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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. One way to please everybody would be to create a pet based elite with a specific mechanic for the new elite, so to say give a F5 that let pets enter a state of Rage during which they deal 2x more dmg while taking no dmg or condi during the duration...the counterplay would be that after using Rage the pet would become Exhausted for half the duration of rage mode, so we say rage mode on a 15-20s CD and Exhaust mode lasting 6 to 10s, during the Exhaust phase, the pet move at 1/3 of the original and deal likewise 1/3 of the original dmg. 1- we need a not OP pet mechanic that let the AI survive at melee range 2_ we add a weapon gameplay that increase sustain temporarily while at melee range or similar idea An elite not able to solve those 2 issues is bound for failure
  2. Fact is the vast majority of people requesting a specific weapon for any class tend to be PvErs at 100%, anything works in PvE really, so as long as it looks good.....for them it's fine. Let's remember that PvE is the priority for Anet in everything, the rest is always a plus and never a necessity; the only weapons that Anet has ever buffed were the ones underperforming in PvE for a reason or another, the occasional PvP nerf always comes after months/years worth of nagging on the forum A hammer ranger given the pet mechanic would end up being quite awful in a PvP scenario, it will be good to use for a while after launch presumably thx to some OP trait, pet, utility.....then it would get inevitably hard nerfed in all competitive scenario and that will be considered an acceptable decision as the PvEr playerbase will be unaffected by the change and they will keep enjoying their juggernaut legendary Basically the vast majority of players in GW2 want elites specs so they can craft a new legendary for their favourite profession, only a minority look at elite as a chance for new gameplay options. I explained already why pure melee ranger would not work and I get the same answers I was getting in ele subforum, where I was trying to explain that an additional melee weapon for ele would have been a godawful idea...well people wanted their sword, see where that got them in the end.... People want to play their hammer but...you have these pets getting insta killed by AoE, no PBAoE utilities/traits/additional weapons like other melee focused profession, no blocks outside GS....how can you expect to play melee range 24/7 in a zerg scenario? It's not about the weapon, it's about the role people are asking , pure melee ranger hasn't got the foundation to work effectively without a dedicated onetrick pony elite. In a single instance this "dream elite" will have to somehow "immunize" pets from aoe dmg, provide additional sources of block/sustain, add team oriented utilities/trait and ofc...provide enough dmg to be worth using and to top it all....ranger would still have the chance to swap to LB and burst people from distance I just don't see that happening without providing a clearly OP/broken elite that would end up being gutted to hell after ofc seeing everything around it being destroyed. Imagine getting a soulbeast 2.0 with hammer....now let's remember all the nerfs sustained to "balance" boonbeast...and multiply it by 10x.
  3. The range gameplay on this class is already rewarding enough for the effort required, people can learn to slot signet of the Hunt and prioritize targets, we don't need to further reward "press 2" gameplay without actual strategy behind it. With that said, you do have a really good point with revenant, considering hammer on rev, Anet could implement some PBAoE for rangers but the question remains: how would they implement a strong melee mechanic considering pets and the general balance for the class? -if they add an elite which relies on strong melee pets ...well we all know those pets will be nerfed within 6 months from launch, we would end up with half-useful elite before the end of the next year -what about the inherent lack of blocks/melee sustain the class has by design? To support a melee design you need good access to block, invulnerability/evasion...general resilience and we all remember what happened to boonbeast and how heavily ranger was nerfed to balance it...another round of similar nerfs would destroy core ranger literally. I have a clear example of a community wishing for a weapon not well designed for a class: elementalist and sword , they gave sword to ele because people wanted to play Gandalf in Queensdale...now 3/4 of those Gandalf play necro/guardian or renegade. Ranger is a skirmisher not a melee brawler, my hopes now is that Anet has wisen up...I am just hoping of not getting another druid.....
  4. Really the pet mechanic has confined ranger to ..range since day 1, before soulbeast people were simply playing with half-mechanic when trying to play melee ranger in anything more than 1vs1 situation. It's not what me or you want...it's how the class has been designed and what people don't recognize in my argument., I don't think the version of melee suitable to ranger design is the same one people are hoping for
  5. guild_wars_2_necromancer_in_a_nutshell_100_pure Google for this video, recently made by Lord Hizen, I can't link the video to the forum as it contains swear words, but watch the video..it should answer all your questions
  6. It's not ranger that needs help vs scourge....it's warrior that lost the CC-damage to quickly kill necros before being overwhelmed by condis, that was possible before with berseker's stance and some luck....it got worst and worst from that point on. I have a better suggestion: Remove unblockable mark trait, they are already easy to land, they last till popped, attach to walls and can be stacked one on top of each other, the unblockable is completely unnecessary and simply take away the options of any melee spec to get close enough. Remove the unblockable part of the marks and warriors would have an easier time getting close to necro and CC them to kingdom come!
  7. Late reply: I indeed asked for more AoE and CC but that got little to do with what you may have in mind, from my understanding the people here are asking for something that literally turns ranger into a warrior sort of thing while keeping the benefits of switching to a range when convenient, at the same time maintaining the great sustain options of the class. If my assumptions are correct then....the concept would be grossly OP and broken , most players here have decided to main a ranger because they enjoy the ranged gameplay and the last thing I'd assume they'd want is to see the class being balanced around melee combat after almost a decade spent playing range and building a whole gameplay around it. It's not a matter of what people want, it is a matter of what can be done! The majority of people playing ranger do so for a specific reason and that's ranged gameplay , anything after that is a plus and never a necessity, the balance of each class should revolve around the original concept, that's what people paid and continue to play for. Now is soulbeast a perfect brawler? No it's not! At best it's an adept skirmisher and that's what ranger supposed to be, while balance is not perfect.....for ranger it has always been quite decent and I say that as somebody who has been multiclass for years, invested time and money in other professions like elementalist and warrior which by comparison have been nerfed harder than ranger and I am not saying that ranger should be nerfed any further ( no way) I am saying that the class so far has received a fair treatment compared to some other professions. Again what would happen if ranger gets a melee centred elite is that Anet would start "balance" the whole class around melee combat as it'd be the newest toy, everything else that makes ranger would end up in the gutter as a result and I don't want that......I am sure at 100% that players here don't want to see that too. I started to play ranger to get away from all the PBAoE condi kitten farting that has been plaguing this game for years, I enjoy ranged combat because it makes it easier to deal with runaway/steath bullcrap gameplay, I enjoy ranger because I can force people to dance at my tune with a mix of ranged and melee combat ..not the other way around. I won't give up any of that so that people can roleplay with a hammer in Queensdale! Give ranger more access to AoE and CC that's it, for more melee options...people can go and play warrior
  8. it is even worst in WvW where your 40s+ burst that requires 80% of your entire skill bar...get nullified by handheld ressing in the space of 1s....fun game
  9. Helseth is an old school master meaning is anti cheese teacher....something not really welcomed by the GW2 community and the devs by extension
  10. Here is mine Close official forum as nothing good ever comes from listening the biased community, base balance on factual data and no some deep emotional drama
  11. Before ranger we had Diamond skin eles to keep the necro population in check, avoiding massive reproduction rates. I am afraid now the ecosystem is permanently compromised....furthermore necro itself is necessary to keep boonspammers under control, that's how balance works....you remove one thing and things get worst no better
  12. That's my only question, I mean 90% of current small scale is PBAoE condi spam with pocket healer : condi Herald, necromancer, celestial firebrand, cele scrapper with some tempest ....and that's all you see these days. The maps during off hours are full to the brink with gank guilds sporting a pocket army of trailblazer condi healer/tanks with perma boon support , I mean thieves and warrior have all but disappeared, you see nothing else but these condi trailblazers and the matter is made several times worst by the addition of broken ressing traits/utilities that makes redundant any attempt of direct dmg. The Feb 2020 patch was a complete disaster, we desperately need more access to direct power damage and boon removal, we need the tools to deal with this excessive usage of condi tanks, I miss the days when we could one-shot these asinine builds with players relaying on stats rather than awareness to accomplish anything. There must be a limit to how much we can reward a gameplay that revolves on a player running in straight line or backpedalling, while firing off the entire build bar consisting of PBAoE condi vomit
  13. Without their scrapper/fb holding their hands....90% of them wouldn't last 10s...
  14. At this point, a rework is completely impossible and people should focus their suggestions on traits and weapon fixes. 1)Sword- needs reductions on casting time or increased range 2)Conjures and arcane : useless for most part 3)Buffs to tempest support That's what comes to mind at the moment, but there is more
  15. So another duellist spec? If so I'd pray for a pure power duellist as I am tired of seeing trailblazer mesmers, always been funnier to face power shatter than staff "zzzzzzz" campers. Those are definitely daggers....consider me interested
  16. Sustain is not an issue if you build for sustain at the expense of damage, that's what the definition of balance has always been. If a player invests in damage at the expense of sustain...he should be able to oneshots others, viceversa if I build for sustain...I should be able to tank enough dmg to be a serious issue without ever becoming a DPS threat. A build is OP when it has the sustain of a tank and the burst damage of a glass cannon and that brings me to the third variable: hybrid, where I can do some damage while having some sustain. Problem with the GW2 community is that nothing is never accepted! If glass cannon...too much dmg pls nerf; if tank...too much sustain pls nerf; if an hybrid..too good as duellist pls nerf.. The issue is not sustain, the issue is people not tolerating glass cannon specs, which are needed to quickly resolve matches and avoid stalemates, the Feb 2020 patch brought forward by the will of the community effectively removed that glass cannon role...and now you all suffer from that decision because : Glass+Bruiser+Tank=Balance and if you remove one element of the equation..you remove balance simple. The problem is not sustain...the problem is the lack of dmg, only in rare instances the damage is too much to justify and deserve to be nerfed.
  17. You either make a game for the dedicated few who are ready to put in the work to see rewards or...you make a game in line with the current social trends...best reward=now for no effort. GW2 playerbase is all about winning not the actual competition or challenge similar to other MMOs....and a company must do what needs to be done in order to survive
  18. I thought the community was against instant dmg utilities with no tell....at least I remember arcane skills being nerfed behind any possible use
  19. And before the "usual suspects" come with their pointless L2P meme talk....yes you can win against all odds when you apply yourself and just play better, paying attention to every detail and generally rotating better but....the main issue is the existence of builds bringing results even when not requiring any of what I've described.
  20. It's pay to win when all of sudden, overnight rather, a bunch of players you never seen before being consistent or even being able to be there before.....they all reach platinum and legendary...and they all play the same thing, we all experienced a meta where people became a PvP sensation within couple of weeks from HoT launch and they all happen to play DragonHunter and Reaper , for a good year , in soloq 3 matches out of 5 was with 2-3 dragonhunter per teams, and at least 2 reapers ...... Paying to have access to a skillset which allows you to reach a skill threshold you would not otherwise reach......that's the definition of Pay To Win. I played in the past and still play some nominated P2W games on mobile and even PC, in those games, people pay real money to gain access to specific generals or items that give an unfair advantage during PvP matches, like reducing enemy troops HP and defences by 45% or similar, without those generals/items, you get always defeated no matter your strategy. Specs like dragonhunter and reaper were created to give an artificial boost to player's skill level ,no need to dodge, strategize too much...just rush on the point and press all utilities buttons(in dragon hunter full trap build) of press F1 and then press couple buttons ( reaper), lowered skill level=increased reward after paying money....that's P2W, no matter how you spin it. Would the same player at time be able to reach same rank while using different spec/class?...HELL NO...so case closed really. These expansions are nothing more than cash grab with watered down mechanics aimed at the "whales" and their inflated ego, a false sense of merit that people will defend to their last breath while living in a delusion of their own creation.
  21. It has been like this literally for years since HoT launch, the necro population increased in size tenfold with reaper introduction and now with scourge and core necro revival, the class population has skyrocketed. When HoT launched, players you never seen before reached Platinum rank playing either DragonHunter or Reaper .....what you're saying is nothing new and nothing that will change...ever
  22. The honest answer here is : PvP was in a good state when GW1 original devs where still working at Anet, devs like John Peters, Jonathan Sharp and Isaiah Cartwright who basically were the main PvP devs keeping everything in shape, while maintaining a strong idea of fairness, meaning there was no super sayan mode for any profession, like now where they press 1-2 buttons and do everything while getting every possible boon...removing any weakness in the process even if temporarily. To put all of this in numbers, GW2 has been in the best shape from the entirety 2013 up to Aug 2015, after that the game devolved in an online glory hunting while abusing obviously busted mechanics and specs: 2015 HoT- Dragonhunter: people with no previous knowledge of pvp, were reaching high positions by simply rushing on point and spamming all traps, simplistic gameplay, extremely effective and overly rewarding Reaper: Just press F1 and do massive aoe dmg, off shroud just spamming staff Daredevil: dodge spamming with 3 evasion bars plus evasion skill mechanics, there are videos of people dodging a total of 15 times back to back Druid: stealth, run, ancient seed spam...it was the unbeatable side duellist at HoT launch especially in WvW, this is where I started playing ranger seriously, dropping ele as favourite main, around this time John Peters one of the devs who left for Amazon, was considerate towards the ele concept and community...the last dev who would ever act this way, after he left, ele started to get hit with extremely biased and skewed "balance patches" with bias coming both from the community and the what was left of the "devs". The following were not as busted at HoT launch but became after when "nerfs" started to rain Herald: basically a heavy armor version of thief with more of everything, was extremely busted from 2016 till 2017, it had it all...all, top team started to abused herald to win tournaments Berseker: pre-defense line huge nerfs and changes to burst mechanic, the condi variant of berseker was literally a 1hit KO burst with immense sustain and durability, a nightmare on sidenodes. Chronomancer: the legendary busted tank, from 2016 to beginning of 2018 , we had this virtually unkillable monster that could tank an entire team in PvP in extreme cases. The condi variant was like the bogey man in WvW, there were like dozen of mesmers roaming on each map, laughing their way to the bank... What's left, scrapper and tempest, were mostly decent throughout their existence with few shining occasions from a changing meta and the other, but Tempest especially was quickly brought down with nerfs, few months after it started to shine in light of nerfs another spec received before. The 2nd expansion PoF was literally the same....just 10x worst overall in terms of balance and I expect EoD to be 20x time worst than PoF always considering balance. Basically GW2 at launch was pretty similar to GW1 in maintaining that sense of fairness and competitiveness, you were expected to put efforts for actual results and as a consequence -GW2 PvP was thriving at the time, we had like 4-5 times the number of people, world tournaments and an engaging atmosphere for small and big players .......then.......GW1 devs left and that brings us here to this point, GW2 is now just a PvE game with PvP arcade mode simulation, grossly unbalanced game, complete lack of fairness, clear class favouritism, biased commentary on all fronts, toxic community...all the focal point of a declining game at its final stages of life. This is your honest answer
  23. Yeah...all these MAT teams winning with drake pet alone, by comparison renegade totally fine....
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