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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Yeah, been wanting ally targeting on staff #1 forever. That probably was at least some of the inspiration for the thief spec, but they won't admit it.
  2. Mechanist is core ranger but with no swap option, shared stats, and less flexibility. It may look cool, but I'd wager engis are not going to be super happy with it on the overall once the wonderful AI kicks in. I do think they will keep the breakbar and also reduce that CD on death to 60s, because there is no way that thing isn't going to get eaten alive by random AoEs. Might be very decent for PvP though because of the mechs potential to stall a point capture with that breakbar. But, since this is ranger forum we all know engis might be getting the nerf stick if PvP sub gets hurt too much by the mech.
  3. Figure this is the best time for this since 'bunny thumper' was so heavily meme'd by the devs in the Twitch stream, and hopefully some dev eyes should be here on this forum as well. Simply, can a pet bunny be considered to make the bunny thumper dream a reality?!
  4. I can't believe I'm about to type this, but I'm actually hyped to try this spec. Sure it still relies on pet AI, but those shadowsteps really should alleivate a lot of problems. And having condition cleanse outside of WS may be the best thing that came out of that entire presentation.
  5. Mechanist maybe. Untamed seems to be a straight up upgrade to core and is going to be a nightmare I think--for at least an hour or so until PvP sub gets it deleted from the planet. The only real question is if it can weapon swap.
  6. So far...very, very happy with this. Only question I have is can it swap weapons, but the shadow steps and direct pet control are 1000% upgrades from Core/Druid.
  7. First, one button gameplay can mean literally anything, including LB #5 from a player to tag something. Also, yes fighting over an objective and ignoring siege is counter-productive for the mode--should have a mix of both. Again, if you don't like siege, go to PvP. For that last point, others have already pointed out how that's not always possible--especially sentries which are almost always gone or flipped to your color. Additionally, 'only need to kill a player' is a pretty big task for someone who isn't used to fighting other people, especially in a mode that SHOULD reward you for alternate ways (defending, repairing, etc.). I realize you have the mindset to force fights so you can showcase your skills or something. The problem is, this isn't the mode for that, and reward structures shouldn't be formed around that. If fights were to become paramount we'd have to get down the rabbit hole of removal of food and normalizing of stats...and I for one am not getting into that right now.
  8. Good luck keeping up pips if they take participation credit away all the non-zerg activities (like repairing). Not everyone is a roamer that's just going to go take a camp--some people truly are better behind a wall playing 'hands off' defense. Which would be repairing walls, building siege, refreshing siege, scouting from walls, etc. It may annoy the 'fight people', but it is a legitimate strategy in the mode...and if someone doesn't like it they can go to PvP.
  9. Where are you getting 'one button gameplay'? Had a siege of air keep later that night, with a group of 10 of us vs. 10 of them--the difference is the 10 defenders sieged up the place and made it a whole lot harder to get into. If they wouldn't have done that and done the 'wall down let's fight' strat, they probably would have gotten rolled (as they seemed to have more newer players among their ranks). Regardless of who gets rolled though, it felt WAY more WvW then just two blobs trying to whittle eachother for 10 minutes.
  10. Kinda was thinking of this, maybe more a mass scale PvP instead of the walls/gates/siege mechanics? As it stands now defending is useless and siege is imbalanced (claim buff for camp trolling, etc.). They also aren't rectifying this by removing incentives for repairing or defending these structures. I mean just had an encounter now like any other; siege is used to get into something (in this case bay), but then superior numbers and claim buff win the defense instead of repairing and utilizing defensive siege.
  11. Xpac coming up with WvW as a big focus of that...so not as groundbreaking as you may think. Just wait until this time next year 😄
  12. Greatly dislike losing outnumbered. Most simply because there is no reason to play in outnumbered maps now, might as well just leave them as is, and stack in maps where you have advantage (as winning means nothing, so why take the risk). Also, outnumbered may not actually mean anything at all a lot of times. If there are 5 allied players in a map, and 10 enemies...that would be outnumbered, correct? The problem is you most likely will not meet those 10 enemies all at once, and can easily roam or run havoc while knowing the risks. Thirdly, outnumbered both incentivizes staying in WvW (as yes, that is a huge pip boost) and will naturally balance out the maps populations as the 'buff seekers' come map to map. Now, as mentioned, there is no reason to do anything but AFK in the map you are winning in. Which brings me to another point, removal of repair participation is such a bad idea. Right now there is little to no reason to defend a structure, let alone repair it. You already have two camps, the 'let it flip and take back for XP' crowd and the 'leave the wall down so we can fight' crowd. Neither of those mindsets actually fits the mode (one is PvE based the other PvP based); this change certainly doesn't help. To put it simply, actively defending, escorting, and repairing should be rewarded, not punished. A lot of times I will enter WvW and to get my participation back up will escort a yak or repair a wall before going out to do other things. The problem with yaks are they are beyond bugged, and will often not grant the escort boon near them, so you may not get participation at all (especially if speedy).
  13. Dunno, that golem looks like a big / stupid / slow pet to me. The skills are flashy, but Engis already have FAR better options from looking at that trailer.
  14. Yeah the ones they ripped from Mass Effect aren't bad--Harbinger, Specter, etc.
  15. Yes, untamed is awful--and breaks the naming convention. Why not Wildborne?
  16. Just wanted to add another observation...I noticed in the trailer there is no new pet. They're showing Tiger, which was a PoF pet. I know everything isn't revealed, but really feel like that trailer would have been a good time to introduce a new pet, especially if it was going to play nicely with the new mechanics.
  17. You realize you are also drawing the inverse conclusion that pets are going to somehow magically path better from the same 'incomplete' video? I'm not inferring anything by the way, if there were movement related items to highlight they would be shown...just look at Willbender reveal video, movement is clearly highlighted there. It's been a fun discussion though 😂
  18. Whenever you put a break between paragraphs the forums adds an extra break, causing large space between. This seems to be a new bug as I've only been seeing it recently, and each time I have to edit my posts to remove that extra space which is getting annoying (to put it mildly). Is this something that is possible to address via a forum setting, or do we have to wait for an update from the backend? As of now, the only fix I've found is just to make run-on paragraphs (one line break, not two) and the forums will fill in the breaks making the message look normal.
  19. Entangle holding someone for 8-10 seconds is intended design. If it didn't work correctly, that would be a bug...but it seems to be working great? Here's some suggestions from the Wiki: Foes with breakbars will be able to move out of the roots rendering the skill useless; furthermore, enemy players can avoid the roots and secondary effects by teleporting, condition cleansing, and resistance buff and afterwards moving away from the roots. Entangle - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
  20. No enemies in the video move, and the only AoE shown is that green explosion thing generated by the ranger itself. So that tells us pet is still bad at pathing (or they'd clearly showcase that movement as they have with other specs) and the pet is still single target focused (no remote AoEs for us). We can go down the path of the pet never strays from the ranger in the video so possibly a leash range nerf. This would fall under 'fixing pathing problems' but in possibly the worst way possible.
  21. It's not a class issue, as soulbeast has no problem with pet movement when merged. Since we see no merging in the video, then fundamentally Untamed has pet movement behavior different than at least one e-spec, the Soulbeast. Also, we literally don't know if we will be locked to hammer while being 'untamed', so pet pathing is a concern, especially if we can't swap either the pet or the weapon for some reason. For example, It very well could be if the player has the green poo glow then weapon swap is disabled, and if the pet has it then pet swap is disabled. Granted, that may be a tad too technical for anet devs, but who knows.
  22. The reveal video never showed weapon swap, so no we no longer have weapon swap until proven otherwise.
  23. Valid concern, because the streams on Friday's they fight golems, which conveniently also don't move. Guess that'd be a bad PR look for the pet to go whiffing and waste all its wild energy, then get nuked by some random AoEs.
  24. BM/NM was very much a thing prior to shouts being changed to commands because of these: Superior Rune of the Trooper - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) If those were still a thing, I wager we wouldn't see WS nearly as much because of Fresh Reinforcement / Celestial upgrade and the ability to stack massive boons for a ton of time. They REALLY need to have conditions removed on command or something to break us away from WS.
  25. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but its anet. Nothing says soulbeast won't get nerfed to make this do what it used to do 😂 My problem with Marks in general is that both Core and SB benefit heavily from BM, but only Core can take advantage of the extra line, because both also need WS since all the condition clear is there. I've mentioned it before but I believe this is where Commands come into play, as there literally has to be SOME use for them after they gutted our NM options.
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