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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. yes it says right here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112646/game-update-notes-august-25-2020
  2. yeah gw2's inventory system (with all expansions, giving you 5 bagslots) imo is almost subscription-mmo like if you put like 32 slot bags in each one it's enough space for all the content the game offers (with occasional trips to the storage bank whenever you're down to < 15 item slots left) now a newbie might see it on a friend's (or a streamer's) screen and find that expensive initially but it may be something they'll want to work for once they buy PoF (which they usually would if they get interested/hooked in the game... and yes there are other things that can hook or turn off people from investing into gw2 besides bag slots)
  3. i would like this myself. so much build diversity which opens up more fun playstyles but then again i can already see the PvP & WvW people raging and complaining about balance because X+Y combo profession is broken/op/etc, game will die if not, etc. so it probably wont happen, sadly
  4. actual ram usage on linux/ubuntu(gnome), as low as 100mb, average of 200~280mb depending on what you do, up to a high 800~900mb i imagine windows steam would use the same amount of ram if not just a lil bit higher
  5. github and similar websites are purely for developing software: hosting your source code, sharing your code, developing and publishing for release. people can put up issues/threads about any bugs your software has or suggest edits to your code to improve it. it's an active community. if you're really paranoid and don't trust any open source software you see: review the source code > check for any malicious code > compile it yourself ---- platforms such as Github allow that  and d912pxy is hosted on Github and as @Mack.3045 repeats, is completely safe.  regarding your mouse issues, try lowering dpi and polling rate to the factory/default/safemode values in your mouse software (logitech)
  6. The skins can be: put on at the time, some allow you to add to wardrobe, and if either of those two don't apply you can delete them. Often transmutation shards aren't required to reskin (looks at 1400 transmutation charges) and, if transmutation charges are needed, those are handed out like candy. With a bank tab of 30 spaces, and siege stacking to 250, that's a lot of siege. I'm not sure that many players store that much. Ascended items, though, I'm with you there! pure pve players dont get transmutation charges like candy fyi its mainly handed out in spvp and wvw I belive.this. also tomes of knowledge, while your typical pvp and wvw players would be swimming in them, pure pve players (especially new people, those within 1 to 2 weeks of play time) barely have any
  7. we already have this thread btw :)https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/112992/new-expansion-what-features-would-you-like-to-see#latest  but yeah this bit regarding housing, while i want housing in gw2 as well, i would like to disagree with dedicated housing zones due to how easily they get filled leaving the rest of the playerbase without a chance to own a house (see games like Archeage or Final Fantasy 14 for Open World and District/Ward-zone type housing). at the very least they can try copying FF14 but make it so there's more than enough wards per server per region --- but ideally they can copy Wildstar's housing, you have your own house in a floating island somewhere (instanced) and you can enter and leave the house without going through a loading screen unlike in FF14, that way everyone can own a house. they dont really have to copy Wildstar's floating instanced housing 1:1 but say they could add it to a section in Cantha, say Kaineng City there's a big gate there, you interact with it and it takes you to your personal plot of land that you have to purchase to unlock / upgrade.
  8. now i doubt d912pxy will solve your mouse stuttering issues but i must point out that regarding open source software, you are very wrong. FOSS (free open source software) especially those hosted in github/gitlab are very much safe and in the event that it's accused of even having any trace of malicious code, the whole source code is there for you to review and verify.
  9. they wont be able to afford it but you can gift them one as a welcoming gift (20 slots) when they join :) also having all expansions which makes the total free bagslots to 5 is super cheap right now on 50% off sale for what you pay for (i mean you're paying for an expansion so lots of new content, elite specs, etc. aside from the free bagslots) --- compared to buying a bagslot individually in the gemstore and yeah the 24 slot bags was just an example. 5 x 20 slot bags is decent too and plenty of space
  10. what kind of home network do you have? (if you're playing from home).. if you're not the one who manages your network, and you have some kind of complicated setup going on, like your WAN gateway is managed and routed by a dedicated firewall like PFsense, there may or may not be a chance you may also have an inline VPN running (for privacy browsing purposes) which was setup by whoever does/manages your network. in a setup like this, this is not something that can be disabled in your OS since it's on the firewall side and every client selectively can be routed to the tunnel by the network admin. if all of this seems like something that applies to you, try contacting whoever does your network and ask them about it.   if all of the above doesn't apply to you or you don't know what i was talking about (sorry), one possible thing you can do to avoid the "It appears that you are contacting us through a VPN" is to hook up your phone's LTE either via USB or wifi-sharing and use that connection to send your support ticket.
  11. have you tried logging into the game? does it give any code error?
  12. some free to play MMORPGs like -- [insert random korean cash grab mmo] -- even start you with an equivalent of just 1 GW2 bagslot which is far more worse and may or may not even have material storage like GW2 has so meaning you have to fill up your bank storage with those which bloats really quick too gw2 isnt perfect but the initial 5 bagslots (if you have both expansions, forgot how many slots f2p accounts have) is reasonable and plenty enough space if you put atleast 24slotter bags in each of them (yeah dont even have to go 32's)
  13. the game supports some of the kanji in use due to the chinese font support we have (i believe because of the CN GW2 version). surprisingly we also have hanggul support as a font but nowhere do we have a KR GW2 service/region (maybe it's an NCSoft upper management thing they want to be able to type in korean when they play gw2?) that said not translating but just adding unicode support would be easy to do (i mean compared to translating everything and adding new voice overs). that way all characters even russian and japanese would display and can be typed in properly
  14. basically a "hide: unlocked" setting? basically underwear but for the chest? 1might easily be implemented i believe but as for 2 it depends on how many layers our armour system has.. if it's only 1 layer and wearing an armour replaces your characters underwear (or whatever they wear when "naked") with the armour then i believe it may require a lot of re-work done to how our armours are worn.
  15. Because optimization is costly and leaves people with older rigs in the dust. Considering this game can't function without appealing to a large group of people and there isn't a monthly fee, it's a hard case to justify optimization. Just a reminder that some games have an option to switch between different dx versions. Like POE which was released year later by (at the time) a indie company. How come small company could keep improving the game, performance and so on yet AAA title is stuck with dx9 in 2020, in fact 2021 (4 months away)? I highly doubt theres anyone who still play gw on 15 yo rig.speaking of PoE, as you said it was released around the same era/time of GW2's (2013 vs 2012) and it started out on directx9 as well just like gw2, but then they eventually found the time to upgrade the rendering to directx11 as years went on.... and most recently this year, just released a beta for Vulkan... it shows they somehow value the player's gaming experience and want to ensure they get the best possible performance and also to make sure the game stays relevant to modern hardware in the years to come. and yeah you can still use dx9 (set it via config files) on PoE it just defaults to dx11 when you install it optimisation is a means to/of future proofing your game.. no need for a remaster or a new engine. just make sure it runs and takes advantage of modern hardware because as time passes, more and more people will eventually buy newer computers because their old ones stopped working/couldn't take care of it/etc. and had to dispose/donate them - pretty sure no one here has a computer from the late 90s or year 2000/2001/2002 anymore (and if you ever do it's probably not your main machine, something you just keep for legacy purposes or for that one application that wouldn't work in a modern OS, you're not majority)
  16. Yeah, i tried doing the sightseeing thing in FFXIV, and the second one i found required me to wait almost a full in-game day to complete it. That was the end of that. Then some require the right weather? Unbeliveable.If it would be just weather without any of that then we could only hope anet wouldn't recycle that idiocy eventually. i mostly just wanted random weather in maps just for the change in ambience as evident in my reply to the OP ~ sometimes it's sad to see the same area being gloomy and cloudy when the skies could be clear in the midday, could even add some dynamic to the RP scene if ever. FF14 was merely a mention :)
  17. well there's a specific section to recruit guild members for: you can try reporting them but i doubt anything would happen, but still you can try :) raid sellers would post their sales ads in the Raid lfgs for easier visibility to potential customers, however for guilds recruiting members (like say recruiting members for a raid focused guild) they should use the Guild Plaza LFG so you can give that as a reason in your report... but i doubt anything would happen and i guess it's kind of a grey area when they try to recruit in Raid LFG if the purpose of their guild is for raiding for example
  18. they are aware atleast that it's an issue, and released a statement recently about it (after so many months of lagging) https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues The statement they made is complete trash. "The reality is there's no single sweeping change that can fix latency issues for all players, or even most players."This is not a latency issue. That statement pretty much says "there is no real solution for players who have latency issues, but we will look into it."This isnt a player latency issue, it is a server issue, and they seriously need to fix it, otherwise people are going to start leaving. yeah, i'm not satisfied with the way they acknowledged the issue too, the lag is bad (and sometimes borderline unplayable) for me whenever i go to season 4 and icebrood saga maps and it's one reason i haven't bothered farming or doing achievements on these areas and mostly just do the festival stuff/fractals/dailies but right now there's not much else we can do until they release more information about the issue...
  19. that's great! if you have audio on your headphones then atleast we can narrow it down to your main/default audio device/soundcard and that it's not the game's fault. you can try googling around for general trouble shooting for it since it's no longer a game-specific issue, otherwise people here would mostly be repeating the obvious (like: check if your speakers are on or if connected, check if anything's muted, check if your soundcard is set to primary or is not disabled, check if it's being detected by dxdiag, updating drivers, etc. etc.)
  20. they are aware atleast that it's an issue, and released a statement recently about it (after so many months of lagging) https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues
  21. might be stating the obvious so do any/check:volume mixer, if gw2 was muted anywheredo dxdiag, see if it detects all your audio devices/sound cardstry plugging a usb headset, other audio device see if they workcheck other games and application, play music or watch videos if they have audio/sound outputif you did a os/windows update recently and haven't restart yet do so see if sound comes back.i doubt it's the issue but try updating your audio drivers if all the above don't work if you've tried all of that, then try contacting support see if there's any more solutions/suggestions they can provide (or wait for others to reply, since they may have a fix in mind that i haven't thought of)... just keep in mind, it'll be kinda hard for other people online to diagnose and pinpoint your particular issue without actually being in front of your computer :)
  22. this. right now afaik to change a guild's name you have you go through support and they have to check if you're the leader or something. wish they released a UI option tucked somewhere in the guild menu where, as the highest ranked guild member/leader, you pay in gold or gems (but ideally with gold) to change a guild's name.
  23. i assume you have audio output in your OS/other applications... have you tried manually selecting your sound card in the ingame options?
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