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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. Does MF even have effect the kind of Unid gear you get given that MF doesnt affect the exotic bags, or the chests? Where mf has an effect -- so body loot and containers affected by mf -- it does affect the rarity of unid gear that drops. So if you have higher mf you'll find yourself getting more yellows and fewer blues, fwiw . . . Pre-nerf, mf also affected the actual gear that dropped from unid gear, so you could save up your stacks of yellow unid, go to sw, max mf before identifying and end up with a lot more exotics . . . Yea, i knew about the last bit not the former, i just assumed UNID gear in total wasnt affected, even the drops from mobs, that change was annoying, guess the game was to rewarding on the exotic side, cant have that can we.Technically they replaced (almost) each drop of a blue, green, or yellow piece of equipment with a drop of the matching bundle of unidentified gear. The drop chance of blue/yellow/green/orange gear hasn't changed, just its presentation.What did change is that for the equipment that didn't drop as unidentified gear before (so everything in core, HoT, and season 3 maps) we now get a second chance to upgrade to a higher tier, since whenever you identify the unidentified bundle there is another chance to upgrade, so if you play a lot outside of PoF maps you actually have a (slightly) higher chance for exotics now (the base chance we always had plus the chance to get them from unidentified gear). The vast majority of players that didn't (or couldn't) push their magic find to the high triple digits for identifying actually seem to be a bit better off with the change, as their chance to get a drop of higher rarity has increased.
  2. You're probably aware of the existing uses, but just in case: you can check the wiki page on essence of luck as well as the pages for the individual rarities (via the linked page) for a list of all currently known uses, including donating (or selling) them to guilds for guild upgrades (exotic essences) or decorations (fine through exotic rarity)donating them to Drooburt's ghost during lunar new year (for a bit of coin)transforming and upgrading lunar new year backpacksa variety of one-time uses (Mawdrey, account-bound minis)Personally I suspect that if ANet ever introduces more sinks for luck, it'll be in line with the above (as in: no or at least next-to-no personal gain beyond fluff), since having maxed out magic find already is a significant boost in loot rarity compared to the players that are still leveling theirs, and any "personal gain" use (loot of buffs) will simply skew the wealth distribution even more, which is something ANet usually tries to avoid.
  3. It's not only about new players missing season 1. There were plenty of active players back then that missed parts of it for good reason, which had a high potential to spoil the whole thing. Ultimately season 1 showed that that kind of content delivery in an MMO, while certainly offering some epic experiences, had too much potential to sour people on it to be healthy for the game.
  4. That said, I'm pretty sure I fall right into your "mechanically challenged" category of players. I never had the best reflexes to begin with (actually way below-average even during my early years), and living in this body for close to 50 years hasn't improved them at all. That doesn't keep me from playing elementalist in raids or t4 fractals with friends. Do I perform worse than "the best" young people that spend hours raiding each week? Of course I do. Do I underperform and just get carried? Absolutely not. I bring decent damage, but that's not why my friends take me along instead of a random "mechanically perfect" ele from lfg. There's a lot more involved in a team effort than only each individual outputting a perfect rotation. To perform decent enough on elementalist to hold your own, a good bit of reflex and quick uptake is helpful, but in no way required. If you really like the class and want to play it, practice is the substitute you are looking for. This does however require you and your group to accept that you might take a good bit longer than a young and/or more dexterous person. Don't expect to put out a perfect rotation with perfect awareness of the encounter mechanics on the first, third, or possibly even tenth try. Practice the build and rotation you want to perform in different circumstances. Most of open world pve is forgiving enough that you'll be able to play it with a raid build and practice your rotations as well as how to get out of screw-ups in all kinds of different situations. Then practice the raid encounters themselves, and don't worry if you screw up your precious rotation the first few times. Eventually you'll get used to both rotation and event mechanics and find things suddenly go together for you without having to conciously think about every key press or positioning move or target switch any longer. And if you don't want to practice to the point where you are decent on your class of choice (been there, done that), then my first suggestion still stands: choose another class that suits you more. This game is great in that the classes offer very different playstyles, thus almost guaranteeing that there's one that works better for you than some of the others.
  5. There are classes with simple mechanics that work well with few keypresses, and there are classes with complex mechanics and involved synergies between their skills. If the one you play is too complicated for your taste, you are free to switch to another class, especially if you have all of them ready anyway. Other people however do enjoy classes that have a higher skill ceiling. Nerfing every class to have easy/low-interaction playstyles for maximum output just serves to turn off those players that prefer the more involved playstyle.
  6. As the poster above me said (at least I think that's what they said ;) ): organize your own meta group and you'll be sure to be on an active shard. Create a squad a bit before the meta starts (5-30 minutes depending on meta), put it on lfg, preferably put a rough description of the mechanics and/or what you expect of people joining in the squad description, and you're read yto go. Deciding whether a squad's shard is full or not isn't as easy as it sounds. If the squad contains players on different shards or even different maps, which shard/map is the one in question? Maybe the commander disconnected and is trying to get back into the shard themselves (have seen that happen a few times), so not even the commander's map is guaranteed to be the one you want. Players join and leave map shards all the time, too, so you'd have to calculate the map state in real time and transfer that data to all clients in the squad, which quickly adds up to a huge amount of unneccessary processing power and bandwidth. And then you have to take into account hard and soft cap of a map shard (hard cap being the one where no players are able to join unless somebody leaves first, while soft cap just keeps people from automatically being sorted into the map). All of this makes calculating shard high/full costly and pretty much useless because even if you got an update two seconds ago it may already have changed by now. The best you can really do would be a single "join squad commander" button that makes it easier to spam compared to the current right-click -> join way, but the qol improvement probably is too small to justify the implementation overhead (programming, testing, ui design, whatever). If you want to make things easier on yourself without organizing the events, get there beforehand and don't give up trying to get into the map. I don't do metas all that often, but I get into the map in question pretty much every time I do, although sometimes it takes a couple of minutes before I catch the moment somebody else left the map. Unless you are referring to the labyrinth, the player cap on that map is actually small enough to make it a lot easier to organise a new one yourself (mentor tag is plenty enough to do it, no lfg needed) instead of trying to spam-join an already full map.
  7. So everything outside of meta achievements can be totally wack because that's how you look at it.Yes. Some people enjoy that kind of achievement, so I see no reason why ANet can't throw in one every few years. @Clyan.1593 said: You seem not to understand. I don't want the T-Shirt. I want the achievement to be doable without rng luck.You can. All you need is patience and gold. Once you have 30k gold to put up three buy offers of 10k each on the trading post, I suspect there's really not all that much patience required any more. @Clyan.1593 said:And what for? 5 AP and a T-Shirt skin...I'm sure there's a player somewhere that would love to say "I did this super rare drop achievement, and all I got is a t-shirt". Somebody at ANet must have a weird sense of humor ;) .
  8. Throwing in an optional (or not) subscription muddles the waters. Suddenly I no longer get the same "worth" if I spend money on the game. If I want the goodies that come with the subscription, I have to pay, and pay every month, regardless if I have the spare money each month or not. I have to get the package deal, regardless if I want everything that comes with it or just one or two features. If I pay and my computer breaks the next day and I can't get it fixed for four weeks I essentially paid for nothing because there won't be any benefit of the subscription left by the time I can log in again. Subscriptions (optional or not) with (exclusive or not) benefits, discounts on bulk purchases, time-limited offers of goods that will never be offered again, all of that are models first and foremost designed to get people to spend on stuff they have no way of knowing if they will be using it, and to make people feel like they're not getting their money's full value if they don't take the offer but keep spending the way they did for the last seven years. I've played (and still play) MMOs with optional subscription, and I very much appreciate that GW2 is not one of them. In this game, if I spend real money, I'm getting a fair value for my money, without any tricks enticing me to spend more than I actually want/need. I sure hope ANet will keep it this way.
  9. Question for those of you who ask for "interesting" or "exciting" drops: what exactly do you mean by that? This game is trying to hand out drops in a way that allows people not lucky enough to drop exactly what they are looking for to work towards getting the same thing by having a lot of tradeable drops/materials. If I'm not lucky enough to get the drop I want, I either get materials to craft it, or stuff to sell so I can buy the stuff I want instead. So far I thought "interesting", "exciting" or "worthwhile" drops would mean those that bring in lots of gold, but since the price of those items is directly related to how much other players are willing to pay for it, this doesn't make sense if the idea is to get more of them, since that would automatically mean demand is more quickly filled and prices crash. Making more drops account bound on aquire would on the other hand mean everyone has to rely on luck to get their hands on those drops, and there will always be people that are left out or "forced" to spend time playing specific content long past the point where they are enjoying themselves. I still remember playing Vinewrath in the Silverwastes to get the chest armor to unlock the luminescent armor. It took me 30+ runs to get all three armor weights (one guaranteed from achievement plus two random drops), and several months since I really didn't enjoy doing that event all the time. Try getting ascended drops in open world solo play, tell me then how it helps..Actually that's an easy one, since ascended equipment can be crafted from the materials you get either as direct drop or by salvaging the lower quality equipment you get. It's one of the reasons why I personally prefer the GW2 loot system over any other MMO I've played: even if I never see the drop I am looking for, there's usually enough other drops to eventually craft/buy whatever I really want. Personally I very much prefer that to waiting for drops that might not happen until way past the point where the content stops being fun.
  10. You can preview skins (both locked and unlocked ones) straight from the wardrobe storage by clicking on them, or find out how to get them by typing /wiki in your chat and linking the skin (shift+click) into the command (the chat command /wiki opens your default browser with the GW2 wiki page of whatever subject you are looking for).
  11. There's a few more infusions that are pretty rare, including the Preserved Queen Bee and the Festive Confetti Infusion . If you drop down to a few hundred gold per drop, there's several minis in that range, including the mini Fire Djinn and the mini Junundu Wurm , although those have come down in price a lot since ANet reworked the Path of Fire rewards. The latest living story map also offers a couple of very rare drops (an infusion and a set of charr cultural helmets ), but the meta involved isn't everyone's cup of tea, as it relies much more on minigame mechanics than fighting. If you are specifically looking for bosses to hunt, there are a few more in addition to the ones mentioned above required for the treasure hunter collection that are similar in price. You can always check the wiki for current trading post prices to see if anything has changed.
  12. Cheap people is better? But in f2p games play many kids, because it's F2P. And be kids is nothing bad, games for everyone. But the problem is that kids, because they are young they don't pay bills. So they don't understand why someone want you pay for something and don't give You this for free.Neither cheap not a kid. I just prefer to pay for what I want, how often I feel it justified. I don't need an "optional" premium package lumping a bunch of features into a pack that I can only buy (or worse yet, rent) all or none. This game is doing fine with letting me buy exactly what I want for my game, nothing more, nothing less. @reative.4093 said: This game have 7y old... WORLD around is changing, business is changing, cost is changing. if you don't evolve, You die.Going back to outdated concepts games used to depend upon years ago isn't exactly what I'd call evolution. I can assure you I have played a lot of games, with both mandatory and optional subscriptions (premium, vip access, however you want to call it), some of them for many years, but every single one of them, when you look at it objectively, was selling me stuff I neither wanted nor needed to justify charging a higher price for the stuff I actually wanted because it was only available as a package deal.
  13. The main advantage of legendary equipment is that you can change their stats to any stat-combination available to ascended equipment at any time you are out of combat, and as often as you wish, so you can quickly adjust to meta shifts, newly added stat combinations, or any stat experiments you'd like to try without extra costs. This can potentially save you bag space, too, since one set can replace several different ascended sets (e.g. one for open world pve, one for fractals/raids, and one for wvw). You can also change runes/sigills/infusions in legendary gear while recovering the upgrade you replace, again without cost and as often as you like.
  14. I like to add:Asc. Weapons/Armour in Contrast to Legendaries can actually drop ingame. So you cannot really compare the "real" value difference like @Taygus.4571 did. While technically correct, I doubt that crafted pieces makes the majority of an already raiding/Fractal running players equipment.Most of my 20+ Asc. Sets where basicly free. My legendaries not so much. It does for me...because all that ever drops for me is shoulders lol. ..oh and I got a hammer and bow, I'll never use xD.We should team up ... out of five ascended armor boxes I ever got from fractals, four were trousers :p . Play daylie endgame/weekly raids for 4+ years and things will add up. no luck involved, brute force it!I know, but I'm not at a time of life where I have the spare time to do that unfortunately. Maybe in a decade when I'm ready for retirement B) .
  15. I like to add:Asc. Weapons/Armour in Contrast to Legendaries can actually drop ingame. So you cannot really compare the "real" value difference like @Taygus.4571 did. While technically correct, I doubt that crafted pieces makes the majority of an already raiding/Fractal running players equipment.Most of my 20+ Asc. Sets where basicly free. My legendaries not so much. It does for me...because all that ever drops for me is shoulders lol. ..oh and I got a hammer and bow, I'll never use xD.We should team up ... out of five ascended armor boxes I ever got from fractals, four were trousers :p .
  16. Are you seriously arguing that "it's not fair because others get more out of the update than I do"? I'm sorry, but your arguments are starting to remind me of the "it's not fair new people get to play HoT when I had to pay for it years ago" crowd.
  17. They already told us this is a chatcode. One that will work when used from chat or put to chat from notepad. So, there's absolutely no reason why it couldn't be stored in plain text file clientside.You're free to store your templates in your notepad, or cloud, or wherever. I probably will have a library of "interesting but not currently in use" templates stored the same way. But this is an online game that you can play from any machine capable of running the client. The base set of frequently used templates should be saved server-side with the account info. If you don't like the server-side implementation you're free to grab your saved builds from your notepad anytime you like, and treat the server-side storage as if it didn't exist.
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