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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. Thx a lot - up to your post I was wondering what bloody heart in Queensdale OP was referring to. After 7+ years playing gw2 and literally hundreds of characters leveled in Queensdale (once per week 1.5h "grinding" for a black lion key which for me works best with the human story line) I can firmly state I have never milked a single cow. and if milking cows or watering crops get too boring, and you're too lazy to stomp the wurm mounds... you can even kill the wurms (no stomping the ground just kill them) south of that wheatfield, the whole set there accounts for about 50% (or a lil less) of the whole heart
  2. as per the github: if you meant your issue above "didn't see textures"if you installed the prebuilt shader caches and adjusted your settings for PSO precompile, you should see texture load more reliably if not very very fast.
  3. thats exactly what i meantWas it there before? Then i never noticed it. it wasn't there before the update. it's most likely a UI/gathering related change they were testing and forgot to clean up/hide when the new update was rolled out. it's also possible we may never see it again (even if they do make changes to gathering tools/the ui/ etc.) if they decide to hide it in the near future under a hotfix/patch
  4. the skin nice imo, though i do agree it kinda feels/looks like it's not on an entirely different level compared to those mount-select/adoption licenses i'd probably buy it right away if it was worth something like 800~1000gems but not 1600
  5. they gave up many years before it got on on steam though. when they went F2P.steam gave wildstar a few extra years. and without steam, champions online would prolly had died years ago toothere is a significantly higher chance, that i will try a new mmo , if its on steamPS 202 games on my steam account, how many before i get a pony? btw pso2 recently went to steam too! (initially launched a few months ago for NA via Windows Store) then moved to steam as well! and for anyone thinking if PSO2 is dying, it has a steady playerbase in NA (not dying as of this writing, bringing it to steam brings more players in potentially mostly because windows store sucks) and ofcourse, in it's home country (Japan) it's doing very well probably on par or just a bit below FFXIV https://store.steampowered.com/app/1056640/Phantasy_Star_Online_2/ and again for arguments about patch/update deployment... FFXIV and SWTOR when launched from steam, launches their native patcher, so you patch/update with the rest of the playerbase like normal -- steam doesn't force games to use their update/package delivery system so games are free to launch another launcher from steam.
  6. i don't WvW but im genuinely curious of the reason for this? i mean aside from personal preference.... wouldn't charr (like norn) be easier to see and stand out more in a crowd? or when roaming? wouldn't smaller races like sylvary/human/asura be better since they can hide behind environment (to retreat or ambush) or a crowd (be safe in a zerg) more effectively?It's a common race for guardian/warrior/engineer commanders (especially with neon spikey hair and the large zephyr rucksack backpiece) , people don't want to hide per say if they're running full minstrel's tank buildsoh! that explains a lot =) thanks!
  7. i don't WvW but im genuinely curious of the reason for this? i mean aside from personal preference.... wouldn't charr (like norn) be easier to see and stand out more in a crowd? or when roaming? wouldn't smaller races like sylvary/human/asura be better since they can hide behind environment (to retreat or ambush) or a crowd (be safe in a zerg) more effectively?
  8. if you're using windows and d9vk, then i can't help you also, windows isn't a supported OS (even though you can run it) by d9vk, dxvk and vkd3d (dx12>vulkan) so you'll be left with a lot of trial and error.... -also-d9vk is no longer being developed after being merged with dxvk (there's a d3d9.dll in the packages now), so you should update if you wish to keep using vulkan with the latest improvements and bugfixes: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk that being said, why not use the dx12 wrapper instead? https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy it's known to work with reshade too (just google around on how you can "chain load" them) If i don't remember wrong i tested dx12, but it did load textures slowly. Didn't really see any textures when i changed map. you need to give it time, the dx12 renderer needs to build a cache for all the shaders, so that "didn't see textures" is temporary. the git recognises this and even mentions it on it's Known Bugs as not a bug. as mentioned there you can use PSO Compile: https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy/wiki/Using-PSO-precompile and/or their pre-compiled shader packs: https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy/wiki/Shader-packs
  9. Considering Areanet is a wholly owned subsidiary of NCSoft, which is a Korean company, I don't think they'd need a separate publisher. I've always found it a bit odd that the game isn't already available in Korean, but I assume it's because it's developed in America and aimed at a western audience and they didn't expect enough people in Korea to be interested to justify the time and cost of translating it. (Or maybe NCSoft didn't want it competing with some of their other games which are mainly played in Korea?) i think one reason they aren't bringing it to Korea is the competition: the MMORPG market in Korea appears to be bigger compared to the US/EU (i mean they've got more well funded games in development or upcoming locally for both mobile and pc compared to western studios) and they probably don't see gw2 making big money (or even surviving) there unless they change the business model and a lot of the systems in-game to go with the new monetization scheme -this is on top of the costs and work involved to localise it-.... so they probably don't wanna deal with that which is why i think it'll be more feasible for them to have a third party publisher carry all that burden. that and like you said, GW2 is developed and aimed for the US/EU players... the other games they self-publish and develop in Korea were made by their Korean devteams/studios so it's sorta tailored for their market (business model, game system/mechanics, etc.) and then later just adapted/changed for the western release. all of this suddenly reminded me of this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/gzoj69/what_if_guildwars_2_was_a_korean_mmo/
  10. if you're using windows and d9vk, then i can't help you also, windows isn't a supported OS (even though you can run it) by d9vk, dxvk and vkd3d (dx12>vulkan) so you'll be left with a lot of trial and error.... -also-d9vk is no longer being developed after being merged with dxvk (there's a d3d9.dll in the packages now), so you should update if you wish to keep using vulkan with the latest improvements and bugfixes: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk that being said, why not use the dx12 wrapper instead? https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy it's known to work with reshade too (just google around on how you can "chain load" them)
  11. if you meant using it with wine + DXVK, im unsure if it would work. though there's vkBasalt which does similar (though much less): https://github.com/DadSchoorse/vkBasalt you can check out the linux thread here and ask your question again there too! they may be able to help you more and they may not see this threadhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/31192/playing-guild-wars-2-on-linux-performance-optimizations-and-more#latest -edit-a quick google result shows that it does work (though i didnt read further than the title): https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/a2d7xv/reshade_is_now_working_with_latest_dxvk_master/
  12. yes, I understand. but I just wanted try one more time, at least :anguished: thanks anyway you guys aren't alone though, once in a while a thread about translating the game to Brazilian Portuguese pops up in general and they are also met with silence by Arena Net on the forums. and there's nothing wrong with wanting the game in your native tongue, in fact it may even open up and bring in new potential players who might stick around... but as it is, at least for the global version of gw2, it's unlikely due to many factors, such as the size of the studio, finances/budget, other projects, etc. -edit-one other thing you guys can do (or the kr community) is to offer to translate the official wiki to korean. the wiki is written and maintained by players after all... it may not be as effective as an official/unofficial translation but if you can offer picture guides/translations of the UI and the whole database (including the how-to's and processes ingame like crafting, etc.) translated, that may help your community get started with the game (it's a hell lotta work though) - if this is something that you think can be done you can join their discord (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2_Wiki:Discord) or contact the wiki admins
  13. an official KR language option (or any other language other than EN/FR/DE/ES) is very very unlikely unless a local publisher in korea (or -insert country-) picks up the game, licenses it, does it's own monetization/business model, translates it and opens local servers in the region. see the CN version of GW2 that said nothing's stopping you or any in the KR community/etc. to create overlay addons that translate UI elements to korean (not really sure how one would go about it though)
  14. the only things you probably can't solo in HoT are half/most of the hero points. as for the rest: pois/vistas/insights/etc. you just need to level up and get the required masteries required to explore the HoT maps conveniently also aside from insights and story quests, a lot of mastery points can be had from strongboxes and adventures too so be sure to keep an eye out for these (assuming you're not willing to look at the wiki/guides)
  15. oh sorry my bad, i thought you were looking for the Gemstore Request based on your conversation with @Inculpatus cedo.9234 basically when he said Gemstore suggestions, you said where? and i merely pointed you there.
  16. right here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again#latest =)
  17. as someone who likes these "machine" mounts, as long as they fit within the game's established themes/aesthetics i'm fine with it. we have airships made from pact technology (combination of all races) for example... that said i'd love to have an armored skyscale too just like the other people in this thread or a wyvern even, but i do have some things that i'd like to see more than others. the charr have cannons/tanks/other vehicles. the black citadel is a machine city with a giant smelter. asurans have teleporters, warp gates, megalasers, anti-gravity things, laser barrier/fields. etc. at this point we're sorta (but not quite) like FF14 in terms of theme/setting, we're not really full-on fantasy/medieval themed, but also have a decent dose of sci-fi, steampunk and modern elements mixed in though twisted in a fantasy sort of way. but yeah i do agree about the visual noise that we get from infusions and other gemstore outfits that make you look like a walking lightbulb/christmas tree/colour gradient i'd love for more simple yet stunning outfits (or better yet full armour skins/set) and subtle infusions like this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Polysaturating_Reverberating_Infusion_(Gray)
  18. yeah this is something i make sure to do when i get my friends to try any game not just mmorpgs. you play the game/"grind" with them all while talking about the game or anything in general/life just keep each other company for the whole time, trying to keep the mood alive even through the most boring of parts and before you know it you've already done so much together (and in gw2's case, you're already way past the level requirement for story mode)
  19. it's by design i think, there are lots of soul-bound things that are better of as account bound and these guild weapons are some of them.
  20. Am trying it right now. It kinda feels and looks dated, and the combat is ehhm weird... But I guess all combat is weird when you come from GW2. So far the story is pretty nice, did my first flashpoint mission(no idea what that means) and I am really enjoying it. flashpoints are dungeons and you automatically get matched up with other people queue-ing for the same via swtor's version of Dungeon Finder. no need to make parties and wait for it to fill up, you just queue solo or with a friend/premade there are some flashpoints that are "story mode" which is mean to be done solo and some are group-only the story is the best part of SWTOR... the graphics (shaders and armour textures most especially) and the engine is quite dated, the combat is your typical wow-style tab target, if you're coming from GW2 you'll miss being able to dodge and cast/channel abilities while moving, but most if not every aoe in SWTOR and other tab target games are pretty obvious (like bright orange/red circles) so they're hard to not see and easy to avoid most of the time
  21. Yeah you get used to it after a while but a toggle option would be nice although not necessary. I agree with the OP's suggestion that wall-clinging should recharge the altitude meter without having to unlock the mastery, and this would make the accidental wall-clinging less annoying sometimes since it would fill your altitude meter. i think they wont do this because it makes breaking out of bounds (maps/zones/etc.) easier like you'll be able to get over those super tall invisible walls easier... but people still find ways to do it and doing it doesn't even harm the playerbase/game in any way, anyway (only harms the one who did it if they get stuck for example) .. so i can't see why they can't just let us have it =)
  22. Oh I thought it was obvious and everybody knew about that "trick" already lol. Guess that's what happens when you have been using the skyscale too much hehe. xD back then i accidentally discovered how to afk while wall clinging when i alt-tabbed while auto-running (was flying around in TD), took longer than usual and was surprised when i came back and my skyscale was just sticking to the wall on his own lol.. i mostly afk hovering in midair though than wall-clinging and i use skyscale a lot too (like half the time.. the other half being raptor)
  23. i want it but i don't need it. if it gets re-added that's nice. if it doesnt it's ok :)
  24. gw2 will survive just as how swtor is still surviving with dx9 (and like gw2, that game runs like crap too) not going dx12 will not kill the game however, having a native dx12 renderer/mode for gw2 would surely be a boon in the long run... as time goes on, less and less people with old hardware will remain as many who can't take care of their computers eventually have to replace them or many who are simply fed up with low performance would buy something new and powerful.
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