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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Yes, good point...that's why I actively play ranger-warrior-guardian-ele-necro, I can freely switch between as they are all fully geared head to toe with selected builds but...try to explain the same concept to the rest of the GW2 playerbase now
  2. Many awful players are given the chance of playing without actually learning the basic principles of combat like dodging, timing and strategy. The all play necromancer, renegade, guardian ,not much thought required really as 3/4 of the job is done by the build and as a result those players acquire a false of sense of accomplishment, they truly believe to be above any possible challenge and as a consequence even a minor thing like jumping an obstacle will be considered OP. Half the nerf threads in wvw are made by necromancer.. the other half by guardian.....ofc an overstatement but pretty close to the truth
  3. Guess what counter these nabs...and guess what these nabs constantly whine about....DE?...sic'em?.....LR/FA?...anything with any resemblance of ranged power dmg get whined about by the majority who play these kitten condi/boon tanks builds pressing 1-2 buttons doing massive aoe dmg while granting passive sustain thx to powercrept mechanics. The game full to the brink with these builds granting passive toughness, perma protection, traits that turn a full soldier build into a freaking glass cannon minus the glass part...all melee centered backpedalling mofo builds that get countered by the builds you're suggesting and guess what Anet likes to nerf the most?! And you know why in this game, high risk=high reward gets constantly shafted in favour of no risk=all reward?...Profit, one hit wonder gameplay attracts whales and rejects from harder games...the perfect customer base for a super casual MMO it would appear People think they have skills running these condi/boon tanks...I can easily tank 3 people if using any of those build...it's not hard to do so
  4. I don't care what you do or say after, just remove trailblazer and dire , the game full of this condi trash from small roaming, to large fight...all I see and face are these tanky condi cheese builds that never dodge and just facetank damage: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Weaver_-_Starfire_Roamer https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Necromancer_-_Core_Condi_Roamer https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Condition_Mallyx_Roamer https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Holosmith_-_Explosive_Roamer https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Power_Curses The ones above are by far the worst offenders, but druid is surely worth a mention: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Druid_-_Longbow_Roamer and all variants...just delete kitten Ancient Seed And if things were not bad enough before you went and buffed celestial, so the whole scene full with condi hybrids tanking the whole kitten planet.....this is truly not the same game I started with in 2012, I had big hopes after the success of GW1 ..but this now...this is just sad
  5. I honestly don't know what's the allure of keep answering to a nerf thread....people in a nerf thread are not interested in any sort of balance, they merely want to delete a class/spec that bothers them....they won't change their mind or anything so...even 20 pages worth of explanation and theories are wasted on them...so I am baffled ...I simply wouldn't bother answering back after 2-3 posts..
  6. I will only reply to this one as you mention me being angry.... yeah I am pissed , tired AF of seeing the game being balanced non stop around the low common denominator and this goes for everything, last time I had to school a bunch of noobs who were dieing non stop to a single tempest...they were whining on how OP tempest was....maybe people should learn to bloody play before calling everything OP. I could understand people complaining about AS druid, some pet doing too much, variants of boonbeast maybe..but no a freaking a +1 glass build that dies to a wind gust if you learn to bloody play. There are times to complain about busted mechanics and there is a time to recognize how bad you are mechanically...what can I say now, keep ranting I guess
  7. I am done! If you die non stop to sic em glass ranger you're a below average player..git gud , there I've said it, glass rangers are literally a free bag, if you die to that..you need to get better period, now people can keep crying on the forum here..I am done with this thread
  8. People have reflect and blocks for days...if anything they can still dodge, they already nerfed ranger mobility 3x times, any other class can easily catch up to an average or worst ranger, anything else...people get outplayed and refuse to accept it. If you're a below average ranger...I can kill you even on a core d/d ele...that's something called skill level and people tend to refuse its existence
  9. It is what it is! Ranger is not this draconian concept people on the forum would want you to believe, It's a L2P issue and that's something Anet can't fix, we're talking about a build where you just need to dodge. There is not a single thing on ranger that has not been repeatedly nerfed and this has been going for the last 5 years, the only type of change that would satisfy people on the forum is to delete ranger...like the same people who cry about thief. 1) dmg modifier? They nerfed longbow, gs, sword, axe, dagger damage coefficients 2) They nerfed dmg on all used pets..but people literally want pets to do 0 dmg so... 3)They nerfed sic'em 3 times, they nerfed dmg modifiers on soulbeast worldy impact 4) They nerfed the sustain of wilderness and nature magic...but people still claim otherwise People lose track of all the nerfs a class receive..and simply ask for more till they can win against that class regardless of their skill level so yeah...it is what it is
  10. It is what it is! This is a nerf thread and like all other nerf thread, people have made up their mind and I see zero point in going back and forth for pages to no end. That's what longbow ranger does and will always do regardless of nerf or buffs, I don't know what people expect...that Anet delete longbow? the longbow dmg get nerfed by 100%?...Neither of that will ever happen regardless of how many complaints. I still wreck people on staff ele even after all the nerfs so...whatever. There is no nerf for strategy, common sense and simple ingenuity.....
  11. Be glad of all this reflect...if not you'd see an encyclopedia worth of nerf threads on the forum every single day. We have all this reflect..and people still cry every day about rangers....
  12. "You know what you're planning to do when you pick your char, so being weak in completely different areas of the game is irrelevant" Exactly that, ranger excel at 1vs1 and roaming while other professions excel at other aspect and every other class still has all the tools to deal with whatever ranger can throw at them. Ranger does what ranger does in every other MMO with access to longbow, people can either learn to build properly and dodge or they can spend their days on the forum complaining. Literally ranger is one of the easiest professions to kill in wvw, despite all the claims of super rangers flying around..I can literally 1vs2 rangers on basically war, guard, ele, necro and most times coming on top....the only profession I can do that while being against. The sic'em build to do any dmg must go full glass with no other sustain but the block on the gs, for maximum damage and not something against which, any other properly built spec would laugh at And before people say "many rangers are trash"...well if you die to such trash..you're far worst, that's what I should tell people
  13. 1) Why are you near the enemy object? 2) Why is your build unready for +1? 3) If you can't react in time to ganking...don't roam on your own. If you get baited near enemy structure, that's on you, nothing to to with the build, if you want to roam you focus on everything not only one person, if you can't do that, don't roam alone, I don't misunderstand anything in wvw, been roaming for like 7 years on 3 different professions and can still roam on an additional 2
  14. Literally every class can be deadly in +1 if built correctly, I can +1 you with a LR weaver in WvW and your health would go down just a tad slower than when facing a +1 from a soulbeast. The+1 soulbeast surely hits hard if built correctly, but the build itself is easy to counter and comes with its drawback. It's extremely easy to close gap on a ranger so it's always a L2P issue, we're talking about 1-2 stealth occasions once every 20-30s...it's not a DE stealthing on dodge and every class has access to its fair share of gap closers...so always a L2P issue for those who fail, I literally kill rangers with zero effort in WvW, on war, on guard, on necro and ele. Then we should consider the fact that other professions can still +1 and offer team support/boons, they won't be able to +1 as good as a ranged SB but again, what would unreasonable is to have professions doing it all with one build Thieves and rangers are great roaming classes, that's all they can do but unreasonable people still complain about them while playing professions that have a build for everything from 1vs1 to zerg to small scale..so people should have some kitten decency and leave something to others, people should start pointing that finger inward...rather than constantly outward
  15. You play the epitome of easy build and you complain about other...renegade merely press 3 on the shortbow, how difficult is to play shortbow renegade? The OP, you and others play the same game...which is balanced for the super-casual, whatever you play , there is something that require very little effort to do good with Problem is people only want to recognize the cheese that kills them..not the cheese they play, deluding themselves in thinking to be skilled or whatever, name any class and I can list all the "no effort" builds available...no exception. Ok you play rev....we have condi herald, condi renegade...easy to play, very low effort and ofc whoever plays rev would say otherwise, moving forward, what the OP play?
  16. Anet is well aware of OP a build can be, if left untouched for months/years and rather buffed from time to time then "it's intended as a marketing tool to get more people playing that class". Anet is intentionally lowering the skill level required to do good in GW2, the process attracts more people because you all should remember that the biggest portion of the playerbase is the supercasual working class and unless you have something working for them..the game fails and die
  17. We can say that for every other profession, clearly warrior needs some help with some traits and utilities, more than some other professions but at the same time, warrior is not as garbage as people would want you to believe. I say the same thing about ele as I realized that we cannot balance the game around the TOP, where overperforming builds are abused, they will always exist
  18. So it seems no class can currently auto-win vs warriors as players would want you to think, this imply that those winning against wars are not exactly noob who started the game yesterday
  19. The CC stunlock is real and cannot be denied though, especially with the low access to stability, let's be objective winning against a good war is not a walk in the park, at high level it's either stalemate, or a hard fought victory
  20. It's also true that not all profession can "bomb" their position from range, actually outside necro and full glass SB...there is literally no other real threat from far range, ranged dmg starts to appear then at 600-900 range so....let's remember that warrior damage is justified by the fact that it's hard to land, should that change then the dmg should be lowered
  21. I don't believe that the dmg nerf to FC was necessary if anything they could have added couple of secs to the CD but either way, at equal skill level a spellbreaker has a winning MU against a ranger and this is something no pro player even would disagree with, a GS spellbreaker has the mobility, block uptime and evasion to quickly close distance on a ranger, no matter how much he kites and it's at that point that skill level counts...with ranger having a clear losing MU at melee against a warrior. You could make an argument of pets like tiger still doing more than necessary damage( even if it can be easily dealt with ), could make another argument of lowering pet dmg while increasing utility instead you opt for "remove the pets"...there is no discussion there, nobody including the devs is interested with that kind of talk. Finally the OP is a rev, which again has a winning MU against rangers at equal skill level, elemental blast is more than enough to kill pets or just force the ranger to constantly recall them, then between sword, staff, shiro and even mallyx/axe leap, a rev has more than enough to close gap on a ranger and put him on the defensive...you don't see rangers being played anymore as side duellist for a very good reason..at best they have that semi-bunker druid that never goes every far anyway and still not meta
  22. Seriously...you should see from the first post if somebody is open for discussion, this is a nerf thread and nothing you say or do would change their mind, by adding to this thread you only engross the narrative...just let them vent and ignore
  23. Warrior can indeed have his moments but overall the class is on the weak side I concur, the damage is not the issue though
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