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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. they should just make the warclaw unlockable in WvW for f2p players without PoF that way we encourage more people to join WvW and the f2p players can get their taste of mounts without touching or modifying or devaluing Raptor (and other PoF mounts) or requiring them to buy the expansion.... also, there are other threads like this. about mounts, about how for free to play players - especially new steam players - to get to experience mounts without leveling to 80 and buying PoF. such as these:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/113643/make-mounts-accessible-without-butchering-the-story-immersionhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/113411/mount-rents-on-f2p-base-maps-on-steam-releasehttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/108023/new-accounts-and-mount-availability-solutionand more.. refer to the said threads or search the forums for more info or discussions and opinions about the topic.
  2. sandswept isles is actually pretty good not just for the 32-slotter bag, but also for the ascended backpiece and the Position Rewinder (which would really help a lot if the OP loves jumping puzzles -- or not if they don't)
  3. That does not answer my question. I know how steam works...lol. I was asking WHY you can't link your steam version to an existing account. I was wondering if ANet has given any reason other than "nope" it was a decision made by arenanet when they opted to release the game to steam. was it a wise one? maybe yes maybe no. no one knows exactly why, only ArenaNet can answer that and they never gave more info or an answer to the "why" question. every reason you see here in this thread or on other threads and on reddit are just speculations.some people argue it's because they want to avoid steam's "30% cut" -- what they fail realise is that if a game does well, steam reduces it's cut to 25% and further down to 20% if the game keeps selling well. see: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/1697191267930157838 quoted: if you head over to the steam forums for GW2 and filter out the trash and toxic posts you'll see that there's a lot of demand to have the ability to link your existing ArenaNet account to steam (same here -- if you go back read a few pages -- and on reddit) people want the ease of payment (more payment methods) and the possibility of regional pricing that comes with steam -- without having to start over to a new "steam-only gw2" account and continue their progress using their existing main characters/accounts -- it's not just the ability to chat and let your steam friends see you're playing GW2 like some arguments being pushed around here.  if your reason for wanting GW2 in steam is to just have a nice overlay with chat to friends and let them know you're playing your favourite mmorpg -- you can do that right now by adding GW2 as a non-steam game and labelling it "Guild Wars 2" if your reason for wanting GW2 in steam is to have access to better payment methods, having gemstore things priced in your local currency instead of USD/EURO then im afraid the only solution for now (unless they change it before launch) is to create a "shopping alt account" in steam GW2 to gift your main characters gemstore stuff so you don't have to start over._______________ let's hope for the best and hope they allows us to link our ArenaNet accounts with our steam accounts in the future
  4. well spellbreaker focuses on counter attacks as part of it's special but the theme of the elite spec isn't as "martial arts"-ish. i guess you can have skills or utilities that work like ranger's greatsword-4 but you have to take in account all existing weapons that thieves use including ranged ones and not just the fist weapons/dual focus
  5. i think we have daredevil already. but yeah unarmed combat / fists as weapons are one of the most requested weapons (alongside spears usable on land) on topics about "what new weapon should the expansion add" -- regarding the elite spec you propose, aside from the punches and kicks it has to set itself apart even more from daredevil which is sorta similar in concept and is also based on martial arts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bōhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bōjutsu
  6. almost all MMORPGs that use Unreal Engine do not have the same potential amount of players as GW2 in a single instance (300~ for WvW at it's peak). Blade & Soul and TERA perform poorly in large scale battles (faction wars, gvg), if you put GW2's WvW in that on UE3 or UE4, your performance is going to tank so bad. even BDO with it's custom engine and Archeage using CryEngine suffers on large scale fights (and atleast for BDO, it's custom made for MMORPG use)... and then there's Bless Online (we all know how that turned out... and UE3 build it used just had really bad performance in any game mode) ... even with optimisations, you can only do so much to an engine before you need to start cutting corners (models/environment/effects/massive culling/etc.) in different areas just to get an acceptable level of performance... we're better off just getting dx11 + dx12 and some multi-threading optimisations like what WoW did -- these are much more feasible and by keeping a legacy dx9 mode would ensure that existing players with older hardware can remain playing even with dx11/dx12, since we're adding(improving) unto the existing engine instead of replacing it. imagine if we went UE4 and people with potato laptops suddenly couldn't play at an acceptable level because their computers just can't handle it... the complaints we'd get here in the forums/reddit.... and we already have enough people opposed to getting a dx11 upgrade but yeah speaking of Unreal Engine, you may want to check out this fan creation for GW1: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/comments/ihnuwn/first_version_of_guild_wars_reborn_is_avaliable/https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/comments/cgxbtf/ive_started_making_presearing_ascalon_in_unreal/ https://us.v-cdn.net/5021068/uploads/editor/8g/1u3ocxjlqvsz.jpghttps://us.v-cdn.net/5021068/uploads/editor/6c/fuf4d2kv501n.jpg (it's really nice looking -- like what i said in my first post, UE4 can make for really pretty things... but it's not going to work well for GW2) -- maybe for GW1, a remaster in UE4 would work.
  7. hello o/ and welcome to the forums (also friendly warning: please refrain from creating similar multiple threads in different places in the future -- you might get a warning from the moderators)
  8. maybe it's more of the latter they were working on multiple titles before the mass layoffs graphically, UE4 would make GW2 look prettier by a mile but it's not a good engine for MMORPGs so i doubt it's going to be for GW2. -- don't get me wrong, i'd love for gw2 to improve engine/performance/graphics wise but i think for an MMORPG of GW2's scale (environments, playercounts, calculations) i think a new custom engine would be better than UE4
  9. it works but they will not disclose any action taken towards another player/event/system feature/bug. if it's an issue on your character or account, they will contact you if they need more information.
  10. Episode 3 and 6 of Season 4 is a good one for the mounts and the Dragonfall meta for gold/hr :)
  11. just ignore them and go about doing your own thing. if the events required a commander and his squad, it would be a group event -- something you wouldn't be able to solo. that commander is just being a snowflake and is being rude by calling out other people like that. so yeah, it's working as intended and you'll be fine. even if they report you (for what reason?) nothing would come out of it since you're playing the game as intended. goodluck on the skyscale progression :)
  12. final fantasy 14 has an "Inspect Player" on the right click commands. it's no issue for them because it's been with the game since realm reborn 2.xx they also have FF14 ACT plugin (parsers/dps meter) there for a long time (dps and parsing is also a sensitive topic there) guild wars 2 never had it... and with the heated arguments regarding arcdps on both sides of the community i think adding fuel to the fire will not make it better.... now, if we had this feature since launch it wouldn't be much of an issue to others as it is now. if they added a gear inspection and kept it a WvW thing it probably might help commanders organise squads though -- for PvE i wouldn't mind too but there's going to be people who'd disagree and not want it for various reasons (as evident by the initial replies to your thread) so it's better to not have it at all, we made do without it for 8 years, we'll be fine for another 8 (assuming gw2 lasts that long lol) :) 
  13. im pretty sure if they add another quiver it's going to be over the top and have excessive shiny/glowing and spiky parts instead of a simple/minimalist and stylish quiver
  14. you can try the EU regions.... 9am NA time should be around early evening for EU Sorry forgot to mention. I'm on EU. And 9 AM CEST is moring in EU. And midday in NA right?09:00 central eu should be around 00:00 pacific time (utc-7) and 03:00 eastern time (utc-4) right now with daylight savings on a weekend it might not be an issue but on workdays/weekdays yeah it's probably going to be pretty empty
  15. you can try the EU regions.... 9am NA time should be around early evening for EU
  16. my new expansion worries are more of Cantha maps being like Elona, nice to look at (like parts of Desert Highlands & Crystal Oasis) and really big but no reason to go back unless it's a daily or you need something there for some collection... wish they hit the middle ground of replayability (metas&rewards) of HoT and environment+scale of PoF with the EoD Expansion
  17. if you look past just the e-specs and armour weights -- a new race is equally as time consuming to implement as a new profession is, if not more work, tbh. you'd need a new starter city and adding this city to lion's arch portal hub, a starter zone in the open world and atleast 2 zones linked to it (so basically a level 1-15 zone along with a 15-25 and 25-35 zone), racial city npcs and guard npcs (with their own voiced lines and dialogue), extended lore (for character's backstory, if using a pre-existing non-playable race), 3 tiers of cultural gear for 3 armour weights, 3 sets of level 10 and level 20 personal stories for variety, male and female voice acting for all content (personal story until the latest content/lws/expansion) and profession specific call outs, new animations for player specific emotes like dances (if using pre-existing non-playable race).... and the list goes on... i mean you can skimp on all of those but then you'd have people complaining why does this new race don't have the features the core-races had? why are we being short-changed? whereas adding a new profession would maybe consist of: new animations, new assets (skill icons/ui art/profession and espec related equipment), programming for skills/profession mechanic, voice acting for profession specific call outs, and maybe one or two things i forgot to list... but it does seem less work than a new race. but yeah we're unlikely to get either given the work and resources that adding a new race or profession entails -- at the very least we'd get new elite specs (whatever those may be for all 9 existing professions)
  18. ^this. i feel like the whole game has turned into a grind, and is increasingly heading down the pay-to-win direction with account upgrades. i think the core problem is, low replayability of content. WVW has the most replaybility due to its sandbox nature but has virtually no new content in years. Pay to win? Name one item that you can buy from the gems store that makes your character better than other players their character. And you can obtain every single item in the gems store without paying a dime in real money. there's heaps of pay2win. all the account upgrades, extra bag slots, bank slots, trading/crafting hubs, unbreakable gathering tools with glyphs, permanent bank access & teleports, numerous boosters, etc etc, the list goes on. it's not reasonably possible to buy all that with gold because of the massive time investment involved and the deliberately huge tax on gold->gems/gems ->gold conversions.i'd argue these are "pay-for-convenience". in the same way path of exile stash tabs, the various slots in warframe and final fantasy 14's extra retainers are there as value added/microtransactions for your convenience. you have that thing called "World vs. World" (rook icon) on your menu bar right? click on it and then click on "Obsidian Sanctum" and viola, instant teleport to a room with a bank + trading post + merchants. need to craft? walk a few steps to the portal behind you to instantly travel to Lion's Arch. gathering glyphs can be bought for gold directly without gems. same with permanent bank access and permanent hairstyle kits. all the boosters are basically thrown at you for free via birthday gifts and when leveling alts (warframe sells boosters too btw!). the game literally throws black lion keys at you every week for the level 10 story -- if you take it past level 30 and 60 story, you get more keys each time (without a weekly limit) -number levels- or max level boosts? (we don't have story skip potions/scrolls btw) wow and ff14 would like to say hi :) so no, GW2 is very very far from pay to win... pay for convenience? yes, maybe. -- if they start selling legendaries on the gemstore, then that's the time gw2 approaches pay-to-win territory but even then it's not even close.
  19. that's like 90s dial-up with bad copper wiring and a shoddy patchwork connection to and from the telephone pole kind-of lag :o
  20. priority over portals and novelties , fixed it for ya ;) if they do this, in the future, we'll finally be rid of threads similar to this thread and this one: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/114441/suggestion-to-reduce-novelty-trolling-minimum-distance-between-novelty-drops-and-interactive-items
  21. btw i enjoy some of your solo-kill vids especially those legendary bounties. really good stuff
  22. doesn't mean that the next expansion is "eastern" themed would mean we'd get asian servers. regarding players we'd definitely get more players from the exposure by releasing on steam, especially on regions where GW2 is less known but it wont lead to an Asian server unless the amount of new players it would pull from South Asia, South East Asia and East Asia would amount to or be on par with either NA or EU's player population (which i doubt, but would be nice if it happened) and even if it did happen it still wont guarantee an Asian region server would open. for more info on a similar discussion see this thread:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/107985/sea-server-for-heavens-sake#latest tl:dr it is very likely that ArenaNet doesn't have the funding from NCSoft to even consider opening one at the moment, and WvW would lack players from said new regional server (players can't play with NA/EU people). the only way for an Asian server to open for GW2 is to have a local publisher from the SEA/Oceania Region to license the game and open up local servers (said publisher would pay for servers, maintenance, marketing the game locally, etc.etc.)
  23. disagree about the graphics (it's subjective), but agree about ESO being way better optimised than GW2
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