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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. I get that it's an ask and people want the Uber tome. I just don't understand why people need to spread misinformation to support the ask.Maybe because it's not misinformation? If your "discovery" is that I should've run into the wall to find a hidden portal I didn't see, you could've just said so. Fact is, when I was there on the weekend there was no portal to be seen (and I certainly know where that portal is, as I've been through there on a variety of characters on my main account). When I talked to Braham after activating the episode, that piece of wall opened, but the portal had the crossed circle just like the one from DR to LD if you haven't done the story step on that character. That's not misinformation, that is simply experience.
  2. If this were their main motivation, then we never would've gotten keys added to the wallet, nor the novelties section of the wardrobe. Since the addition of shared slots to the game, there have been several qol updates that removed objects from inventory to make them available account-wide, including many things that were popularly stored in shared slots before. While a more inventory-friendly storage for all of the teleport scrolls/stones/whatnot probably isn't at the top of the priority list, ANet certainly knows people would love to see that, and I fully expect them to get some kind of treatment similar to keys and novelty items eventually.
  3. Expansions take a lot of time for several reasons. One of the reasons is that they usually contain new features like new classes/specs, new mechanics and such that take a long time to develop. For a while now ANet has been confident (and told us) that going forward they will be able to deliver such development-intensive additions to the game through living world. In fact they even did release a bunch of stuff during season 4 that could well fall into that camp from a technical/dev work requirement point of view, like mounts, involved collections with full armor set rewards (like elegy/requiem). Even Sun's refuge, regardless if it gave you a lot to do or not, is from a technical point of view a new and most likely technically involved system the game didn't have before. Will I be satisfied by everything that's to come? I don't know. I know I didn't like every new thing they put out in the past. The roller beetle for example is something I could've done without, I neither liked the aquisition much (unlike the Skyscale, which was a lot more to my taste), nor do I enjoy using the mount. But that's not the point. The point is that ANet has announced that going forward they fully intend to bring in technically complex content. To me that implies that they are already working on several such projects, since they wouldn't be able to pull them off if they hadn't even started yet. Claiming they aren't working on anything like that is so highly unlikely I'll just call it false.
  4. Things that we wouldn’t rule out – but that we’re not talking about today – would be like another mount, another elite specialisation, those types of things. Those are all things that traditionally have waited until a boxed product is ready. But instead, now we’re saying, ‘look, here are the things that we’re doing. Here’s what we’re releasing right now. Here’s what’s next.’ So, elite specs are like an expansion - they aren't ruled out. This doesn't mean they are coming. It probably means that (like with an expansion, again), they are neither actually working on or planning them right now.You could also read this quote as "elite specs are like mounts". Seeing how we got two of those delivered through living story releases last season, this could very well mean that they are in fact working on elite specs and will release them with a future episode.
  5. The funny thing about the internet is that, while it enables us to gather a lot more and different information that we used to be able to before it was a thing, it also makes it a lot easier for us to find information that confirms our own belief and grows the feeling that we know the truth and our opinion is easily that of the majority. If you aren't super careful, the internet quickly becomes an echo chamber of your own thoughts and beliefs and makes it actually harder for you to question your beliefs, find the possible flaws in them, and objectively judge different opinions and their arguments. Personally one of the reasons why I play and enjoy this game over other, similar games is precisely because it is a game that does not re-invent the wheel continuously to give me a kick of something new to play around with. Instead I have a huge world that I can immerse myself in, grow different characters in, play around in different environments and different game modes. It also offers me a steady stream of new places to explore and new story to experience, as well as bringing in new toys (mounts, masteries, equipment stats, fractals, raids, side stories, ...) gradually that I can explore at my leisure without having to put in a big investment of game time up-front to simultaneously master a large chunk of different content at once to be able to enjoy the freedom of playing around in all areas of the game again. I am one of the people that very much prefer the living story method of content delivery to the expansion model, as it offers a much more relaxed and relaxing gameplay and keeps me busy with new stuff to explore and master continously. Would I have burned out on this game 30 years ago, when I was still in university and had a lot more free time at my hand than today? Possibly. But I am 50 now, and while I still like to play roleplaying games and computer games just as much as I did 30 years ago, I play them very differently from back then, and thus different kinds of content development suit me today. Is ANet right or wrong in chosing a business model that suits me rather than others? I don't know, nor does anybody else without insider knowledge of the financial numbers. You certainly can't judge from social media output alone, as different channels tend to attract a different kind of player, and thus most of the opinions we see on the net are skewed towards the community flocking to whatever channel we survey. I would be hard-pressed to even point to a channel that would accurately portrait the kind of opinion of players like me, since I know a lot of "older" people in game that don't use social media at all. I do however trust in the fact that ANet as a company has been in this business a good while, and has been decently succesful at that. If they find living world releases attract enough players like me, then I'm happy they keep going that way. I certainly am willing to play for content, but I definitely won't complain if this game keeps giving me the same level of great content I have gotten used to for simply logging in and playing.
  6. Many players, today as well as back then, just go on the internet and look for a build/guide, then try to copy it without really understanding what makes it work. GW2 gives a ton of options for viable character builds and group composition, way more than any other MMO I've played, but I still encounter players regularly that just copy meta builds and insist of those being the best even though they aren't able to make them work. Berserker stats with scholar runes on players that can't handle their personal defenses and thus rarely if ever get the bonus the scholar runes provide is the most prominent example, but there are many more. Often those are also the players that insist that you need this or that class with this or that build or else you won't be able to clear the content. GW2 is built with a lot of diversity in its class setup, but also built so your personal skill and understanding of the game has a lot more impact on your performance than the equipment you use and the traits and utilities you've selected. Unfortunately, human beings being what they are, many players prefer to take the path of least resistance, copy a setup they've seen suggested by others, and think that's the one and only truth. If you look around you will find that chrono and druid are nowhere near mandatory for raids as other classes/builds can fill those roles just fine. It does require people to accept that other classes work differently and might need an adjustment in strategy though, and many players are just not prepared to (or interested in) invest thinking into how to make it work with different setups than what some community-proclaimed pro raiders have put out as "the one and only" strategy and group composition.
  7. 7 years ago, core Tyria (esp. Orr & Dungeons) appeared more difficult, it got nerved a bit, but the main thing that made it so easy as it appears now, was the development of the game without change of core Tyria.Ascended Equipment, Elite-Skills, Masteries, Improvement of core-skills to balance to elite-skills, better food, stacking of conditions, ....All these improvements of char-power made the unchanged core Tyria as easy as it now appears.Player skill really has a much larger impact than all of the technical changes combined. My husband started playing last year. He is an experienced MMO player, but I was amazed at how much trouble he had (and still has) with parts of the story, including several of the core personal story instances. With my 7 years of experience at playing this game, I can easily play the same story instances on badly geared/traited characters and still have a much easier time than he does, simply because things like dodging, reacting to boons & conditions, knowing how and when to use invulnerability or how to utilize combos have become second nature to me in those seven years, while he was playing other games with different mechanics.
  8. I have a couple of guildies that used to speculate in ticket weapon skins. They would try to be in game whenever an update hit, then check the patchnotes before patching and either use accumulated keys/place buy and sell orders before or after the update, depending on what the release notes told about the next chest version. That's about as much as an advance warning as you are likely to get, since everything else will increase the chance of speculators messing with the market.
  9. To be fair, you do the same thing with especs. Except instead of hitting up 25 hero challenges in xpac maps, you find and kill a boss.The whole trait unlock fiasco of the npe did a good job in demonstrating the difference between "choose any x out of y (>>x) possible challenges" and "do this event, and this event alone". Gathering hero points for elite specs gives you a lot of options, even more if you factor in the fact that you can buy hero point unlocks in wvw. Comparing that to having to hunt down a specific boss and possibly waiting out respawn timers there's a world of difference between the two.
  10. How would this work with alts? If I capture a skill on my Sylvari guard, do I have to send my Charr guard out to the same boss again to capture the same skill? How about my six mesmers that I play depending on what race I feel like playing that day? If I happen to reach the boss when somebody else has already got it down to 20% health (or 10 or 5 or ...), do I have to wait for the boss to respawn to get my skill? What if I'm on a build/character that is support oriented and doesn't dish out a lot of damage, how often do you expect me to start the boss fight to have my skills "stolen" by full damage characters that jump in and kill the boss before I can get appropriate amounts of damage in? Somehow the whole concept reminds me of what they tried to do with trait unlocking in the 2014 new player experience update. Might be fun for a character or two (and even then there were plenty of players that hated it the first time around already), but grinding the same bosses/events every time you want to build another character will soon be very tedious. The beauty of GW2 is that you can develop your characters to their maximum capacity of skills, traits, and equipment relatively quickly and painlessly, then play whatever you enjoy. I honestly don't see a system that frequently gates new skills/traits/whatever and repeatedly forces players on a very narrow aquisition path if they want to play their characters to their full capacity in this game. It's just contrary to the basic principles.
  11. Considering BL stuff to be "in-game" doesn't help yours. Whatever that is. BL skins are still gem store skins. They don't magically appear on the TP. Someone has spent money on keys (a gem store item) for them to be there. And then gambled on chests. Unless you think all those skins on the TP come from map completion keys.I never claimed them to be ingame rewards either. Ticket skins are in an odd place, neither gemstore exclusive nor ingame exclusive. If I want a fair comparison between the two, I can't count ticket skins exclusively for either side.
  12. Check the event timer , then be in game and check lfg shortly before the escort events start. Organized maps will want to do the escort events, as their success does have an impact on the Shatterer event itself.
  13. Quickslots? Why tie them to shared slots? If ANet went the route of quickslots, I'd rather have individual slots on the hero panel that allow me to reference any useable item in that character's (or shared) inventory. That way I can use them for food for example, without the need to dedicate a dozend shared slots to a dozend different types of food only used by one or two of my characters each.
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