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Everything posted by Kuya.6495

  1. OP seems to only be complaining about the virtues varient. Does he not think the valor variant is as bad or does he not know there are two variants?
  2. This is a really good suggestion and I hope the devs see this. Also I noticed a pattern in this thread after reading all the pages: comments that say the meta is broken or that "raid content" has no business in open world get mostly likes/thanks reacts. Meanwhile comments that say the meta can be cleared with good boon distribution and good commanding get mostly confused reacts.
  3. You can do that already right now. If you want to boost someone in your enemy team, you can log off and deny your team a win like 90% of the time and earn the enemy an easy win. That wouldn't change with the OP's suggestion. It just means that people won't have to wait around as long for the match to end when it's already obvious what the end result will be. It's just about speeding up the process and not wasting everyone's time.
  4. In some games, when one team is short one person after a certain period of time, the game gives both teams a prompt to vote to abandon the match early with no penalty for either team. Perhaps anet can do something similar?
  5. Isn't that the opposite of what happened with willbender? Was trash at launch and needed to get buffed repeatedly until it was finally good in pvp?
  6. So people have been praising the new expansion for challenging content but panning it for rewards that don't match the effort put into doing the content. So in that line, why not add super rare mount skins to the loottable for strike CMs and other hard Eod content? Ffxiv does something similar with mount skins being in trials (basically the same thing as strikes). In fact Asmongold has enjoyed mount skin hunting in ffxiv a lot by doing trials content. So far Anet has only released mount skins as gem store items but I don't think putting mount skins as rare drops from CMs would cut into the profits much since most players can't regularly do CM content. Not to mention if the mount skins that drop from hard content can be sold on TP for several thousand gold, this also creates an incentive for players to buy gems and convert them to gold to buy a mount skin they want but don't want to do the CM for or suffer through rng until they get it, thereby still generating a profit for Anet. It would be nice to eventually get nice mount skins you can only get in game, but I am willing to compromise with letting the skins be on TP if it incentivices anet to not worry about losing profits from gemstore. Edit: another idea is to let players buy the mount skin using a large amount of green shards +legendary insights. It would diminish the complaints about bad rng or the impression anet wants to make casual players buy gold because anyone can get their mount skin eventually if they do the content enough. Plus it also creates a new sink for LIs for those who have already made envoy armor. So people would have three options: 1. rng drop from CMs, 2. buy off TP, or 3. spend large amount of green shards+LI to buy skin. I think no one would complain about this arrangement.
  7. Finally! Maybe I'll stop playing bladesworn and fire weaver for a bit and actually play my main again.
  8. What, in your opinion, was/is the worst spvp meta the game has ever had? My personal opinion is that bunker chrono was the worst. Games ended as soon as you got your bunker chronos to sit on two captured points and it was gg after that since you needed 3 people to kill that chrono or 5 if the chrono had a tempest to baby sit it. Also if there's an option you didn't see on the poll for most unregulated celullar proliferation meta, please comment about it below.
  9. I think reading this thread the best suggestions i see are: 1. Make a new form of call target but for allies with new key binds. Instead of a target reticle, this one could put a shield icon over friendly targets and have it mean "defend this target". That way you can have both a enemy focus target and a ally defense target. 2. Anet needs to do a better job of quickly punishing toxic behavior in pvp such as using call target to harass team members and spamming ping on map.
  10. The ally targeting when someone wants to flame a teammate also messes up your ability to port away when you get focused and want a quick faraway target to port to. I've had that happen a few times and boy was I livid.
  11. Gonna have to find out what this mysterious willbender build is so I can get in on it while the getting is good 🤔
  12. So it seems you need to do harvest temple twice, per every profession you want to unlock the ascended named trinkets at the eod strike merchant. Not only that but it seems you can only buy the trinkets once per account? I get that this is a relatively cheap way to buy ascended trinkets but these seem like a lot of limits and hurdles you have to jump through for ascended trinkets you can only buy once and have to do harvest temple for EVERY profession. I'm one for challenging content but this just seems like unnecessary red tape. Not to mention your ability to do harvest temple for the elite spec you want requires you to have a profession that is actually good for that strike. Considering that not every profession has high demand roles, it seems some elite specs will have it harder unlocking the trinkets than others. Why not just make it so you can do harvest temple on any profession but in order to unlock the trinkets you have to do it after you finish the collection (i think it works like this already, you just wouldn't be forced to do harvest temple on a profession you don't want or can't take)? Sure the work around is you finish every collection first, and then you do the harvest temple strike twice and then you're done but even that requires a lot of leg work of getting 9 collections done before you do harvest temple. Right now, more than it being about effort, the way it's set up is just unfair for anyone who isn't a firebrand, mechanist, druid, or banner warrior. As for letting you only buy the trinket once, seems like a good way to get people to stop engaging with the content. If anything, you have two options: make it so every time you buy the trinket the price in shards and gold goes up or make it so every time you want to buy the same trinket again, you have to do harvest temple again to sort of "refresh" your stock. I am a fan of the second option if I'm forced to choose between the way it is now or paying higher prices for every time you buy it. At least my suggestion requires you engage with the content more than twice and keeps people coming back to do harvest temple. Anyway please consider these changes. I do like harvest temple but I'm not sure I would love it as much if I had to play on a profession I dont like.
  13. Last night, aside from the issues of having soo-won change sides constantly and do tail during cc bar, I had issues with not being able to see attack indicators (no red circles, no waves, no tsunamis, no bubbles, no whirspools). The adds and champions were invisible and stationary. Soo-won's character was visible and animated but everything else was not working. I was only able to figure out where the champions were by seeing where everyone else was at. Anyone else experience this recently? I had no issues with the pre-events and had my graphical settings set to max. I did decide to change them to high performance right before the fight (although right before I switched my settings and got on the zip line I got hit by a huge attack out of nowhere and couldn't figure out where it came from) and when i noticed i couldn't see the attack indicators i changed my settings to auto-detect and that didn't fix it. I then changed it back to best appearance and the issue was still present during the whole fight. It was super frustrating not being able to see anything.
  14. It seems thieves are such masters of deception they can even deceive themselves about how good specters are. 😔
  15. Oh snap, playing bladesworn over fireweaver so much has made me forget even this much
  16. PoV: you're an ele using earth shield 5 and the bladesworn enters dragon trigger
  17. I was just crafting legendary pvp armor this morning and thought about this very thing. It would be a pretty low effort way to through pvp mains a bone so they complain 1% less.
  18. It's a meme build but anet has nerfed low tier one shot meme builds before so. IE: full trap dh, one shot gunflame zerker, etc
  19. They said they would buff catalyst dps and the impression I got is that is next week too but that sounds more like a buff for pve.
  20. Could we get a preview of what the changes are going to be? Or perhaps an overview of what the intention behind the changes are? The blog post made it sound like it's a big update.
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