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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. Could be that the chilis aren’t much of a currency in future. If you consider that the map is just a prologue, in their words, and there’s not much risk/danger involved in accumulating them on this map, maybe they’re just a currency for this local map’s collectibles. My theory is the complete opposite. I think they already mentioned that not every episode will have a new map but just expand the current map. So its likely that they may introduce more rewards for chilis in the future. If that will be the case, plenty of players would be miffed, if they started consuming their chilis for VM because they thought they already got all the rewards they want with them.Sounds plausible, especially considering how many complaints there were concerning the skyscale saddle cost of season currency from people who had consumed all of theirs for magic previously.
  2. There already are a lot of video options that help with this. Personally setting my Field of View to maximum and fiddling with some graphics settings to both make things look less real and improve framerate (choppy graphics are a guaranteed way to bring on my motion sickness) have helped me a lot. ANet has already put in a lot of tools to configure the game's visuals to reduce motion sickness. If it's not enough for you, can you describe more detailed what you already have tried (both in-game settings and out-of-game stuff like making sure that your room is well lit and your monitor is far enough away to not cover your whole view) to make it easier to pin-point if there is anything beyond personal control that ANet can change without impacting the visual experience of the players that aren't impacted by motion sickness?
  3. Feeding their character slot business model then? not like its hard to drop x79 tomes of knowledge on a throw away char, kit them out in cheapies and run hot. With a skyscale its over before you know it. I'm not arguing it's hard, i'm just noticing that there's a hard cap of 5 from each expansion unless you buy more slots. Not that it really matters for me, because i'm not rich enough to make any leggies right now, but just noting. Also, i'm okay with them monetizing their game, a one and done purchase isn't enough to keep the lights on, i just get fed up if it's predatory.What the post you quoted tried to suggest was to keep one slot open for temporary characters. Once you have map-completed (or done whatever other 1x per character thing you want to do) you delete said character and create a new one. That way you don't have to invest in new character slots for characters you will never play beyond getting the exploration/story/whatever you're after done.
  4. Btw, do you realize that in previous episodes you could bypass the need to play story at all? Using a single teleport to friend was all that was needed to buy the portal scroll. I guess ANet has the metrics on how many people bypassed the story, and this change might be a hint of how happy they were with the situation.
  5. Secondly, teleport to friend stones are frequently brought up since they have a habbit of accumulating even without purchase. Personally I never buy keys nor do I key-farm, but I do have a full stack of the stones on my main account and about 100 on my alt account, simply from birthday gifts and regular gameplay (mostly map completions and story playthroughs on my permanent characters). Third, why do you want to even bring all of your characters to the new map if you don't intend to play them? And if you do intend to play them, the 1 hour cooldown on the permanent teleport stone really is a non-issue.
  6. I agree THIS one was easy but I am concerned about the precedent. There have been some intros that were not short at all.Maybe it would've been easier for you to get your point across if you had posted "ANet please don't use this as a precendent to lock map access with more complex intro instances" instead. That way people wouldn't have focussed on whether the teleport scroll is needed for this map, but rather on what seems to be your primary fear, that a future map might bring a combination of a complex, time-consuming map access and the scroll gated behind a story you might potentially not be able to finish.
  7. I seem to recall that this was one of the things that were mentioned in a cryptic release note sentence, then found by players trying to make sense of it. Originally, the npc was in the first location, then moved to the next one every couple of weeks. Not sure if the dialog was different then, I didn't play this myself until several weeks later. edit: found the patch notes :
  8. Cos completionist are a thing.You person ally might not want to obtain all the skins or infusions etc in game, I'm not one of those who do either but the fact they are there and useable by the relevant classes suggests they should be more accessible. Lets be honest rewards in GW2 have always been awful and I understand why some players just switch off or go elsewhere to spend their time. If you’re a completionist then you should be accepting that some things will require you to grind more than others. this Fashion Wars. Skin Collection is Endgame progress So they should be prepared to grind for them. I’m pretty sure if they were not tied to an achievement, there wouldn’t be a complaint. That's just a cop out excuse …. expect to grind.Actually it's the logical conclusion. ANet tries to bring content that appeals to different players. That includes the group of players that enjoy grinding for rng rewards. They may not be the majority (I certainly don't think they are), but just a large enough group to get a bit of content/rewards designed for them. Being a completionist means getting all of the rewards. It's only logical that this includes those rewards aimed at the grind/rng crowd. Personally I decided long ago that I'd rather play what I find fun than complete collections that include decidedly un-fun (for me) content. As such, I very much enjoy the events on the new map, and the rewards that I can realistically get from that certainly seem adequate to me.
  9. This sentiment that says "If I can't have it now I am screwed over" is the real problem here. No, i just want to be able to realistically work towards something other than relying on RNG. I could theoretically play for the next 10 years and never get it. Thats not a good thing.It is to some people. Personally it's not my thing either, but I can live with a few loot pieces/collections that weren't meant for me. My charr will just have to do without those helms.
  10. Jumping puzzles already are a challenge to many players. Dropping substantial extra rewards that are exclusive to young people with good reaction time, good computer hardware, and a good internet connection to the game servers doesn't look like a great idea to me. I'd rather see that development effort go into content directly targeting that part of the playerbase (more complex strike missions? new fractals? story mission challenge modes?).
  11. What kind of innovation are you looking for, if none of the new events and activities interest you? I dont know that beyond my pay grade, All I know is nothing has changed over all these years, same recycled format and process. Just because I see a problem does not mean I have the answer, that my friend is for people who are trained, experienced get paid a lot more than me and are a hell of a lot smarter than me to come up with..I wasn't asking for you to give answers, but to describe the problem. "I don't like this" gives other people next to no idea of what you would actually like. Are you into fighting with complex mechanics? Dexterity based challenges? Logical puzzles? Luck-based activities? Whatever?
  12. I've been through the story twice so far, and I honestly have to say I didn't notice, despite reading the opening post of this thread before the 2nd playthrough. Maybe living in a house with teenagers does that to you ;) .
  13. I ... I honestly don't know what to tell you. Your experience is the complete oposite of mine. To me, the ascalonian landscape was like coming home, reminding me of my first year of GW2 when I almost exclusively played my Charr ranger. Despite playing a lot more asura and sylvari these days, the Ascalon region still has a special place in my heart, and getting a new map in that theme felt awesome. I also love that many of the events in the new map are not focussed on "kill this, kill that", but a lot more variety of activities, races, adventures, large group events like the ooze pit or the flame legion effigy. I rarely had to go around for long before stumbling on another event, some big, some small, although none come close to the level of awesome madness that the metal legion concert is. There is so much detail in the story and map, in the dialog that is spread all over the place to once again give one huge jigsaw puzzle of information and background just like in the core Tyria maps. I honestly can't believe that any of this was "put together in haste". If it is not the kind of story and content you enjoy, then that is unfortunate, but I absolutely love what they did with this release.
  14. What kind of innovation are you looking for, if none of the new events and activities interest you?
  15. If you look at both story and map related achievements for season 2, then you'll get a lot closer to the amount and mix of achievements for seasons 3 and 4, which both have the map-related achievements added to the respective story journal category rather than an extra category for map achievements.
  16. Didn't her illusions during the PoF storyline work the same? Besides, a large part of that story step is open world, not instanced, and can very well be done alongside events and whatever on the map. It's the perfect setup to casually follow the story while playing other parts of the map inbetween. Forcing people (especially those not used to movement of a male charr character) to either get through/abandon the story step as quickly as possible or play on a generic charr character instead of one of their own design runs oposite to the "do it anyway you like" design of interweaving story and map that ANet has employed here.
  17. I'll definitely try that one tonight. It really looked more like a strategy/memory problem to me than one needing reaction time (as most other adventures do), so do-able even for old, slow folks like me, but fiddling with my graphics settings to find one that makes the orbs show up better sounds like a good crutch. That, or get one of my teenagers to stand behind me and point me in the right direction, they're much quicker at catching stuff on screen than I am B) .
  18. Have you been to the new map? Have you tried any of the meta events? Participated in the concert? The ooze pit? The lighting of the flame legion effigy? Tried any of the races or adventures? It's not just your run-of-the-mill events, but a lot of well thought-out, fresh group activities on this well-made map, lots of nooks and crannies to explore, a jumping puzzle, a scavenger hunt, several different races and adventures, new skins (weapons, backpack, and the band shirt as chest armor skin) and much much more. It's even offering a new emote as achievement reward, something a lot of people have been asking for and something I don't remember ANet ever rewarding before. I'm not saying you've got to like it. It's less combat/reward oriented and more non-combat group activity oriented than we've seen in episodes for a long time, but the map is decently sized and the activities and events are many and frequent and a lot of them are fresh and innovative and great if you are looking to have fun. I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy it for all kinds of different reasons.
  19. OK, now I totally have to have it. And learn to use WH on one of my toons... :DMe too. Time to dust off my harrier's druid (charr of course) and get into some raids!
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