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Everything posted by Astyrah.4015

  1. you have to be patient, the march sales run for almost the whole of march. we're only at the middle, usually they put the highly demanded stuff like season unlocks and character slots near the end/later weeks of the sale
  2. see the recent discussion about it here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/124936/survival-game-rust-loses-data-in-dc-fire-does-anet-has-proper-off-site-backups
  3. if the bug is known out there enough to be put on the wiki, i think that's enough reason for arenanet to do a quick silent fix on it and bundle it with any of the minor updates we get every 2-3 weeks (especially on a cash shop item) -- why they haven't done so is beyond me
  4. on my sandbox/VM (that runs windows 7) when i use the web browser (internet explorer) on reddit and other sites i always get those little ads on the side that promote games like world of warships/tanks, tera, bdo, insert_newest_mobilegame_cashgrab, etc....i mean i will never ever click those but even so i know about them or atleast their title because i saw them once-twice-three times on a random adspace. ~i never see them on my main system though since everything is adblocked and script blocked lol =)
  5. i doubt canthans are actually speaking chinese, japanese or korean (i know you didnt say they did but just that the canthans are often compared to the east asians of the real world -- since we're on to asian-type characters anyway). that said the way they can work around this is if they did it the way of SWTOR/star wars and have actual different non-earth languages spoken by voice actors (though tbh they sound like gibberish crap to me most of the time) with subtitles ofcourse. but yeah they aren't going to rework the whole voice acting for gw1 and gw2 (EoD) just for that -- i just like to believe they did accents for races/regions because it's the best way they can express the characters speaking another language without actually having to formulate and cook up a new language from scratch like how sci-fi movies and games do (vocabulary, grammar structuring, etc. etc.) As a linguist, this saddens me like you probably can't believe.Accents are wonderful beautiful things, and to "scrub" or "purge" them in an attempt to be PC is actually more "racist" (more likely just more ignorant) even if people have good intentions. Trying to tiptoe around some ambiguous label of "appropriation", especially in the context of a high-fantasy game, seems rather futile. yeah i don't see anything racist or racial with in-game characters speaking a certain accent at all. if anything it adds to the variety of voices i hear (even if the accent is badly done/forced out by the voice actor) and adds a bit more colour to each race/character/region/etc. in-game.
  6. the only world bosses i do now on the regular is Tequatl and Ley Line Anomaly -- mostly for the chance at an ascended box and the guaranteed 1gold reward (teq) and the mystic coin from LLA ~2gold 25silver --- that's around 3 gold on top of the dailies with a chance of an ascended i do of course, still do other world bosses too but only if i happen to be there when they are about to spawn, that's free money right there (no matter how small) i just never go out of my way to actually try hunting them (or checking the timers for them) unlike before...
  7. a dynamics exo-suit style skyscale and a synergetics mech dragon for asuran themed would sell to me almost instantly. it doesn't have to be for all races though as some races like human and norn don't have themed mounts or mounts that suggest it belongs to a region at all.(doesn't mean they can't start a krytan or shiverpeaks mount pack though)
  8. i don't think gw2 needs to compete with ff14, but i do agree the game needs more marketing effort for it's upcoming expansion. maybe another trailer to tease us or a live stream to update us on how the expansion is doing, like what new features they've already gotten in (or in testing), new elite specs, etc.
  9. there has been similar discussions in the past regarding this and in the years that have gone i have not seen arenanet do anything about it. it's a frequent trolling tactic in Auric Basin and Tangled Depths metas not just in Drizzlewood. aside from the above mentioned, another one of the proposed solutions in the past is for chests/objects should have a no-spawn zone in their hitbox meaning if you want to place a portal, a novelty box or anything player-spawned, it can only be within a certain distance away and not stacking on the chest/object/interactable but yeah arenanet doesnt seem to care about players trolling others as there has been nothing done about this "issue" imo it doesnt bother me, but i watch what i click/press F on. if it doesnt say "open chest" or something i try to manually select the reward chest. don't blindly spam F or something and you'll be fine :)
  10. im not against it but it's more time/resource consuming compared to just an armour set (all weights, 6pcs) or just a standalone weapon set (all weapons) so i can understand why they don't do it. and besides as mentioned by @Kodama.6453 many skin sets for weapons work standalone what we're more likely to see is an outfit + weapon(s) that match it like the recent infused blades+samurai outfit set -- they're much easier to do in many cases.
  11. regarding this, the only thing invisible for me post patch was the multi-ringed-proximity markers for the rocks/meteors landing --> it wasnt like this before everything else:the floating fire pikes/poles (where the meteors would land) and the yellowish fire wave/ring that comes after they land + the meteors themselves are visible.the growing arena-wide aoe marker/indicator after all of that is also visible. i play on max settings though so it could be more bugged visually at lower settings.
  12. Why not try to change the meta events into something people want to do regardless of rewards? Something that doesn't drag on as they do at least. I agree, but it seems that rewards are what really drives the player population so ...this. don't get me wrong, i'd love for interesting events one you'd want to do again just because it's so fun or really unique/engaging/etc. but something that contributes highly to a player's gold/hr (farming)rotation is what drives majority of the population to attend metas/events/etc. especially if the chance of failure/messing up is high, the reward better be really worth it... otherwise it will always be deserted and doomed to fail over and over again due to lack of players/interest.
  13. yeah d912pxy can be a memhog especially if you configure it to use as much of your hardware (to get more frames/s) as it can =)
  14. are you using any dlls such as ReShade or d912pxy or dxvk?? that can easily up memory usage. if not then you can possibly use something like Process Explorer to find out what libraries GW2 has loaded and how much each eat up -- should help you trace your memory hogging issue. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer
  15. yes. this. we need to keep demanding for it. the easiest they can implement ↓a setting to filter/toggle player skill and ground marker effects by: self -- party -- squad -- all better name plate toggles (self/party/squad/all-players/npcs/enemies/objects) that would be a start... now, being able to turn off shiny christmas lights, infusions and backpacks from another player's character model is nice too but the above should be easy to add into the game
  16. name plates also eat lots of resources in this game (and can tank your FPS a little too). so an option to turn them off completely (and just show on keypress/bind, default:Alt) would be nice
  17. if i were to modify the existing PoF expansion maps (not including S4) i'd probably add a few more waypoints to certain places and maybe another rest area/outpost/town and maybe meta events (change existing) that reward you really good to entice more people to populate the maps/zones even if they aren't part of the daily event/bounty of the day
  18. it will be coming with the Dragon's Watch Voucher Pack this March 12https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/turn-up-the-heat-with-the-volcanic-throne/
  19. balance nightmare for sure so it's very unlikely to happen anytime soon. but if it ever happened, it may just open up very unique and incredibly fun to play builds for each class while also possibly being too OP (or the opposite, fun/boring and lacklustre in performance) but yeah balance so it's never going to happen in the near future -- if ever at all.
  20. if reinstalling is a no-go for you (either because it will take too long/slow internet or for any other reason) then try to see if there are any .tmp files for gw2-64.exe or gw2.dat and restore from those. wouldn't be a guaranteed thing but it's a shot at getting a non-corrupted game file.
  21. edited my post to give a generic answer to your question. but to make it easier for other people to suggest something (as there is no actual "best") then you need to specify how you play (do you prefer to be support? damage? healer? melee combat? easy/brain dead rotation? complicated/not-boring rotation?) etc. the https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions forum literally says "All About Professions" so nothing specific to one class.
  22. the best section for this is: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions if you're asking something about which class for which mode for example. on to your topic: if you want the best class for PVP and PVE, without taking into account your preferences or playstyle -- then i'd say it's Guardian and it's 2 elite specs easily. it has a meta build in all game modes (raids, strikes, fractals, spvp, wvw)
  23. if you've been hanging around the GW2 discord, there's guilds recruiting and advertising as PVE with Fractal/Strike/Raid Training sessions every now and then. check the channel: #guild-ads over at https://discord.com/invite/guildwars2 going to our own forums here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guildi took a few picks i found on the front page (page 1)https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/124683/na-cafe-raids-and-strikes-training-grouphttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/105186/eu-raids-fractals-pve-the-white-tower-is-looking-for-active-membershttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41960/liar-longtime-guild-looking-for-friendly-diverse-players-over-10-years-activehttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/123579/na-pvx-eye-of-ascalon-eye-is-now-recruitinghttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/123697/dancing-with-deimos-dwd-pve-guild-looking-for-sea-oce-membershttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/37726/na-tc-casual-pvx-bunny-foofoo-belly-button-lint-fuzz-lf-social-bugshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/123916/uk-eu-pve-lgbtq-guild-wanderers-haven-waha-newly-created-by-experienced-players-recruitinghttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/124700/eu-pve-sunspear-order-so-is-looking-for-active-membershttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/115414/eu-casual-training-pve-guild-thracians-thr-is-recruiting now not all of those guilds i listed and randomly picked offer fractals for tier1 progression going to tier4 -- but surely though if they offered strike or raid trainings you could also ask if anyone is happy to teach fractals in their spare time or they would atleast offer advise since it is also PvE if you try any one of those guilds, join their discord, participate and socialise im pretty sure you'll land a group that would help you. it may not happen right away and you may need to hop and drop a few guilds before you find one, but there's definitely one out there (a lot of them)
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