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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Yeah...all these MAT teams winning with drake pet alone, by comparison renegade totally fine....
  2. ...no, ranger is by far the best longbow user in the game, yes shortbow sucks compared to renegade or even thief but...oh well
  3. With the same old same professions ending up on the top end of the place, thx for being easy to use and effective in manipulating the "whale" population so they keep playing the game. So to say...yes all professions will have an OP EoD elite but realistically the same 3-4 will end up being spammed to death everywhere in PvP/WvW with PvE where they end up being the easiest and most effective to use, I am referring to no other that : Necromancer -Guardian -Engineer and Revenant ....we all know these 4 will receive some OP abomination that will be left unchecked for at least 1 year before seeing any resemblance of valuable change
  4. People are not interested in balance....the reality is that people are interested in an environment that favour them, the whole "perfect balance" idea is just a cover, with people trying to appear "mature and unbiased" when the opposite is true
  5. I believe it was self-explanatory that next elite should not be some sort of bruiser, to safeguard the playability of all other specs. Main reason why professions like necro, guardian and engi get to play with everything and not just 1 or 2/3 of the class, it's because each elite covers a specific role and more or less gets balanced around it. Whether some people accept it or not, soulbeast is currently being played as bruiser on top of meme one shot. Druid was harshly nerfed because it was being used as duellist due to broken AS( something I specifically suggested to remove in order to safeguard the whole druid concept, made a thread where literally every ranger attacked me calling me names etc, but I know Anet how it operates....ele gave me enough experience and I knew what was coming for druid....shame people were too busy launching insults to see the inc nerf crusade) . All I am saying is that another duellist/bruiser spec would spell the end for core ranger and possibly soulbeast, Anet would inevitably nerf what's left of core ranger sustain to "nerf" the newest bruiser spec, the class has been played as side duellist for 9 years and some people ask for yet another duellist/ bruiser...what the class need is access to AoE/cc with some decent dmg...and some well deserved buffs to support druid....where they finally remove AS, stop using it as an excuse to keep druid where it is now
  6. This game was never designed to have elite specializations, core and soulbeast would get nerfed to hell to support a bruiser elite...like druid was nerfed to force people into playing soulbeast. At launch people were still opting for druid over soulbeast, better sustain and disengage, especially with the stunbreak on CA usage, so Anet went and removed almost everything that made druid worth playing over soulbeast. If Anet adds a bruiser with Eod , ranger would find itself with 2 semi useless elites ...not really a great scenario so that people can role play with a hammer in queensdale
  7. Many of us picked ranger for its flexibility in 1v1 scenario, a talent that has been downgraded greatly with time since I started the profession years ago. Originally an ele, around 2015 the class became too painful to play full time, there was an epidemic of necromancers, recently buffed , ele got hard nerfed that time (never recovered from that) and the ranged combat of ranger with Druid made me fall in love with GW2 all over again as I was finally able to trash those OP reapers( lol, in a sense they're still are, necro is still one of the most busted class design I ever seen in a videogame). So to answer your question : ranged combat is what attracts most people to the class, surely the kitten condi melee aoe PBaoe has not gone anywhere if anything it got worst so...here I am still enjoying ranger, turning the life of all those condi kitten tanks into a literal living hell (yes I freaky hate condi specs, low effort BS gameplay). The pet mechanic is badly implemented, should have never been forced as main mechanic, it should have been left as choice as it was in GW1. Now the way this game is structured, the only way for people to use something it must provide damage or CC or support, efficiently and often. The class now is stuck with a mechanic that receives constantly nerfs and it's becoming borderline useless even though it's the kitten class mechanic they added, people may complain about pet but ofc....nobody here signed up to go out there while using a dead and useless mechanic so..... Yes ranger is indeed strong and flexible but it still pale in comparison to engi; the sb stances are really good utilities but they're not better than gyros, elixir s, elixir gun, healing turret etc etc etc
  8. No downstate reflects what GW1 was, a truly skill based game compared to this mess , if you got caught out of position it was "down with you", positioning and timing ..the epitome of skill. There is absolutely nothing skilled dancing around with perma boon builds running like a phalanx unit thx to perma stability/protection/regeneration/resolution+ gyros, barrier spam.....
  9. You forget ressing glyphs and similar utilities, stealth/block/reflects/invulnerability to guarantee ress.....plenty of tools to survive for those who should be back to respawn
  10. the only groups I see are made of scrappers, FB, necros, tempests, C-Heralds or renegade outsustaining everything else, getting outplayed despite their tankiness and still come on top thx to ressing utilities and extra sustain.....I see far less skill in that than prancing around knowing you can die as fast as you kill
  11. I like build diversity too especially the one working against the low common denominator gameplay of condi/boon tanks, I really enjoyed the pre Feb balance for most parts....especially because of this, they were far far less "pro" on necro back then
  12. Can you read the post above you? Got too many angry messages/whispers from mad kids and the last thing I need is banning due to RTM scams , I play the professions I ask to be nerfed...unlike most of you, it's that simple .Ranger and thief blah blah blah..ok I invite any of you to come and show it in game! I am waiting ..and again identify yourself whoever whisper me, too many angry rants to filter through
  13. Always receiving mad posts from angry kids coming in game from the forum , so identify yourself next time instead than sending yet another angry rant, got way too much trash whisper/message to clear periodically, about the rest : 1) You're supposed to come in game as ranger/thief 2) I don't share my builds or anything Can't wait to experience your "OP" gameplay...
  14. I don't think perma everything dancing in a circle is anything better, it'd be nice to have something in between but..oh well
  15. Yes...ofc you run power....so if trailblazer not an issue I don't see why you care
  16. Do you realize that you're in a thread whining about the very one of the few things that counter your condi cheese gameplay?..You must have forgot about that with all the pointless ranting. The entire necro community is a clown fiesta event :" you need to kite when we enter shroud you noobs and just range us"....you then range them ...."omfg ranged dmg is OP, noob players pewpew from distance"....clowns on automode gameplay specs complaining about balance Ohhhh...you're not trailblazer ..cute...what are you? celestial? settler?dire?rabid?apothecary?.....certainly you're not zerker spite necro...bye bye and keep ranting
  17. Thank you! Many refuse to admit this simple truth and main reason why they all play condi tanks...the same dmg of power builds..minus the risk
  18. There is nothing on this forum indicating the skill level of players and skill level is something the devs try to keep in mind when balancing, no company can balance a game so that even the most uncoordinated/slow/untalented individuals can find success in the competitive environment ...Just some salty necromancer , upset that his trailblazer condi kitten gets countered...typical
  19. So now you have to be skilled before being broken it seems, that makes your previous statement incorrect although the people dieing to average thief/ranger certainly do not play a FA ele, they actually play meta class...with meta spec...and they lose because they suck . Then these people come on the forum claiming how broken thief/ranger is and if you then certify that you can kill those same thief/rangers while using even a weaker spec...the answer you get is :"but yeah if you face PRO thief blah blah"..now hold on a second! If something is broken it doesn't require skill to be good at or at least that's what people who whine about ranger/thief say Also FA ele is simply too weak....I can still play core ele against ranger/thieves and win though
  20. Anybody dieing to rangers or thieves in 2021 GW2...should stick to PvE or at best limit themselves to play only minstrel tempest/firebrand/scrapper or some trailblazer core necro with undead runes. Ha yes and I use a core war...no stealth or heal burst or trailblazer build...Just dodges.....
  21. Credibility is based on truth, certainly not approval
  22. So people wait all year to play thief/ranger for a whole week..they will spend whole week whining on how broken stealth and sic'em are...the following week they go back to their minstrel/trailblazer tanks facetanking for the remaining of the year....sad
  23. LOL it will never happen! NEVER! It's easier to wish for flying pigs!
  24. either way ranger is a noob filter so that answers your question
  25. Yeah let's get ready for all the tears from engis/necro boyz who will miss their usual facetanking week....all rangers reading this message should avoid the wvw forum like the plague this week, it will be full to the brink with salt, boon/condi tanks getting oneshotted without chance of ressing from their FB buddy, will surely bring all sort of toxicity on the forum..get ready or even better don't bother even showing up for the whole week
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