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Everything posted by Vagrant.7206

  1. Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.Chrono would like to have a word with you Scrapper's been irrelevant in PvE since it existed. It had a brief moment, then sputtered and died. It also maybe had a few months during PoF. Otherwise, it's been way deader, way longer. Chrono's only been in the dump since... what, last month?That so nice that you are talking about PVE in pvp subforum... almost makes sense...almost@Crab Fear.1624 said:The light (of the forge) has reached into the darkest corners to purge all scum builds from pve. pvpNot bad, not bad :DIt's so nice that you're whining about a single balance patch that hurt chronomancer, forgetting about all the other e-specs and classes that have had to spend time in the dirt. See? I can be dismissive too. Try again.
  2. Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can. But a Mirage can be hotfixed. Why not a Holosmith?What exactly is there to hotfix? Nobody else got balance. Scrapper is still in the can.Chrono would like to have a word with youScrapper's been irrelevant in PvE since it existed. It had a brief moment, then sputtered and died. It also maybe had a few months during PoF. Otherwise, it's been way deader, way longer. Chrono's only been in the dump since... what, last month?
  3. I disagree with his general assessment of the recent changes. He suggested that recent balance patches have made scrapper more useful in PvE. Maybe in open world, but not in any other scenario.
  4. yeah nothing close to that ever happened to me. also the solution to the gyro fail on elevation, was to not use it on elevation. a lot of skills don't work properly on stairs and what not. That's not a solution. That's ignoring the problem. Blast gyro was notorious for getting caught on minor bits of scenery, rocks, and stairs.
  5. I did read the whole essay (well-written I might add), but I do want to point out that this isn't going to happen. When HoT had its beta weekend events, ANet did exactly one thing in response to all the feedback we provided: Nothing. On the whole, the engineer class feels like it's made up of ANet's one-off or throwaway ideas. Scrapper has been a testing ground ever since its inception. That it works is a testament to player's ingenuity more than anything else.
  6. Like this? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Chilled_to_the_Bone!%22
  7. Because mirage crying overshadows holo crying and another class takes the hammer in between the mirage nerfs (ps. I'm ele main, prolly the class being nerfed this patch) Nerf history (and all holo nerf dodges)First attempt to nerf axe mirageFirst attempt to nerf boon beastActuall nerf to axe mirageSecond attempt to nerf boon beastWarrior FC nerfActual nerf to boon beastA lot of stuff I don't rememberWarrior gs f1 nerfScrapper nerfrev nerfSic'em nerfwarrior rampage nerfCI mesmer nerf This patch will prolly be fire weaver nerf, and after this prolly the next mirage condi build nerf, next it's prolly another warrior nerf or the cancer bunker rev nerf Learn holo is such a great deal Life is great when you have a selective memory.
  8. Yep. It should be an all-or-nothing deal. Duo Q shouldn't mix with SoloQ
  9. The animation, as it exists, measures out to around 240px. You'd have to do a lot of rejiggering to make it look like 130px, and in essence this nerf would make the AA weaker than bomb in many ways.
  10. Heat is a resource. And the OP provided an example of how clones are a resource.
  11. Balance-wise, it needs to be better than Bomb, which has been our go-to AA for ages (240 radius AoE damage). In a sense, bomb is the AA by which we measure all of our other attacks. The first two autos of the AA forge chain are not better than bomb. The third is. Compared to bomb, the AA on forge isn't egregious. I wouldn't be miffed about a reduction in the range of HS, but it's really only an issue in sPvP.
  12. Fair for what? I don't understand why shorten it. The Photon Forge isn't supposed to be a sword. It's a sword, staff, pistols and hammer in one. Every skill show you a weapon on attack. At AA chain and Holographic Leap it's a sword. I think it should have range as a normal sword (or greatsword).That does not fit with the animations at all. The animations suggest weapons that are twice as large as normal, thanks to their holographic status.
  13. I want to believe it's because ANet doesn't do proper testing but let's assume they do. That being the case, then they let that patch go live, knowing what it would do, because they WANTED us to be this bad. And taking that into account it's probably safe to say that ANet doesn't want us being bunkers anymore -at least not effective bunkers. What isn't obvious is what they actually want us to be because right now. Holos. Prot holo was already better than the tanky scrapper build before this latest round of nerfs. It's only gotten better. The difference is that prot holo requires more skill to play, whereas scrapper was pretty much plug-and-play.
  14. Oh, but you know that's what they're gonna do, right?
  15. You cant have everything you listed, because Utility skills are limited to 3. So pick the most op 3 ones and cry at these. Hey now. Clearly meta holos have 5 trait lines, 6 utility skills, and 2 heal skills.
  16. Only if there was some way to generate barrier other than "outgoing strike damage." The problem with impact savant is that it's VERY limited in scope, serving only power builds. Condi and healer builds get nothing from impact savant.
  17. Umm, wasn't it nerfed so overall it is only one Finisher now? Two. Originally it was three finishers, but they reduced it to two.
  18. I haven't found the loss of vitality bad to the scrapper WvW support build when you're in a comped group where heals are easy to come by. It seems that the current scrapper builds people are using just outright ignore Impact Savant. It forces a vitality penalty for nothing, no real trade-off, and at worst discourages certain types of builds. It is telling that there's been no increase in scrapper builds since the patch. The loss of Rapid Regeneration in comparison is noticeable though. The problem stems from multiple facts: Scrapper, by design, is not a good damage dealer. Core engineer does not do power damage nearly as well as other core classes like warrior. Its original design emphasized control and attrition over straight up damage.Scrapper has a hard goddamned time staying on targets in the first place. The only gap closer built into it was Rocket Leap. They added all this superspeed to help with gap closing, but it's still unreliable.It completely ignores that some of core engineer's best DPS output is in condi.
  19. Sir, this is the PvP forums. Yes and if you read the nerfs that they gave holo they nerfed the pve part of holo which was in a decent/bad shape alreadyand did nothing with the pvp/wvw part of holo which is still going strong. It still feels backwards to me.....This is normal for engineers. I don't think any of the balance team actually main engineer, and take random stabs at "fixing" the class. Sort of like the most recent scrapper changes. They looked good on paper to anybody who wasn't an engineer main. Main engineers knew they were garbage disguised as a buff. It almost feels like engineer is the literal testing grounds for the balance devs.
  20. Can't apply this inconsistently though. Eles will need to leave fire attunement and into water attunement after using a few skills, or risk burning up. While we're at it, berserkers will suffer from exhaustion after entering berserk mode. Well, vague sentiments aside, what would you actually do specifically? Most proposals I've seen would fundamentally damage core engi and scrapper more than holosmith. Something about like this. Forge reveals holo for 6 seconds. no cdincreased cooldown on holo leap to 4-5 secsincrease heat gain on all skills by 100% (for ex 2% is now 4%)decrease vent exhaust heat loss to 10%Toss Elixir S stealth decreased to 2.5 secs based (3 when traited HGH)increase cooldown for corona burst, gain cooldown reduction for enemies hit.prime light beam reveals at the start of charge.Would this be upon activation? Or upon leaving? Or is it just constantly being emitted? The first seems fine, the latter is overpunishing, and the middle is punitive.As a class, engineer has no other melee gap closers. There are none in its utility skills (and if you say rocket boots, so help me god). Ignoring all of your other suggested nerfs, doubling heat generation across the board would be a very heavy-handed nerf. If you want to force holos to rely on autoattacks and leaps more, then that's how you do it. If you wanted to do all of these things together, then you don't want holo to be viable period.Not a bad change to vent exhaust, to be sure, but then you're also pushing holos towards ECSU. That's a core engi change. I do agree the stealth is high (I think it should be 3-4s), but it's also the only on-demand stealth available to core engi. Be aware of this fact.This change is almost nonsensical to me. Corona Burst's primary use is for stability. It's already been nerfed to hell and back (requires hit, 4 -> 2s, half the might), and you want to add another condition onto it? It can't even cover an entire stomp now.Fine by me. It's relatively rare to use Prime Light Beam in stealth anyway.
  21. Well, vague sentiments aside, what would you actually do specifically? Most proposals I've seen would fundamentally damage core engi and scrapper more than holosmith.
  22. It's almost heartbreaking to see all the excellent suggestions made by players over the last 6+ years treated with such a dismissive attitude. The last time an employee of Anet graced us with their presence on this sub-forum was the 29th of March 2018. Pathetic. :c I appreciate the reality check, guys. I'm gonna keep that in mind more often. I just wish there was something to do about it. I've heard that they grovel over reddit posts - should I make a burner there begging for dialogue over these issues? Lmao. But you all know better than I that the odds barely exist for successDo it with some kind of sketch, comic, or art. For whatever reason, that trends really high on the GW2 subreddit.
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