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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. just take a look at the threads here:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/account-technical-support for topics like:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111441/regarding-the-current-lag-spikes-happening-on-eu-servers#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/107755/severe-lag-spikes-disconnect-error-code-7-11-3-202-101#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111015/network-issues-eu-server-pof-maps-skill-lag-spikes-1-5-seconds#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111322/lag-spike-and-skill-lags-during-meta-events#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110054/eu-servers-a-catastrophe#latest and other similar threads. it's not just you, servers in EU and US are janky atm and people from both regions are affected. though the issues seem to be confined to the newer maps for most people affected (PoF/S4/IBS)
  2. once you claim a guild hall, yes but it'll take lots of effort and a hell lot of time if you want to level it to lvl 69 and max out your guild hall. if you don't have a guild hall yet, you most likely need to recruit temporary members to help you claim one (around 3 or 4 people would do)
  3. yeah i meant the sales. and they've started earlier last year (02 Aug) than this year's (no date yet) atleast ( based on: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store/Anniversary_Sales ) unless we count all those dyes up for sale right now
  4. Anniversary is coming within the first half of the month, so sometime in the next 9 days I believe.A lot more than dyes would go on sale plus I'm sure they'd announce it. i assume it's at the earliest, on tuesday next week (usually the day when they re-hash/re-cycle the gemstore)
  5. i just meant to point out how a non-steam account and a steam account can be used in those games interchangeably or to link-unlink steam/non-steam accounts, it doesnt have anything to do with whether they were on steam's store from launch or not. well no one can make the decision to open up on steam but Anet themselves. though they've been known to make bad decisions in the past with especially bad marketing effort. and again that 30% from a lot of their whales, those whales are currently already playing and paying for things... steam will only take a cut from new potential whales who found out about the game on steam and start from steam -and- the some of the current whales (there will likely be a lot who'll still play and pay non-steam/directly) who'll move from paying via paypal/paysafe/creditcard to paying via steam wallet,.. sure there's a cut from sales income but existing retailers already do that for expansions and gem codes (varying % based on retailer of course) but yeah who knows, maybe they are still studying it's feasibility, maybe it'll come... maybe it wont, but to argue that to come to "steam = game_is_dying" (not saying you said this, just that for many this is their argument) or "steam = instant_profit_loss" is just wrong.
  6. there's been so many threads about the lagspikes but yeah i'll add to this one and can confirm it does happen on NA as well but it seems it's not as worse as the EU folks are having. the worst lagspikes i get are 2-3 secs of nothing every hour or so when playing on PoF, Season 4 and Icebrood Saga zones. it's normal and smooth anywhere else. there's like atleast 3 or 5 other threads about lagspikes both here in Guild Wars 2 Discussions subforum and on the Tech/Bug Support subforums. and im pretty sure Anet has atleast seen one or two of them (or maybe all lol) and we can only hope they will announce or address it soon instead of being silent about it as they are right now.
  7. Why would they do that? Steam would launch the same GW2 launcher players use now. Everyone would log into the same game from the same launcher. Why would that happen? Money .. It's not uncommon to happen, since they make more money from old veterans having to stick to the standard client and make purchases there.FFXIV did the same to people who have purchased the game again on steam, then years later, boom. You suddenly can't login on steam with your standalone client account for "security reasons" after they already got your money from the game .. TWICE .. lolAnd after a google search, it's the same with Black Desert Online, you need to create a new account to play on steam.And that was just from googling the other two most popular MMO's on steam (you can use your excisting account in ESO) for SWTOR you can link your account (and in the future unlink it). though not an MMORPG, Path of Exile allows you to link and unlink your steam account, and even use your steam account on the non-steam client if you register an email and password to it. it's the same for warframe, you can use your non-steam account on the steam client. there's no real need to link the account, just simply login to Warframe Steam and you get all the steam goodies and perks even if you made your account from the website/playing from outside of steam before. so it's always not the case, and those three are popular on steam as well right now there's still people (take note: i didnt say everyone, or majority, etc.) who are unaware of GW2 due to really bad marketing effort by Anet just read this thread and it's comments: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/i305im/saw_this_game_om_summits_stream_yesterday_got/ and besides, while we do get new players here in gw2 who are first time MMORPG players - they probably found about gw2 via other sources (googling, friends, reddit or streamers). imagine how much more we could get if it was on steam (where mmorpgs only take a small chunk of the their million player userbase - people who don't play mmorpgs but might give a new game a try, even if it's an MMO... just because there's a new free game on their front page/store landing) -> this is what happened with SW:TOR and it's currently varying positions on par with/just a small bit below FF14's player count in steam's player count lists https://steamdb.info/graph/ also i'll repeat one more reason to go with steam: people who aren't from NA/EU who don't have access to credit cards or a reputable/reliable dealer for gems or expansions, would have to resort to third party sellers who may either overprice the expansions/gemcodes (when converted to their local currency) or may even sell illegal keys/codes (initially bought with stolen credit cards) that may get you banned. with steam they will get a reliable payment method and storefront that they can easily access without owning a credit card or a paypal account. steam sells steam wallet code in a local currency format in a lot of countries, and also offers alternative payment options such as convenience store payment, prepaid card payment, etc. depending on your account's country. -> this will also enable current players who wish to spend money on the gemstore but couldn't right now because it was overpriced/unable to in their country.
  8. few advises:⇒ take your time -> don't rush to endgame pve or wvw, enjoy the journey (pvp is fine and you have access to it earlier, and gear doesnt matter, but be aware of possible toxicity) ⇒ if you ever bought the expansions, don't use your level 80 boost right away. play and level up naturally to 80, it will serve as your tutorial to the game's systems/mechanics as well as you getting more familiar with your chosen class. you will be less overwhelmed and confused this way. ⇒ find a good social guild so you can seek mentorship from more veteran players or find a leveling buddy who's equally new like you to grow up together in gw2. ⇒ explore everything and kill everything, do everything (gathering/crafting/story/etc.). you get exp for just about anything literally, even if you're just unshrouding the world map.
  9. too much work aside, afaik Destiny 2's engine was based on Destiny's engine which in turn i believe was a heavily modified Halo: Reach engine, so there's likely a lot of limitations on it as well (such as not being optimised for very very large scale fights such as what we have in GW2). also using Destiny 2's engine is very very unlikely due to the fact that Bungie probably wouldn't even let Anet license it, there aren't any other non-Bungie games using it as far as im aware of. improving GW2's engine by optimising it for modern hardware is a much better route to take.
  10. if you meant the original mount races from the PoF maps, i think unless they get more demand, it'll remain a niche thing that Anet probably wont touch ever again. it'll be nice if they added it to guild missions/events though (like complete xx number of laps at xx par time, though with different routes/race course/reverse course)
  11. this is less of a bug and more of a QoL need, which i agree we should have. the game needs an option to turn off all player visual effects and an option to turn off/simplify other player's skill animations/projectiles/effects there are many other threads such as this that pop up once in a while in Guild Wars 2 Discussion subforum, such as https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101483/please-let-us-turn-off-other-player-effects#latest ------------ and most of the time they get merged with the QoL thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged#latest we can only hope that the devs/team have read all of these (and your post) and gives us a fix someday
  12. -Is a posibility too, but... why we have to buy tags to get markers (and other things) when they can just put it on parties?, the answer is becouse the commander is the only one who can place marks, ready checks, etc.. so if all players on the party have markers can be chaotic. -only one person need to guide the rest, all statics/trainings need a leader and only one leader. agree they should allow the usage of markers in fractals and dungeons where a squad can't be used (without requiring a commander tag) also, we need a party-leader system like in other mmorpgs, where the one who creates the party (leader) has the rights to recruitment posting, invitation and kicking of members, opening instances, etc. and eventual transfer of leadership incase they're going offline/etc. in gw2 it's so easy to hijack someone's party and ruin someone's day because everyone has the authority to the party. We had a party leader system before and it was abused since the instance was tied to the leader so no thanks for this idea.Find 2 people you trust and no party you make will be hijacked. didn't know we had one, but makes you wonder why other games kept it and you barely see any complaints about abuse. in other games if you don't like the leader of the party -or- what the party is doing, you can just leave and find another one or make your own. neither of those actions help against party leader kicking everyone just before the boss so they can then sell it banning the practice of selling runs would help but it would also mean anet would need to hire someone to enforce itnever knew this was an issue, it was never an issue in SWTOR or FF14. those games had a party leader system and the only thing being sold there afaik were Raid Clears (just like here in gw2) -> granted they don't have equivalent to fractal CMs, and even expert dungeons are pretty faceroll but you still get bad people at times and it's either a vote abandon, leader kicks you (in which case you just queue again for a different group), or leader/someone just leaves (so you just open for replacement) - it's never because someone wants to sell a run i still think it's nice to have a party leader, just proper enforcement to ban the aforementioned abuse/sell runs to keep it a nice experience for everyone. anyway, TIL about some gw2 party system history
  13. Action camera in GW2 allows the character run in all directions independent of the camera. It pretty much allows you to control the character in they way you would expect with a twin stick control style (including wasd + mouse).Some channeled attacks force the character to face whatever the camera is targeting, and this is still enforced in action camera. But there is an issue with ground targeted pre-casts hindering action camera moment more than if using normal + free camera mode.Ground targeted pre-cast in action camera forces the character to face the camera forward direction even though there is no character facing requirement for ground targeted abilities in the normal camera. If (in action camera) you spin the camera quickly to align your movement and camera forward direction after targeting an ability you can mitigate this effect during the pre-cast. actually yeah, i forgot this type of movement already exists in gw2 (shows i don't use action camera lol)
  14. -Is a posibility too, but... why we have to buy tags to get markers (and other things) when they can just put it on parties?, the answer is becouse the commander is the only one who can place marks, ready checks, etc.. so if all players on the party have markers can be chaotic. -only one person need to guide the rest, all statics/trainings need a leader and only one leader. agree they should allow the usage of markers in fractals and dungeons where a squad can't be used (without requiring a commander tag) also, we need a party-leader system like in other mmorpgs, where the one who creates the party (leader) has the rights to recruitment posting, invitation and kicking of members, opening instances, etc. and eventual transfer of leadership incase they're going offline/etc. in gw2 it's so easy to hijack someone's party and ruin someone's day because everyone has the authority to the party. We had a party leader system before and it was abused since the instance was tied to the leader so no thanks for this idea.Find 2 people you trust and no party you make will be hijacked.didn't know we had one, but makes you wonder why other games kept it and you barely see any complaints about abuse. in other games if you don't like the leader of the party -or- what the party is doing, you can just leave and find another one or make your own.
  15. streamers are fine, aside from their humor i watch a couple of random streamers before i buy a game to see if i like any of the gameplay - i mean i know i can probably download a demo version off the PSN or Steam but it's so much faster to just watch someone's gameplay and decide for yourself.
  16. -Is a posibility too, but... why we have to buy tags to get markers (and other things) when they can just put it on parties?, the answer is becouse the commander is the only one who can place marks, ready checks, etc.. so if all players on the party have markers can be chaotic. -only one person need to guide the rest, all statics/trainings need a leader and only one leader. agree they should allow the usage of markers in fractals and dungeons where a squad can't be used (without requiring a commander tag) also, we need a party-leader system like in other mmorpgs, where the one who creates the party (leader) has the rights to recruitment posting, invitation and kicking of members, opening instances, etc. and eventual transfer of leadership incase they're going offline/etc. in gw2 it's so easy to hijack someone's party and ruin someone's day because everyone has the authority to the party.
  17. retailers like amazon, walmart and gamestop also take a cut at the sales (for gems and expansion sales). that 30% cut suddenly isn't going to apply to all players. it's only going to people who wish to pay via steam wallet for gems and those who purchase expansions from steam, you can very well avoid that by not going through steam's payment methods.. and besides that 30% isn't all going to valve's pockets.. they put effort into software and R&D of things like VR, Steam Link, Proton-Steam Play, and more. if you ever played FF14, they have a setting called legacy movement, which if used replaces the backpedal bind with a "run to the opposite direction of camera facing"so if for example your camera is facing north and you press ↓ your character would run/walk towards the south instead of walking backwards while facing north like what the default movement scheme is. basically the ↑, →, ↓, ← keys all make you run towards the respective direction much like a console platformer game if they can implement a movement scheme like that alongside controller support i can imagine it would eliminate or lessen the issues you mention since this type of movement scheme works more naturally with controllers where you don't have a mouse to make more precise camera movements
  18. metabattle is a good place to get some idea on directions to build your own or for openworld builds, but if you're going to follow a build for fractals & raids, it's better to head over to https://discretize.eu/ (for fractals) or https://snowcrows.com/ (for raids).., also when following a build (whichever website you wish to use), dont just copy the traits/gear/skills, if there's a video about the build/rotations, watch it or read the rotation, learn the ins and outs of the build so you can react properly to whatever. that said, yeah necro is the easiest and safest for starters. @Warm.8135 op, aside from what was mentioned above, i'll add that ranger is a good choice, the Greatsword+Longbow core ranger build is pretty good for starters and openworld, and if you eventually wanna go to instanced content (endgame) it's also in a good spot for groups, builds for Soulbeast and Druid are pretty much meta. -or- if pvp/wvw is your thing i think rangers are decent there too!
  19. while the idea is good, i find the lore of thief going monk kinda off, like just out of the blue you leave your life of thievery/banditry (or brawling(DD) /assassination (DE)) and seek redemption/enlightenment to become a monk :3
  20. if the scope of the law covers enough that Anet can't go around it with things such as what @Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said: then we might see the cash shop go away for most of EU like what happened to Belgium (who already went ahead of everyone) personally i'm alright with the lootboxes or the RNG or whatever, but i wouldn't cry or complain if the cash shop disappears either and if more players will be happier with no lootboxes or no cash shop or less RNG, then that's wonderful as well~ in any case, life goes on =)
  21. Trinity exist in raids. Before raids and hot there was only 1 role dps yes i am aware of that, what i meant was, if they made a tank-healer-dps strict class/profession (like in WoW/FF14) like the OP wants. also doesnt mean im demanding it too or with the OP of the thread. it's just a "If they ever do this, then <>"
  22. you can try the following tweaks to increase FPS without compromising visuals (the visual impact can vary based on how low your lower the following, but is very minimal for the most part unless you're really picky with graphics that you can tell the difference even with lots of things happening on-screen) Lower the following one step at a time from Highest/Ultra: Character Model Limit & Shadows - these two eat up a lot of fps so lowering them one setting at a time until you achieve a nice balance of performance and shadow effectsLOD Distance from Ultra to HighRender Sampling from Supersample to Native - minimal impact (don't ever set it to Subsample, only then it will become ugly/blurry)Vsync off - use the frame limiter and refresh rate settings instead (or use an external application such as your GPU control panel to limit FPS to your monitor's refresh)Under General Options, move the Field of View slider gradually to the Left (putting it to the Far Right-most gives the widest view at a cost of a few FPS)given the hardware setup you post, you can leave the following on MAX:Animations, AntiAliasing, Environment, Reflections, Textures, Shaders, Postprocessing, Character Model Quality this should give you a good compromise between nice visuals and performance. as for d912pxy, merely installing it and leaving it as is, may or may not give you the performance boost you expect, you need to configure it based on your hardware setup to properly optimise it: https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy/wiki/Custom-configurationif you're unsure what or how to configure, you can ask for help in the discord link provided by Mack.3045 in the post he linked.
  23. I tried to replicate the issue on my end but it opens firefox just fine. Can anyone please test this too? Replicating it is easy (no actual credit card required): Actually there might be a simpler and cleaner way. If you open a terminal and type in "xdg-open https://guildwars2.com", does it open the website in your native browser? works fine on my setup too. Falkon (my default browser, opens up properly using the gemstore paysafe or paypal option or via xdg-open url) -> playing GW2 on Lutris' wine 5.7 runner on Ubuntu 20.04 - 5.7.0-12.1-liquorix-amd64 kernel
  24. Thanks! I'll look more into Deadeye and Tempest. Every heal and group buff has a radius that is typically wide enough that I wouldn't have to be completely stacked in the middle of the melee mosh pit. The goal is to stay just in that comfort zone, and not necessarily at whatever maximum possible range I may have. assuming it's open world PvE: atleast for DE Rifle (not sure about Tempest), if you trait Invigorating Precision (at the expense of reliable Fury uptime, which you also generate having Critical Strikes) you can have decent sustain while Rifle 3 will take care of your Might generation, so if you follow a build / make a decent build yourself, you'll be fine at any range as long as there are no mobs/bosses with reflects. if you need cleaves/aoe you can have a backup melee weapon such as D/D or S/D, etc etc or if the mobs line up properly, kneeling+Rifle2 is very powerful as well.
  25. while im fine with people attempting to troll (since you can just click the chest before pressing F, as said multiple times), but if they do this, it's totally unacceptable: if it's part of a meta/mechanics/important interactable, you shouldn't be able to place any object/items/portals on it
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