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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. if they enforced holy trinity in GW2, i might finally roll a healer class but i want targetted, direct heals & buffs if it ever happened.
  2. i know it's very subjective and depends on the player's perspective but having played older mmorpgs before (the grindy ones like Tibia and Ragnarok Online), i found the grind in GW2 almost non-existent. maybe my tolerance for "grinding" in games is so high that it doesn't even bother me the slightest. -and- i still play those grindy mmorpgs still. that said, OP, it doesn't take long to get up to the level requirement for each part of the personal story if you plan a route for zone/map completion (which doesn't take long to 100% a zone, if you do things efficiently, while tagging and getting gold on events you happen to pass by) I understand that, but what I am trying to get across here is that, ever since GW1 was release - the game has NEVER BEEN ABOUT GRINDING. This is why we expect a high quality player base compared to WoW. The freedom to do WHAT EVER, at WHAT EVER level - even if you failed.i am with you on the freedom part of not being restricted in how you want to play. but unfortunately, modern MMORPGs (which gw2 is part of) has succumbed to the trend of spoon-feeding and hand-holding (and the multiple restrictions that bore as a result) to make it easier for first time gamers and new MMORPG players to get the hang of the game and hopefully stick with it. and there's nothing wrong with that too: if it brings more players in, it brings more money (potentially). i remember a few times where ff14 and ff11 where being talked about just like how we talk about gw1 and gw2 (not entirely the same but it's like how the older game had this why doesn't the newer game have it too? or this x and y system was better than the system we have now)
  3. i know it's very subjective and depends on the player's perspective but having played older mmorpgs before (the grindy ones like Tibia and Ragnarok Online), i found the grind in GW2 almost non-existent. maybe my tolerance for "grinding" in games is so high that it doesn't even bother me the slightest. -and- i still play those grindy mmorpgs still. that said, OP, it doesn't take long to get up to the level requirement for each part of the personal story if you plan a route for zone/map completion (which doesn't take long to 100% a zone, if you do things efficiently, while tagging and getting gold on events you happen to pass by)
  4. speaking of machine/non-living mounts, a starwars style speeder-bike (the ones that hover) could work for raptor with the jump-dash/canyon-jumping replaced by a momentary boosting/throttle effect something like this: Yes! Star wars speeder bikes is exactly what I meant, I would totally buy one of thoseyeah and if they ever do something like this, it'll be another insta-buy for me just like the new beetle skin. and of-course they should make it in asura style instead of star wars tech
  5. it would be nice if we could change the colour and shape of the crosshair when going into Action Camera / Action Combat mode. the Default White-Dot → Red/Green/Orange/Black/White :: Dot/Cross/Box/Angle/Circle-Outline-Nofill can also make it dynamic and make it pulse subtly when you successfully hit an enemy/object (can disable too)
  6. true. they never added a new race since HoT and PoF, so yeah doubt they'd even add 1 for the upcoming expansion. i'd welcome it if they ever do, but i wont expect it. i think thief isn't hated by Anet but they just ignore it most of the time. almost as if they don't exist. see every balance patch notes: nothing remarkable for thieves majority of the time, for PvE atleast. the only time they touch thief really is when people cry about them enough in WvW or PvP.
  7. would love a simple ponytail though.. but yeah i dont wanna see more dreads (we got a lot with the elonian styles that came with PoF) or 1-side shaved hairstyles. more simple hairstyles would do, either long or short, for either gender and for all applicable races none of them are dreads, they are braids. dreadlocks are braids.https://google.com/search?q=define+dreadlocks wrong, they are not the same and nor can be seen as the same, with that logic a pig and warthogs are exactly the same but nope.you clearly misunderstand me then. let me rephrase: dreadlocks are braids, but not all braided hairstyles are dreadlocks.see: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dreadlock here are ingame examples of dreadlocks. there's atleast 1 or 2 more other hairstyles than the ones i presented. do a google image search for dreadlocks. do a define search on dreadlocks. BUT YEAH im done with this pointless argument.
  8. speaking of machine/non-living mounts, a starwars style speeder-bike (the ones that hover) could work for raptor with the jump-dash/canyon-jumping replaced by a momentary boosting/throttle effect something like this:
  9. i want a nyan cat poptart skyscale skin i mean hey we got something outlandish with the griffon
  10. from what i've seen (correct me if im wrong) Anet usually just abandons content/features they don't usually drop/deprecate/remove/lose it unless it will be succeeded by another similar/"better" feature or content. and i think they still do bugfixes if it's game breaking enough on older features/content if it's an RP thing, where you want to present in-character / or in context, that's completely, absolutely ok if it's what you're going after -or- if you simply just like using outfits, there's nothing wrong with that too!... but some like me aren't happy with outfits :)
  11. would love a simple ponytail though.. but yeah i dont wanna see more dreads (we got a lot with the elonian styles that came with PoF) or 1-side shaved hairstyles. more simple hairstyles would do, either long or short, for either gender and for all applicable races none of them are dreads, they are braids.dreadlocks are braids.https://google.com/search?q=define+dreadlocks
  12. Astyrah.4015


    would love if sword autos hit harder for how slower it is compared to other weapon choices, or make the autos faster but same damage
  13. they (outfits) do reduce the variety, agreed. there are many times (not all the time) i just wander around Lion's Arch or Divinity's Reach and see atleast 2 to 3 people with identical outfits the only difference being one has the helmet off and/or has a different dye scheme that said, i do use outfits but primarily to hide an alt's starter/leveling gear until i can equip & outfit them with their first level 80 set for the build i planned. never used outfits otherwise. really wish we got more armour skins (in-game both via achievements/crafting and via the gemstore).
  14. would love a simple ponytail though.. but yeah i dont wanna see more dreads (we got a lot with the elonian styles that came with PoF) or 1-side shaved hairstyles. more simple hairstyles would do, either long or short, for either gender and for all applicable races
  15. i'd love a cantha-style/inspired ruined fortress/castle-ish guild hall that you'll restore together... or maybe a smaller than the usual guild hall for the not so huge guilds
  16. while i will be neutral to suggestions like this. if Anet does do this, it will make some or a lot of the GW2 haters (in reddit, for example) paint the game as Pay-to-Win just because of how you can buy the highest (tier) gear for real cash directly from the gemstore... [i mean you already can right now but you have to go through a lot of hops and steps (like buy gems with $$$, convert gems to gold, buy gen1 legendaries -or- buy ascended materials for crafting) ..... you'll really end up losing more as a credit card player with how things are currently though] sooo.... maybe no? That is exactly what players said when ArenaNet implemented expensive mount skins in the Gem Store and today they are extremely appreciated by most of them. I stay by my point - we shouldn‘t forget ArenaNet is first a company, which has to maximize it‘s earnings not only for the future of their employees, but to further develop advertise a game with enormous potential like Guild Wars 2. If we take my calculations ArenaNet would make up to 300-500 € per player who decides to buy a full collection. That would be on the same level selling a new flagship smartphone to a customer and would enable them to do many great developments with the game.i get your point, but the difference between buying mount skins (esp the expensive ones) and legendaries directly from the gemstore is that: you can't use those mount skins until you've unlocked them and mounts offer nothing but mobility and convenience (you'll also need PoF expansion -and- you had to work to unlock your mounts...grind even).... while the theoretical gemstore legendary will be available for purchase anytime, equippable as soon as you max level and have the highest stats on par with ascended gear for zero effort. i want ArenaNet to earn more money too so they can release more quality content that would please players of all gamemodes but i don't think this is the right way they should go for.... (also not to mention the amount of hate they would get if they started selling gear with stats (selectable) that you can use on the gemstore/cashshop)
  17. while i will be neutral to suggestions like this. if Anet does do this, it will make some or a lot of the GW2 haters (in reddit, for example) paint the game as Pay-to-Win just because of how you can buy the highest (tier) gear for real cash directly from the gemstore... [i mean you already can right now but you have to go through a lot of hops and steps (like buy gems with $$$, convert gems to gold, buy gen1 legendaries -or- buy ascended materials for crafting) ..... you'll really end up losing more as a credit card player with how things are currently though] sooo.... maybe no?
  18. patience goes a long way! good luck! oh and please do consider joining an active pve guild -or- adding those awesome people who joined your LFG/party in your recent run.... it will help your quest for your legendary rifle better if you have people you can consistently run content with :)
  19. no you're not! just have patience :) have a look into the guild recruitments/looking for guild forums and look for one of the PvE guilds there (some even state they run dungeons!) and apply... they're usually more than willing to help new guildies catchup and/or do content
  20. the dungeons have been seemingly abandoned by the devs in favour of fractals (which a lot of people run over dungeons, generally). even so, dungeons still usually fill up if you run your own LFG but it also depends on the time of the day, day of the week and the server region you're on. and it also helps if the dungeon is part of the dailies for the day.
  21. while it doesnt bother me (since i've learned to click on the chest before pressing F): one solution the devs could do, to solve your issue, is to make it so player-placed interactable objects cannot stack with environment/map interactable objects... though it's such a trivial matter/issue (if at all) that i doubt the devs would do anything about it. (well, maybe if the whole half of the entire active playerbase complains lol)
  22. I've played a LOT of MMOs. None of them hav had a better business model than this one. Not one. And by a lot I mean most of them. I'm not sure what's worse. Free to play pay to win MMOs or MMOs that offer "optional" subs that you need to pretty much play the game, or MMOs that charge $15 a month just for the privileged of playing the game AND sell you expansions and usually have a cash shop. Charging for content isn't a terrible business model, and giving it away free to loyal players is pretty damned generous. So is allowing you to buy it with in game gold. The only thing I don't agree with is the lack of packages to buy it up front, when you first purchase the game. agree gw2 hit it right with their business model and it's so easy to invite friends to play the game since they lose nothing (core game is free) and should they like it but quit eventually, it's also easy enough to get back to and pickup where you left off. had a hard time getting friends to try ff14 before because of the box price + sub price so the barrier to entry is high compared to this game.[[not to mention stereotype of it having boring combat and a boring early game experience (thought they're fixing the latter)]] i've also played other games and p2w games (iRO/Ragnarok Online being the only p2w MMORPG that i still play from time to time) and you tend to spend waaaay more than gw2's expansions + living world story unlocks if you wanna have fun (or in most cases stay competitive) in those games -going back to the living story paywall, at this point they should also sell a S2+S3+S4 megapack at a bundled special price for the new players or the returnees who completely missed everything-
  23. i agree with LA... wish they kept the pirate-y theme... it's (the rebuild) a joke compared to the instances you see in your Personal Story
  24. same. it's an instant sell for me and it looks really well made at that!
  25. would also appreciate a /changepose /cpose .... especially for certain emotes that persist like /sit and /sleep and like you mentioned, weapon drawn (idle) pose
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