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Everything posted by Guy.9207

  1. I actually like maces... Though to be fair, assuming the enemy is cc'd you can actually land 20 vuln stacks, which is pretty impressive all things considered (like, that's already 4/5 way of capping the stacks and asking it to increase to 25 is a bit silly in this context imo). But yes, 3 stacks of might on hit is laughable. At least Mace 5 gives you some nice CC though. Oh and buff MH mace please. I would love to see condi stuff implemented into it. Make it a condi equivalent of hammer.
  2. Assuming the likeliness of it being implemented is certain, what kind of non-sensical and downright silly rework of traits/utilities/weapon skills would you like to see on Warriors? For example: - Bloody Roar: You deal 100% more damage while on 25% health, and 500% more damage while on 10% health. - Headbutt: Now works as a finisher. Successfully landing a hit on a target kills both the user and the target instantly regardless of health remaining. - Throw Bolas: Now replaced with Thief's Scorpion Wire. Imagine the horror. - Earthshaker/Rupturing Smash: Now launches foes instead of inflicting stun. - Arcing Slice: Now a Greatsword skill 2. - 100 Blades: Now a Greatsword core burst skill, minus the root. - Riposte: Works like Vindicator's Greatsword 4, coupled with a spinning animation. Inflicts 3 stacks of bleeding for every block. - Impale: Flip skill now works as a pull. - Dual Wielding: Increases the animation speed from 20% to 50%, stacks with quickness. - Body Blow: Inflicting weakness deals bleeding over time. Increases strike damage by 5% for each conditions (bleeding and weakness). - Rush: Pathing fixed 😂 - Counter blow: Same as Riposte but with vulnerability instead. Max stack is 25 stacks of vulnerability.
  3. My answer to this would be: "sort of." It's there, but the way it's executed is less than ideal in my opinion. The choices given to reflect on people are kinda...weird, Chul-Moo appearing in Ascalon out of all places are also weird. It feels less like emotional reflection and more like a pat on the back where NPCs are like "it's okay bro," and not really something that's...deep or emotional.
  4. My worst fear just became a reality: all trauma and stuff "sorted out" in one single episode, via the power of friendship. Cool. It's like taking an intro of a horror movie, and slapping it with an ending of Saturday morning cartoon. And what's with the ending? It feels really out of place to be someone's wingman and just...talk like it's a slice of life episode. If there's one thing to appreciate though, at least the NPCs actually tried to talk to the Commander in the beginning and help them reflect on their past, but even then it just went over really quickly, just like how this whole episode went quickly over my head, like...literally. I'm not even mad to be honest, it just made me feel like I'm better off writing my own fanfics and stuff.
  5. https://i.redd.it/j7gk1jqqztya1.png anet why
  6. Part of me wonders if this is another proof to my tinfoil hat theory about warriors being a "f2p" spec where it's only effective to a certain threshold to deliberately forces players into buying EoD and alike. Why play a basic warrior when you can have a COOL jade mech by your side?! Buy the xpac and join the cool kids club!
  7. Copy-paste Vindicator GS4 into MH mace and OH sword, giving extra vuln to the former and bleeding to the latter. Increase mace AA speed. Maybe integrate bleeding/confusion into mace in general? I like mace, thanks.
  8. A bit of both would be fine. I like story and I think it should be the main focus (because it's mmorpg and I think that's the main selling point), but revamping old contents or even adding new ones in its place to add replayability would go a long way.
  9. You need to create a page in carrd site. It's easy to learn how to use it, though you will be limited in terms of how much you can put in there unless you subscribe to it.
  10. I would like to play Condi Spellbreaker to be honest. It doesn't make much sense sure, but given the Full Counter, you can easily spam CC using Mace/Mace or Shield and Hammer to stun lock somebody, and Body Blow to inflict bleeding and weakness. If you run Aggressive Onslaught, you can spam CC so much it gets to like 20 stacks of bleeding or something.
  11. I like myself some gunflame. It's such a stupid skill that it's a meme tbh. What I mean by this? It's better than core rifle burst It can cc someone It influcts *one* stack of burning It also fires really fast, and you can move while doing it Using Blood Reckoning, you can fire two shots of those Did I mention that it can literally CC someone from like, 1200 range away or something? Maybe 900 but still. It's just as stupid as Necro's Spectral Grasp, think about that
  12. I never said Gorrik is a bad friend, nor that I do not like the scenario that our characters find themselves in. I just thought that the idea of having someone re-living their trauma would not be something that's going to be done, even knowing Gorrik and his personality.
  13. Literal inner demons, I like it. This actually fits in with the little idea I have in mind that the Commander will die by the end of the story, at their own hands after slaying the demons in a heroic sacrifice.
  14. Gorrik used himself as a breeding ground didn't really hurt anyone but himself, and putting his brother into a Golem was arguably done *for* the better. This time though, it just seems counter-intuitive and even callous that he didn't realize how this could end up backfiring and making it worse.
  15. In the end of the latest episode, he literally suggested using the Commander's trauma as a bait to lure the demons or whatever. This is a very questionable idea, even for Gorrik. I say this because supposedly he is the Commander's friend, yet he would not only experiment on them, out of all people, but also subject them to re-live the very traumas that they are having issues with. Even the fact that he's a former Inquest and that he put his brother in Golem body don't really save it from looking really sketchy for him, and to me, it feels like his obliviousness to it all is...concerning to say the least. The worst thing is, in an attempt to fight off the Demons, Gorrik and his friends have a very high chance of driving the Commander further into the realm of insanity, playing right into the Demons' hands. I understand that "face your fear" is a thing, but you don't just toss someone with hydrophobia into a middle of ocean, and that's exactly what is going to happen here. It's pretty disturbing.
  16. Now that you mentioned it, will there be any special interactions if the players group up to do the story content together? I would find it weird if all the players end up seeing the same thing or being treated the same way when only the Party Leader (aka The Commander of that instance) would be the one affected. How do you plan to implement co-op elements into this?
  17. Switch sword burst and sword 3 tbh. Sword 3 works well as a burst skill with modifiers depending on adrenaline for an instant attack (like greatsword). Flurry can be a sword 3 skill for soft cc and I guess, a mirror to guardian sword 3 which is also rooted for some reason.
  18. It's one way of seeing it for sure, but personally for me, I see it differently: Think of it like this: Have you ever seen a karaoke/instrumental version of a popular song? Anet is the composer of the song, and we're here to sing the lyrics written by them. In this case, we create our own character so that they fit in the shoes of the Commander, a "character" (or more specifically, the role of a character) whose actions and events involving them are written by Anet. It's a bit of a collaboration between you and the writers on their side to create a functional story. Ultimately though, regardless of who and how you create that character, the Commander as a role will always be the same, and because of that I have grown to dissociate any semblance of my "creations" from said role. In other words, the Commander is a character written by Anet, we just so happen to be given the opportunity to project our characters (or in some case, ourselves) into that role of the story. Because of that, I do believe it would be beneficial if Anet choose to do something about the Commander, especially now that there seem to be more and more characterization of them, without having to meet the constraint that players will not be happy with how "their characters" are seen in the story.
  19. Arguably this is intentional; I have seen some pointing out how isolated the Commander is even in the presence of Yao, Rama, and Gorrik, none of which are "old" friends that they have known before, hence the reason why they refused to say anything to them whenever bad things happen. One person in particular especially mentioned that everyone comes to the Commander because there is a fight, and that's all they are known for. Once it's over, the Commander loses the "appeal" and no one comes to them anymore. Let's also not forget how things like depression tends to be (understandably) overlooked by outsiders, even if they show great concern for the person.
  20. This episode, as lackluster as it may be, has a lot of potential story-wise. The underlying theme and metaphor of descending into the deep abyss perfectly describes The Commander's mental state and their downward spiral which has been building up more and more throughout the storytelling, *especially* in this episode e.g. the journal and the implications of their struggle between end of the latest xpac and this episode, as well as their reactions during the final fight and how they became increasingly volatile as you progressed. I'm highly concerned that all of this will be dealt with in a matter of episode or two. This kind of things don't just end in that amount of time, especially when there is so much emphasize not just in here, but also from previous content. Trauma and mental health is also not something you toss to the side like it's just another problem to solve in a matter of days, it takes time to deal and gradually recover, if you ever recover from it. Judging from the reactions and the dialogues, it's also clear that this is not something they have fully dealt with internally, and I hope if it will be dealt with in the future, have it done in a proper pace and not just an one-off episode, please.
  21. It could be just me but mace seems awful to use especially in relation with other professions that also has access to it. Maybe it can be like Mechanist's or a slower/more hard-hitting version of MH sword that also doubles as a hybrid CC weapon? You don't even need to increase the speed, just put like 3 stacks of bleeding on final hit and maybe confusion on burst and it would have been...uh, usable? Anything would be an improvement imo.
  22. A mini that takes the appearance of your alt/other characters in your account? Maybe the same size or mini size.
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