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Everything posted by Opal.9324

  1. So glad they are finally trying to do something about the powercreep. Hopefully this all goes well.
  2. Zerglings get prioritized in most of WvW, otherwise the warclaw wouldn't be a thing to begin with. Besides, now the "gankers" won't be faster than you when you aren't in your team's territory.
  3. Nah. People should need to defend stuff if they want to keep it, not just let the NPCs do all the work.
  4. I don't play charr, is it bad clipping? I mostly play charr, and I haven't noticed much clipping. When the tail moves up to where it would otherwise clip, part of the cape moves up too, kinda like real fabric. I think the only time I've seen it clip at all so far is when jumping, and that's only momentarily. It's pretty nice imo.
  5. I've been wanting something like this for so long. As someone who enjoys using shields, but also likes wearing back pieces, this is a huge QoL improvement to me. Thank you, Anet!
  6. I didn't go through the trouble of getting a legendary shield just to have it be turned into a back item, so I'd be pretty mad if this happened.
  7. But really, frustration runs high in situations like these, you are just at a bad place at a bad time to be the receiving end of all that frustration. Try solo roaming when your server goes higher in tier as we had heard you guys are planning, and the zerg fights are more equal. It should be a bit easier and more fun, especially as a ranger. Back on topic. Roaming has been made harder with everything that has been stated in the thread, so much so that I simply stopped doing so and focus more on group and zerg-oriented builds, hoping to be more useful. And with the advent of builds and classes that are essentially immortal, and people who plays these builds and either spawn camps or ganks even on their own, any of these solo roamers are seen as a threat that requires more than 10 people to finally kill, only for these immortals to come back and do it all over again. Those who solo roam tend to carry these builds, so better be safe than sorry :p There's a build that requires more than 10 people to kill? Why don't I ever see anyone using it?
  8. I'm really going to miss the fall damage traits in WvW. Tricking enemy players into jumping to their deaths is hilarious.
  9. How does it ever reach T3? idk I haven't had any problems getting to camps in time to defend stuff
  10. I don't think bravery is the only issue here. I miss when I could flip T3 camps without a mounted gank squad zooming over before I have a chance to finish. Now that only seems to work if I log in when most people are sleeping. Towers are even worse. Feels like trying to solo roam is slowly becoming pointless.
  11. I think there are only 3 things that could make me leave GW2 completely: the addition of a gear treadmillthe removal of WvWif someone paid me a ton of money to quit
  12. I soo want to argue that... But I can’t...? WvW is PvPvE. You want PvP go SPvP... Yes, WvW is PvPvE. People who don't want PvP should stay in PvE. WvW is PvPvE. People who don't want PvE should stay in SPvP And? WvW has PvP and PvE. If you take out the PvP part, it's not PvPvE anymore.
  13. I soo want to argue that... But I can’t...? WvW is PvPvE. You want PvP go SPvP... Yes, WvW is PvPvE. People who don't want PvP should stay in PvE.
  14. Seems like these days the only opinions that matter in WvW are the opinions of PvE players, and the opinions of those who only wish to fight when they outnumber their opponents.
  15. The fact that there is no gear progression is one of the reasons I'm still playing. Every time I've played an MMO that had a treadmill, I ended up quitting because I just didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything. Doing the same dungeon over and over until it feels more like a job than a game just to get something that will become worthless in a few months sucks.
  16. It will be a houseboat. So both cases are covered! Or spaceship ;)Why not a spacehouseboatship?
  17. I'd hate to see DBL removed. Now that there's a mount, it's the only map that doesn't feel too small to me. It would be nice if it weren't always red, though.
  18. I also love the forged and even tried to make my main look like one, so I 100% support this idea!
  19. I love getting those salty/toxic whispers. If fighting me causes someone that much annoyance, it means I must have done something right!
  20. I am pretty sure it is still the gankers who wants your mount to have less HP, and making it easier for these groups to put your mount down, will in the end just diminish your changes of running away, unless if you want the mount fully gone. Try to run away from them in your own territory, if you are having that issue. I have personally, still not been shot down yet from my own territory But nonetheless I still honestly don't get this whole theory, at the very least, if you dont want to fully remove the mount from the game: If these people can run you down now with the current mount, would having a mount that fall in 1 shot instead of 3+, fewer dodges or even being able to CC it, makes it so you would be killed even faster when 10+ people jump you? I literally don't get your theory here, would they not be able to just destroy you easier, if you literally are making the 1 thing that should be able to make you run away weaker? I'm honestly not sure how the problems with the mount can be fixed. I'm just annoyed that everyone who dislikes the mount automatically gets labeled a ganker when the mount makes ganking even easier in a lot of cases. I guess if they ever make a trap that dismounts and it doesn't cost much sup I could just surround everything I want to cap with them before I attempt it so I have a chance to get away if a zerg shows up, but that's gonna be a pain.
  21. Fun thing is, no matter whoms territory you in You can run away tnx to the mount, whether it's 20v20 or 10v1 Fun thing is, they make sure you are stuck in combat before they run you over.
  22. I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.
  23. While feeding my skyscale, I noticed that there was enough room in the nest for me too! So, I did what any logical person would do upon hatching a baby dragon and gave it lots of cuddles.I'm not very cuddly looking, but my skyscale doesn't seem to mind.
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