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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. the game is still more of the same just with new story content and metas to do (since you left) ... pvp and wvw should still be the same from when you left just with different metas... if you're looking to try gw2 since there's no sub fee, there's no harm in trying out all the stuff you missed at the very least and staying for a while if you have no other game to go to, though you may have to pay for Season 4 unlocks if you've missed all of them (and episode 1 til visions of the past in Icebrood Saga, episode 3 should be free until they release the new one very soon)
  2. i play on the NA servers and i see more people now in /map (and /say during metas) mention that they're lagging, i mean like more often than the last few months and i've experienced some lag spikes too (particularly on Icebrood Saga Maps, much less evident on other maps) but no disconnects on my end. it does seem the servers have been janky recently. and given the existence of this thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110054/eu-servers-a-catastrophe , i'd say it's something that's happening in all servers not just an EU thing.
  3. I wonder why in every game where they don't have this garbage, there are always people asking for the ganking game mode/area? Is it really so empowering to backstab someone that doesn't want anything to do with PvP? Of course if it's their choice then whatever, but you should expect that there will be nobody there and you can only kill people who also want to backstab people, which means why not just go PvP? It's already in the game. also makes you wonder why most games that had this garbage either failed and are shutdown or are mostly barren if still up and running (where you mostly see the same groups/faces every day) -or- have closed/merged their servers that had this garbage on and focused on the PvE servers with group PvP and Realm vs Realm kept confined to their own instances/maps/gamemodes
  4. I don't see where people became more unforgiving, people just cry more and scream louder, but they not quitting, and I doubt they will, what other alternatives they have? New World? not going to happen, they did a huge mistake with listening to the audience and catering without sticking to the blueprint/vision of the game they had.Ashes of Creation? not going to be out by the time Cantha launches.Elyon? Might also not be out and is much more for the Hardcore PvPvE audience, not the casual audience GW2 has. And even if some people suddenly start to quit the game it wont change a thing, people come and go. WvW is much more populated then it was before the Necro changes btw. there's also Corepunk and Blue Protocol, among the hyped up and upcoming online games. but yeah imo, there isn't any better buy-to-play mmorpg alternative to GW2 at the moment (on par yes, but better? maybe no)
  5. true. i went through the story once on my main (personal story, s2, hot, s3, pof, s4 and ibs... didn't skip any cutscenes or anything...) but on my other 5 level 80 alts they're still on the level 20 Personal Story (did ps_level 10 on each of them just for the keys) lol
  6. there's a thread about this already: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109747/reducing-visual-clutter but yeah many in that thread want some sort of graphics setting option to limit/remove/tune down effects from others/party/npcs/self
  7. steam has no currency. steam uses your local currency directly but you can store money on your steam wallet much like paypal's wallet. purchasing from steam, depending on your country's available payment methods, can be done via: credit card, paypal, prepaid money cards, bank transfer, convenience store payment station, or via steam wallet funds (in your local currency...that you earned from selling skins/market place items/etc. or topping up with a gift card) steam also charges prices localised to your country. some games if bought from the states cost 10 dollars, but the same game if bought from south east asia for example, would cost only 4.88 dollars. this is why for non-americans, sometimes steam is the better way to purchase microtransactions like in Path of Exile since not everyone has a credit card, but they can buy prepaid money cards or steam gift cards much more easily and more affordable
  8. i see are you using a third party anti virus (anything that isnt windows defender) that has network security? you can try disabling that if ever, or whitelist GW2. you can also try and see if running the game through a vpn (like exitlag/mudfish/etc.) might give you a more stable connection to the servers. if all else fails you can try to contact support or your internet provider with your issue they may be able to help.
  9. if you're on wifi, i would try a LAN connection (cabled ethernet). does it happen on other games? i would also check if downloading or watching/streaming (try some netflix/youtube/spotify) anything on another device like your phone or tablet or another computer/laptop would cause your connection to cut/disconnect or buffer for a long time... this is to find out if it's your local network(wifi/ethernet), if it's your internet provider(isp) or if it's your own computer that's the source of the issues. really hard to know what's wrong on your end unless you can test or give out more details.
  10. they haven't even fixed the bowstring disappear bug yet (exists since mounts were introduced) [equip a bow] → [mount up] → [use mount attack] → [bye bye bowstring] the only way to get around this bug is to uncheck your bow to hide it when stowed so when you draw it the bow string gets re-rendered every time -or- un-equip then re-equip your bow (weapon swapping has no effect)(just don't use a mount attack again if you don't want it to disappear with the latter workaround)
  11. this is why it wont happen. it would probably be a nightmare for support if suddenly account wide bag slots would happen... lots of potential complaints (from people with more than 1 character they actively play, some on the forums/reddit mention having a character for each: pvp/wvw/fractals/raids/ow, for example) and potential refund requests
  12. Mmm ever played starwars the old republic? Or wow? Of course those two games are pay to play. :/ I have not, perhaps you could try to explain what you mean by this. And how it relates to my questions. You asked how two oppositions have quests in the same map but are enemies. This is how. Okay, so you addressed how it relates to my question but you haven't explained what starwars or wow does. Pve. You as player do quests. Get rewards. Like events and heart quests for us in gw2. Basically mmo. Except they have side a side b. Side a has their own quests side by has theirs and if you go to a place where side a owns, you can be pk. It's a territory thing. Basically like this thread. Well then what about side C? I'll bring up the Desolation map for a moment, there are the players, then there's the awakened, and then there's the forged. All 3 are hostile to each other so 3 sides right there. All 3 are even involved in a meta event so it's not an issue to be dismissed. I was looking for something that would explain how this 3+ faction interaction could be done. No side c. We got wvwv for that. Yet again, the devs said no. “The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, You want open world pvp? “We got wvwv for that”. No devs replied here yet. So to correct you, the devs said nothing.im sure the forum mods, and the few devs that check the forums (all sections) have seen your thread and the other few duplicate threads you made with the same title and post... why haven't they replied? → because it goes against the design decision for the game. they wont change it just for you, even if a few here partially or fully agree with you. you want a mode like this? then rally majority (more than half, shout on every map, go to EU and US region ask them to come with you) of the active playerbase and get them to post their agreement with you and demand on the forums. then there will be a chance they do this. but still unlikely devs have listened to majority's demands and do bend (with a big chance they wont) if enough data (if something is broken, something is op, something needs to be done) is gathered and complaints/demands are voiced. neither of which you have.
  13. yeah for MMORPGs, mostly the teamwork is carrying your own weight and not dragging the others down. voice or no voice comms, you can do all content if you trained well for it. for competitive games though like shooters and mobas, say CS:GO or LoL, on high end play, having comms and good teamwork is a day and night difference to having neither and just going by intuition (though doesn't mean it's impossible to win without comms or teamwork... just harder)
  14. as i said on your first thread, try lowering shadows and character model limit those two eat up a lot of FPS.. if you need a lil bit more tune down LOD to High from Ultra and Render Sampling to Native. you can keep Character Quality, Shaders, AA, Reflections, etc. all at high/maxed. to keep the game pretty. if you're going to upgrade just your CPU you may not see much improvements given the same settings ingame. though to answer your questions, yea the game is CPU heavy. if you're on windows 10, you can try using: https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy there are guides you can follow to install it and configure it to maximize your hardware for more potential fps
  15. sea pancake surfing would be a win for me, and i'd totally buy a sea pancake skimmer it if it came out I actually found the original post I seen https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/hufnb3/i_need_this_as_a_skin/i didnt expect it to be manta or "gw2 skimmer" shaped.... (was really thinking flat round pancakes that float) but yeah i'd take that too!
  16. sea pancake surfing would be a win for me, and i'd totally buy a sea pancake skimmer it if it came out
  17. yeah like i said in my first reply to this thread, the grind in gw2, for me, is non-existent. especially for that low level range, where you could close that 10 level story gap (in my experience) so fast in about an hour (with mounts) or about 1.5 hours on the average (without mounts) and this is just taking it slow and chill. i play grindier games (older mmorpgs), ragnarok online for example, on the official servers, if you are a completely new player, with no knowledge it's not uncommon to take a lot of hours to get from level 1 to level 15, including changing your class. and this game doesn't force anything upon you, with most if not all content (save for instanced dungeons) having no level requirement..... - at higher levels if you don't level at the recommended spots or with a group on high level dungeons, going off the beaten path at level 170+, an hour of work equates to only about less than 5% of exp and that's if you go to areas meant for your level... and if you die you lose 1% of exp (at any level). now that's grinding and not even the stressful hard kind of grinding at that. the "grind" in gw2 is laughable.
  18. SWTOR is free and has an optional subscription. I doubt anyone that is already paying a subscription to the core game would suddenly go and buy a subscription on Steam, all possible subs from Steam are new players, which is the best part about bringing a game to Steam, getting LOADS of new players to try the game.just adding that based on my experience playing SW:TOR, a lot of people who tried the game, and liked it subbed for 1 month to unlock all current expansions for free (and all story content in between expansions) and then cancelled it right away. accounts had 3 tiers: FREE > PREFERRED > SUBSCRIBER spending anything on the cash shop or being a former subscriber automatically makes you a Preferred account (basically a free account but with less restrictions) and you keep all the expansions you unlocked by being a former subscriber. so basically there's a huge chunk of people who just sub for 1 month whenever a new expansion drops and then continue playing without subscribing subscribing removes all restrictions. free accounts had every restriction you can dream of which is why i subbed right away when i was first playing that game since it was just so... unplayable for me. based on the OP's post in this thread, many bought a sub for a month which they probably wont renew
  19. true you don't need all of the Icebrood Saga stuff maxed but you at least need tier2 (please correct me if i'm wrong) of each essence so you can open up most, if not all coloured chests in bjora -or- you end up like that one person in drakkar meta one time who was complaining in /map (at the mastery system) on why they can't open anything from the rewards. and the masteries menu doesn't even tell you that you need them until you try to open a chest and get a popup that you can't
  20. FF14 (Steam) doesn't have this issue because Steam just launches FF14's patcher/launcher it doesn't replace the patcher/launcher (and you can totally bypass steam if you wanted to by going to your steam library folder and launching ff14 from there.) i believe SW:TOR (Steam) does the same and steam just opens the swtor patcher/launcher and you patch from there. all steam does for either game is download the base/core/vanilla content and you patch from there once the game's patcher/launcher comes up. the issue with this (atleast with ff14 from what i remember) was that you should never "Verify steam cache" or you risk re-downloading everything. so basically with the two games, once you install the game, just patch normally with the rest of the (non-steam using) playerbase.
  21. Consider this: Guild Wars 2 normally sells X, if it sells X + something (big)% due to Steam popularity, and Steam gets 30% of that, does the game earns less because of that? No, it earns more in money, visibility and everything else, even if Steam is getting 30% of the revenue. I've said it multiple times in the past: being on a platform like Steam always benefits a game if it's good. what's also nice about steam is how they use that 30% it funds it's R&D and other software projects like Steam Play / Proton (which literally made a lot of Linux converts and basically helped open up gaming on linux with their contributions to wine and dxvk) and other things like VR etc. they don't pocket it all like Epic does. but enough about that. one good thing if GW2 comes to steam is that, it might get a huge front page banner just like SWTOR just got. that's huge huge marketing for GW2 and well worth it. (steam is after all one of the, if not, the biggest digital platform for PC ---- meaning, even non-mmo gamers would see it and might recommend it to their mmo-playing friends)... and like i said on the other thread, gw1 is already on steam... why not gw2 too?
  22. i wont have a problem with this if the rewards are really good and it'll be something to cooperate with the whole zone towards something great. but i would have a problem with this if there are achievements tied to it (like say if there was an achievement for "get gold on this week long pre- that ends up with this weekly meta 20x").... that would be so bad if you just missed a day or three of the week you might as well wait for next week's. if they ever do tie an achievement it, it has to be a "get gold on the week long meta 1/1" at most. one other problem is that GW2 maps/zones, as they are right now, often close and re-open and/or new instances are made and old ones deleted.... potentially resetting the whole progress for the week.
  23. unless they literally meant a floating brain for a skimmer, that'd be wild but interesting
  24. well gw1 is already on steam. it wouldn't hurt to put gw2 in steam too plus i'd love to have all my games on one launcher platform (even if it would still launch the gw2 launcher from steam, like it does with ff14) all i want is that if they ever do add GW2 to steam, is that we can link our existing account(s) to our steam account and not have to make a new one just for the steam version
  25. And people are not going to spend time complaining if they only spend 2 days in the game, get bored and decide to leave. You veteran players are been genuinely selfish in not thinking what the NEW PLAYER wants in this game. though it doesn't get the majority or ArenaNet's attention, i often see a lot of new players in reddit's r/MMORPG and r/Guildwars2 who either fall in love at first sight with the game --or-- get lost/bored and give up on the first hour ... these people usually make posts describing their experience whether good or bad. i think there isn't a right or wrong way to implement a "New Player Experience" into the game, whatever Anet would do, it will end up both being approved and disapproved by their players (either majority or minority)... there's just no way you can please every single person/client
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