seems to do a lot of weird things to engineer traits and skills.
  4. Asura rave! All the time, they do! Is Metal Legion going to burn out on drugs?
  5. We can't ask questions on your thread if you closed the thread!
  6. Thats how it looks to me when I think about core specs, HoT and PoF. After several nerfs imo what needs tuning down atm is Holo and condi teef. Rest (if exist) are minor issues that can wait. Might be just my opinion, but what made balance really weird and caused it to go wrong way was PoF. I know everyone sees the past through rose-tinted glasses, but HoT and Core had their balance problems too. The leadup to HoT standardized a lot of things, but also messed up a lot of builds too. There's never been a time with perfect balance, although I say right before HoT may have had the closest we've come to true balance.
  7. Really? Do you need me to explain the preposition "from" and its many different uses and connotations? Or are you that committed to trying to insinuate something about me? Feel free to keep playing obtuse if you'd like, but I'm not interested in playing semantics games. As I said, the developers clearly took inspiration from TF2, including rocket jumping. That does not mean it's the origin of rocket jumping.
  8. Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems, not problems like "What is beauty?" Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems, for instance: how am I going to stop some mean mother Hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous be-hind? His whole point was just to say frandly. I'm feeling a bit old now.
  9. The devs admitted a lot of core engineer design was inspired by TF2. It's pretty obvious how -- some of the dialogue lines your character says are direct references ("Dispenser's up!" and Rocket Turret) and indirect references (flamethrower kit, bomb kit/grenade kit, jump shot, juggernaut, e-gun shooting needles, etc). There's so much overlap that only a few TF2 classes aren't smushed into engineer -- namely spy, scout, and sniper. I'm not saying TF2 invented rocket jumping. Don't blame me if you misread what I said. I played TF1 and Unreal Tournament long before I played TF2. I also played Quake before that. ?TF2 isn't even an ANet game, from what I read in Wikipedia.Wouldn't they do references to their own games?Guild Wars, as a series, has always included references to other pop culture. Sometimes it's internally referenced (IE Isaiah's Balance, Purity of Purpose), sometimes it's externally referenced ("For Great Justice!", Rodgort (Trogdor spelled backwards))
  10. You could apply the same thing you said to chrono, mirage, scourge, or firebrand nerfs. Still doesn't make it less cherry-picking or ignorance.
  11. Kill shot warriors have been around for a while as meme builds. They are usually successful the first time in a fight, and then immediately everyone knows how to deal with them. If I get killed by a kill-shot warrior once, I know to focus on them immediately in a fight. They're super easy to counter once you know what's going on.
  12. Agreed. I got more use out of healing scrapper in all game modes than I ever have for an offensively-oriented scrapper.
  13. That would be a buff, mate. Elixir U is also a stunbreak. Doing the opposite would actually be a nerf. Hyperbole, AWAYYYYY. Seriously though, every time the subject of holo comes up, you chime in. Then I chime in. Then we circle around the same tired old arguments. You claim that holo hasn't seen any major nerfs. I point out several substantial nerfs to damage and sustain. You claim healing turret is the best heal in the game. I point out that Heat Therapy is the problem. You claim that "There's too much stability" and almost everyone points out that you can just avoid corona burst to prevent the majority of stability holo has access to (don't even need to dodge, just range or kite). Can we just stop circling around the same tired arguments?You only pretend*.Its kinda ridiculous "we shouldnt nerf holo because year ago it had some nerfs", I had a good laugh.HT isnt the main issue, its part of it. HT alone wont stop them from spamming forge with low cds carelessly, the amount of passives to help them as well.I get that you want such nerf that wont affect real issues so it be OP still, pretty obvious, talking with such people is pointless, so I wont. This is what we call "moving the goalposts." I pointed out several places where your anger was misguidedYou clearly took your points out of nowhere and pretend I "claimed" something that I didnt (but its common complaints and problems of holo), help me out, how does it called and which logicall fallacy it is ?I pointed out that "HT" nerf alone wont change almost anything, you are not worth to argue with, clearly biased, I'd rather talk to Chaith, he is aware that holo is broken and suggested really good changes. I'm done with you.I literally agree with all of Chaith's proposed changes too. I just think you're being unreasonable about certain things. Also: Look, I'm not saying that holosmith isn't powerful. Hell, I know it is. I win most duels, and I can generally influence teamfights in my favor. As far as meta elite specs go in PvP, it's up there alongside scourge, mirage, and firebrand. But depending on the matchup, player skill, and terrain, it's difficult to claim it's particularly OP against those particular elite specs. It's definitely OP vs. the elite specs I didn't mention, but so are the ones I mentioned. A lot of the complaints I see amount to inexperience with how to deal with the class. But you can't claim that holosmith hasn't seen serious nerfs when it has. That's either cherrypicking or ignorance.
  14. Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems, not problems like "What is beauty?" Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems, for instance: how am I going to stop some mean mother Hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous be-hind?
  15. As mentioned before, the detection pulse makes neither thematic sense nor PvE sense for Purge Gyro. It would be smarter to attach it to function gyro, seeing as how the f-gyro is basically useless as-is (only 1k HP). Alternatively, make the poison field itself act as a reveal.Please include condi damage in Impact Savant ASAP. As it stands, scrapper is pretty crappy in all game modes. An additional 1200 health is nice, but not going to do much by itself.There are other changes to scrapper I'd recommend as part of an overall revision package. For example, the last major balance change practically eliminated the niche use that Scrapper had in high-PvE as a healer.
  16. that_shaman on Reddit estimates in two weeks, given the amount of BLTC content in the current patch.
  17. Apparently you haven't read the last 2 years of patch notes, but you do you. Whereas Holosmith with holosmiths, the only two serious serious nerfs the elite specialization ever suffered that actually hindered it's performance and shifted the outcome in certain fights in a noticable way was the Minesweeper nerf and the Auto Elixir S nerf. Normally when Holosmith gets nerfed it's stuff like; You're right in that holosmith has been nerfed. Almost all of said nerfs are minor. Something like Blunderbuss respecting line of sight is not a noteworthy nerf. No longer being able to fire Net Shots in reverse is not a noteworthy nerf. Toss Elixir U no longer granting quickness is not a noteworthy nerf. Even Toolbelt Disable on Overheat is not a noteworthy nerf. These are all joke nerfs compared to what other classes have had. Forgetting a few things on your list? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Configuration:_Eclipse - look at the nerfs on this puppy!https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corona_Burst - The might reduction is pretty substantial.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectrum_Shield - Pretty major impact on thisOh, and holographic shockwave is going to get its radius cut in half too (see the WvW notes). I'm actually in favor of that, always thought the radius was ridiculous. Look, I'm not saying that holosmith isn't powerful. Hell, I know it is. I win most duels, and I can generally influence teamfights in my favor. As far as meta elite specs go in PvP, it's up there alongside scourge, mirage, and firebrand. But depending on the matchup, player skill, and terrain, it's difficult to claim it's particularly OP against those particular elite specs. It's definitely OP vs. the elite specs I didn't mention, but so are the ones I mentioned. A lot of the complaints I see amount to inexperience with how to deal with the class. But you can't claim that holosmith hasn't seen serious nerfs when it has. That's either cherrypicking or ignorance.
  18. Or just play in unranked/ranked until you start to learn the tells. I can't stand playing mesmer, but I know most of the tells by experience. It's not a bad thing to be new! Just don't play too seriously, or it may suck. Also, dodging will save your life, quite literally. Don't be afraid to stop exerting pressure -- sometimes it's better to not take a big hit than to keep exerting pressure.
  19. Apparently you haven't read the last 2 years of patch notes, but you do you.
  20. Because mesmer is generally unfun to fight with its ability stealth, break targets, clones + distort, and general kitten-wittery. With engineer, most of the attacks are highly telegraphed, so even if you think they're OP, at least you know what happened. Seems like someone didn't want to learn how to fight against Mesmers when they actually were overperforming and broken XDMeanwhile, Warrior simply stomps all its 1v1s while having more passive sustain than any other class in minor traits without any trade-offs. Go figure.Oh, I learned the vast majority of their tells. I also generally win fights against them. I still think mesmer isn't fun to fight for the reasons I listed. Nothing to do with being overpowered or underpowered, it has everything to do with how frustrating they are to play against.
  21. Tomorrow Doubtful. They usually don't pair balance patches with content releases.
  22. Because mesmer is generally unfun to fight with its ability stealth, break targets, clones + distort, and general fuck-wittery. With engineer, most of the attacks are highly telegraphed, so even if you think they're OP, at least you know what happened.
  23. In open world, where enemy's behavior is predictable and not a OHKO, yes, scrapper is pretty good. But it suffers badly in high end fractals and raids because its DPS is lackluster, and can easily get taken down by a spike of damage. This is nothing to say of WvW or PvP.
  24. They're always going to choose the builds that require the least amount of thinking or reactions. As much as people complain about yolosmith, you do have to have decent reactions and decent timing to have the most impact. Bots lack a sense of timing and smart reactions. It wouldn't be surprising to see one playing a pre-nerf scrapper because it also doesn't require that much thought. But pre-nerf scrappers couldn't capture much either. If you lost with a bot in the enemy team you deserved it. Not necessarily. I've seen bots in games in core GW2, and they tend to stack up together -- they actively zerg together. For players who like to go alone, this can be dangerous. But if you realize they're bots, you can pull them around the map and mitigate their threat, as the original clip shows. This is slightly harder in the older maps that had fewer jumping puzzles.
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