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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. if they followed metas and rewards system used in AB, VB it'll be pretty fine for Cantha. the Dragonfall style meta is fine too but you need to be able to buy keys from an NPC too instead of just getting them from events
  2. Selling a toggle for over 3000 gold is not a compromise and nowhere near a compromise or even anywhere remotely close to a halfway point.It's just them trying to boost gem sales via an item horribly inflicted by the sickness called artificial scarcity. and that's why i said there will never be a situation where everyone will win when it comes to things like these... someone will always be mad/angry/triggered because of something
  3. And then you'd have people be angry and disappointed at Arenanet again.You know that there still are people waiting for Arenanet to do the right thing and convert those slippers into a proper toggle, right? yup i am aware. it's just that you can't please everybody so you have to meet halfway or reach a compromise. if Arenanet gave a proper toggle for all slots, then you'd have people complaining here on the forums why there's so many players running naked and it ruins their game/immersion/they want to uninstall. if you gave the solution of having invisibile slippers/chest/trousers then you'd have people complaining it's too rare/expensive. literally no one wins.
  4. since we already have a hide helmet/gloves/shoulders option and the invisible slippers, they can just add "invisible shirt" and "invisible trousers" item... make them as rare or half as rare as the slippers and that solves the concern and issue of some players seeing everyone running around the openworld or instanced pve "naked" brought about by a "hide all armour" option -- this way, not everyone can do it because it's a rare thing and it'll be expensive (on par or a bit cheaper than the invisible slippers) and it wont devalue the slippers in any way and the hide helmet/gloves/shoulders can continue existing as they are
  5. writs of experiences and tomes can go to the material tab and then you can just take out a stack if you need to consume them for an alt. the books i can relate to. some series of books like Zinn's Study from Tangled Depths seemingly can't be combined/compiled into 1 item when completed so they eat up a chunk of a bank tab just having them there (in-case you want to read them in the future) can't really discard them either as there seems to be no way to reacquire them once purchased
  6. a fractal about Orr might sound like a good thing. doesn't even have to be related Zhaitan, can be related to Orrians fighting charr just before Khilbron casts that forbidden scroll (like that small area in Jahai Bluffs)
  7. this is actually made easier and less of a "grind" if you have multiple harvesting characters for berries
  8. he created another thread a couple of hours ago... guess what happened to it? :)
  9. i can't think of a reason why they can't modify any aspect of your characters backstory/personal story choices other than something in your character's data (or the way it's handled) that would completely break if they modified it -- also probably the same reason we don't have a "Change Race" option. the backstory/personal story choices is the "issue" transitioning from one race to another.
  10. we need the hunter (yes, not the predator --the charr head disqualifies it--) to shoot lasers and have laser effects and you'll have a rifle that looks like it'll fit a star wars theme (though it's not exactly the mandalorian rifle)
  11. you'd actually appreciate bosses that can pose a threat if not taken seriously like Drakkar where you can actually get downed/die if you ignore aoe markers or mechanics (and even then it's not even a hard boss, just a lot of health, phases and mechanics that can punish you if you ignore them) compare it to something like shadow behemoth which is quite a joke. you can't even die if you eat the big circle aoe (you just get knocked back) it occasionally throws at your spot where you sit and spam 1 with a ranged weapon.
  12. tbh laptops (gaming or high spec) are a better/superior choice than desktops if you really love gaming and your work/life forces you to be on the go all the time (like you have frequent business trips local and abroad, or you're always moving cross country/inter-state/inter-province/etc. etc.) just buy a car-charger for the laptop you're buying and you'll be set wherever you are as long as there's 4g/lte/5g/wifi if battery life is important to you, try to find a laptop with similar specs but smaller screen (and preferably non-IPS) for GW2, RAM consumption is not that bad on the 64bit client. having 16gb is enough if you plan to have discord + steam + other chat application + a few browser tabs open and still have free ram to spare even in the most demanding wvw/pve meta event situations ingame. as for max settings, it's very hard to get 60+fps (and never dropping below) consistent on a gaming laptop, you will have to specifically adjust shadows, character model limit, reflections, and draw distance to lowest/lower than max to gain more consistent FPS the rest of the settings like shaders, textures, post processing, character model quality, ambient occlusion, depth of field etc. can be kept at maximum -- the game will still be very pretty even with the above settings tuned lower. there's also the directx12 mod, d912pxy to help you utilise your modern hardware better but even then it wont help you gain that much performance, on the average it'll help you get more stable frames so it's still a big help.
  13. I agree but if they really one one then ANet could come out with a horse skin for the warclaw or jackal since they are quadrupeds.The warclaw already has a mount skin that rears up on it's hind legs for it's idle animation. They could put out two skins; a mystical horse or unicorn skin for the jackal and a battle steed skin for the warclaw. and we already have the magical pegasus for the griffon so there's no reason they can't do it for other quadruped mounts since the logic and immersion is already out of the window.Aham,LEAVE PEPEGASUS ALONE, he has some issues, getting high off your horse is hard job and the Marry Jane costs money, also he was young and needed it.Lolhe's more grown up now so he can get his life issues sorted out on his own :3
  14. thank you for adding the third option. i wont mind if they do a preview and it's ok if they kept it secret until release. but yeah potato :)
  15. funny you mention this. in Final Fantasy 14, miqo'te can wear glasses but they have no "human ears" to hold them up. and it's just something you usually don't notice until it's pointed out to you or it suddenly crossed your mind why. and yes, this should be a thing while they update the old ones as mentioned in the OP. the only skins that would benefit less about these changes are the aviator glasses and sunglasses skins
  16. where's the bunny and frog tags? no to the gemstore thing. i'd rather if they added new shapes or animals to the commander tag it'd be via a Compendium that you buy from an NPC for 300 gold (or 150 gold if you already have a tag)
  17. there are already soo many threads about this, you can just search and find the same opinions. there's even a recent, similar (but not the same) thread on the first page too: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/114676/a-plea-to-arenanet-improvements-in-fashion-and-customization on to topic: lots of people want more hairstyles, faces, horns, ears, fur, beards, etc.... ArenaNet doesn't even have to add completely new ones if they just gave us to option to mirror/reverse a style or make something that's symmetrical ⇒ asymmetrical but yeah like what Raknar said, we'd probably have to wait for the new expansion to come out before we see any character customisation options added at all.
  18. and this is already enough tbh. ArenaNet is already being too generous. if this game was a typical korean grinder mmorpg, we wouldn't even get a free key at all (or at most we get 1 free key in an attempt to lure you to the cash shop)
  19. I agree but if they really one one then ANet could come out with a horse skin for the warclaw or jackal since they are quadrupeds.The warclaw already has a mount skin that rears up on it's hind legs for it's idle animation. They could put out two skins; a mystical horse or unicorn skin for the jackal and a battle steed skin for the warclaw. and we already have the magical pegasus for the griffon so there's no reason they can't do it for other quadruped mounts since the logic and immersion is already out of the window.
  20. the problem is you're not reading and understanding well what we all say. and i did mention about F abilities too if you just read my posts. i mentioned they can change and that for some classes they can still remain the same (like how thief has always had just F1 and F2). but yeah you don't read. and for the record i wasnt even being negative and no one here talked about nerfing or removing. in fact i was being positive by saying: a new expansion would not make a profession any more complicated to play than it already is. -- i don't know how you've missed that all this time. lol
  21. this mostly applies to elementalist and engineer like i said. revenant is something like this with legend swapping but you're only limited to 2 legends at any given time, so your utilities are still limited in number and remain the same as it was whether it's herald, renegade or core revenant. what i'm saying is those 19 or 26 buttons to press wont increase anymore than it already is (and if it ever does change, it wont be much, if your build uses 20 skill rotation and the new elite spec brings you a 25 skill rotation, it wont be much of a difference to you) --- because we have a limit of 5 weapon skills (and another 5 for weapon swap) 4 utilities and 1 elite skill at a given time. and besides most of those rotations like the one you linked: https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/guardian/guardian/power/ involve repeating a skill once it comes off of cooldown it's not like you have 19 individual buttons to press and bind on your keyboard. that loop rotation only has 9 unique buttons to press (the 1-2-3 combo counts as 1 button, same for it's weapon swap at the end of the rotation) --- i don't see where the issue is... you just repeat based on priority
  22. if you even read my post i'm saying, new expansions wont make any profession gain more skills than it already has. at most you'd get new profession-specials (F1~F5) but that's about it basically you still have 5 weapons skills (another 5 if your rotation has a weapon swap), and 4 utilities and 1 elite. if you're an elementalist or an engineer you'll probably have kits or elements to swap around but that's about it. -- elementalist probably wont get more than 4 elements so that's 4 times 5 weapon skills = 20 total weapon skills with which only 5 can be active at any given time: it's been like that for core - it's like that for tempest and it's the same for weaver (it'll be combo elements for weaver but still no more than 5 weapon skills to press at any given time). other professions don't have kits or elements to change their weapon skills so they rely on weapon swaps so max of 10 skills for them. all professions have a total of 4 utilities and 1 elite skill. you can't swap these in-combat so they remain static (in quantity) in a build's rotation we're not like FF14 or SWTOR where you need to have 2 to 3 hotbars active to fill with skills your rotation/build uses
  23. depends on the profession, but usually for GW2 specifically, no, because to put it simply, we don't get gear and level cap increases just new elite specialisations for an expansion. so we still get roughly the same amount of utilities and weapon skills (these are mostly static) for each profession even if they add new elite specs. a new e-spec usually introduces a new build but it usually doesn't make a profession's DPS rotation (for example) any more complex than it already is compared to it's current viable builds, and if it ever does so, not very significantly at that. a new elementalist elite spec for example will likely have a rotation on par with weaver and if it ever was harder to pull properly, it's not like it's three times longer than what we already have (it's a possibility but very/highly unlikely since we still have the same amount of skills and utilities and cooldowns come into play) at most we'd get new skills on the profession bar (F2~F5) granted by an elite spec -- but that only adds what? 4 buttons at most (and it's not for all professions, some still stay at F1 and F2 like thief, and for those with an F1 to F5 already would likely stay the same or may get less/get simplified)
  24. the easiest way they can do something like this is: open your world map → right click a waypoint you like → click set as favouritethen it would get added to a new, "Favourite Waypoints" section on the upper right or lower left corners (or whichever location is best) of your world map, have it limited to 5 waypoints so it wont clutter or give it a collapsible tree menu so you can hide/unhide waypoints beyond 5 listed
  25. the only heart-quest i have issues with is the Ash Legion stealth thing (which isnt even hard just frustrating at times, but it can be cheesed with gliding and climbing things) so no, they shouldn't remove these hearts. what they do need to do is increase the spawn/refresh of interactables or enemies related to the heart so any increase or decrease in player-count at any given time will not affect completion rate (like those portals and tormented ghost npcs in queensdale swamp)
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