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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. There may be bland, boring, and unimaginative content in this game, but the Skyscale quest certainly isn't it.
  2. Strongly disagree. There are many reasons why someone might not be able to do a jumping puzzle that have no effect on their ability to tap out a rotation. Sure. If it was something like chalice of Tears, I would agree. But This ones pretty basic. You'd face more of a challenge in many of the dungeons or fractals than you would with this.There's a reason why I've always hated the harpy fractal, despite being able to play t4 fractals just fine. Hint: it's not related to the combat encounters ;) .
  3. As for having (a very few) items/achievements that can't be gotten guaranteed in the space of 2 weeks, you probably have to thank your fellow players for that who have been crying "new episodes only ever last for two hours" quite loudly. You can create longterm rewarding/repeatable content without making something absurdly rare to get though.You can, and ANet often does. If you read the forums regularly, there is however a group (possibly small, but decently vocal) that keeps asking for exciting rng drops that can't be gotten in any other way. Every now and then the game throws that group a bone. Apparently, the helmet skins are one such bone.
  4. There's nothing tied to this achievement really, you can get the reward easily from other content (reward tracks), and it doesn't block the meta achievement completion, as that has a lot of spare room to choose which achievements to do. As for what ANet might do with future skins, they usually listen to feedback and react on it in future updates if it's reasonable and matches their numbers, so if the helmet really is a problem, then I doubt they'll go the same way with other exclusive skins anytime soon.
  5. As for having (a very few) items/achievements that can't be gotten guaranteed in the space of 2 weeks, you probably have to thank your fellow players for that who have been crying "new episodes only ever last for two hours" quite loudly.
  6. A lot of the "history" we know of the Guild Wars universe is human-centric, and as such prone to showing the humans in a better light than other races (especially those they were in conflict with). This includes pretty much everything we know from the original GW game, since we saw things exclusively from the human point of view then. It was the writers job to portrait the human race as the "good ones" back then. Being objective (as far as you even can be within a made-up universe) was never intended.
  7. It's true, I wish they'd stop with blue and green gear altogether on Lvl 80 maps. It's an annoying chore to salvage/sell those drops.But that's one of the best things about this game's loot system. I can literally play whatever content I enjoy that day, and still get loot that lets me save up to get whatever equipment I want for my characters. Personally I enjoy it a lot more than other games where you often have to play a certain content/area/dungeon/whatever because it's the only place where the equipment you want drops, or play the content I enjoy fully knowing that I'm not getting any closer to the equipment I want for my character.
  8. the same junk chests you can get outside of the vault, which is more salvage fodder this time blue and green. I don't think anything good CAN drop from them.Depends on how you define "good". Theoretically a blue unidentified item can open into a precursor.But if you don't enjoy the "junk" feel free to mail it to me. I've always got a character around looking for a new set of equipment, and all of those salvaged materials eventually contribute to the next weapon or armor piece I am going to craft.
  9. There already are a lot of video options that help with this. Personally setting my Field of View to maximum and fiddling with some graphics settings to both make things look less real and improve framerate (choppy graphics are a guaranteed way to bring on my motion sickness) have helped me a lot. ANet has already put in a lot of tools to configure the game's visuals to reduce motion sickness. If it's not enough for you, can you describe more detailed what you already have tried (both in-game settings and out-of-game stuff like making sure that your room is well lit and your monitor is far enough away to not cover your whole view) to make it easier to pin-point if there is anything beyond personal control that ANet can change without impacting the visual experience of the players that aren't impacted by motion sickness?
  10. Cos completionist are a thing.You person ally might not want to obtain all the skins or infusions etc in game, I'm not one of those who do either but the fact they are there and useable by the relevant classes suggests they should be more accessible. Lets be honest rewards in GW2 have always been awful and I understand why some players just switch off or go elsewhere to spend their time. If you’re a completionist then you should be accepting that some things will require you to grind more than others. this Fashion Wars. Skin Collection is Endgame progress So they should be prepared to grind for them. I’m pretty sure if they were not tied to an achievement, there wouldn’t be a complaint. That's just a cop out excuse …. expect to grind.Actually it's the logical conclusion. ANet tries to bring content that appeals to different players. That includes the group of players that enjoy grinding for rng rewards. They may not be the majority (I certainly don't think they are), but just a large enough group to get a bit of content/rewards designed for them. Being a completionist means getting all of the rewards. It's only logical that this includes those rewards aimed at the grind/rng crowd. Personally I decided long ago that I'd rather play what I find fun than complete collections that include decidedly un-fun (for me) content. As such, I very much enjoy the events on the new map, and the rewards that I can realistically get from that certainly seem adequate to me.
  11. This sentiment that says "If I can't have it now I am screwed over" is the real problem here. No, i just want to be able to realistically work towards something other than relying on RNG. I could theoretically play for the next 10 years and never get it. Thats not a good thing.It is to some people. Personally it's not my thing either, but I can live with a few loot pieces/collections that weren't meant for me. My charr will just have to do without those helms.
  12. P.S.: If rose quartz is what you are missing, find a buddy with the home instance node and make it a habit to harvest that every day.
  13. That some people don't care to spend their riches on fluff but would rather spend it on power (to gather even more riches) is another topic alltogether, and one that no gold sink in this game will ever change.
  14. Btw, in my (casual) guild there is an age difference of 53 years between the oldest and youngest member ;) .Update after a year and a half: since my husband finally started playing GW2, the age range in our family now spans 46 years across 4 players (two teenagers, two "oldies"). That said I'm still pretty much the only one participating on the forums.
  15. I am also super prone to motion sickness but I avoid it in GW2 via camera settings (wide FoV, high zoom, etc). I've posted them before, not sure which forums, if you think it might help then PM me for details. It'd be great if your wife could join you in Tyria.Same here. I remember back when Wizardry 8 and Ultima Underworld were new, I sooo wanted to play them and couldn't play either due to motion sickness. There are elements in GW2 that I have to be careful around (mount movement especially), but mostly camera settings can be tweaked so that it rarely is a problem (unlike ESO for example). Turning off post processing and turning down shadows and reflextions are other things (in addition to FoV and zoom) that have a huge impact on whether I have problems with GW2 or not.
  16. Build templates won't allow me to switch between my female Sylvari Dragonhunter and my male Charr Firebrand, so no way they'd make one of them obsolete.
  17. There was a (technical) explanation of her absence in the recent Q&A with the Narrative Team :
  18. Just make sure you've gotten to the appropriate step of the Charr collection, as it won't drop before you've witnessed the charr cut up the cow. You can't finish the asura collection unless you do the charr one first or get the meat from the trading post. That is it! I was doing the Asura first. I would have kept farming those for days, ty for the help. Wish ANet made that clearer, there is no way in game to know this.You're welcome! I tried to do Asura first, too (they are after all the greatest race B) ). The hint was hidden in the tooltip of the collection item that told me to learn the charr stuff first. If in doubt on collection stuff, tooltips are often a good source of hints.
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