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Everything posted by Makion.3457

  1. Yep this is true, its way easier to play Fashion wars with heavy armor than medium or light.
  2. No point in adding something they never wanted to have in the game in the first place, also Im happy healing with my Healbrand. no need for a trinity.
  3. Then you are looking for Band of Bards! http://bandofbards.online/#about
  4. I only have a TEN SECONDS DELAY between each key stroke, Internet works fine with other games.
  5. I love the game too! Im really enjoying the new map, I think is the most fun I ever had on a new map, so many things to do! (Bring wild magic backpack back!)
  6. Charrkie, my Charr weaver just relaxing in the snow Charrkie again
  7. I would but only have three charrs, two of them are mains, the rest of my characters are backpacks and classes I will never play xD
  8. Warhorns are for blowing, not for puffing xD How about a Blunt sword or a Brick shield :P
  9. Skyscale almost all the time, Raptor for speed run to a land objective.
  10. Do the story , when you are done with that you will have a firm grasp of all the confusing things.
  11. Very cool, your Guardian looks very evil xD
  12. Guys, love your Guardians fashion looks!!! we should have a Guardian meetup in Lions ark so we can see the characters ingame :D
  13. So, Guardians have too much Aegis, Necros have too much AOE Thiefs have too much Critic, lets nerf everything because you dont like how they play!! Dude Guardians are supposed to be a multiclass, for damage you have warriors and thiefs, for condi Necros and the rest, for Ala you have Mesmerss, the Guardian class was designed to be that way and to act as support or damage , you say that "in all 3 iterations and too much block chain when considered alongside the highly mobile burst potential" I could say the ridiculous amount of AOE the necros have piss me off, same with the stupid high Thief crit damage, Every class has something that makes them unique in their own playstyle. I used to play ton of wvw as a Healer firebrand so I know first hand how crazy is the Necro damage and the thief in pvp.
  14. Yay Santa Charr That looks like a reindeer; with the stag Helm is back!!
  15. Musical Charr here to leave a comment :D Ill be playing some Windersday tunes on LA
  16. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Support_Firebrand This is what I use.
  17. why the fuck would they nerf the SUPPORT aspects of a mainly SUPPORT class??? thats fucking stupid.
  18. Im stuck at 485, didnt do the whole collection but all the food I can discover is 500
  19. It is. at first I was so piss off with all you have to do to get it, but at the end I found myself having fun getting all the stuff for the collection and now I love the mount, currently only using Skyscale and Raptor.
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