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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. Park a character at the gates of Arah if you have one "to spare" and check occasionally for the defense event, and you should soon get one that spawns the wizard. I think I took part in three or four events that way until I got mine done (a while ago).
  2. Opening and exploring maps with different characters can also be a good source of experience, as every piece of map exploration does give experience. Most helpful for me (especially during the early HoT days when you needed certain masteries to continue the expansion story) was changing from the story character to another one for a while and just not worry about the mastery. I could be sure the experience would accumulate while I was enjoying something else :) .
  3. Does Rage count as a "better drop" (the harpoon gun precursor currently worth about 32 gold)? Does Sam reset the counter (a regular exotic that is part of a collection, currently worth above 300 gold)? What about the person above that said they'd much rather have an ascended chest than a precursor? How does "better drops" work for them? I don't think a "mercy rule" is as easy as you make it out to be. This game's reward and economy system heavily relies on the fact that people will get a lot of little bits of loot that add up, rather than the all-or-nothing reward systems we're used to from other games. Personally I very much appreciate this, as it means I'll be pretty much guaranteed to progress towards whatever goals I have, no matter what I do and how good/bad my luck at looting is. As such, getting a lot of drops that can be salvaged into materials and traded for other materials I need to reach my goals is a lot preferable to me to dropping a 30 gold exotic every once in a blue moon. A guaranteed exotic/precursor drop would either lead to the loot pool for those guarantees dropping in value quickly (after all, there are a ton of players playing, all of which would get those guaranteed drops either naturally or through the mercy rule) or the amount of gameplay needed to reach the guarantee threshold would be so large that it would be negligible for most people except for those dedicated to farming a lot (and those already have a good chance at dropping "something of value" the regular way).
  4. I've had one drop from the labyrinth chest in the Silverwastes earlier this year, after playing for almost 10k hour. Fortunately for me it was the only one I ever really wanted to have, the precursor to the minstrel (focus). More fortunate, thanks to playing a long time I even had enough resources to craft it into its legendary form the same night despite it being one of the rare days where the trading post was down all evening. That said, my other legendaries (Ad Infinitum, Kudzu, and Nevermore) were all crafted from scratch, including precursors, and it was a much more memorable, enjoyable, and satisfying experience. I love my minstrel, but if I ever were to craft another gen1 legendary I'd prefer to craft the precursor from scratch rather than dropping/forging/buying it.
  5. Ofc the content is just a few days old now and the data will likely change over time with more players obtaining the regular scarf, which if true would indicate to me that more players who play a lot preferred the more challenging content while more of the infrequent players preferred the more casual content, which would be less surprising . . .But why should I do 15 laps on 5 races in a day or two when I can just do a lap or two on whatever map I am on for the daily bronze/silver/gold chests and get my scarf in a couple of weeks that way? I still think your interpretation of those numbers is majorly flawed. Plus I seriously doubt it's in ANet's best interest to concentrate their development on the needs of those that rush through new content/achievements early (and then complain that there's nothing to do). A good mix is in order, but the new content is meant to entertain people for a good while, and those numbers you quote do nothing to convince me that ANet is better off developing for the people that are done with the content in a matter of hours. I think the argument that players wouldn't care about running fifteen laps bc they'll probably run fifteen laps eventually anyway would actually support the theory that they are not especially interested in the reward for doing so . . .Wanting a reward and wanting it NOW are two very different things. Patience is a virtue not to be overlooked. Seems the challenge was the much more effective motivator in this case then . . .You keep insisting that the first day numbers are any kind of indicator, while willfully ignoring the fact that a large part of this game's playerbase leads lives that don't even permit that much gametime a day, much less spend all of it on just one specific aspect of the game. Face it: a lot of people play this game because (unlike many others) it allows goals to be reached without having to no-life every content that is released. How many people complete new challenges on the first day has no connection to how many people enjoy the more relaxed aspects and goals of new content. You seem to misunderstand what is being discussed. I am not comparing the number of ppl who have achieved each goal to the total number of players, I am comparing the number of ppl who have completed one goal to the number who have completed the other. The ppl who completed either goal could have used the same time to complete the other instead. The fact that the more difficult goal has been completed more frequently is a strong indicator that the challenge of that goal is more appealing. Why is that uncomfortable for you . . ?The challenge of that goal is more appealing to the small subset of the playerbase who have already concentrated on the new content challenges. That's not uncomfortable for me. It's a conclusion based on a small, biased subset of the playerbase. You try to make it sound like that conclusion is applicable to the whole playerbase. I simply pointed out that your conclusion is not universally valid.
  6. Ofc the content is just a few days old now and the data will likely change over time with more players obtaining the regular scarf, which if true would indicate to me that more players who play a lot preferred the more challenging content while more of the infrequent players preferred the more casual content, which would be less surprising . . .But why should I do 15 laps on 5 races in a day or two when I can just do a lap or two on whatever map I am on for the daily bronze/silver/gold chests and get my scarf in a couple of weeks that way? I still think your interpretation of those numbers is majorly flawed. Plus I seriously doubt it's in ANet's best interest to concentrate their development on the needs of those that rush through new content/achievements early (and then complain that there's nothing to do). A good mix is in order, but the new content is meant to entertain people for a good while, and those numbers you quote do nothing to convince me that ANet is better off developing for the people that are done with the content in a matter of hours. I think the argument that players wouldn't care about running fifteen laps bc they'll probably run fifteen laps eventually anyway would actually support the theory that they are not especially interested in the reward for doing so . . .Wanting a reward and wanting it NOW are two very different things. Patience is a virtue not to be overlooked. Seems the challenge was the much more effective motivator in this case then . . .You keep insisting that the first day numbers are any kind of indicator, while willfully ignoring the fact that a large part of this game's playerbase leads lives that don't even permit that much gametime a day, much less spend all of it on just one specific aspect of the game.Face it: a lot of people play this game because (unlike many others) it allows goals to be reached without having to no-life every content that is released. How many people complete new challenges on the first day has no connection to how many people enjoy the more relaxed aspects and goals of new content.
  7. Ofc the content is just a few days old now and the data will likely change over time with more players obtaining the regular scarf, which if true would indicate to me that more players who play a lot preferred the more challenging content while more of the infrequent players preferred the more casual content, which would be less surprising . . .But why should I do 15 laps on 5 races in a day or two when I can just do a lap or two on whatever map I am on for the daily bronze/silver/gold chests and get my scarf in a couple of weeks that way? I still think your interpretation of those numbers is majorly flawed. Plus I seriously doubt it's in ANet's best interest to concentrate their development on the needs of those that rush through new content/achievements early (and then complain that there's nothing to do). A good mix is in order, but the new content is meant to entertain people for a good while, and those numbers you quote do nothing to convince me that ANet is better off developing for the people that are done with the content in a matter of hours. its funny that you write that since its the people who do NOT rush though content complaining here. not gold on the track in the first day? a failure!My comment wasn't aimed at the opening post of this thread but specifically made to challenge the assumption that the current numbers allegedly show that players are more interested in challenging than participation content (their words, not mine). I still believe your reasoning is faulty. There are many more people out there neither rushing nor complaing.
  8. Ofc the content is just a few days old now and the data will likely change over time with more players obtaining the regular scarf, which if true would indicate to me that more players who play a lot preferred the more challenging content while more of the infrequent players preferred the more casual content, which would be less surprising . . .But why should I do 15 laps on 5 races in a day or two when I can just do a lap or two on whatever map I am on for the daily bronze/silver/gold chests and get my scarf in a couple of weeks that way? I still think your interpretation of those numbers is majorly flawed. Plus I seriously doubt it's in ANet's best interest to concentrate their development on the needs of those that rush through new content/achievements early (and then complain that there's nothing to do). A good mix is in order, but the new content is meant to entertain people for a good while, and those numbers you quote do nothing to convince me that ANet is better off developing for the people that are done with the content in a matter of hours. I think the argument that players wouldn't care about running fifteen laps bc they'll probably run fifteen laps eventually anyway would actually support the theory that they are not especially interested in the reward for doing so . . .Wanting a reward and wanting it NOW are two very different things. Patience is a virtue not to be overlooked.
  9. Ofc the content is just a few days old now and the data will likely change over time with more players obtaining the regular scarf, which if true would indicate to me that more players who play a lot preferred the more challenging content while more of the infrequent players preferred the more casual content, which would be less surprising . . .But why should I do 15 laps on 5 races in a day or two when I can just do a lap or two on whatever map I am on for the daily bronze/silver/gold chests and get my scarf in a couple of weeks that way? I still think your interpretation of those numbers is majorly flawed.Plus I seriously doubt it's in ANet's best interest to concentrate their development on the needs of those that rush through new content/achievements early (and then complain that there's nothing to do). A good mix is in order, but the new content is meant to entertain people for a good while, and those numbers you quote do nothing to convince me that ANet is better off developing for the people that are done with the content in a matter of hours.
  10. Gather it then and remove the collision? Obviously.As far as I'm aware gathered tree stumps have the same collision as full saplings.
  11. Personally I'm hoping to get that scarf (the regular one, not the gold one), but can't devote a lot of time to racing for the simple fact that every track with a chance to get stuck on something will make me violently sick. I made it through the dailies for the first couple of days by timing the offending races (Maelstrom and Brisban for days 1+2) so that I had a few hours to lie down afterwards, and I'm not exaggerating. If I wasn't hoping for the scarf and some of those tonics I wouldn't have tried at all. Beetle races are fun, but for those of us that tend towards motion sickness every time the flow of movement breaks the fun has to be carefully enjoyed in small time frames.
  12. Painfully farmed all of the t3 and t4 dust needed to craft Nevermore, then accidentally hit "craft all" on the gift of dust and ended up with four of those (instead of the two I needed) and not enough dust to craft the gift of energy.
  13. Considering that even my fairly short, mostly casual friend list has at least 12 people on it raiding weekly with different raid groups/communities (EU only) I challenge your assumption as wildly innacurate. I do however see that many of them semi-pug by asking around among friends (considering how often I as a person not regularly raiding get asked to fill in with this or that raid group) rather than putting their run on lfg if they are a few people short, so I'm definitely not convinced that few groups on lfg (which could also just mean that the groups that do go up on lfg are filled quickly) mean few people raiding.
  14. Q: why do players do world bosses?A: I don't I do join in events I stumble upon during normal play, and very rarely this includes a world boss, but it could just as well be any other event on the map.
  15. Making exclusive and account-bound chest items tradeable player to player is not likely to happen, as that would directly contradict the account-bound status. Sure "giving them as gift" sounds great at first, but essentially that would create a market for exclusive items that can only be traded outside of the trading post. I'll "gift" this blc exclusive skin to you if you "gift" me 10k gold ... I don't think anyone of us wants to go there, least of all ANet. Suddenly you have a market of highly sought-after goods without any of the securities the trading post offers, either to the buyer/seller or to the in-game economy as a whole.
  16. Oh, and thanks for motivating me to look these up (I only had a very faint memory of a guild emblem back item skin). I just realized there's also a backpack that would go well with one of my characters (who is also using the guild chest piece), I need to go and get that one :) .
  17. If displaying your guild emblem is what you are after, there is guild armor ( light medium heavy ) that displays the emblem on the chest piece.
  18. Despite being a veteran of several MMOs, he had to ask me if this was a usual occurance in this game and if he had anything to fear for being reported (for killing mobs near an afk player ;) ).
  19. For me it really depends. If I'm near death and the champ is still going strong, sure. But if it's down to the wire where we're both at like 5%, there's nothing more frustrating than interference at such an exciting moment. Seems fair enough to me. (That's why I checked the bar.) I've been in situations where I am close to a dirt nap yet too busy to say "A little help here?" to someone who passes by whom I see out of the corner of my eye. I sorta go with the flow -- join in or not, as you wish. Of course, a res is always appreciated if you don't. ;) How about this as a suggestion: Have an indicator that could be a keybind toggle that would give a visual indication that help is needed and would be appreciated. It would be quicker (maybe) than putting "help" in chat...it would take only one keystroke and would go some towards giving a clue that help is/is not wanted.How about doing it the other way around? If I'm in deep trouble I don't want to have to remember what keybind I put my "help please" on, nor hope that the people that pass by even read chat and/or have chat bubbles turned on. The person that wants to solo will have much more time to ask others to leave them alone than the person that wants (and needs) help.Helping people should be the norm, not the exception, so putting an extra "help me please" indicator in game not only requires people to move a sliver of their concentration away from the fight at hand (which when worst comes to worst they can't afford as missing one red circle or not reacting quite as quickly as they should could be the end of them) but also sends out the message that helping isn't the norm, which this game doesn't need.
  20. Some of us are more heavily oriented towards being completionists than others. My own goal is to complete every single map on every single one of my characters. I couldn't even tell you why, other than I just want to. {Shrug}.You still have the story option if meta isn't your thing, and you can do that entirely solo.
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