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Everything posted by Turkeyspit.3965

  1. Subjective things are subjective. I played WoW for many years and I think Guild Wars 2 is, despite it's flaws, a superior game in every way, shape and form. If you don't like GW2 it doesn't mean there is something wrong with you or the game - it's just not a good fit. Nothing more.
  2. I'm never going to buy the tools off the Gem Store, but this is a nice alternative if you have the karma and the bank space to spare. It's a bit annoying as the tools have half the charges of normal ones, but whenever I complete a heart in Bitterfrost, etc, I load up with a bunch of each and distribute them around. It's nowhere near as effective as buying the Gem Store tools, but it's also free.
  3. Not to derail the thread, but those warm bodies are already there, but many players don't see them. Want to know how to build the WvW population? Type in /m inviting other players to group up with you. Not talking about pugmandering, but just running a 5 person squad, giving players new to WvW someone to follow, and yes, to lean on for support, will get more people who experiment with the game mode coming out with a positive experience.
  4. Okay, let me try again.If you play active style and follow commanders, you get normal amount of pips. If you instead avoid commanders and other players and go solo roam outnumbered maps, you get twice the pips and therefore tickets two times faster in the same time period you invest in wvw. Thus your slacking gets rewarded. This is what i don't like. You get more pips but less WXP. So it's all subjective: if you're trying to gain WvW ranks then you're better off blobbing. If you're trying to get skirmish tickets, your strategy is the most efficient. Both will net you the same reward track. I guess balance?
  5. IF the goal is to max your skirmish tickets, then as the OP describes, the easiest course is to find the BL map that has [Outnumbered] and just flip a camp or sentry every few minutes to keep your participation up. While running in a zerg will get you significantly more WXP, you're likely only going to get 4-6 pips (if you're a low ranked player) since I've rarely seen [Outnumbered] while running in a squad; compare that to earning 9-11 pips for the same time period but finding a quiet BL where nobody (from your server) is fighting. To the OP: I'm not sure there is a solution or even a problem for that matter. Yes it does seem counterintuitive, but really the extra pips are only a reflection that the map you're on has less people from your server, and it, I suspect, also helps to compensate roamers and scouts who are 'watching the store' as it were, and who likely aren't getting as much WXP as those in a squad.
  6. I remember seeing the Scallywag chest for the first time on my Human Guardian (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Scallywag_armor_human_male_front.jpg) and I thought "heck no, that looks silly on a heavy armor wearer". When I was gearing up my Male Charr Revenant, I just happened to have an exotic chest piece in the bank and tossed it on, expecting to then transmute it, but when I saw what the back looked like on my Charr (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Scallywag_armor_charr_male_back.jpg) I thought "YES! that is what a Revenant would wear".I decided to round out the look by adding a Tiger Charr Backpack :)
  7. But male character's look silly in just about everything but Heavy Armor. Seriously, my female characters: Human Necro, Sylvari Thief, Asura Engineer, Norn RangerMy male characters: Human Guardian, Charr Revenant Ironic considering the contents of the OPs post, I'm debating creating a Female Norn Warrior wearing (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eagle_armor) for chest and legs, wielding dual axes for that full on Nordic barbarian look! But sadly I'm not sure if I like the weapon animations on Female Norn Warrior (GS / Axe) so I may end up another Male Charr.
  8. Played since February. 4 dropped:Chaos Gun - Auric BasinStorm - Auric BasinThe Chosen - Auric BasinThe Bard - last Sunday in WvW
  9. WHAT are those shoulders? I've identified the rest of the ensemble, but those shoulders have me stumped =(
  10. Where else would you expect to find it though? Are you suggesting that elitism can somehow be eliminated? Because it can't, it's part of the human condition. Look at any organization, be it business, politics, academia, and you will always find people who look down their nose at others, and set subjective barriers to entry into their world. /shrug
  11. if you are as a roamer just on your map and your area, who is it you are going to fight then? you dont understand. if i enter any area, i capture e.g. sentries and camps and create "my area" because i know1.) they see mee while i am doing it, so they maybe will come to fight2.) when they cap it back i see them so i can go to them to fight Building up "your area" means taking it away from someone else ( so you are entering the opponents area). alone that already create opportunities to fight. but if i would just randomly walk around the map i would NEVER find any Opponent to fight. and also the 30 seconds delay unil the "under attack" event appeares in camps or anything else is too Long, so the objective is lost until you are there to defend it. and i see many enemies porting back to spawn directly after capping when they see me because they dont want to fight. the more Options for creating Vision you have, the more fights you will get, because you see your Opponent earlier and than can catch them for example inside of the camps before they capt it. this traps absolutely DOESNT kill roaming. this traps only kill easy PPT. i really enjoy the traps and possibilities they create for me. I disagree. This makes it harder for smaller scale. Instead of having one or two players reacting to my movement whilst solo roaming, I am already seeing 5-10 players reacting to it. It promotes blobbing in small scale.Now I don't have any experience in roaming (proper), but if you as a single player are occupying the attention of 5-10 players on the map, congrats, you have just delivered even more value as a roamer than you did before. Sure it might not feel that way with 5 people jumping on you or dropping siege on your corpse, but those 5-10 people aren't picking off people running back to tag, calling out zerg movement or pulling tactics.
  12. I agree with you in principle, but aside from what you said about Druid, the rest of your statements can be debated. I also would surmise that in a contest against top skilled players in GW2, a the Soulbeast would lose to player using other professions. But for open world / leveling, you would think that Ranger is good (it was the 1st class I chose), but I've since concluded that a Ranger LB + pet build is pretty terrible for leveling because it has no cleave. I'm not trying to poo-poo the Ranger, but I can't agree with the idea that it's in a good place. I have 5 LV 80s, and while my Ranger was the 1st character I leveled, she is the one I currently play the least; I only bring her out when I want to solo WvW dailies, where her speed (Owl / GS) really helps, or if I want to fight a world boss like Teq or Mega, and I don't want to have to dodge.
  13. My first character (a ranger) I leveled running only Signets as I didn't know what to pick or how to use it. Rangers, Thieves, Warriors and Mesmers I believe all can run really well in open world running passive signets. That will cut down on the amount of keys you have to memorize and press until you get used to it and start adding in utilities. Do it gradually and as you get used to recognizing when you need to activate those abilities, you can add in more.
  14. Revenant sword/sword is pretty fun to play as Shiro, but if you go Jalis, you can hit them dual swords AND smash them in the face with spinning hammers. Oh yeah, and if Glint you can breath flame over them, or just buffet them back with dragon wings. Very fun.
  15. Agree 100%. If you've never created a Charr engineer, do it just for the LV10 personal story quest - it's very fun. Welcome! Ah, but that is where weapon skins come in. Forgetting any Gem Store skins, you don't get much more "tech" looking than:this rifle - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Azure_Railgunthese pistols - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dark_Asuran_Pistol + https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyphic_Pistol_Skin
  16. I opened my GW2 account February 2018, and I have 3 fully ascended geared characters, that latest one completed back in September. I only do T4's on one of those characters so the others have about 100-110 AR, but I have about 60 +7 Infusions in my bank ready to trade in for +9s if that should change. Ascended gear is 'grindy' as far as GW2 is concerned, but a flat out joke in comparison to other MMO gear treadmills, and that's a good thing. GW2 doesn't use gear as the main driver for players, and one of its best strengths.
  17. Honestly, this is a major reason why I fail at dodging. At least in other games (like WoW) you could see cast bars appear under the name plate, and you could see the target of your target, so if the boss was all of a sudden targeting you, your name plate would popup and you knew kitten was about to get real.
  18. It's pretty irritating as I have developed muscle memory so I can quickly activate my abilities right after a legend swap, and now I keep activating the wrong one =(
  19. For Engy I always thought rifle was just a stat stick? I'm leveling one now, and I'm running either Flamethrower or Mortar kit 100% of the time.
  20. That's an interesting point, because I'm sure these recipes haven't been updated over the years. That said though, were you able to earn gold as quickly back then when they sold for 30s as you could now? I'm told at one point Dusk sold for like 40g on the TP whereas its 750g now. Last night alone doing T4 dailies and my Daily Completionist I earned about 12g for 80 minutes of play time. Were you able to earn 10g per hour, WITHOUT farming a meta, back then? There's people who earns thousands per day fiddling with the TP. That doesn't mean thing should be tailored around the highest earners. Mots people don't even farm, play fractals or raids.By the same extension, most people have no need for mystic coins, as they aren't crafting legendary weapons, feasts, or any of the uniquely named items in the game that call for them. I'm merely addressing your point that the coins used to cost less than now, by pointing out that gold is (likely) far easier to obtain now than the time period you are referring to. I wasn't playing then so I can't speak from experience.
  21. That's an interesting point, because I'm sure these recipes haven't been updated over the years. That said though, were you able to earn gold as quickly back then when they sold for 30s as you could now? I'm told at one point Dusk sold for like 40g on the TP whereas its 750g now. Last night alone doing T4 dailies and my Daily Completionist I earned about 12g for 80 minutes of play time. Were you able to earn 10g per hour, WITHOUT farming a meta, back then?
  22. Many of the WvW reward tracks can reward Mystic Clovers, which if you also partake of that game mode, can quicken your journey. The mistforged armor reward track for example rewards 2 clovers in the final box, and is repeatable, and same for the hero weapons. There are also some tracks that give a 1 time reward of 7 clovers in the final box.
  23. Because Glint has more cc and AoE cleave, and better tools overal for fighting against humans. I'm afraid you'll need to expand on that for me.
  24. At first glance though, this really does kill off Glint's usefulness in WvW, regardless if you're zerging or roaming.Why would you want +Concentration vs Shiro Life Siphon / Boon strip or Jalis DR / Stability. Seems like a no brainer.
  25. Jalis F2 in WvW sounds like a nice upgrade, as more stab is always good. But Glint man...F2 is just flat out boring.
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