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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. if they make something like this, and the only way to obtain this lounge pass was to buy the packages you mentioned, then i'd buy that "Ultimate Complete" edition even if i already own all of the seasons right now just so i could "replace" the current LA with the classic one lol =)
  2. "samurai" as a concept e-spec might fight warrior better (but they can already use GS!!!) i'd like a great sword thief spec too but maybe something different when it comes to the name
  3. the chronological order is:Personal Story > LW Season 1 Recap > LW Season 2 > Heart of Thorns > LW Season 3 > Path of Fire > LW Season 4 > Icebrood Saga (current) pvp, jump in anytime! for World vs World, PvE Raids and other endgame instanced PvE wait until you have a full set of Exotic tier equipment for your chosen build/class. you can google "snow crows gw2" for raid builds and "discretize eu gw2" for tier4 fractal builds, for everything (non raid, non t4 fractals) else: google up "metabattle gw2" for build guides and general reference on how to play your chosen class more efficiently. if you don't care about the story, or don't mind getting spoiled, you can do the first mission of Path of Fire expansion (entry is at Lion's Arch) on one of your old level 80 characters and complete it to get the first mount then come back to your current character. it's a very nice QoL thing to have when exploring (mobility, safety, etc.) but it's nowhere near required that you do so. you can completely clear all content in Heart of Thorns, seasons 2 and 3, and the personal story without any of the mounts.
  4. same i'd want player housing or smaller guildhalls for people with guilds that have <15 people. the current guild halls are too huge if your guild isn't a 300+ person guild that runs full squads once a week for guild missions. but yeah i'd want housing for my character too, the home instance doesn't feel like home since my character doesn't actually have a house or a room/space there claimed as their own property that and new hairstyles, new professions/classes, new elite specialisations
  5. i dont see them doing this for the new expansion as part of Expansion 3's packages but for HoT+PoF package (the only one you can buy now), at Expansion 3's release day, they can add a Full Story Edition or Complete Edition where, as you mention in your post/OP, it has all LWS seasons prior to the new expansion unlocked for an additional cost over the standard edition
  6. yeah oh and just saying: you know what, GW2 going to steam and players not being able to convert non-steam to steam accounts wouldn't have been an issue if it was done waaay way earlier like back in 2013 or 2014 (GW2 2012 launch) in FF14's case (since it's always brought up) for example, about it having totally separate steam and pc accounts (yeah you can't login if it's another account type nor can you purchase expansions, etc. steam to non-steam) it wasnt so bad in that case because they released it for steam about a year after the initial re-launch (realm reborn august 2013) > (steam launch february 2014) in GW2's case it's an 8 year gap so starting over fresh, that's a lot of difference vs. a couple of months: character birthdays, lws1, seasonal/anniversary stuff that are unobtainable, 40k + + AP, legendaries (if you made any), etc. etc. --- that's just a lot to work for again with some being near/actually impossible to. there is a reason why people who prefer steam's payment gateways are not happy about not being able to transfer over. for some of them, there's just so much work and time over the years to lose vs. being able to properly and reliably support (if they so choose to) ArenaNet by buying expansions/microtransactions with their local currency.
  7. i never mentioned PvE anywhere in my post lol. i mentioned GW2 (and GW1) requiring good play and strategy which can apply to PvP and WvW as well. but yeah that's enough it's pointless talking to you even more when i can barely understand the sentences you construct lol
  8. what I and @"Linken.6345" mean is that in GW2, you "level up" your "skill as a player" instead of your "player level" or your "item/gear level". what you seem to basically want is to be overgeared and/or overleveled for all the content in the game so that your level or your equipment will carry you instead of actually learning how to play better/improve your gameplay. GW2 and GW1 (despite not being alike) were both designed to reward the player for good play and strategy rather than having overpowered gear and/or absurdly high character levels EDIT: i never mentioned or talked anywhere in my reply that gear in either vertical progression or horizontal progression is "worthless". -> i merely pointed out the illusion of gaining power or becoming stronger in vertical progression games (games like World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14).
  9. Why would you want to play through steam? What's the difference? I mean you're going to be launching the same game (probably with the same launcher) as you are now but by clicking on an icon on steam. I don't get it either. I know Steam has it's own friends list so I guess it makes it a bit easier to add people you know in real life or from other games, but I don't see why it would be so important to some people to go through a 3rd party to launch the same game they've already got. Yeah, ArenaNet may not have filled out the page fully yet but from looking at the Steam store page I don't think they plan on integrating with Steam's own systems (no mention of steam cards, achievements etc) so I doubt they'd even tie into the Steam friends list. ArenaNet's purpose with this is doubtlessly to get the game in front of new players on Steam. Why they'd tell us existing, established players to wishlist it on Steam is beyond me. I'm sure as heck not going to buy the game a second time and start again. But the part I don't understand is why existing players would want to run the game through Steam. I very rarely use it but my understand is it's basically a 3rd party store/launcher for games, so it's an additional step to have to go through when you want to log in and an additional server which can go wrong (and seems to cause no end of trouble for Elder Scrolls Online players who have to use Steam). What's the benefit for a player in logging in through Steam instead of the existing launcher? Why are so many people disappointed that they won't be able to do that, and even talking about starting over with a new account so that they can? So one big draw for me would be having access to my steam wallet, things I sell on the steam marketplace turn into money on the wallet, if I could then use that money to buy gems in gw2 that's awesome! I.E. I play other games which earn cards, i sell cards from doing so (or even skins in some games) and use that money on GW2 gem shop items. That's a huge increase in ways to spend more money on GW2 this seems like it benefits both the player and ANet to me. also the possibility of having localised pricing tailored to your country's economy/standard of living. the other benefit is more methods of payment, depending on account region/country you can have bank transfers, convenience store payments, local prepaid/stored value cards, steam wallet gift cards, paypal, debit/credit cards (non-international), other payment gateways (like WebMoney for steam japan). the more players who can and are willing to support Arenanet, even if Valve gets a cut, is still profit for the game. some people grind away and get burnt out farming gold because they have no other way to buy/pay for gems. they can use third party key sellers in their local area if there are but those are risky and can get you banned. if no one buys gems or if less and less people buy gems (given an increase in player population) eventually the gold > gem conversion will be affected negatively.
  10. so let's take a modern mmorpg like FF14 or WoW, you have vertical progression and item/power level ratings on your gearset. Sample year of playing:month1~3: you start fresh, manage to catch up and get to endgame, clear the relevant raid and get your BiS. cap your weeklies/dailies/etc. without fail. you do XXXX dps and clear the raid/contents in XXX time month 6~9: new raid releases all your gear is worthless now, the item/power level is bumped up 30 points. you grind/craft dungeons/content to get to raiding minimum i/p level and raid, clear raid, get BiS. cap currencies without fail. difference? sure gear is "stronger" now but the enemies are also stronger and adjusted to the ilevel so your XXXX+5000 dps will still clear the content in XXX time not very far from the previous raids/content because you do the same relative damage to the bosses/enemies and you receive relatively the same damage from bosses/enemies as before because everything is adjusted to the current maximum item/power level month 12~next year over: rinse and repeat. you're basically chasing a carrot on a stick attached to your head endlessly. increasing this rating or making your gear more "powerful" doesnt actually make you powerful in modern vertical progression MMORPGs because everything on the newest content scales alongside the power increase so you never really get stronger you're just given more reasons to pointlessly grind away. in the end, you're also farming for the skins/looks that come with raids for bragging rights. GW2's horizontal progression isn't perfect by any means but it removes the pressure and the FOMO (fear of missing out) that naturally comes with vertical progression MMORPGs, that's a reason why a lot of players who like GW2 like the progression system as well. and yeah we can still farm for skins/looks for bragging rights or whatever your reason may be. now for older MMORPGs with horizontal progression and some even with endless/uncapped leveling you can become so overpowered/godly that the game becomes a bore fast since nothing is ever a challenge anymore. also if such a particular system (no level cap, overpowered/god tier gear) came to modern MMORPGs, it doesnt matter if it's vertical prog or horizontal prog, people would protest about balance and the devs will never hear the end of it. these simply have no place in modern mmorpgs
  11. not necessarily, SWTOR and PSO2 both mmos that were recently put up on steam, you can still use your existing account from another platform/non-steam. though not MMORPGs, Warframe and Path of Exile allows the same (linking/un-linking or simply logging in from steam with steam integration) or like Destiny 2 where you can cross-save between console and steam
  12. yeah this, i hope they find a way or compromise to allow us to link/un-link our existing ArenaNet account and our Steam account... other games allow it (like PoE), so i hope ArenaNet finds a way to make it work.
  13. steam numbers alone (not including playerbase outside of steam which FF14 obviously has more): before patch 5.3 of FF14 (understandable because of the content drought), SWTOR was leading ahead of FF14 for weeks after steam launch. now (as of this writing) it's at a 11.8k (swtor) vs 28.5k (ff14) 24hour peak player count... https://steamdb.info/graph/ so yeah the potential is there for us, for gw2!
  14. yes. all those people who kept predicting the doom of GW2 if it came to steam should stop now. i really appreciate Anet's move to bring GW2 to steam. i mean GW1 is on steam so why not GW2? and of course, like SWTOR, i hope we get more players and hopefully in the long run it's a boon to Anet and the whole community Watch people use "low player numbers!!" on steamcharts as a metric for the death of the game, not understanding that would only include steam only accounts :P tbh i get why they separated Steam and Non-Steam accounts.. they might've encountered issues making steam integration (wallet purchases for the most part) work if you convert the current accounts. but i wish they'd reconsider and allow us to link (not convert) our original accounts to steam and yeah steamcharts/steamdb will never know who's playing outside of steam :P
  15. yes. all those people who kept predicting the doom of GW2 if it came to steam should stop now. i really appreciate Anet's move to bring GW2 to steam. i mean GW1 is on steam so why not GW2? and of course, like SWTOR, i hope we get more players and hopefully in the long run it's a boon to Anet and the whole community
  16. only for people who purchase via steam. good:more sales via possible localised pricing for gems (people not from USA/Developed Countries/First World Countries/insert similar with no credit cards but have access to steam wallet cards can finally afford gems) bad:30% sales cut if you buy from/via steam (but hey apple app store does the same 30% too -obviously not gw2-, and so does many online retailers in varying %) but hey it's more marketing for GW2 so more potential returnees and newbies :)
  17. it's coming in November https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284210/Guild_Wars_2/
  18. Agreed, but almost every MMO does this and I understand why they do it. Otherwise they'd have to create a new model for almost every hair style, instead the hat model just replaces the hair model. I don't like it, but I get it. yeah i didn't like it in SWTOR and don't like it in GW2 too. i don't know how FF14 (yeah you don't go bald wearing headgear) does it but it would be really nice if GW2 was like it too for headgear/hats/helmets
  19. not really. it just takes time... depending on how dedicated or how hooked you are it will really vary but it's nowhere near hard. don't delete your old characters for their age/birthday gifts!! that being said, it's best to create a new character even if it's another warrior (if that's what you fancy) or try another class.... then level them from 1 to 80 fresh. do everything in the order intended to re-familiarise yourself with the game's systems and combat. when you find that you're re-acquainted with the game again and have finally familiarised yourself with everything, you may resume/return to your older/legacy characters if you wish. boosting to 80 (or resuming from a level 80) being a completely new player (or if you absolutely, completely forgot how to play) is usually a recipe for being overwhelmed and confused on what is what and what to do now. treat the journey to level 80 and the 1~80 personal story as your tutorial to Tyria. there's plenty of guilds who want to have you! you can head over to your starter map (Queens/Metrica/Wayfarer/etc.) or your starter city or in Lion's Arch and wait for a map shout recruitment or do a /map and ask if there's anyone recruiting. alternatively you can check either: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild-or-https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/ for gw2 related recruitment posts.
  20. recently, the other night i had experienced this error spam itself on my screen. i was afk ingame watching something on my other monitor and the error came up suddenly i didn't even do anything or even clicked ok, it just literally popped in and out of the centre of my screen rapidly without any action from me. it only lasted for like 5ish seconds though before everything returned back to "normal".
  21. just saw this thread and adding to this. some more info for anyone who just got this error: i got my account locked (same 3023 error) in the past as well for a couple of days. contacting support via anonymous ticket and coordinating with the GM assigned to me took a total of 4 days. the response time between emails was less than 24hours (average of 21 hours per email update). the GM will inform you of the reason why they locked the account and if it was flagged as compromised they will ask you to do a series of steps to secure your account/machine/email/etc. which you may have to provide screenshots as proof that you complied (i did without being told) while it may seem trivial it's best to just comply and do what you're asked to get your account back faster. when creating your initial anonymous ticket, provide a photo (if non-digital) or screenshot of every cdkey/serial you have of gw2 (if legacy) and expansions and of gem purchases (email confirmation/paypal invoice/etc.) tied to your account and state all (or as much as you can) your ArenaNet account details in your ticket (such as Account ID, Character Names, billing address, registered email, game cdkey/serials keys, etc.) the reason for this is to minimise all the potential back and forth following up of information (proof of ownership) which means delaying the update/resolution of your issue by another ~24h each time and as for the warning: my issue before was because i used a VPN too, apparently if you rely on a VPN for a decent playing experience try not to shuffle nodes/switch servers too fast or too frequent (like flicking through more than 3 different locations/countries rapidly in a span of an hour), stick to one node or server for long periods of time or permanently (if your vpn is stable) or you might get your account falsely flagged as compromised by Anet's system thereby giving the 3023 error. it's ok to play via VPN but it's risky if you keep switching nodes/servers to find the best ping
  22. you can try looking at timer websites or the wiki ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers ) then: ⇒ take note the next scheduled time/hour⇒ grab your smartphone (or a real alarm clock) and set an alarm to 5 or 10 minutes before the scheduled time the event comes up⇒ do something else / away from computer while waiting for the alarm on your phone :)
  23. it's really nice if you get into an IP of crown pavillion with an organised group/commander the boss blitzes are really quick (usually everyone downs all bosses with 1 minute of spare time left for the gold reward tier) but i do get those map IPs where everyone just yolo's the bosses and it takes 30minutes or more just to clear the blitz... and yes people would rage but it can't be helped if people wouldn't bother at all and the whole map just gangs up on 1 or 2 bosses and goes through each one in a rotation instead of spreading out and preventing the bosses from over-scaling
  24. if you have the Deluxe PoF you can use this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Invitation_to_"Lily_of_the_Elon" skips the story and can enter Crystal Oasis from level 2 on any character if you don't have the deluxe edition... im not sure, i think you still have to go through the story
  25. You could always play wow mate it got exactly what you want a gear chase that make everything below newest content worthless and you can go back and 1 shot stuff so no need to press a ton of keys fast.You do have to go to different areas and get drops then go to higher areas do it all again while selling your old stuff so its kinda the same experience tho. OR the OP, @DataLore.3916 , can play older games like Ragnarok Online where if you got that super rare drop (boss/mvp card, like the Golden Thief Bug Card for example) you'll basically be given overpowered stats if you affix it to your gear, older games are mostly without the gear treadmill of newer AAA MMORPGs, leaning closer to horizontal progression and have many different paths to BiS with some taking months to a year's worth of grinding just to see 1 piece drop but if you do get one of those overpowered stuff, you're basically set forever... and likely to get bored and quit eventually since there's no more challenge left other than farming for gold or random gear with nothing to spend on/for
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