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Everything posted by Guy.9207

  1. I would love to see options of picking weapon skills tbh. Like having multiple variants of...say, untamed hammer. We could apply it to guardian's mighty blow to have alternate variants without needing a trait to switch over.
  2. So you're saying it only needs polishing (which Warrior needs in general, as well as Soto functionality on weaponmaster stuff)?
  3. Speaking in Open World PoV: Longbow on Power Warrior in general. You might think: "Wait a minute, Longbow is a condi weapon!" And you are not wrong, but it's better than rifle for a few reasons: Lb2 and 3 still hits hard as a power weapon, and lb4 brings on-demand cc onto the table. The only thing sucks about it is lb5 but depending on your build it could still be useful as a damage mod setup, never mind that it's also a soft cc. Then there's Mainhand (and Offhand) Mace. The damage is abysmal...if you are talking in a grand scheme of things, but as long as you are in Open World, it will still do enough damage to kill enemies in mere seconds. This is especially true if you are running Aggressive Onslaught, which allows your auto attack (aka your most damaging skill funnily enough) to be pretty fast, something that is an issue with the weapon otherwise. Aside from a pretty brutal last auto chain (weakness + big damage), on Berserker it also turns your f1 into an overhead slam that pretty much makes it impossible for mobs to hurt you due to a bunch of conditions baked into it (like blindness). You would think it becomes a condi weapon (and it is), but even as a power weapon it still does okay damage, especially considering it's a cc skill, and sometimes I manage to hit over 10k in a single hit with it. Offhand mace also got a buff where mace 4 hits really hard, and mace 5, despite being a dreaded projectile-based attack, is still a way to knock down multiple enemies, which can be helpful as you auto your way to victory. Aside from that, I'm trying Sword/Dagger Spellbreaker at the moment, and it's got some funny skill cooldown interaction where you can line up two *big* damage skills in a combo via Sword 3 and Dagger 4. Again, these skills can also hit up to 10k in one hit, so unless you are soloing champs in the Open World, a lot of things will simply die to just these two skills alone. Sword 2 also brings mobility into play so that's cool.
  4. Bladesworn has always been rocky as a spec in my opinion. It went from "OH MY GOD THEY DEAL 1 MILLION DPS IN ONE HIT" to "OH MY GOD THEY ARE SO HARD TO KILL IN PVP" to "Oh we can give alac now." It has always been broken, either in an overpowered way (gigachad DPS and sustain which got gutted), or in almost if not downright unplayable way (off-hand pistol kek). There isn't really a moment where someone looks at Bladesworn and say, "Oh, it seems to be in a decent spot", because there's always something that breaks about this spec, whether in numbers or fundamentals.
  5. "War Tourists" So I'm guessing Tyrians seem to realize that the whole WvW thing is ultimately pointless and only serves as a favorite pass-time to brag about their glory towards their alternate counterparts?
  6. Discipline doesn't work if you plan to use Valkyrie amulet, as you will need Arms to fill all that lack of precision, granted the idea itself isn't necessarily the most practical, and you may be better off using Marauder amulet with the aforementioned setup.
  7. Strength/Defense/Arms Core Warrior with Valkyrie amulet is surprisingly effective. Not only you have an abundance of health, but you also have a very high crit chance thanks to traits in Arms that pretty much negates the lack of precision. If you need that extra "tankiness", you can also run Body Blow (which makes enemies hit you like a wet noodle) and Might Makes Right (which heals you and gives you more endurance to dodge things with). If you want to be really annoying, consider running traits in Defense that deals with conditions as well.
  8. 1 ammo = knockdown 2 ammo = knockback 3 ammo = launch How does this sound?
  9. I like kicking people with my foot, but I feel like it's a little weak at the moment, and it's hard to connect a combo with it, so if anything can be done to make it better, that would be nice, thanks.
  10. Tried it on a Condi Zerker. If you're lucky you could proc 3 primal bursts in a continuous manner with blood reckoning and heightened focus. Imagine DPS going through the roof with that.
  11. Yeah I suppose there's not really much use in PvE.. But then I try using it on Condi Zerker and...it works? I don't think it's going to be meta any time soon, but I use Arms and Strength together with Mace/X for a cc-heavy condi build. The latest buffs in Arms solves the issues of not only Adrenaline issues, but also the lack of Precision, so you can proc bleed more easily, as well as the Fire Fields, while also dealing strike damage which (assuming you run it) scales a bit with Viper stats. Because of Opportunist, you also pretty much have perma Fury, which translates to more condi dmg as well as not needing to run For Great Justice when running solo, meaning you can swap it off with something else if you need to.
  12. It synergizes well with cc-based weapons which is what I play a lot and it actually gives me a reason to use Body Blow now. Obviously Strength is still likely the main tree to choose if you play Power, but you can probably swap off Defense for Arms if you are running something that doesn't crit cap (which can happen unless you are running like full zerker Spellbreaker). By doing that, not only you now have a "lite" version of Merciless Hammer, but you basically don't need to worry about crit chance anymore thanks to Unsuspecting Foe and Burst Precision, the latter which also gives 150 Ferocity on burst skill. If for some reason though you still need that extra crit chance, Body Blow now synergizes with a trait that gives that against bleeding foes, as well as extra bleeding duration which...isn't much, but it still means more damage anyway.
  13. Give "Feel my wrath!" from Guard to Warrior tbh
  14. From what I can tell, if you want to ensure that you land a hit on someone or something, use it when you are at the distance where you would have an excess time floating in the air at melee range. Basically treat it as a movement skill that is best used in well, melee range. Don't use it to hit from afar. Forgot to add that I also play at like 300ms because South East Asian life, but this trick seems to work decently enough.
  15. How about a skill where you jam the gun into someone's face and pull the trigger?
  16. Tbf though I wouldn't mind some ele staff buff since I heard it's pretty horrendous outside of openworld tagging.
  17. Not sure who originally brought up this idea, but I decided to expand the ideas further and wrote it in my Tumblr post here. For those with trust issues when it comes to link, I'll say it here, too: Bloody Roar - This is originally said to be the "beginner" tier Berserker (though I would say you could also lump a more savage kind of Warriors into this as well), where the user succumbs to the rage from within and embraces their destructive potential, lashing out at everyone and everything they see for maximum damage. This is pretty easy to imagine considering it's likely the most straightforward of three traits and also pretty much the meta trait (at least in PvE side of things). King of Fires - This is the "intermediate" tier of Berserker (and I guess Fire Elementalists that like to punch things) where the user, instead of using raw emotions as a power-boost, transforms their burning anger into flames that well, burns enemies around them. This implies the user not only has some level of restraints, but also the ability to manipulate their magical flows even at the state of aggression. Also a useful trait for condition-based Berserker builds. Eternal Champion - This is the "expert" tier of Berserker, where the user seems to be fully retain their self-control to an extent they can exit Berserk mode early, and merely uses their emotions as if they are one of the arsenals available to them. You could even say that when they enter Berserk mode, they aren't actually *angry* but rather at the state of concentration where adrenaline flows through their veins, enough for them to gain endurance and stability (and among other things) that could turn the fight into their favor. Goes without saying that this is likely for veterans or a more experienced character with a lot of emphasis on restraints and disciplines. Ironically though, this is actually the least popular trait due to it leaning towards defenses and not putting out damage, but it has uses in PvP and WvW side of things.
  18. The part where you swap uh...things, at an alarmingly fast rate. That's gonna burn more than just your hands, you know.
  19. I don't know about you guys, but this kind of gameplay seems unhealthy in the long run.
  20. Long live the Skull Grinder, the only thing that keeps mace MH relevant.
  21. Make body blow so that instead of: "Cc inflicts weakness and bleeding." To: "Cc inflicts weakness, which *then* inflicts bleeding." Not going to make a huge difference but all of a sudden mace now has a way to reliably inflict bleeding, and pretty much every skills that also inflicts cc (including burst if you have Cull the Weak). Throw in some more conditions like cripple, torment, confusion, slow or all of them combined (as long as it's triggered under weakness) and now it's actually going to do something.
  22. Ngl, I would love to see warrior mace getting some condition damage to compliment the skull grinder since it doesn't really work as a condi weapon otherwise.
  23. tbh Greatsword has always struck me as something more of a utility weapon, namely the one focusing on sustain and mobility when traited right. Aside from burst skills and gs2, the rest of the kits all involve some kind of movement skills. Even auto attack gives you might, which with MMR, provides you sustain.
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