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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. currently sitting on 4 fully geared (ascended) level 80s all built for pve of any kind: Thief - berserker/power dps (deadeye + daredevil -- thief is the most economical and only uses 1 set for both specs) Ranger - viper's shortbow soulbeast + harrier/heal druid + marauder lb/gs core ranger Mesmer - marauder gs mirage + viper's condi mirage Guardian - berserker power DH + harrier/heal firebrand
  2. gw1 was like this -- by default left clicking does not de-target and instead moves you to the location on the field that you clicked -- with gw2 being a game built from gw1's engine i imagine they can easily implement a function/option similar to what you request. personally though i have no issue with clicking on the field to clear the current target since it's how most modern tab target games behave by default (WoW and if im not mistaken FF14 is like this) however these games do have the option to enable/disable such behaviour
  3. they do read it and they do have someone go over all our suggestions/requests but not everything of course will get considered see: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1287401/#Comment_1287401
  4. oh and for the record i never called you a casual. i only mentioned that even the most casual of the players who play gw2 have attained these grinds with time. there's nothing in my replies that specifically mention you being a casual. have a good day/evening.
  5. the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game. what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable They are required for content like obtaining Skyscale or making legendaries. both of which are optional and not required in any content not related to their collections. you do not need them to progress your character in any way in pve/pvp/wvw. you can reach BiS gear without legendaries. you can reach any area with the 3 basic mounts whenever a mount is required by the story or open world pve metas. no skyscale no rollerbeetle no griffon needed. Content is anything put into the game that the player can experience. Not just the area itself as you think it is. and you do not need these optional things to experience the content. they are extras. you can get the best stats for a given build with ascended gear. you can walk or use the raptor/springer/skimmer to traverse "content". want a shiny reward? work for it. it's not impossible because even the most casual of casuals in the playerbase have done it. many threads like yours are created every now and then complaining about these grinds and most of the time, it's people who do not want to put any inch of effort at all and just want instant gratification. you don't have to get the skyscale or that legendary weapon in one week. take your time. some people take months to a year to get their first legendary weapon for example. having a lot of patience goes a long way. if you get frustrated at a certain task or collection ingame, put it down and do something else. You don't understand what content is man. It's not just fighting through an area or killing a boss. It's ANYTHING put into the game. That's content. It's logic.and you don't understand what "optional" or "not required" is
  6. the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game. what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable They are required for content like obtaining Skyscale or making legendaries.both of which are optional and not required in any content not related to their collections. you do not need them to progress your character in any way in pve/pvp/wvw. you can reach BiS gear without legendaries. you can reach any area with the 3 basic mounts whenever a mount is required by the story or open world pve metas. no skyscale no rollerbeetle no griffon needed.
  7. the thing is these are optional. they are part of the exploration aspect of the game, not required for your character's progression. you can argue that jumping puzzles or certain side content are required for things like the skyscale mount or legendary weapons -- but then again, these are optional too. ascended weapons and armour are on par with legendaries stats-wise (minus certain conveniences like easy stat swapping). most of what the skyscale can do, you can make do with springer+griffon and even then the skyscale is not required for any content in the game. what you may find silly/pointless/isn't content, other people may find fun and enjoyable
  8. try borderless windowed mode. some new videocards and specific drivers have issues with exclusive fullscreen (when losing focus) with directx9 or older.
  9. see: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015782307-Error-Code-7 this is usually caused by your isp and the route it takes to arenanet's server. either the routing is bad or your isp has network issues etc. try another internet connection such as one from your mobile phone (tethering) or use a vpn (risk of getting account security issues) and see if your problem goes away -or- follow any one of the solutions mentioned in that support article Except that it's happening to LOTS of people this weekend. Servers slammed?i do hear EU has been having server issues again, so if you're from EU then maybe. but still the issue of the OP is the route between their isp and the servers. if the internet gateway used by the servers or the servers themselves are shot, then yes this can happen as well. im playing on the NA servers and i currently have 0 issues regarding lags and disconnects at least nothing on arenanet's end over here.
  10. see: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015782307-Error-Code-7 this is usually caused by your isp and the route it takes to arenanet's server. either the routing is bad or your isp has network issues etc. try another internet connection such as one from your mobile phone (tethering) or use a vpn (risk of getting account security issues) and see if your problem goes away -or- follow any one of the solutions mentioned in that support article
  11. you can try a few things.one, disable dxvk and run with wined3d (opengl), turn off esync, fsync, futex2 and use your system wine version not lutris' runner. see if you will crash. if basic wine causes you crashes, try running again with the same configuration but add WINEDEBUG=fixme-all,warn+cursorand enable the lutris logging console to see what causes the crash from wine two, if wined3d + running the basic wine setup doesnt crash your game then try removing dxvk's cache to have it generate a new one. add the env variable DXVK_LOG_LEVEL=debug, start the game with dxvk and esync and open lutris's logging console while the game runs try to make it crash. if it's dxvk, the console will report what caused the crash with dxvk's logging function. you can also try generating a new prefix for the game, since you may have tried a wine version or wine build that has messed with the configuration and may be causing issues. it's best to do a full reinstall/redownload of gw2 as well when doing this. basically you work your way up and identify if it's your wine version, dxvk, or performance patches (esync, fsync, futex2) that causes crashes. once you identify the issue, you can try running it on the most basic setup (non lutris wine, no esync/fsync/futex2, use wined3d) and "rescue" your character, bring them to another map. then file a bug report to the respective place (winehq for wine, dxvk github for dxvk, etc.). you can also inquire on the Lutris discord or the VKx discord for issues that you believe are linux specific for a second opinion (or an actual, working solution) edit: and lastly if you've exhausted all of that and all seems normal, then it may be an account (character) specific issue which you should contact support for.
  12. Notice, btw, that in Raids we are using a squad setup, where the party leader is the king. That's because squads were not designed as a LFG pug construct. in other games as well, you can vote kick the party leader (if they're afk, bad, toxic) and a random person will be chosen to replace the leader from the ones left in the party -or- vote abandon and the whole party and dungeon gets cancelled. anyway im just curious to why gw2 did what it did instead of following other games where they have a leader but there's a lot of safeties and penalties in place vs. abuse of either leader or members. nothing more to it. =)
  13. Because the creator of the lfg can be a kitten then like they were in the past, finish this instance for me or start all over from scratch. I don't understand your argument, can you elaborate a bit more please?That was how it was originally in the past - the party creator was unkickable. So, there were people that at some point just went afk, or demanded some compensation for not kicking everyone else on the last poss. Or people that when ended in any sort of argument with other players, just disbanded the party, which kicked everyone else out of instance. Or those that at the last boss kicked everyone else and invited their own guildies so they could get the final reward. Both options have their own downsides. And as for coupling unkickable creator with kick vote? It's probably way more complicated to implement. It would have to cover also disbanding the party, or leaving the party as well (in both those cases old system ended up kicking out everyone else except the original leader from the instance). Besides, it would create situations where the conflict between two different party members might be unsolvable (because one has votes, but the other is the leader). Ah, i see. Thanks for explaining! :smile:Yeah, no matter what they do, it seems someone will always find a way to abuse the system.Looks like all they can do is minimise the abuse, and the system we have seem about right on that point at least.Maybe it could be better, but like you said, it would have to cover a lot of ground and mechanics.i don't mind the system as it is now, im fine with it actually. but i always wonder: why other games with much higher populations seem to be doing ok with having party leaders when gw2 doesnt?
  14. this has been fixed since 6.5 wine staging release. the newest 6.6 staging also works. see bug report:https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50738 ohh....Last one i tried was 6.4. Will check it out thanks!lutris (what most people use) only comes with 6.4 due to 6.5 regressions in other games (gw2 is totally unaffected). you should compile it manually (with staging and tkg patchsets so you have futex2) or pull it manually from your distro's repositories im on 6.5 myself and the game runs great. i'm waiting for tkg's 6.6 patchset release before i upgrade.
  15. this has been fixed since 6.5 wine staging release. the newest 6.6 staging also works. see bug report:https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50738
  16. The Warclaw was never meant to be competing with the pve mounts. They allowed it in pve, so people could strut around the cities with blinged skins. That doesn't mean they can't give it a niche feature.Maybe something useful to the Commanders in PvE.Not sure what that would be, but it's no competition to other mounts if Warclaw has niche PvE uses.in my opinion, the most they can do (without breaking balance vs other mounts) is give it WvW warclaw's speed boost. this ability functions where people without the mount can run faster as long as they stay near the warclaw user. also good for mentors/commanders to help lead mount-less newbies in pve starter zones. giving the warclaw other abilities in pve doesnt seem fair to wvw people or may break balance with other mounts
  17. yeah HoT had the perfect difficulty. enemies aren't hp sponges (they can be killed much more easily unlike in PoF) and yet they can destroy you pretty easily as well (if you're not careful)
  18. Any community = the same as all the rest and someone saying anything else is a liar. i agree somewhat. people praise FF14's community as being really nice too but it's got it's bad apples just like gw2's. same with ESO and SWTOR and every other game that has content that caters to players from super casual to hardcore. the difference is in the amount of content. in ff14 for example, they have a much more active endgame scene (savage, ultimates, ex trials, etc.) so you're more likely to meet toxic people there compared to gw2 but still, they exist in both games just in different amounts per given population.
  19. other than worry, there's also disappointment (taking about balance patches: it's either we get nothing at all or we do get something but it doesn't really change anything -- which can also be good btw!)
  20. alternatively, @"Hugedeal.5426" you can join the GW2 discord and ask for help there it's much more active than the forums when it comes to looking for people to play with, in my experience (assuming you play on the same times as your server's region: NA/EU). you can also try finding a guild there (there's guild ads channels) that may offer to help you with various content including SAB https://discord.gg/guildwars2
  21. if only we could use the commander tag in parties, but as it is, we can't. also you can't enter drms or dungeons or fractals (iirc) as a squad so im pretty sure it'll apply to SAB as well which is the concern of the OP. -- you can only enter as a commander, in a squad with your group under your control in strikes and raids afaik..... other content including home instances and story mode, have to be done in parties to play together
  22. it's more because of the party system, not the lfg system. it has it's pros and cons but because there's no actual party leader, anyone can modify anything on the party once they are part of it. a solution would be to implement a party leader system such as what you find in games like FF14 and WoW, where you who made the party is the default leader and you have control of the LFG and who gets kicked or not. the problem is people in gw2 don't like it too much apparently because of various reasons such as party leader power-abuse or so they say (which honestly happens in other games too but not often enough to make the community hate having a party leader for parties) -- well atleast that's the reason i heard
  23. wait for other opinions though, im pretty sure i heard revenant is another good profession for solo play and it's use as alacrigade (in fractals and raids) is very much meta but i don't play that class so i can't comment on it.
  24. if by solo you mean open world and metas + events, the longbow raid build would work in the openworld you may need to swap some marauder pcs in for a bit of tanky-ness for solo-ing champs or just be in berserkers and rely on others to hopefully tank for you =). if you prefer condiDPS you can swap a few trailblazer pcs in there for open world if you want to be able to solo champs and such
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