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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. You must be trolling..or you don't play pvp/wvw, we have builds where people press all buttons while running in circle..and you call it..."generally good balance" ..lol
  2. That was GW1 gameplay but....skill based game=smaller playerbase=less revenue and in the gaming world at large in 2021, everything is about revenue.....everything
  3. It's hard to keep a rationale mind when we know, the devs in charge of balance take suggestions from individuals with vested interests in the game , how else could we explain the current state of the game? 1) Damage and sustain has not been removed gamewide...only specific professions got hit extremely hard to remove them from the game in the best interests of specific individuals. Am I exaggerating? Look at this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Emergency_Elixir VS https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Final_Shielding Same function, but apparently one deserved to be nuked from orbit while the other was left alone....coincidence?....I think not, I really thought we were supposed to get away from passive traits... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Versed_in_Stone What about this one then? And there are so many other "fallacies" with this company "logic" , the bias is so blatant and obvious, they removed stability from this trait : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Invigorating_Strikes .....too much stability uptime apparently....meanwhile we have https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juggernaut It's hard to maintain a rational mind when there is so much crap going on behind the scene...and for record I am not asking for nerfs, I am asking for fairness
  4. I would have been gone ages ago if I would have limited myself to ele, you are indeed correct, training yourself with other professions is a better alternative than wasting time trying to argue with a biased audience. Thanks to that realization I started to play ranger, guardian and warrior......I just play ele for those 3-4 months when it is viable once every few years, between a huge nerf phase and another.
  5. I have no doubt that ranger elite will be complained to hell and nerfed to mediocre levels months after, which would result in yet again the same pvp meta since 2015 aka : guardians-engi-necro-revs, the same 4 classes spammed by top teams for the last 5 years.
  6. I blame the devs! They should be competent enough to recognize legitimate feedback from useless banter ....if they can't do that, who put them there?
  7. Just what are these factors that make necro weak??? Can't you see how many hamsters are playing necro atm? Which weaknesses are you talking about?
  8. If the same devs who "balance" PvP get their hands on WvW..we'll end up with 50 necro zergs like the 50 scourge Marionette ....
  9. Are we supposed to buff professions till even a newborn can call herself a pro player?
  10. A preview of EoD...and you forget eles and mesmers. The first will get either another pure melee spec with no innate defense (yeah yeah yeah...more focus gameplay because OF or uninstall am I right?) or a ranged spec with 2s+ cast time on most damaging skills, possibly with rooting and that will be nerfed few months after launch because "but but ele killed me"....then we have mesmer, hmmm another condi duellist for certain
  11. I don't think that what I have described in the title is a concept well understood by the average player, really it should come as no surprise, the idea is really simple : this is a MMO not a single player RPG with multiplayer where you are the sole hero , meaning that no player should go out there expecting to decimate opposition as he sees fit. No matter how strong or skilled you think to be, or for how long you played this game and how much you invested in it, there will be always better players than you on the same or different profession and players at large should stop asking to remove entire aspects of another class so that they can win against it at their personal skill level....that's not asking for balance, that's being petty and egotistical. I asked for nerfs myself on different professions, including the ones I play but not once I asked to remove entire aspects of a professions, to remove what makes a profession challenging/annoying to face. I asked to nerf Lich Form and Reaper's onslaught.....not to nerf/remove shroud/damage/sustain on necro, I asked to nerf torment...not to delete condi herald, I asked to nerf holographic wave...not to remove all sources of dmg and sustain from holo etc etc etc . I always asked for specific trait/skill changes...never asked to remove an entire class from the competitive spectrum, expecting to walk all over anybody playing that specific class. I am not a saint though and won't pretend to be one, if tomorrow they'd remove necro or thief or another class from the game but my own, for certain I wouldn't "cry" about it but......the whole game would be that much worst for me. I have nothing to gain from seeing other professions being nerfed to the ground and stop them from being a challenge for me because if there is no easily accessible counterplay then a class is deemed broken and rightly so, and in the end that same professions would end up receiving more nerfs than what other received. So....stop and think for a moment, the less direct counterplay to your class there is...the more nerfs it will receive in the end, the more you try to send other professions on the chopping board and the sooner yours will be on it
  12. All major MMO games like WoW and FF XIV show the main profession underneath the profile icon on the forum, but this feature is missing from the GW2 forum and I can't help but wonder why....I can guess the reason but that's still not a good enough reason, won't you agree? Ideally the forum could show the top 3 most played professions, but at least the most played one should be fine as indication, it would be a way to see who say what and the real reason. Some may say that it'd increase toxicity but I say the feature works pretty well on other game forums
  13. So you win 1vs1 on necro and it's the player.......you win 1vs1 on other professions and it's the class...lol Do you realize how biased you are?....no I don't think you do sadly, but this constant necro victimhood card you keep playing really does not work ....if you claim that necro is the weakest 1vs1 class regardless of personal skill level....well the sensible part of the community whose vast majority stay away from the forum....strongly disagree with you... You really should play other professions against actual players and not potatoes, you'd realize you're far from being the "special one" for winning on a necro, try to play other professions against actual good necros and you'd realize that vast majority of your losses are due to personal performance...and not that necro is ....the weakest 1vs1..lol
  14. What are you talking about? No class can currently trade blows with a warrior at melee range, they all kite till it's safe to get up close, every class can briefly melee a warrior, then all need to back off or risk to be stunlocked to death, the gist of playing warrior is to get close to the target
  15. Problem is not downstate itself...it's the interaction some professions have with it.
  16. The issue is never a single condition, the issue is we have specs capable of pumping several stacks of different conditions on the target by using skills/traits on a very low CD/ICD and to make things worst ...... FIFO system = asinine implementation of condi clear where the condi user doesn't require any tactical thinking, it's all about spamming AoE condis on the target while abusing the passive sustain/tankiness of condi stats
  17. Current smallscale "meta" is: condi herald, firebrand hybrid, holo/scrapper, scourge, Tempest warhorn . Like 3 teams out of 4 will run that cheese....AoE pull into Condi AoE spam, super tanky boonspamm with ress signet/glyph and that will take several decently played power specs to bring down....after at least 20-30m if lucky.
  18. Mesmer elite will end up being another Mirage, broken OP for several months then nerfed gradually to current Mirage levels but yes...without any doubts the mesmer elite will be broken OP at launch and for a year after....as for tradition since HoT
  19. I read loads of "comments" in this forum..but to even assume that ranger shortbow is anywhere near renegade shortbow. in terms of viability/power/usage......brings the bar down to a whole new level. There is no single sane player who would take a ranger shortbow over renegade shortbow if given the option...
  20. Few more reddit threads.... To answer directly your original question.....yes elementalist is a total scam, waste of money and time
  21. Hard truth...yes the class is a total scam, don't believe the hype and I will then explain you why in here, really considering present and future investment, knowing how much time and effort you need to get good at class, making sure you enjoy the game as a whole and the developer personal class bias when it comes to balance...I can only suggest the following professions : Engineer - Revenant - Guardian - Necromancer......Thief (if you really want to go the extra mile) 1) The professions I suggest to you have no badly designed class mechanics or at least the best ones perspectively, meaning you suffer no real drawbacks between elites, no need to run after specific gear targets, relaxed gameplay with minimalist effort and far greater result 2) There is zero chance of these professions of ever being phased out in any part of the game, all their elite spec will be always viable and competitive for very little effort on the player side, you will have plenty of fun regardless of your present and future skill level 3) You'd be a madman right now in playing anything seriously than one of those professions I have suggested, if you are a new player don't even think of touching anything else with a 10 miles long pole Now about ele....pfff...don't know where to start from, played this class (sadly and by mistake) for well over 9k hours and it's the main reason why I campaigned for years to have class changing option in the gemstore, if even once for account. It is also the reason why I ended up repeating everything in the game with 2 other professions ( guardian and ranger but I have a fully geared necromancer and revenant too). 1)Non existing class mechanic...you're basically a clown fiesta class design based on "cool" factor instead than practicability, there is zero tactical sense for you to switch attunement : same range, same gameplay. I mean this is a class mechanic well designed: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shroud or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Virtue or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Initiative 2) On ele you just switch attunement and nothing happens unless you use specific traits , you're still stuck on the same range and your utilities pretty much are mediocre self-survival with the most pathetic access to boons in game : no quickness, no alacrity, no retribution , no resistance..you gain access to the same basic boons every other class has access to...but ele has a far limited access to them by respect 3)Outside of dagger/dagger and staff...all other weapon skills are a complete scam , worthless blob of semi-useful skills with long after cast requiring pinpoint accuracy and luck to hit anything else more than a walking potato Honestly look around you and check how many eles you see....then check the gameplay of the professions I have suggested to you and imagine yourself in the same position, do you really want to give all of that to roleplay as Avatar for few weeks ? Am I lying and being hypocritical or worst?......read these few reddit threads and you'll be the judge...
  22. I don't think you understand what I am saying.....
  23. What weakness supposed to do to a condi spec exactly?
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