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Everything posted by DeWolfe.2174

  1. OCX and Sea always has to stack to T1 due to real world geography and population differences. It's why Anet has to give players freedom of movement and choice.
  2. Think about this, the Dev's want to force us to play where ever they place us and we're not supposed to have the freedom nor option to move for a whole two months?!?!?! It's unbelievable that the dev's believe we'd pay for a game that treats it customers this way.
  3. The tiers always provided different levels of game play. From T1 being the largest scale fighting and score oriented. To T2 being more medium scale and PPK oriented. Down to T4 which provided a small scale and wilderness feel. This is like a 9 year old conversation and still holds true.
  4. The actual implementation is exactly as I've described it. Did anyone have a choice on these newly named worlds? No, none of us had a choice. Did I choose to be on Skrittsburg? No, I had no choice in the matter at all. Is there anyone I know on Skrittsburg? No, everyone I know in my time zone (the guilds) was thrown to the winds by the devs. This is exactly the wrong path for the mode as the players need to have the ability and freedom to World Build.
  5. Because the solution given to the loss of Worlds was to simply form a Guild. That solution gives power to a guild leader to control others. "Server police" doesn't stop a person from playing on a world. They have no actual power over anyone. "Discord Dictators" is not a thing as Discord is not required to play WvW at all. Anet needs to consider this removal of a paying customers agency should not be supported. They should not be "placed" by an employee or another customer.
  6. I was invited to such a guild too. But, I've been 5 of 5 on Guilds for over a decade. So that's not a viable option. The Dev's "World Restructuring" is an abomination that needs to be ended and quickly.
  7. Sorry, no can do as I've had all 5 guild slots taken up for over a decade. And, why should a World now be controlled by one person??? Whomever controls this guild now has power to kick anyone they choose. No one should have that lordship over others. Worlds prevents that as you can't world kick someone. Tell me honestly that we haven't seen or heard of Guild leads kicking people for having a life or just computer problems and not logging in for 5-6 days? Now what, we're out of WvW until when??? Worlds and choosing which world we play on must be retained and expanded!!! Next, we need to start loosening which matches we're in and start thinking like we're in a multiverse (which we are). There should be no reason why we can't match hop at any time. For example, say Mag being Mag is spawn camping EB as usual. We should be able to go all Hero mode and jump into THAT EB and fight them. Now that would be fun and exciting! Never knowing who from any world could show up. I can't stress enough the problems with the mode are the control mechanisms. Give the players freedom and agency and it'll be so much more fun. What the devs need to focus more on are fixing exploits, bugs, and builds.
  8. An entire server full of players is exactly what the Worlds provide to World vs World. A large pool of players to fill the battleground maps. If there's a problem it's the developers constantly locking worlds and squeezing them smaller and smaller. Limiting the available pool of players to fill World vs World. The devs trying to create control mechanisms and catering to guilds was/is a problem. Of the people behind all this "alliance" nonsense, how may are still employed at Anet or even play the game daily? That instability alone proves why Worlds are a better form of organization for the player base.
  9. I'm a World vs World player. I play on a WORLD! A world with many people from many guilds that we've been on since launch. I want to be on the same team as my WORLD! Why is this so difficult for the dev's to comprehend?
  10. Exactly! Worlds are the heart of WvW as the original developers intended from the start. The problem for years now has been the catering to a handful of "Guild Leaders", especially those that stream. It's been taking the mode down a dark path. Worlds come first. Open them up. Let us choose where we play. Giving players more freedom is the right thing to do.
  11. Absolutely enraging. Nuke whatever the specific problem is, not gliding itself. This is terrible!
  12. Bought an AMD Radeon RX 6650XT and it stutters too. Had zero stuttering on my Nvidia 2060. I used DDU to uninstall previous drivers in windows safe mode. Then let windows install only the drivers. Seems to have cleared up a lot of the stutter. Looking for an Nvidia card again while still within the return windows on the AMD card. Editing to add that I bought an Nvidia 4060 and the stutter is entirely gone and games running clean. It's a shame the AMD card wasn't working correctly with GW2.
  13. About time Arc Divider got nerfed! Getting hit for >12k with a 5 target melee skill that has 450 range and a 5 sec cd is absurd!
  14. Exactly! At least the potions could be saved for special purposes, like a specific reward track. This new system is putting us all on rails, which doesn't feel good or rewarding.
  15. Put me on the list of those not liking the new daily system. Seems like a lot less choice and less reward. Worse, it requires a lot of clicking and interaction. Not a fan.
  16. Balance has become really poor in WvW. It needs far more attention. Boons are too powerful. Firebrand Scourge Zerg Meta for 9 years. Then straight insanity like getting hit with a 15k Arc Divider from a Warrior that's standing out in Narnia. It's a great sword with a wider radius than almost all AOE, Traps, Wells, Gyro's, etc.
  17. The mode needs: a) WORLDS not alliances. b) Tiers of varying populations c) World bonuses The conversation has been discussed ad nauseam for almost a decade now. Some people want large scale combat. Some people want smaller scale combat. Some people want a more open, democratic, and large scale World. Some people want more exclusivity, privacy, and control of a Guild. These cannot exist under one cookie cutter design. There needs to be more flexibility in WvW design. I dm'd Grouch likely a decade ago with the basic advise, empower players and let them choose. You do so by opening worlds and allowing free transfers. We'll manage time zone coverage and map queues far greater than the Dev's. In fact now it seems like the devs are stacking time zones to force turnover and the papering of everything. Which leads to a terrible experience for the majority of players as there can be only one "golden child" per time zone. That's 33% good experience vs 66% bad experience.
  18. Came here to complain about a huge loss of resource efficiency too. aka... the games a HOG! 😡 It's most pronounced at way points or anything adding to the environment. Noticed CPU usage going way higher now while in META events like Dragon Storm. I'm guessing 40% more resources now needed to play the game. NOT GOOD!!!!! 😡 Please Dev's, lean the game out more.
  19. There's WAY too much CC in WvW. Especially Druid's perma immob which needs to be removed entirely. There's no justification for such a kittenous build.
  20. It's Sunday, let's all get into Dragon's End and defeat this meta before the nerf hammer falls. We can get geared up! We can get organized! We can kick it's kitten! This is doable if everyone gets: 10 stacks of "Dragon's End Contributor" as it's a must have! The map must be at high preperation for the additional buff. Jade Tech Offense and Defense Protocols. Everyone needs to have Asc food Everyone needs to have a Utility. You need quickness, alacrity, and plenty of barrier. I also like equipping the Jade Bot Gliding Booster too. So... Let's GO!!! Now add any other advise below.
  21. This meta event is BADLY designed, period. I've lost count how many attempts I've made at this. Just finished one and we began with a fresh map and had a full squad of 50. We had extremely high DPS and melted her quickly at the beginning. What we can't control is the outrageous number of bites and tails switches she does. Which I'd swear the Dev's turned them up today, not down! I'm getting sick and tired of the narcissistic "git gud" conversation too. If you want someone to "learn" something, that's comes from repetition. You don't put a gigantic barrier like a 2 hr meta event in the way. When you can only do something once an evening, maybe twice if you're lucky, that's not a well designed "learning experience". The other problem becoming evident is even finding Meta Maps and people willing to tag up as that supply is quickly evaporating! Where's all these "super players" and "git gud" guilds now? I only see pugs running the Meta. So yes, this is infuriating and needs to be fixed. What we better see soon is Anet Tags running this map with us. This lack of support might be more infuriating than the meta event itself.
  22. Links are terribly unbalanced. Besides so many unbalanced skills in the game, the linking is even worse.
  23. Hell kitten no. I like to play support but almost never join tags because I like to play my own builds on my own terms. Ungrouped pug fights are a huge aspect of WvW and to force giant squads sounds absolutely horrible. I would consider quitting the game completely if this happened. This is a very peculiar ideology. Ungrouped pug fights are in no way shape or form suppose to be a huge aspect of WvW. They are the primary indicator that the mode is dying. WvW is not a sandbox, it is an RvR designed to pit 3 teams against each other. Individual players showing up to play how they want and not coordinate with others is as baffling as it would be to see a soccer player sitting in the corner of the field only participating on their whim.It's not GvG, it's WvW! Massive pugs groups fighting for their world was a far superior design than focusing on guilds. This is like a 6-7 year old topic of conversation on the design of the mode. 6 years later, we see what happened when they shifted away from Worlds towards Guilds, the WvW population collapsed. They should've kept focus on worlds and seasons.
  24. It's not the Minstrils, it's the Boons. There's not enough boon hate and too many reflects, blocks, and retal.
  25. I really despise Raids and Strikes because they are visual abominations. Remember when we couldn't even get rid of Hobosacks because the Devs wanted there to be visually distinct participants in combat? Now look at Raids and Strikes and they are a nothing but a kaleidoscope of colors that are not distinct at all. You can't see your characters or the enemy in most cases. Just playing the hud for skill rotations and watching for red circles is all the Raids and Strikes boiled down to. Open World and WvW content is still the best GW2 content. The instanced content just takes the game down. Editing to add my extreme dislike for instanced content was born out of FotM. I can still feel the disgust and ire of being stuck in hours long fractals when they first were introduced. Then to be lucky if not dropped out and not able to reenter. It was infuriating and unrewarding content not worth my time.
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