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Everything posted by Guy.9207

  1. And not even greatsword and anything with that, nah. Just a pair of bricks will do the trick.
  2. Guy.9207


    You also forgot the fact that you need adrenaline *and* Core Warrior/Berserker to use it. Spellbreaker is limited to a weaker version and Bladesworn simply doesn't have it altogether.
  3. Guy.9207


    I'm telling you man, Warrior is the "f2p" class of gw2, they try to make it bad so that you are pushed to play a more "premium" class like Firebrand for example (and thus you need to buy their expacs so that you get access to them).
  4. I mean, isn't that the whole point of choosing traits? To offer alternatives that are all viable in some ways?
  5. Put Dual Wield in Strength, either keep it as is, or buff it to stack with Quickness, or rework it so that you have +Power per one hand weapon. Put Body Blow in Arms, and either buff it so that you deal increased damage to foes with each conditions (like maybe 5% per condition) or have it like Reaper's Chill where you inflict bleeding every few seconds via Weakness.
  6. I'm going to be honest though, Daring Dragon was weak...and when I first tried it, I found it to be rather janky because you can't just pull DT after DT instantly and there was a cooldown for a second before you can do that. The lack of damage and CC from Unyielding Dragon didn't help either. What it needed was some buffs to make it viable, not a full rework. You want a rework, do it on Immortal Dragon, I find *zero* players using that.
  7. It's scary how similar rifle is compared to GS now. Both seem to be taken only for its Primal Burst and nothing else. We might just see that becoming a reality.
  8. I'm going to keep this simple: Buff Guard Hammer damage. That's it. Buff it to ridiculous amount of numbers even. Anet said it themselves that Hammer for Guard is meant to be slow and heavy, and I think it would be funny if you can use Mighty Blow and land something like 20k. I wanna feel like I hit someone with a truck when I use Hammer.
  9. It hurts knowing I actually went to recreate my Ranger into a Warrior.
  10. Hundred Blades doesn't even give you hundred attacks, only 8. So yes, it sucks.
  11. Old Arc Divider is fun yes. Personally Berserker in general isn't my playstyle as I'm more of a "calculated" Spellbreaker enjoyer, but when I wanna mow something down in Open World, Arc Divider was amazing. Now it's just an awkward Arcing Slice, which if I want something like that, I might as well go back to Spellbreaker or even Core.
  12. If I have to guess... Mace 3 > Mace 5 > Dragon Trigger (likely used right after you enter it) > ??? > "bro what tf are you doing?"
  13. Rework hundred blades to behave like Scrapper hammer 3. Doing so will make it in line with the rest of the kit which mainly involves mobility one way or another.
  14. So I dug through some conversations in Discord and found out some people have been using Body Blow with Aristocrat Runes and Might Makes Right (probably Tactics as well), and it seems to synergize bizarrely well. As long as you keep CC'ing your enemy, you can easily overcap 25 stacks of might and heal again and again every second. Trying to run this in PvE yielded me roughly 1k healing per weakness application (assuming you didn't trigger it before 1 second ICD), and with mace you can practically turn it into pseudo-guardian mace where it heals you on landing last auto chain. The only downside is that you seem to be dealing more damage via strike damage rather than bleeding, even with running mace/mace on Viper's, but it still kills stuff in Open World fine. In PvP, apparently the nerfed CC means Body Blow actually ends up being the main way of dealing damage against the enemies, so I guess if you run this as a Spellbreaker, you essentially become a very annoying opponent to deal with.
  15. Maybe give it 4 hits because more hits = better right?
  16. You know considering how Spellbreaker's whole gimmick is about "calculated" attacks and precise striking, I think it would make more sense for it to have access to Alacrity instead of Bladesworn, who I think should have access to Quickness and not Berserker who should be about firepower and has access to stuff like Resistance/Resolution/Protection and anything that makes it really hard to kill.
  17. Arcing Slice > Orange Slice I don't do math, so don't ask me to list down the numbers, but even if the latter does more damage, you still need to get access to Berserk to use it, nevermind the half-second casting time. Just be a chad Spellbreaker and whack someone with a good ol' fashioned Arcing Slice.
  18. Not gonna lie, I'm happy with various "other" things that were implemented for Warriors. Flurry is actually okay now and won't make you a sitting duck. Soldier's Comfort and Martial Cadence synergizes with Defense traitline because more stability means more uptime for damage increase and protection for an already thicc class is always welcome. I haven't tried Double Standards yet because I find Discipline to be pretty boring overall, but apart from the dreaded Arc Divider changes (which I don't really use, hah), I'm just glad Warrior got something out of it.
  19. Warriors could use more conditions in general. Bleeding and Burning seems to be two main ones, but the latter is only abundant via Berserker. Bring in Torment and Confusion since those two thematically makes sense for it.
  20. That's literally what I suggested in a thread I have made, so yeah.
  21. Swap Thief's Scorpion Wire with Throw Bolas. It doesn't make a lot of sense for Thief to have Scorpion Wire, knowing that in PvP, you don't have the luxury of face-tanking an opponent so chances that you will be disengaging are pretty high, and in that context why would you even want to PULL an enemy onto you when your goal is to run away before they put you down? Having Throw Bolas on Thief would allow the versatility of either stalling an opponent or preventing them from escaping as you Shadowstep your way to stab them in the face. Meanwhile, Warrior benefits greatly from Scorpion Wire, especially because your majority of attacks are going to be in melee range, and unless you're running Rune of Lynx for example, you are not going to be able to chase down anyone, so having that allows you to close the gap and slap their ugly faces before they could get away. You could say it also makes no sense if a Warrior is trying to disengage but I'm going to be honest, why would you run away as a Warrior?
  22. The beta has showed us that Dagger will remove boons on enemies regardless of whether you have Spellbreaker equipped or not (especially Berserker which removes boons via Primal Burst), and looking back at it, thematically it makes no sense. Spellbreaker's main gimmick is boon-ripping even without dagger in their hands (like hammer and mace and other CC skills), but with SotO on the horizon, it really does make me wonder if Spellbreaker will simply lose its identity altogether, both in gameplay and design direction.
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